A/N: :)
The air was crisp and chilly outside. It was probably dipping into the high forties, and I wasn't prepared for walking in this weather. I had managed to cross the busy intersection, attempting to blow some steam off and calm myself down by walking through the park. I circled the path as I tried to steady my breathing and racing heart. Was cutting him off and dumping an iced beverage in his face that terrible, or had it been entirely overdue? It was for the best, right? Had he not mentioned his dying mother, I was sure I would have done much worse or would've liked to.
But, even if that had gotten me banned from that coffee place, I didn't mind; I had Haruto make mine at the regular spot.
It wasn't until the fourth lap through the park that I started to shake, the adrenaline quickly dying as I could feel the stresses and anxieties of what I had said and done coming full force. I was rude, probably insensitive, and in a way, just as much of a hypocrite as they were. Benjamin's mother was dying, and I had basically told him and his mother's wishes to fuck off. I regretted it, slowly feeling the racing thoughts and emotions consume me as the cold air set in. I didn't even have my jacket, assuming I'd head straight home after meeting with them.
I found a bench to sit down, the emotions from my past returning tenfold as the memories of their bullying, taunts, and everything hit me again. Why couldn't they have just left me alone? Why did they have to come back once I thought I had everything figured out and moved on?
Running a hand through my hair, I tried to reassure myself that the—whatever lingering feelings I had between them—was completely done and over with. I didn't need them.
And yet, the tears felt warm and steady against my cheeks, their salty taste as they slowly reached my mouth, the silent sobs wracked my body.
It was all too overwhelming.
I just wanted to curl up under a blanket, warm and safe from this bitter cold, and tune out the rest of the world.
As I pulled out my phone to check the bus times, I groaned, realizing I had missed it two minutes ago, the next one not for another hour.
I cursed myself out loud, wondering if I said the profanities enough, I'd feel a little better. I remembered the way Mason had affectionately touched him, the way he had silently asked if he was alright. I just wanted that, too. Was that too much to ask? To feel warm and comfortable in the presence of another person?
The closest thing I had felt that warmth and affection were with Haruto. He had always made me feel special and comfortable within the cafe, even outside after his shifts. But it was just a friendship, maybe not even that. He was just a guy who made the best cold brews at the coffee shop I frequented. It couldn't possibly be like Benjamin and Mason.
And I couldn't fathom letting the fantasy of him and me turn into yet another chance for me to be let down again. I already entrusted Haruto with so many secrets; losing that friendship would be just as painful.
I shook the thought from my head, watching as the few joggers passed by in the frigid cold. They glanced in my direction as they passed, probably wondering what kind of idiot would be sitting in the cold like this.
I fished for my phone in my pocket, hoping it had enough battery to last at least a phone call. My thumb scrolled through my contacts to see if I could ask anyone for a ride. It was probably a mile walk back home, but I didn't want to walk in this weather, nor did I think I could get there without sobbing in the middle of the sidewalks. I was sure Courtney was probably on a date with her girlfriend again, and I doubted any of my other college acquaintances had a car.
Which left me with Haruto's number. He had written it on a napkin one day, sliding it to me as we watched a Korean drama Haruto insisted on watching during his lunch break. I had teased him and said I'd never keep it, but sure enough, I held onto that napkin for over a week before finally programming it.
Deciding whether to call or text him was nearly as bad as when I was deciding what college to go to. I hated to bother him, especially for something as silly as a ride home. Tempted to freeze for an hour for the next bus, I scrolled through social media as I waited, flipping between the contacts app and back to the feed. But as the shivering continued and my thoughts of my past with those idiots resurfaced, I could feel another round of tears forming. I sighed in frustration before opening the contacts again and finding Haruto's number.
Before I could talk myself out of it again, I pressed it, waiting as the phone rang. Only two times. The line picked up, and Haruto's cheery voice answered, "hello?"
I didn't know what to say at first, scared my words would fail me, and all he'd hear was me crying. Wouldn't that just be pathetic?
I could hear his steady breathing, and I was confident he could listen to how unsteady mine was through the line. "Ollie?"
"Hey..." I said sheepishly, sniffling away from the phone so he couldn't hear.
"Ollie?" Haruto repeated. "Hey, what's up?"
Half expecting him to make fun and ask if I was drunk again, I hesitated. "Um, I...I-"
I gulped, unsure what I was even doing, talking to a barista to pick me up when the walk was only a mile in reality. That and bothering him on his day off was even ruder.
"Ollie, you alright?" he said softly, gentle and kind like he would at the cafe.
"I..." I stammered. No, he was just a barista, nothing more, I reminded myself. "I just wanted to talk."
"Oh, well, I'm here. I'm always down to talk; you know that."
Geez, why did he have to be so kind? A few tears fell as the contrast between him and those idiots from earlier was like night and day. Why couldn't my heart have fallen for someone as kind as him in high school?
"Everything alright, Ollie? Did something happen?" It sounded nice, his voice. Not insinuating or angry, or anything like Benjamin and his fake concern.
I sighed audibly before replying with a meek, "yes."
