after clearing most of the blood from his torso and to his knuckles, i started to apply healing solution with some cotton wool.
"how'd you learn how to do this?" he wondered, watching me closely.
i shrugged at the question, "had to learn from an early age, my mom was always too scared to do it herself".
i held back from explaining more as i realised that i've never been down this path with jack, and from the look he was giving me, i could tell that he knew i wasn't comfortable with this all yet.
"well i'm glad that you're here" he spoke up for me.
"woah" i furrowed my brows at him. "is jack gilinsky going soft on me?".
"you're the one who can't stay away from me".
"please, the only reason that we interact is because you're my best friend's twin brother".
"interact? is that what they call fucking nowadays?" he cockily retorted. "but it's also because i can give you insane orgasms".
i scoffed, "don't flatter yourself, you're good jack but not that good. i'm sure i can do better to you".
jack smiled, clearing his throat, "i mean, seeing you on your knees in front of me is kinda turning me on, so prove it".
i rolled my eyes and stood up, now bending towards him instead to clean him up more. i watched his eyes drift to the cleavage spilling out of the vest crop top i was wearing.
i huffed, holding back a smile, "do you ever stop?".
jack shook his head, gliding his tongue along his bottom lip, "no".
he caressed my cheek, bringing my face closer to his and slowly attached his lips to mine. i kissed him back, enjoying every second until i came to my senses.
"jack," i said, pulling away and standing upright. "i need to get this blood off you".
"but i'm fine" he shook his head.
i pursed my lips, trying to find a second thought but it was crazy how quickly i gave in to it and leant down to kiss him again.
i dropped the cleaning towel and climbed onto his lap, straddling him with my legs on either side.
jack held my cheek before placing kisses away from my lips and down to my neck. i started to lift up my chin to give him more access.
"you need to stop doing this" i breathed with my eyes fluttering shut at the sensation against my skin.
"doing what?" jack asked between kisses.
"this, because you know that—" a small moan emerged as jack purposely caught me off guard by sucking lightly. " know that it was just supposed to be a one time thing".
jack looked at me, shaking his head with a pleased smile, " i think we've gone way passed that now".
i'd agree, and i know that i want him right now even though this would make it the third time that we're being sexual with one another.
i chuckled at his answer and cupped his face to start kissing him again, just before jack held onto my body and flipped us over so that he was now hovering over me on the bed.
we both began removing our own clothes until we were left in our underwear. as our lips connected again, jack's fingers quickly found the middle of my underwear and he worked his way to making me moan and near to my edge.
after i came undone, i gently pushed jack back by his chest.
"take these off" i said him, gesturing to his underwear. his eyes widened slightly at this new confidence he was seeing before he quickly did as told.
i did the same to my own and climbed on top of jack as he lay down on the bed. with the condom on, i lifted my body slightly and sunk down onto his entire length.
jack groaned and a tiny whimper emerged from me as i started to move my hips. he gently held onto my thighs, watching me ride him with his mouth parted open a little.
"holy shit" he groaned.
i continued to move against him, increasing the pace as his large hands squeezed my ass in the process. i leant down to attach our lips and could soon feel myself clenching around him.
"fuck, i'm gonna—" jack said against my lips, moaning beneath me at the feeling. he eventually took over the control and started to thrust into me.
as he hit every spot, my moans grew a little louder and a wave of pleasure began to take over me. jack picked up his pace for our climax's to breach and soon enough, i unwillingly removed my lips from his and moaned a loud when i became undone.
jack followed straight after me, gradually slowing down his thrusts. i restlessly leant my sweat-laced forehead on his, trying to catch my breath before climbing off him.
i lay down as he disposed of the condom and returned back beside me.
"wow" he let out a loud exhale.
i chuckled, "i told you".
"that, is what we should have done the first time" he pointed his finger at me.
i propped myself up by my elbow, raising my brows at him, "so the first time wasn't good?".
"nah, you know that the first time was fucking insane" jack corrected. "i'm just saying that i should have guessed how sexy you'd look on top".
"shut up" i shyly nudged him, before he winced at the small impact.
"the downside is, i don't think that really helped the healing process".
i shook my head, "i don't get you and most guys around here, why do it if you get hurt so much? there are easier ways of getting money".
"easier? yeah, for some. but quicker? no way" jack explained.
he shifted around on my bed to lift my pillows higher so that he could rest against the headboard.
"it's not even for me, it's for my mom" he added. "she works two jobs and tries to pick up extra shifts just to keep the electricity on. but what about food, clothes and rent? the money's for all of us...i just don't like being useless".
i frowned, sitting up so that i was at his level again.
"you're far from useless. i mean, compared to my family? what you're doing is great, your family are lucky to have you" i assured him before drifting off into my own thoughts. "it's just crazy how i care about your mom way more than my own".
"how?" jack inquired, seeming genuinely interested.
for the two or three months that i've known kenzie and jack, not once have i fully explained what my life was like before i moved to the southside. they know that my mom is an addict but that's about it.
they don't really know what i've been through and i'm not sure when i'll know the right time to tell them.
"like you said your mom works two jobs, picks up extra shifts, but she always manages to be there. for all of you, but my mom was there for just her drug and alcohol addiction" i told. "i've seen, heard and felt some messed up things, i've been in the foster care system for as long as i can remember, she fucked me up and i can only hate her for it".
a sense of anger filled my body - i glanced at jack, seeing him stare back with all this empathy that i really don't need.
i narrowed my eyes at him, "stop looking at me like that".
