Small Town Love
Tae has just asked you to move to Seoul with him!
Tae:-"Y/n?" Lost in thought, you bring your attention back to Tae. Y/n:-"You want me to move to Seoul with you?" Tae:-"Hell yeah, angel. I want every night to be like this."
Tae cuddles up next to you in bed. You rest your head in his chest and he wraps you in his arms.
Y/n:-"So if I did move here, what would our life look like?" Tae:-"It would look a lot like tonight. The parties, premiers, paparazzi..But it would also look a lot like this, Y/n."
He pulls you closer. Silence settles around the two of you. Th chaos of the city is barely noticeable here in Tae's bedroom. Tae:-"Like the two of us ending the night together."
For a moment you can picture it. Living here with Tae, spending your nights taking photos on red carpets before heading home to the quietness of this bedroom and into the arms of the man you love.
Y/n:-"You've definitely given me a lot to think about." Tae:-"Share your thoughts with me, angel." You let out a long breath. Y/n:-"Well I can't leave my family business behind..And there's shree. There's the town I love and grew up in. There are the people that are like family to me. Not to mention the staff."
Tae:-"What if there was a way for you to continue running the business from Seoul?" Tae runs his fingers along the worry lines between your eyebrows. Tae:-"What are you thinking?"
Y/n:-"About the life I want for us." Tae:-"I understand that this is a big decision, Y/n. But promise me you'll think about it?" Y/n:-"I will."
The next morning, you're standing in the kitchen making breakfast while Tae's still fast sleep in bed. After your conversation with Tae last night, you were unable to get much sleep.
You crack two eggs into a bowl, when your phone rings.
On Call
Y/n:-"Hey, Shree. Everything okay?" You can clearly hear the noise in the background, and the level of stress in her voice.
Shree:-"Hi, Y/n. So, umm, don't freak out. I don't want to worry you or anything.."
Y/n:-"Spill it." Just then, Tae walks into the room wearing pajamas. Tae:-"Morning, angel."
Shree:-"Long story short, there was a bit of technical glitch in the website and some of the dates booked twice."
Y/n:-"Meaning?" You're beginning to freak out. You can only imagine the absolute chaos that broke out, while you were miles away, enjoying with your love.
Shree:-"I made a few calls to the hotels in town and got rooms there instead. We have to pay two dozen hotel bills."
Y/n:-"It's not ideal, but you're right. There was nothing else you could have done." You hang up on Shree and lean against the counter trying to catch your breath.
Y/n:-"I can't believe this." Tae rushes over to you. He rubs gentle circles into your back, asking if you're alright.
Y/n:-"I have to get back there." Tae:-"Today?" Y/n:-"Sorry." You're beginning to spiral. You try to breathe while focusing on packing your clothes.
Tae:-"I've got this, Y/n. Sit down for a minute." Tae grabs onto your shoulders. He stares into your eyes. He tells you to breathe.
You try to calm down, but you can't. You're riddled with guilt. How were you contemplating leaving Alabama and the Keep You Warm behind? Leaving your best friend behind? Now more than ever, it's crystal clear that a life in Seoul wouldn't work.
Tae:-"Hey, Y/n. I called the car and I got you a flight. You'll be back in Alabama in five hours. Okay?" Y/n:-"You did that for me?" Tae:-"Of course." You collapse into Tae's chest, wrapping your arms tightly around his body.
Y/n:-"Actually, I need to tell you something." Tae:-"I already know what you're going to say, Y/n." Y/n:-"You do?" Tae:-"You can't move in to Seoul. At least not now. Y/n:-"Tae, I really want to but.."
Tae:-"You don't have to explain, angel. I understand completely."
You finish packing while Tae gets ready for a television interview he has scheduled for the afternoon.
You stand next to your luggage at the door. Tae:-"Ready to go? The car's here." You nod, suddenly feeling overwhelmed with emotions.
Tae:-"Come here, angel. Let me kiss you one last time, will you?" You do just that. Kissing Tae goodbye never gets easier, and this time is no exception. Tae:-"Call me when you land?" Y/n:-"I will." You grab your luggage and head out the door.
Several hours and a taxi ride later, you arrive back home at the Keep You Warm. You head inside, preparing for the worst.
