the night that changed everything -2
Zee, NuNew, Max, and Nat's encounter at the club the same night.
New's POV
I was going to perform at Pentagon tonight. Nat, my manager and also my best friend drove me to Pentagon.
I wasn't really looking forward to it. I loved performing don't get me wrong but something just felt missing. I've felt that for a while now. I don't know if it's because I'm not where I want to be yet.
Pentagon is a big club and they pay quite enough for me to live a comfortable life but it wasn't quite enough. I wanted to strive for more.
But how far can one rebellious kid go?
"We're here." Nat said.
Nat had been trying to land me gigs other places but none have had positive feedbacks.
I sighed and got out of the car. Another day stuck in the same place I've always been.
I got in and P'Jay ushered me and Nat in.
"There's quite a crowd tonight." Jay said.
"Hmm, I wonder why." I wondered out loud.
"They are coming to see you of course. And get this, the owners are going to be here tonight and well. Impress them and I say you got a one way ticket to success." Jay said.
"Then, can you set up a meeting with them?" Nat asked.
"If they want a meeting, they would be ones to set it. So word of advice, go out there and kill it." P'Jay said to me.
That wouldn't be a problem to me. Once I perform I always gave it my all.
"I will go tell the MC that you're ready." P'Jay said and left.
"Alright New. This is the opportunity we've been looking for. Make sure you wow them tonight." Nat said to me.
"Yes sir. I'll give it my all. Don't worry." I reassured.
"Introducing Kirin." I heard the MC announced.
I got on stage and truly there were a lot more people than last time.
I breathed in. The owners were watching. If I was gonna go higher then I needed to give more than my all in this performance.
I was done with my performance and honestly I went harder than I have ever did. The cheers were the loudest I had ever received.
I was out of breath. Maybe I pushed myself too hard but it was worth it.
"Thank you." I said and bowed before exiting the stage.
"That was the best ever. You blew away the audience and I'm pretty sure the owners would be too." Nat said excitedly handing me a bottle of water and a hand towel.
"I hope so." I said smiling at him and accepted the items.
I drank the water and wiped the sweat off my face.
P'Jay came in, "WOW man, that's your best performance yet."
"Thank you." I said.
"And get this, the owner wants to see you." P'Jay said.
"Really?" Nat asked excitedly.
"Yeah in the VIP room. Come on let's go." P'Jay said.
We started walking upstairs and I was feeling nervous. I couldn't mess this up. It might be my only chance at achieving my dream.
We finally arrived at the front of the VIP room. P'Jay knocked on the door.
"It's Jay I am with Kirin sir." P'Jay announced before opening the door.
P'Jay ushered me and Nat in before closing the door behind him.
"Good evening Sir." Nat started off professionally. Honestly he surprises me sometimes how formal he can get.
The man gave an unimpressed look towards us especially at Nat. What the hell? Who does this guy think he is? Okay so maybe he was the owner of the club but still.
"I'd like to speak with him alone." He said directly to Nat. It wasn't a request, it was an order.
"I don't think that would be possible, cause I always handle Kirin's businesses and-"
"I did not ask for your opinion." The man cut Nat off.
This made me angry, this man was outright rude.
"Nat is my manager and it would be best if he was here Sir." I said trying my best to hide my anger as I spoke.
The man said nothing. Instead he continued sipping his wine like we weren't in the room.
Me and Nat looked at each other. Silently, we were having a mental conversation
You got to do this.
I don't want to
This might be the only chance we ever get
I don't like him
I don't either, but we don't have to. It's just business right?
You'll be alright tho right?
I nodded at Nat.
"Okay Sir, I'll leave now." Nat said before leaving.
Nat left and I was alone with this man.
"Have a seat Mr Kirin." He said.
I couldn't help but feel intimidated by his presence. His posture, when he talked, you could tell he was the boss.
I was not going to be easily intimidated and not by the likes of him.
I sat down at the seat opposite him.
He poured wine in another glass and offered it to me.
I took it from him chastely and set it on table by my side. I didn't feel like getting poisoned tonight.
He didn't say anything, all he did was stare at me intently as if he was studying me. It made feel uncomfortable and self conscious all of a sudden.
Was I supposed to initiate the conversation? Nat usually handled things like this so I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to screw this up but I also had no idea what to do. But he kept staring at me.
"Excuse me Sir, is there a reason you are staring at me?" I asked him under the pretense of being bold.
He smiled, a really charming smile actually. He didn't look like an asshole as he smiled. He was quite handsome really.
"I'm Zee Pruk, owner of this club." He introduced himself to me and handed me his business card.
"I'm NuNew Chawarin, also known as Kirin. I'm a singer at your club. Mr Pruk." I said ignoring everything that had happened previously and acting professional.