"like what?".
"like how you looked at me when i told you the real reason why i fight at the underground?" jack remarked with his eyebrows raised.
i folded my arms, pursing lips with my defeated stance clearly agreeing with him.
"parents suck" he informed. "i only have one who stuck around so i should know".
jack let out a small smile, making me respond the same way. i then got up from the bed to gather our clothes together.
"oh and if you tell anyone about what i just said, i'll honestly break your teeth, gilinsky" i stated.
jack laughed lightly, catching his underwear that i threw at him, "same goes for you too, sanchez".
i stood at my locker amongst the rest of the school, adding books to my backpack. the last bell rang signalling the end of the day and all i was really looked forward to was getting home and binge watching some daytime game show.
"nice ass" a voice whispered in my ear as they gripped it with their hands. i instantly turned around to retaliate until i saw the culprit as jack.
"fuck" i pushed him back, "i thought you were that creepy shales kid who always stares at me in math class".
"sorry to disappoint" he laughed, making me roll my eyes.
we started walking down the hallway to reach the school exit as i remembered that i haven't seen jack for most of the day.
"where have you been any ways?" i asked. "you disappeared after second period?".
he shrugged his shoulders, "the guys and i got bored and left".
"fair enough" i nodded, knowing this was typical for them three.
this school really lacks any sort of security or discipline except for the metal detectors for weapons at the entrance.
jack glanced behind us, looking amongst the crowd, "where's kenzie?".
"she got a detention in world history".
he scoffed, "for what? forgetting to do her homework".
"exactly" i replied, confirming that it wasn't a joke since kenzie never gets detentions.
"well, she can just meet us later".
"meet us where?" i inquired as we left the school building and walked out of the gates.
"there's a yard sale on demrell, gonna try steal some stuff with the guys" he excitedly rubbed his hands together. "if you're on the southside and you want rich, you go to demrell. we can also set up there and try to sell that stuff for way higher".
i furrowed my brows in confusion, "don't we need a yard in demrell for a yard sale?".
"there's gotta be some empty houses there, we'll just pass one off as our own".
i shrugged, barely noticing an issue with this plan, "i guess i could use more money".
"see everyone wins" jack beamed with a cigarette held in his mouth.
he paused to light it up and i observed his face for the post-damage from his fight the other day.
"looks like your face is coming together again" i remarked.
"well, you do need something to admire all day" he teased. i gave him a sarcastic smile as he passed me the cigarette to take a drag.
i took the smoke in and released it through my slightly pursed lips, "what excuse did kenzie come up with?".
"the usual - i got into another fight, people were mouthing off, i got too offended etcetera".
"and your mom believes that?" i wondered, handing him back the cigarette.
"yeah" jack chuckled. "have you met me?".
the next day, the yard sale in demrell was surprisingly looking like a success. we managed to find a house that was for sale and the guys removed the sign to avoid any suspicions.
some items were our own but most were secretly taken from another yard sale, whilst i distracted the male owner with what sam cringingly referred to as my "sex appeal".
i sat up on one of the tables, watching jack and sam practically scare people into buying the junk we got. i noticed a new laptop beside me and creased my brows.
"other yard sale?" i questioned, gesturing at it.
"school" johnson answered.
"fuck, you stole this from school?" kenzie chimed in.
"shhhh!" johnson calmed her down. "no, not me. jack did, jack stole it".
"wow, thanks man" jack came towards us and said before taking in kenzie's frustrated look. "what? people will pay good money for it".
kenzie instantly slapped her brother upside the head, "you idiot! who puts an expensive laptop on a yard sale? you're gonna get caught".
"i'll just use the typical sob story" jack defended.
"what? southside trash kid wanted access to something he's never been able to afford? you've used that to get yourself out of way too much shit, jack".
"fuck sake, kenz" jack threw his head back. "will you just calm down? i'm not gonna get caught. i'll return it, okay".
he placed the laptop underneath the table, gesturing to his actions so that his sister would finally calm down.
"hey, how much for this bowl?" a young guy, slightly older and clearly from this rich end of the southside, asked me.
"well what does it say?" i replied.
he looked at the label at the bottom, "five bucks".
i shrugged, frowning at him, "so what do you not understand about that?".
"hey, tryna scare customers away?" jack muttered to me. "ten bucks, man".
"but she said five dollars, it says five" the boy insisted.
"well now it's ten, especially after you're basically calling my colleague a liar" jack held his ground and spoke. he looked over at me. "you said ten, right?".
i smirked then quickly tried to hide my smile, "i did say ten".
jack raised his brows at the guy, who let out a huff and gave in with the ten bucks since jack was evidently taller and much stronger than him.
i collected the money, stuffing it into the corner of my bra as he took his bowl and walked away.
"thanks! be sure to come again!" i gave him the finger behind his back as jack shook his head and laughed at me.
i then looked over at kenzie sat on the doorstep on her phone, remembering her outburst before.
"hey, what was her deal?" i inquired.
"the school always threaten me with expulsion, it's not a big deal. i mean, the key word is threaten" jack informed. "she likes to freak out but i'll be fine. once she sees the money we get out of the laptop, she won't care".
think this may be the longest chapter on this story so far and it's legit a filler chapter lmao
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