I loved the weekly cooking classes I'd been taking for several months. My dishes had become so much better. We had learnt how to make aubergine lasagna that day. Harry had sat in the room without taking part as there was no more room for the session. The teacher was a former gourmet chef who was very kind and, above all, very patient. I could see the disappointment in his eyes when we would do something completely different to his instructions but he would never complain.
When it was over, I went for a walk with Harry before going home. Harry asked me more questions about the mysterious notes guy, but I assured him I'd never seen him.
— He simply wrote comments. The likelihood of him being interested in anyone's responses is slim to none. I'll never meet him, I don't even know what he looks like. Why should anything happen with him when nothing has ever happened with the other men I meet?
— Maybe because you never like others?
— So why would I like this one?
— Maybe because he intrigues you. It's not every day that someone leaves Post-it notes in library books. And also because he's like you; he loves mystery and literature, including romance. Who knows if he's not your soulmate?
I stopped walking and raised my eyebrows in surprise. My brother was definitely not the type of person to discuss soulmates or destiny.
— Wait... Have you met someone? I exclaimed.
He stopped in turn.
— What? Why are you asking this?
— Maybe because you never talk about soulmates?
— Oh no, no, no! I only said that because I know that deep down, like any self-respecting romantic, you believe in that kind of thing. And if I'd met anyone, I'd have told you.
Half-convinced, I squinted before continuing to walk towards my flat, telling myself I'd ask him about it later. He then asked me about a boy I'd spoken to during the cooking class. His name was Trevor, and we did exchange a little every week.
— And do you like him? Because it's certain that he likes you.
I stopped walking, puzzled.
— Why would you say that?
— All he did was smile as he chatted to you, and as soon as your back was turned he'd watch you and keep smiling.
— Really?
— Yes, Liz, it was obvious.
— I don't think he's looking at me that much, he just wants to talk to someone during the class because it's a chance to get to know people, I say as I open the door to my building.
— But does he talk to you this much in every class?
— Yes, but we don't talk about anything personal really.
Harry just nodded as he let me into the lift first and pulled out his phone as I was deep in my thoughts. I'd never particularly noticed Trevor but if Harry mentioned him, there must be something to it. He was a nice guy but I wasn't interested in him.
As I entered the flat, I saw Charlie and my mother putting away some groceries. Feeling a slight pain in the back of my neck, probably due to tiredness, I thanked them before settling into my armchair. Since we'd had a late lunch, we'd agreed to have a late dinner too.
Scanning the living room with my eyes, I noticed the candy pink cover of AntidépresSœurs by my bookcase. Grabbing it with my fingertips, I began reading. The stranger's first note on the usual beige Post-it with white stripes appeared on the third page of the novel.
— I suggest you step up to our juicy bar and get to know the star of the day, fresh from London, while getting your fill of vitamins. But remember, 11 o'clock is the time for everyone to be at their posts. Remember, we've got a launch in the pipeline!
— Can't he speak French, that one, he annoys me. Am I in a bit of a bad mood? Um... bring some Tampax for tomorrow.
Big +1 for Charlotte Léman. In choosing this novel, I was sincerely hoping to come across an author who really dared to take us inside a woman's head. So many books only touch on this aspect and don't make their heroines say anything 'worthy of a woman', if I may say so, but here, hats off to her. It may not be a lot, but the fact that she introduces it right at the start sends us straight into the world of women and how they see things, and it's absolutely fascinating.
With a small smile on my lips, I stood up to get my sky-blue Post-it notes and my black pen so I could write my reply next to his note.
Fascinating? And here I thought men didn't want to know what goes on in a woman's mind...
A few pages later, a second note from him appeared after a disturbing dialogue.
— No, you weren't dreaming. Learning to play the guitar, seeing Alexis again...If you want to add everything between...
— Alexis. The Alexiiiis? Oh, my goodness!
— Yes, Alexiiiiis. Do you know any others?
— I thought the chapter was closed.
— I've been thinking about it lately. Isn't it fashionable to rediscover the love of one's youth?
Erm... -50 for the author... Encouraging adultery? Making it trivial? It's in direct contradiction with the oaths of marriage. And even though the context is quite complex, I seriously don't think that's a reason to trivialise adultery, as if it should be passively accepted. While we take into account that Valentine no longer has a real relationship with her husband, it's just immoral to make infidelity totally acceptable and ordinary. It's works like this and attitudes like this that make adultery more and more common.
Sharing his opinion, I hastened to reply.
I couldn't have said it better myself. You're totally right. These days, it's all too easy for humans to think that the purpose of marriage is to cheat and, as a result, everyone indulges in cheating on the pretext that everyone else is doing it and they need to "take their mind off it". It's a funny way of doing it anyway.
As I stuck the Post-it on the page, Charlie asked what I was reading. I quickly closed the novel and looked up at him, exhaling sharply after holding my breath.
— You gave me a fright! But otherwise, I'm reading the book I borrowed from the library.
— Romance or thriller?
— Romance.
He leaned over the book.
— What's it about?
Out of laziness, I handed it to him so that he could read the back cover. When he'd finished reading it, he nodded in surprise. After making a few comments on the summary, he finally handed it back to me, sat down on the sofa and turned on the television. Relieved that he didn't want to continue the discussion, I didn't wait another second before resuming my reading.