"I'll cut to the chase. You're really good. Your singing is amazing. I was quite impressed and that doesn't happen often." He said.
The compliment warmed my cheeks up.
"Thank you Sir." I said.
"I don't think your talent should be wasted in a place like this. A voice like yours, should be heard around the world." Mr Pruk said.
I blushed.
"Thank you Sir." I said.
"I like you. Be mine and I'll make sure you achieve all your dreams." He said.
"Thank you Sir"
It took a second for my brain to comprehend what he said.
"Huh?" I asked him surprised at the sudden offer.
" I like you."
"You don't even know me." I said.
"We'll have plenty of time to know each other. What do you say?" He asked.
He likes me? He doesn't even know me. There's no way he likes me. This man is handsome and rich. A lot of people would kill to be with this man. So why me?
It just didn't add up. Lust maybe but like, definitely not. But either ways I wasn't going to accept his offer. I'm not going to sell myself. I may not have much but I have my dignity. I can make it without him.
"With all due respect Sir, you're an asshole." I said and stood to leave. We weren't having any sort of business anymore so I had no reason to keep acting nice to him.
After leaving the room, I started regretting. I shouldn't have called him an asshole. I should have just politely rejected the offer at least then I would still keep my job.
I just disrespected the owner of the club. I'll lose my singing gig here for sure. I'm screwed and I'm even more screwed when I tell Nat.
Zee's POV
It's been a while since I was in Pentagon. The leader of the witches called a meeting. While me and Max were the representative of vampires in the faction, Net and Tutor insisted on following us to the club.
As soon as we got to the club, Net and Tutor left to whatever shenanigans they were up to.
None of the members of the faction was present, not even the witches that called the meeting. That was strange.
To pass time, me and Max decided to party a little.
The special performance by Kirin was mesmerizing. The boy was one of the prettiest boys I've seen in centuries.
And when he performed, I could literally feel the passion. The way he moved his body, it was perfection.
I haven't felt this way in a hundred years.
I called Jay and asked him to set up a meeting with the boy.
While in the VIP room, I waited for him but he came with someone else. I wanted just him. So I politely requested the other guy who happened to his manger should leave.
They both had a lot of silent conversations with just nods and side eyes. Cute.
Finally the manager left, and I went straight to the point.
Rejected? I was rejected. I have only been rejected two types and each at a space of hundred years.
Fiesty. I liked that. We'll be meeting again.
Max stumbled into the room with a stupid smile on his face.
"What happened to your suit?" I asked seeing the wine stain on it.
"The cutest thing just bumped into me. He was so cute and innocent. I think I'll be coming to this club more often." Max said.
I smiled. Looks like I would too.
It was midnight now and only Ciara and her apprentice Sam had arrived. Sam was downstairs while Ciara was in the VIP room with me and Max. Ciara was the representative of the witches in the faction.
"You are late to your own meeting." I said disdainfully.
"Was busy with stuffs but I don't have to explain myself to you bloodsuckers." Ciara said with the same scornful look as she had all the years.
It was no secret, every other species hated vampires so much and honestly, we didn't care for them either.
But of course we had to tolerate each other for peace to reign. And to prevent war from breaking out between each community of supernatural, we decided to create a faction where one or more individuals can represent their species in the faction and decisions could be made.
"Well you are the only one here." I said.
"No one else is here?" She asked.
"I just said you were the only one here. Why would you still ask such a stupid question?" I asked insultingly.
She glared at me and I glared at her back.
Max clapped his hand loudly to clear the tension. "Well since it's just the three of us, why don't we have a little bit of discussion?"
"Our biggest issue still remains the rogue vampires. Do you guys not have any leads on that?" Ciara asked.
"We don't. We have no idea who they are or want they want. You are the witch. Why can't you track them down?" I asked.
"I told you I need some sort of their belongings to find them. How is it that vampires go around killing people and you people haven't caught them once?" Ciara asked, but her tone, she was insulting us.
It made me angry, it's not like the witches had any leads either.
My phone rang at the second. I took it out and it was Net calling. What did that idiot get himself into this time?
I picked up. "What is it Net? I'm busy." I said.
"P'Zee, I think I just got a lead on the rogue vampires." Net said.
"How?" I asked. Hopefully this wasn't a flop.
"Their blood. I'll explain more just get here. And if there's a witch around then you can bring them too." Net said.
"Where are you?" I asked.
"At an alley, not too far from the club." Net said.
"Alright, we'll be there." I said and hung up.
"We got lead." I gloated.
Ciara didn't seem impressed.
"Okay let's go then." Max said.
We left the club and started walking towards the alley. There I saw Net at the entrance.
