sofia's pov +
it was almost midday and i entered jack's room as he was still fast asleep. he was faced away from the door so he wouldn't be able to see me climb onto his bed if he woke up.
i leant down and purposely gave him a big kiss on the cheek, making him jolt awake.
"morning" i chuckled, tucking my hair behind my ear.
"hey" jack turned over to me. i attached my lips to his before he held onto my cheek and took control of the kiss.
he hummed then pulled away, looking down at my jeans and cropped vest outfit.
"dressed already?" he questioned.
"yeah, kenz wants too—".
interrupting my words, someone banged loudly against jack's door.
"seriously sofia!" kenzie exclaimed. "i wanna get to the store early before all the good shit is gone!".
"there's a sale at her favourite store. gonna buy stuff, steal stuff, sell stuff" i informed, running my finger up his bare chest. "you should come".
"nah. i'm good" jack placed his legs off the bed to find his clothes.
i wrapped my arms around his neck from behind then whispered into his ear, "hey. kenzie can wait, we have ages before the sale".
he stood up, suddenly cutting off my gestures.
"no, you should go. she's your best friend but you two hardly see each other" he pointed out.
i nodded before i brightened up slightly at an idea.
"want me to come over later? you can make up for spending so much time on homework last night that you missed family guy" i asked.
"i'm busy with johnson and sam" jack focused on picking up his clothes that were scattered around the room.
he barely took a second to look at me so i stopped trying and rolled my eyes.
"suit yourself" i mumbled, ignoring his rejective behaviour. i got up from the bed and left the room, shutting the door firmly behind me.
after one last movement, jack thrusted into me as he came undone and i rode out my high on top. i breathlessly climbed off him and settled onto my bed, as he disposed of the condom nearby.
tugging his hands through his hair, jack sat on the edge of the bed and lightly squeezed my thigh.
"i gotta go" he told, pulling up his underwear.
"now?" i recalled as i sat up with the bedsheets covering my naked body.
we've just had sex and now he wants to disappear so soon?
"yeah. i have things to do" jack stood up to re-buckle his jeans.
"as fucking always" i muttered underneath my breath.
i let out an obvious sigh, putting back on my cropped vest from earlier.
"what?" he asked.
i was going to let it all slide whilst i got up to find my panties and denim shorts, but this is just getting ridiculous now and i'm not going to make an idiot out of myself.
"what's your deal lately?" i ran my fingers through my hair. "you've been so cold towards me since after my birthday. like is it still because of what i said about your dad?".
"no. i just have a lot on my mind".
softening my stance, i shrugged, "well can't you talk to me about it?".
jack sighed at my genuine words and walked around to my side of the bed. i stared up at him as he stroked my cheek.
"i'm fine, okay? don't worry" he insisted.
"are you sure?".
i didn't have much else to say. what can i really do if he assures that everything's fine? i'm curious about what's on his mind but i know that jack will tell me when he's ready.
we left my bedroom so that i could escort him out the house. jordan was out and dave was somewhere in this house. i don't really care where but at least the house was somewhat quieter.
i received a text from kenzie of the outfits she bought today as jack opened the front door.
"um...sof?" jack hesitated, making me look up from my phone.
practically sleeping on the porch was an older woman, wearing old and ripped clothes underneath a large jacket, and she was covered in dirt from head to toe.
jack and i did hear the door knock while we were busy but we just decided to ignore it.
my heart fell to my stomach as the woman suddenly woke up and almost fell from how fast she stood up.
"mom" i let out between the lump lodged in my throat.
"sofia, my baby" she smiled, taking a few steps forward to hug me but i took another back to avoid her.
"so you're alive?" i folded my arms.
i don't know whether i'm actually relieved anymore.
she chuckled, "of course, i'm alive. i left that fucking prison that they call rehab and-and i wanted to see you".
jack took held of my hand that was nearby to his, holding it tightly and assuring me that he was here.
"how did you find me?" i questioned.
"i've had your dad's address for years. didn't think he'd still be here though" she laughed with herself then opened up her arms. "aren't you going to give me a hug?".