— How about a sexy boss? Mathieu Rivière, isn't it? By the way, what do we know about his situation? Can't a handsome guy like that just run wild?
— We don't know anything!
Mathieu had a Facebook account. However, apart from a few unexciting photos — landscapes, events — there wasn't much to be seen. He posted very little information in public.
This 'stalking' aspect of the novel is a big plus for the story, in my eyes anyway. Like my little sister does with her crushes, and I think like a lot of girls/women do. The two characters even go so far as to check Charlotte's boss's bank account, how funny. And Charlotte Léman's way of mixing words and feelings is incredible. She manages to describe things with such an elegance.
I was astonished to realise that he had succeeded so precisely in transcribing my thoughts when I was struggling to say them myself.
Just like your finesse and mastery of words, it's magnificent. You express perfectly what I thought of it, and it gives me a feeling that I cannot put words on.
Hesitating to stick the Post-it on, given the personal nature of my note, I finally gave in before continuing my reading, losing all sense of time.
He moved closer to her face while continuing to stare at her, and after what seemed like an eternity, his lips finally touched hers. They were warm and full, a moment of pure sweetness. They matched hers perfectly. Maybe they came from the same mould. Like souls, mouths had a soul mouth and she was certain that this one was hers.
"Your eyes like the blue in the summer skies, caught my gaze as I looked across, feeling lost in a magic maze, it's too soon for a new love", Your Eyes, Cook Da Books.
And then his tongue found its way into her mouth and it was no longer sweet but hot, downright hot. The butterflies had now given way to a volcano... burning deep inside her, and more precisely in her panties.
I am completely and utterly outraged. How can she kiss him so passionately like she's single when she's cheating on her husband with a childhood "crush" she's reconnected with. It makes absolutely no sense. The psychology of this character is entirely farcical and without morals. It's a real shame... It's almost disgusting.
Frowning, I decided to call it a night, ending on a bad note, given that I agreed with the stranger's comment. The scene shocked me. I sat in my chair for a few moments, thinking about the beginning. Despite the author's very good style, it seemed to me that there were limits that should not be crossed, and that included normalising deception.
As I stood up, I saw Harry watching me. I put the novel down on the coffee table and explained the scene that had upset me. He raised his eyebrows and looked very disapproving. That was what I liked best about him. Despite all the girls he had been with, he was always honest about his feelings (or lack of) to make sure no one ended up disappointed.
We all got phenomenally lazy to cook and went to a Chinese restaurant where Charlie and Harry were telling us stories that had happened in the previous months. My mom and I couldn't stop laughing.
— Didn't you exaggerate a bit earlier? I asked Harry when we got home and were both in my room.
He laughed as he lay down on my bed beside me.
— Yes, well, I may have embellished the details, but everything I said was true, I did spill a beer on a woman last week, and then she bought me two more, because she supposedly thought it was funny.
— Yes, and I'm sure you left out the part where she ended up in your bed.
Seeing a smile form at the corner of his lips, I shook my head and told him he'd been right to not mention it at the table.
— Yes, but I'm sure Mum guessed, and you know her, she couldn't care less if I talk about it in front of her.
— No, I know, but when you can avoid it, it's better to avoid it. But you haven't kept in touch, I suppose?
— Yes, we fucked a second time, then she suggested we meet in a café next week and I accepted.
What! I can't believe it!
— And then you tell me you haven't met anyone! I exclaimed as I got up from the bed.
— Shh! Mum and Charlie are asleep.
— Yes, yes, sorry. So you do have someone!
— I don't have... 'someone'. It's just a good booty call, he says, putting his hands behind his head.
— I know you, Harry, and you only have one-night stands and never more because you say it's a headache and always ends up in a relationship.
He seemed disturbed by my words, then looked away after a long moment, before getting under the duvet with his back to me. I looked up at his reaction, then jumped on him with a laugh, realising that I'd been right about everything. He tried to keep a straight face, but ended up smiling.
— I was right!
— As usual, but there's nothing between us, she's just a girl who I find incredible in bed, but also intelligent and very, very nice.
— Wow!
— Go to sleep or I'll annoy you with your mysterious dudes writing notes.
— There's nothing to say about him anyway.
— How old do you think he is?
— Judging by the way he thinks and writes, I'd say he's in his late twenties.
— Don't you want to go out and meet some guys, Liz? You're twenty-three years old and you've never had sex or been in a relationship, yet you're passionate about romance and you're passionate about desire. I don't understand why you're still not with someone. I really don't understand why you refuse all these intelligent men who are not bad at all.
— If they're not on the same wavelength as me, there's no point. I know I've never done anything but I also know that the day I find the right person, it will be wonderful. And I've got my feet firmly on the ground, so the right one doesn't mean the perfect man, just someone who understands me and accepts me completely, someone with whom my soul will become one.
As soon as I'd finished, he exhaled before turning his head in my direction.
— In any case, I want you to know that I'll always be there to beat the shit out of anyone who takes advantage of you, emotionally or physically, even though I know you can and would do it yourself.
— Thank you, Harry, and I'll always be there to defend you too, I said before switching off the light.
Despite my tiredness, the mysterious man occupied my thoughts and kept me awake. I thought about who he might be and was excited by the idea of meeting him. Although his notes were nothing magical, the feeling I got from reading them was different from anything I'd experienced before. It felt like I could hear him say these things and they were always my exact thoughts.
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