You step inside and....everything is quiet, calm and controlled. No mess and definitely no chaos. Shree stands at the front desk. Her face breaks into a smile when she spots you.
Shree:-"Y/n." Y/n:-"I was expecting this place to be, like, on fire." Shree:-"I told you I had it covered. But I'm glad you're back, we have a lot to go over."
You and Shree spend the night mulling over ways to compensate the guests that were double booked. Then you call it a night and head to bed.
And for the next week, you manage to find a way to keep your relationship going with Tae.
For the past week, you've had your hands full with running the Keep You Warm. Business is still booming, and you're fully booked for the next six months.
You and Tae have been calling each other every night. Some nights were steamy. He's busy all dat doing interviews and media for the movie release.But he always manages to make time for you.
Now, you pick up your phone and call Tae again. Today is his first day off in a week. For some reason, he hasn't been answering your calls.
Then you hear a shriek come from outside. You run to the door. Y/n:-"What's going on?"
You run to the lobby to see what's caused all the commotion. Of course, there's only one person that could do that.
Y/n:-"TAE!" Tae:-"Hi, angel." Guests are standing around staring with their jaws hanging. You on the other hand, run straight into his arms. Tae catches you easily, chuckling.
Y/n:-"I've been calling you all morning!" Tae:-"Sorry. Reception in the sky isn't too great." Y/n:-"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" Tae:-"I wanted to surprise you. Can we talk in private for a second?" Y/n:-"Let's go to my office.."
Y/n:"So, we're alone. What did you want to talk about?" Tae paces around the room, his hands shoved into his pockets. Y/n:-"You're making me nervous. What's going on?"
Tae:-"I think I can stay in Alabama with you for a few months." Y/n:-"What! How is this possible?" Tae:-"It's a long story, Y/n. But if you'll have me here, I'm all yours...I can postpone all my movie schedules just for you."
Y/n:-"But what about your career? What about Seoul, the city you love?You can't just sacrifice your career for me." Tae:-"That'll all still be there waiting for me someday. But now, I want to spend all my time with you."
You grab Tae's hands in yours. This isn't going to be easy, but you need to say it for both of your sakes.
Y/n:-"You can't give up your career for me, Tae." Tae:-"Y/n-" Y/n:-"I won't let you. I couldn't abandon my business to move to Seoul with you, and you can't abandon acting to move here for me, either." You think back to the movie premiere and the smile that was on Tae's face the entire night. You remember how happy he looked up their on stage, doing what he loved.
Tae drops your hands. He paces across the room, then stares out the window. He's thinking hard about what you just said. When he turns back to you, his smile is gone.
Tae:-"Why won't you let me do this for you?" Y/n:-"Relationships that are built off sacrifice tend to lead to resentment. I don't want you to wake up one day and regret giving up your career for me, Tae."
Tae:-"So what happens now?" Y/n:-"This is only temporary. We'll figure everything out until things settle down. But until then.."
You crash together in the middle of the office, kissing like it might be the very last time. Time has never felt so fragile. You can't imagine spending a day without him, but you know this is the right choice.
Tae:-"I'll see you real soon, Y/n. Okay?" Y/n:-"Okay, Tae." You don't watch as he leaves. You can only take so much heartbreak at once.
After Tae heads back to Seoul, you go from speaking to him every day to twice a week. Eventually, it's only once a week. You bury yourself in work. Tae seems to do the same. Whenever you turn on the TV or read an article online, it's about him.
You're happy for him, even if you've never felt so far away from him before.
One Month Later
It's another busy day at the Keep You Warm. You're dealing with guests, preparing for crazy weekend ahead when your phone rings. It's TAE.
On Call
Tae:-"Hello? Hi, angel. Long time no talk."
Y/n:-"Wow. A phone call from the famous Kim Taehyung? What do I owe this pleasure?"
Tae:-"It's kind of a funny story...I booked my next movie."
Y/n:-"Woah, congrats!"
Tae:-"Thanks. One other thing though-- It's being filmed in Alabama."
Y/n:-"Umm, what?"
Tae:-"It looks like I'm going to be your neighbor again, angel."
Do read the next chapter-------
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