"Look, vampire blood. I'm pretty sure it belongs to the rogue vampires too." Net said and showed me the dried blood on the floor.
"How did this happen?" Max asked.
"There were two boys, one was unconscious and the other one screaming for help. The second one said the vampires attacked them and after healing the one who was unconscious, Tutor asked them where everything happened and the guy said the vampires were unconscious here. When we got here we didn't see the vampires but their blood is here. So it's proof." Net explained.
"So let me get this straight, this boy told you that he was attacked by vampires and you let him go without erasing his memory?" I asked.
Net did some stupid and reckless things but this was the most reckless thing he had ever done.
"Let me explain, the boy is not human." Net said.
"Why would you think that?" Ciara asked.
Net looked at us as if the answer was obvious.
"They got attacked by rogue vampires and survived, the blood of the vampires are on the floor. What other explanation can there be?" Net asked.
He made sense. No human had ever encountered rogue vampires and lived to tell the tale.
"But still that was reckless. What if the boy goes online tonight and posts what he found out this night on the internet?" Max asked.
"There has been so many posts Phi, nobody takes it serious. Besides Tutor took them home. I'm sure Tutor would convince him to not do anything stupid and we can meet them in the morning." Net said.
That put me at ease. Net I didn't trust but Tutor I could. Tutor was sensible, plus his special ability of controlling someone's emotions would be of great use.
"Let worry about one thing at a time. Ciara you can use the blood to track them down correct?" I asked.
"It is perfect." Ciara said.
She mumbled some words and her eyes glowed gold. She hovered her hand at the bloody floor. Droplets of the blood emerged from the ground forming a small ball of blood suspended in the air.
She took a vile and the blood flowed into the small bottle.
"I'll be back by the morning with the whereabouts of the vampires and I'd also like to meet the boy. We need to identify what he is and take proper measures ." Ciara said to me before walking away without waiting to hear my response.
Whatever. She can do whatever she wants, I don't care. I'm just glad we finally have some leads.
"I did good right?" Net asked clinging to my side and acting like the little demon he was. Trying to look cute like a puppy begging for pets.
"You didn't do anything. All you did was hijack someone else's victory." I said and poked him hard on the forehead.
"But still, I'm the one who called you guys here." Net said rubbing his forehead.
"Max, are you thirsty?" I asked Max intentionally ignoring Net.
"Yep. I could drink." Max said playing along.
Me and Max got on top the building.
"Wait for me! I want to come too!" I heard Net scream on the floor.
Nat's POV
I left the VIP room and went back downstairs to the bar. I've met a lot of rude people in my life and this guy was the rudest of them all.
I don't feel comfortable leaving New with him. I don't know why but I just don't like him. Maybe we were enemies in our past lives?
Also I really wished I was with New. Not that I don't trust New it's just that I'm better at handling things like this. Also New tends to let his emotions take control and New was someone who never took insults lightly.
All in all, I hope it works out.
The club was still crowded and they were partying to the max, I don't really like the noise or crowd so I decided to go backstage.
I was so worried about New that I didn't even know where I was walking. I bumped into someone.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry." I said trying to clean the wine I spilled on him.
"It's okay, it's fine." He said. He didn't sound angry but he was displeased.
I looked up, literally cause he was so much taller than me to see his face.
He had a small sympathetic smile on his face.
"Let me pay for the dry cleaning." I said.
"I don't think it will come off." The man said.
God, his voice was as attractive as he was but I felt guilty for ruining his cloth.
"Then please let me pay for it." I said.
"There's no need besides I'm not sure you can afford to." He said.
Ouch, did I look that poor?
"Just tell me how much." I said confidently.
"Well the suit is a designer from Italy and it cost me about twenty five thousand dollars." He said.
25,000 what!!!????
I wasn't feeling so confident again. Where the hell am I supposed to get that kind of money? And who spends that much on a suit? I just ruined a twenty five thousand dollars suit. Shit!
"Uh....uh...." What the hell am I supposed to say?
"I already told you, you don't have to worry. It was an accident. You don't have to pay." He said.
I felt relieved. He was nice and handsome and rich. A total package.
"Thank you." I said gratefully.
"Although, if you want to make it up to me, there's something you can do for me." He said and got ridiculously close to me.
Of course, I knew it. He was too good to be true.
"I, I don't know what you are talking about sir. I need to go. Please excuse me and I'm sorry." I said quickly and walked away as fast as I could.
"I hope we see each other again soon." He shouted to me as I was leaving.
I hope not....
A/n so.....what do you guys think? I'm trying to nail the enemies to lovers thing but it might only work for zeenunew and netjames. Anyway sorry for the long wait and see you in the next chapter which Nat would discover his abilities. It will be Nat's and James POV and might not be as long as the rest. Anyways stay tuned
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