i rolled over in my bed, still half asleep, before finally opening my eyes to see that jack had left before i'd even woken up.
i looked down at my naked lower body to make sure yesterday wasn't some crazy sex dream that i had.
i'm not too bothered that jack didn't stay, it's definitely saved me a lot of looks and questions from my dad and jordan, and probably his family too.
i pulled on some shorts and headed to the kitchen, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.
"hey, toast some bread for me too?" jordan called out from the living room.
"what happened to your legs?" i questioned.
"nothing, perfectly fine".
i scoffed, "i'm not the maid around here".
"for fucks sake, sofia" he complained, throwing his head back. "it's just a slice of bread in the toaster".
"and it was dinner two nights ago and then cleaning the entire kitchen yesterday morning," i listed.
"hey, i cleaned the kitchen yesterday morning".
"well, you did a shit job at it!".
"do you two have to be so loud every morning?!" our dad walked in whilst lighting up a smoke. "just shut the fuck up for once!".
i groaned loudly with frustration before unlocking my phone and starting to text kenzie.
hey girl. just woke up and they're driving me crazy !!!
sorry :( come over? we have waffles for breakfast!
ugh this is why i love you
"i'm going out!" i called out to them as if they cared about my whereabouts.
i quickly brushed my teeth and showered, then threw on some sweatpants, a cropped hoodie and a pair of sneakers before heading to the gilinsky household.
"hey ayden" i greeted one of the younger brothers.
"hi" he replied, allowing me to follow him into the house. "sofia's here!".
i was lead into the kitchen where kenzie, her mom and younger siblings were frantically moving around - grabbing waffles, syrup, bacon, eggs and struggling to settle down at the dining table without another sibling picking on them.
"hey sweetie" natalia gave me a quick hug before going back to frying some food. "they driving you mad again?".
"every morning" i sighed.
"well, you're always welcome here whenever you want. grab a plate, i know that dave sanchez can barely even feed himself" she chuckled with a wink.
i started to add some waffles to a plate just as jack hurried down the steps, throwing on a shirt and with his hair wet from the shower.
"better be some food left for me" he said.
"you snooze you lose" ayden responded before jack took a bite out of his waffle and returned it. "mom!".
"jack, get your own" natalia told him.
jack did as she said and casually reached over me to take one, failing to acknowledge my presence or what we did.
"jack stayed out last night" jasmine claimed.
natalia's head snapped towards her son, "you did? where?".
"at a friend's" jack shrugged, quickly glancing over at me as i took my plate of food and sat beside kenzie.
"okay but which friend?" natalia asked him.
"sam's, we played video games, ordered food and i ended up crashing there".
kenzie furrowed her brows, "i thought you were going to johnson's".
"yeah, then we went to sam's" jack continued to lie, taking a seat opposite me.
kenzie leant forward to him and whispered, "i know when you're lying you were probably fucking some hoodrat".
jack narrowed his eyes and kicked her leg under the table to be quiet, but she only retaliated and kicked him back.
i continued to quietly eat my breakfast, ignoring the sibling disputes around me and glad that jack thought of a decent cover up for where he was.
the kitchen soon began to clear out once natalia went to get ready for work, the kids grew occupied by watching tv and kenzie went upstairs to use the bathroom.
with my luck, the one gilinsky member that decided to hang around was jack who was more focused on his phone than starting a conversation.
"so you left kinda quick this morning" i mentioned. he looked up from his phone, showing his signature smirk then locked it.
"what? did you wanna cuddle?" he mocked.
"no, but at least a goodbye would have been nice" i muttered.
jack just found my words amusing, so i rolled my eyes and got up from my seat to have more orange juice.
"by the way i don't really get what all the fuss is about" i mentioned to him as he walked over.
"wow, really?".
i nodded, taking a sip of my drink and settling it down.
"okay, why don't you say that to yourself while you're biting your lip to keep from moaning so loud?" jack whispered with his face purposely close to mine.
he flicked his sight from my lips and back to my eyes, knowing very well what he was doing to me.
"sofia," kenzie's voice came down the stairs, gladly saving whatever could have just happened.
she quickly studied jack and i then brushed it off.
"you know you don't have to torture yourself by talking to him" she informed me. "he's like a fly, you just have to swat him away every time he's near".
"fuck you" jack gave his sister the middle finger, taking a bite of the leftover bacon.
"anyways, do you want to stay over tonight?" kenzie asked me. "my mom's working late again so we can stay up, get high and just watch movies".
i nodded, "sure, sounds good".
"can maya come?" jack chimed in.
"no" kenzie denied.
"how about nina?".
kenzie huffed, "none of your fuck buddies can come, jack".
most girls would probably think that a guy is a dick for trying to make future hook ups, right in front of the girl he fucked only yesterday. but this is jack we're talking about.
it was a one time thing and it's probably just a distant sex memory to him now.
"fine, how about sam and johnson?" he finally spoke maturely. "i'm tired of being outnumbered by you two all the time".
"yeah whatever" kenzie gave in. "but any mess that your dogs who you call friends make, you clean it up".
with absolutely nothing to do in this neighbourhood on a weekend, kenzie and i found ourselves just sitting on her doorsteps smoking and talking for hours.