"hey, back off" jack immediately stopped her.
my mother frowned at him, "who's this?".
"you can't just turn up here and expect sofia to forgive you for what you put her through" he raised his voice at her.
"jack, just leave it" i calmed him down.
"i didn't put her through anything" she narrowed her eyes in confusion.
he scoffed at her denial as i struggled to hear my mother still refuse to understand how badly she treated me.
"who's at the door?" dave called out before he came to the entryway and noticed his ex standing before him.
"dave" mom smiled.
"fucking jemima" he shook his head. "how long has it been now?".
"eighteen years".
"yeah, except for the time that i let you stay in my motel room. you stole all my cash and i never saw you again" he corrected.
my mom started to shift uneasily, "i-i was going to come back".
"sure you were, and now you've dumped this surprise kid on me and i have cps at my door every month".
she shook her head, then turned to me. "i can't believe that cps took you away from me. but it's okay, honey. i'm here now so we can go home and be a family again".
"i am not that little ten year old kid anymore who would forgive you every time you left me for days to smoke meth or sniff cocaine" i retorted.
"i was in rehab. i'm learning to get better".
"look at you!" i exclaimed. "that white dust on your nose says fucking otherwise".
"those doctors don't know what they're talking about" she wiped it with the back of her hand. "they couldn't help me. it's all a scam and i can stop this all by myself".
i chuckled at her ridiculous optimism as jack still stood nearby, rubbing my shoulders to comfort me.
"look, i have no where else to go. can i—".
"no chance" firmly, i replied.
"but i'm your mother".
"you don't even know the meaning of that word. you are not staying with me".
the last thing that i'd ever do right now is let her back under the same roof as me.
she glanced at my dad with pleading eyes, "dave, come on. i hitch hiked all the way here. you know what it's like out there, i can't sleep on the street again".
"just get out!" i began to yell.
"you heard her" jack defended me.
"don't tell me what to do" she scowled him.
she dug through her pockets, searching for a second or so then took out a few mini bags filled with drugs to showcase them.
"dave, look" she told him. "see, i'll pay you".
i looked back at him, seeing that he was clearly growing convinced by her offer.
"don't" i begged him - for once being genuine with my father. "please".
"free of charge?" he asked, ignoring me completely.
my mother nodded, "yeah, yes".
dave came forward to take one of the bags that she had, signalling for her to follow him inside the house.
i scoffed, hardly believing that this was happening right now.
"you can't be serious? she's not even allowed to be here. i swear to god, i'll call cps and tell them where you are" i threatened.
"this is my goddamn house" dave neared closer to my face. "i can decide who stays here and who doesn't".
my lip quivered as i defeatedly dropped my shoulders.
"you really don't give a fuck about me, do you?" i managed to say with a crack laced within my voice.
slamming the front door closed, i stormed back into my bedroom.
i paced up and down the room, refusing to cry because that's all this situation has ever done to me - make me feel so weak and terrified that i have no choice but to be in tears.
seconds after, jack followed me in here and closed the door behind him.
"you okay?" he asked.
i ignored him as he watched me continue to slowly pace my room and push my hair back in frustration.
"sofia, stop" jack said, coming forward to grab my shoulders. he used his strength to halt me in front of him.
"i'm fine" i sternly spoke, quickly wiping my eyes.
he sighed and hugged me tightly. i wrapped my arms around him, absorbing his warm and familiar scent that happens to put me at ease all the time.
"pack a bag, okay" jack gently rubbed my back. "you're coming with me".
i pulled away from his arms, looking up at him, "what?".
"you're not fucking staying here. not with those two".
"this is what i've wanted for years though, right? one, big happy family" i tearfully joked.
i bit my lip, staring down at the ground to try and conceal another cry. that family first or family forever shit is saved for all the movies and books. it's never a reality.
"sof," he lifted up my chin, then wiped my wet cheek. "i'm not taking no for an answer".
eventually, i nodded and agreed to his offer. jack held me back in for another hug, pulling me close to his chest and kissing the top of my head.
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