"You don't have to tell me anything if it really bothers you. But I'm all ears if you want to rant your heart out." I could hear the smile in his voice that showcased his dimples and the little lines near his eyes as his cheeks raised. "Unless you'd like to meet up and talk? I can meet you wherever you're at."
"I just..." I replied, not even sure why I wanted to talk to him. Did I really want just to bother him for a ride? "I just wanted to hear your voice...I guess."
"Oh, well, I'm here. Even on my off days or after work, you're welcome to call, Ollie."
"Thanks," I managed to mutter, my cheeks feeling warm, unsure if the cold was causing it or simply from the call. "Um... I met up with Benjamin. And Mason."
"Oh? I'm assuming they were rude?" I hummed in agreement. "Feel free to rant if you need."
"I don't know," I mumbled. "I shouldn't even be bothering you. It's just... I'm tired, hungry, and cold, and seeing them made it worse. I shouldn't have gone."
There was silence, and I thought he dropped the line for a second. Scared I had scared him off, a couple more tears fell. Then firmly, I heard him ask, "where are you?"
"Where are you? I'll come pick you up. Or meet up with you." It sounded like he was moving, and I could hear what sounded like keys. Was he serious?
I sniffled. "No, it's okay; I just think I needed someone to talk to."
I could hear the smile in his tone. "We can talk in my car. I'll pick you up as soon as possible."
"You probably missed the bus, yeah?" he said. "Let me know where you're, and I can pick you up."
"Yeah, okay," I muttered, astonished he'd remember the bus schedules. "The park. Across the mall."
"I'll be right there, Ollie." I could hear movement on the other line and a door clicking into place.
"Thanks," I said, staring at my phone in shock after he told his partings and hung up.
I waited on the bench nervously, watching the time on my phone. After five minutes, I wondered if I had called him at all or if it had just been some weird anxiety-induced daydream. After all, why would he choose to drop whatever he was doing and pick me up?
Another three minutes went by, but I remained seated on the bench. I spent most of the time glancing around me, even though part of my brain said he wouldn't appear.
As I checked the call logs to reassure myself that I did, in fact, call Haruto and asked him to meet me here, I spotted his sleek black car pull up. Before I could even take a few steps away from the bench, he rushed out of the car before removing his jacket. The bench seemed so far from his car, but he took only a few strides to meet me.
"Wha—Haruto?" Before he said anything, he draped the jacket over my shoulders, and I nearly laughed. He was like one of those Korean drama men that came to the female lead's aid.
Before I could say the joke, he shivered and placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. "Geez, it's freezing. You alright? I hope you didn't wait long. I hit half the lights on the way here."
"It's alright," I reassured with a half-smile. "Thanks again."
"Of course," he said before studying my face with a frown. "You were crying?"
Looking to the ground, I waved my hand in front of me. "Only a little; I'm fine now."
He pursed his lips. "What'd they say and do now?"
"It's alright; I may have spilled a cold brew on Benjamin."
"What?" He laughed. "Damn, I wish I was there. Let's get in the car first and warm up, shall we."
As I got settled in his car, he set the heater high before adjusting his fans and music. It wasn't until he turned on the seat warmers did I realize I was shaking like a leaf.
"Sorry," I muttered. "I keep bothering you with these stupid things. You keep getting dragged into my mess."
He chuffed before putting his car into drive. "Don't be sorry. I'm glad you're alright. Although I hope you weren't out there in this cold that long."
"I wasn't," I said, but the chill in my bones screamed otherwise. The seats and warm air from the heaters were as soothing as his jacket. "Thank you again. I hope you weren't busy."
Haruto shook his head. "I meant it when I said you could call anytime, Ollie. Plus, I wouldn't have just let you walk home in this weather if I could help it."
Whether it was the warmth or a blush working its way up my face, I held the collar of his jacket to hide my cheeks.
As Haruto stopped at the red light, I pointed toward my apartment complex. "Herb told me they're repainting the parking stalls tomorrow, so it might be easier to drop me off on the corner. Unless they blocked that area off, then across the street is fine too."
"Actually," Haruto said sheepishly. His eyes didn't leave the road, the red light turning green before he finally continued. "Want to come over? We can watch some Korean shows, and I can order takeout. If you're interested, I know this great Korean takeout with the best wings, and I was just thinking about ordering it tonight. I still have some beers in my fridge if you like. Or I could even make you some cold brew. Maybe even fill me in on how epic dumping your coffee must've been. Only if you want to come over, though, I promise. I can drop you off at your home too if you're more comfortable. Just a suggestion."
I smirked at his stumbling response, half wondering how he could sometimes blubber as badly as me. That sounded delightful, but was that really alright with him? Staying over at Haruto's home? If I hadn't been completely exhausted and hungry, I would've been freaking out.
Not that coming over meant actually staying and sleeping over at his place—I wasn't going to assume anything. Still, the thought of entering his home, even if it meant for a glass of water before returning to my place, was enticing in itself.
"Yeah," I told him, finally. "I'd like that."
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