Love On The Edge
"Shh, be quiet or they're gonna hear us," Ruffnut whispered nudging Snotlout who was being rather loud for someone who was supposed to be spying. Their attention was quickly redirected to the unfortunate target of their peeping eyes when Tuffnut nearly fell over laughing.
"Man she really does wear the pants in their relationship," Snotlout snorted while reaching over Ruffnut to grab a handful of popcorn from Tuffnut. Astrid, the subject of their clandestine observation, was engrossed in conversation with Hiccup. They were sitting on a cliff overlooking the ocean, enjoying a quiet evening together. Unbeknownst to them, the trio of mischievous dragon riders had decided to play secret spies, with questionable success.
Ruffnut shot a disapproving look at Snotlout, who seemed more interested in teasing and making snarky comments than maintaining any semblance of stealth. Tuffnut, still chuckling, added, "And look at Hiccup, trying to act all cool and composed. I bet he's just pretending not to be whipped!"
Yes, as luck would have it after Hiccup and Astrid accidentally revealed their relationship to the other riders Snotlout and the twins had decided the most fun thing to do was spy on the couple. As the trio continued their amateur spy mission, Snotlout leaned in closer to Ruffnut, whispering, "Come on, Ruff, admit it. You're just jealous that Astrid and Hiccup have a thing going on, and you're stuck being single."
Ruffnut rolled her eyes, "Jealous? Please, I can have any guy I want. Unlike some people," she shot back, casting a teasing glance at Snotlout. Tuffnut, still munching on popcorn, chimed in, "Yeah, Snotlout, maybe if you spent less time being yourself and took a page out of ol' Hiccy's book you'd find someone too."
As the trio continued their banter, Heather and Fishlegs made their way down the path engrossed in their own conversation about plants and the different healing properties they held. Noticing the three crouched figures the duo made their way over preparing to scold their friends.
Heather crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow at the trio of spies. "What on Freyja's green earth are you three up to?" she asked, a mixture of annoyance and amusement evident in her tone.
Snotlout, undeterred by being caught, flashed a mischievous grin. "Just checking on Hiccstrid, someone has to make sure they don't get too carried away."
Heather shook her head in disbelief. "You guys seriously have nothing better to do than spy on your friends?" Fishlegs, looking genuinely concerned, added, "What if they find out? It could ruin their evening."
Snotlout waved off the concern. "Nah, they're too busy being all lovey-dovey to notice us. Besides, it's all in good fun." Ruffnut chimed in, "Yeah, Fishlegs, don't be such a buzzkill. We're just enjoying the show."
"You guys can not go around interfering with your friends' private lives," Heather scolded giving each of them a disappointed glare. "I have two things to say to this: one I am ashamed of your behavior, and two...count me in!" Heather plopped down between Snotlout and Ruffnut her face now glowing with anticipation.
Snotlout and the twins stared at Heather as if she had just sprouted wings and a tail, shocked by her sudden change of mood. But accepting the free pass from a long lecture about respecting privacy they happily accepted her into their troops.
The newly formed quartet of amateur spies continued their surveillance, now with Heather fully on board with their mischievous mission. The group huddled together, peering over the bushes they had been hiding behind at Hiccup and Astrid, who were still immersed in their quiet conversation. The trio of original spies couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment at having recruited Heather to their cause.
Fishlegs knew that there was no point in trying to talk them out of this just sighed before walking away, afterall someone had to be the friend with a shred of respect. The group huddled closer, trying to catch every snippet of conversation between Hiccup and Astrid. Meanwhile, Astrid, well aware of the others' presence let out a small chuckle as she watched her friends out of the corner of her eye.
"Everything alright M'ylady," Hiccup asked noticing the shift in Astrid's attitude. Astrid simply shook her head discreetly pointing behind her as a way to hint at what was happening. Hiccup glanced over at the cluster of bushes smirking when he saw four heads dart back behind the bushes accompanied by a chorus of laughter.
"So do we punish them or what," Astrid teased as she held up her axe so that it glistened in the setting sun. "Let them have their fun. They just wish they had what he have." Hiccup leaned his head closer to Astrid's their lips close enough they could feel each other's breath.
"Ahh, they're gonna kiss," Ruffnut whisper-yelled gripping onto Heather's arm and shaking her excitedly. The group leaned closer, their eyes widening as they anticipated the impending moment between Hiccup and Astrid. Heather, now fully invested in the mission, grinned with excitement, while Snotlout, Ruffnut, and Tuffnut held their breaths.
Hiccup and Astrid, aware of their friends' presence, exchanged amused glances. Astrid's chuckle turned into a sly smile as she tightened her grip on her axe. Hiccup, sharing the mischievous spirit, nodded in agreement. The couple leaned in, their lips almost touching, deliberately drawing out the suspense for their audience.
As the tension reached its peak, Ruffnut couldn't contain herself. "Just do it already!" she whispered loudly, prompting a chorus of shushes from the others.
Hiccup and Astrid finally closed the distance, sharing a brief, sweet kiss prompting a mix of cheers and applause from the others, celebrating the successful culmination of their covert mission. Hiccup and Astrid pulled away, both wearing amused expressions at the antics of their friends. Despite all the chaos and mischief that came with living on The Edge Hiccup and Astrid wouldn't trade it for the world, even if it was a world where they could enjoy their dates in peace.
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