"ugh" kenzie suddenly scoffed. "look who it is".
"hey kenzie" chanel said, approaching us. her fake smile faded as she glanced at me, "sarah".
"it's sofia and you know it is" i snapped back.
"whatever" she dismissed me. "is your brother around, kenzie?".
"inside, why?" she replied.
"need to talk to him".
kenzie sighed before loudly yelling her brother's name, "jack!".
a few seconds later, he responded and walked outside to see what all the fuss is about
he looked at chanel, shrugging his shoulders, "what do you want now?".
chanel simply rolled her eyes and stepped past kenzie and i to take jack's arm and drag him back inside.
"so jack used to date her?" i recalled, lighting up a new cigarette. "yikes".
"i know, it was for a while too, maybe 6 months" kenzie explained. "and that's long for my brother".
i opened my mouth slightly to release the smoke, "so what happened?".
"she cheated, he cheated".
"who broke up with who?".
"not sure, why do you care?" kenzie chuckled to lighten her words.
i shrugged, leaning back against the steps, "just curious".
a voice yelling from across the street interrupted our conversation. we looked ahead to see the culprit as tommy peravich, who loudly slammed the front door behind him before lighting up a cigarette.
"still can't believe you made out with him" kenzie mocked me.
"i was drunk, okay. i hardly remember it and don't even think he remembers me" i told her.
"you sure about that?" she nudged me as tommy began to leave his doorstep and cross the street, aiming towards us.
"hey" he said.
"hey" i replied, exchanging confused looks with kenzie as to why he's here.
"kinda gave me blue balls and ditched me at my party the other day".
i choked out a laugh, "excuse me?".
"how about we pick up where we left off?" he ran his tongue over his lips.
i shook my head to decline, "yeah, i don't think so".
tommy moved uncomfortably at the rejection, "you sure?".
"hey tommy!" his sister, nina yelled from across the street then stormed over to us. "rick needs your help with today's delivery".
"rick's an idiot, didn't even get the order correct" he complained, continuing to smoke. "why can't you do it?".
"stop trying to hit on girls that you will never get and just fucking help before dad gets home and has a fit" nina added, before her eyes directed to kenzie and i. "...hey".
"hey" we both greeted, although i watched nina's eyes stay lingering on my best friend for way longer than normal.
frowning with confusion, i glanced at kenzie who was doing the same before trying to casually look away. nina returned back home, leaving her brother here to enjoy his pack of marlboros.
abruptly, the front door opened and chanel angrily marched out of the house, pushing past us on the steps.
"the word is excuse me! bitch!" i yelled out to her as she stormed away from the house.
"fuck, what's her deal?" kenzie questioned.
jack just shrugged and sat down above us, taking her cigarette for himself.
"gilinsky" tommy got his attention. "fight tomorrow with that bradshaw kid, you in?".
"yeah, i'm down" jack released a cloud from his lips. "what time?".
"the usual".
"i'll be there" jack nodded.
"tommy!" nina screamed from her doorstep again. "come on!".
"i'm coming, jheez!" he yelled back, throwing his finished cigarette. he looked at me. "i'll see you around then?".
i shrugged, "maybe".
once tommy left, kenzie did the same and headed inside her house without a word, making me think something was bothering her.
"so you and nina?" i asked jack. "that still a thing?".
he shook his head, "nah, she was a major tease. i moved on".
i nodded, thinking back to the looks nina and kenzie explained before getting up to go after her.
"why?" jack stopped me at the door. he faced me with a smirk. "jealous?".
i stuffed my hand into my pocket, acting like i was reaching for something before pulling out a middle finger just for him.
"that was cute, sanchez" jack chuckled, returning back to his cigarette and leaving me to go inside.
i followed the sounds of movement in the kitchen since natalia and the younger kids were at the grocery store, so it had to be kenzie.
"hey" i came and sat up on the counter. she was clearing the table from jack's usual messes before her mom came home and flipped.
"want a drink?" she offered once she was done.
i agreed as she took out two beers from the fridge and handed one to me.
"so" i took a small sip. "what was that before?".
"what was what?".
i dropped my shoulders, "i'm not blind or stupid, kenzie. that nina peravich is definitely into you".
kenzie looked at me with an expressionless face, before jumping up to sit on the counter beside me.
"kenz, are you—".
"i like guys too" she cut me off. "but yeah...why is that a fucking problem?".
"no, calm down" i settled her hostility and continued to drink my beer. "you know she never fucked jack, probably because she attracted the wrong twin".
kenzie chuckled lightly, making me feel glad that i got a smile out of her.
"you should go for it" i nudged her side. "she's hot".
she shrugged, shaking her head, "...hey, my family don't—".
"it's fine" i flung my arm around her shoulder to give her a quick hug. "i won't say a word".
we stan our bisexual queen kenzie 👑
incase y'all are wondering or have forgotten from other chapters;
jack and kenzie are twins, both 17
ayden is the next sibling, he's 9
then jasmine is 8
and lastly gabriel, he's 2
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