Harry's room becomes deadly silent even Harry's breathing can't be heard.
Severus reads.
Harry Xavier whimpers not hearing anything coming from Harry as he limps in the room, and barks to alert Severus.
Severus sighs and gets up.
Xavier continues until he comes up.
Severus goes to Harry's room.
Xavier whimpers and limps to Harry's bed.
Severus goes over to harry.
Harry grasp on the owl is loose.
Severus looks at him.
Severus shakes him.
He doesn't wake up.
Harry lays limp on the bed.
Severus uses magic to see what's wrong.
Xavier whimpers.
Severus looks at Harry confused.
Harry doesn't move.
Severus takes him to the doctors.
Xavier tries to go too.
Severus dosnt met him.
Harry lays limply in his arms as Xavier sits by the fireplace with Harry's owl in his mouth.
Severus takes him to the docyor.
The doctor looks up as Severus just walks in.
Severus looks at him. "He seems dead. But. Hes not "
The doctor starts to loo him over. "Well... it's a neko sickens that makes them appear dead, and in the past their mates would think they were dead. They'd bury them straight away out of respect and end up burying the poor Neko alive."
"Okay. Why?"
"There's no understanding of this illness, it comes at random and will go just the same..."
The doctor puts a bracelet on Harry "As long as tgis doesn't go off he's fine, just make him as comfortable as possible."
Severus nods and takes him home.
Xavier whimpers as he comes back, still holding the owl.
Severus takes him to bed and covers him.
Xavier follows carefully coordinating his jump up each step.
Severus makes sure he is comfortable.
Xavier brings Severus the stag and owl stuffies.
Severus places them with harry.
Xavier whimpers.
Severus sets xavier with harry.
Xavier puts his head on Harry's hand.
Severus sits at Harry's feet.
Xavier watches Harry for hours even after Severus decides to go downstairs, mumbling something about a drink.
Severus goes downstairs and gets both himself amd harry water.
Xavier tries to nudge Harry awake.
Severus goes and sits with harry again.
Xavier crawls to him.
Xavier lays next to him.
Severus pets him.
A few days later Harry opens his eyes to an empty and dark room.
Severus is asleep on the floor.
Harry carefully gets up and makes breakfast.
Severus stays asleep.
Harry finishes it.
Severus is still asleep.
Xavier wakes up and barks, noticing Harry was gone, waking Severus.
Severus notices Harry's not in bed. "Harry!" He yells getting up and running downstairs.
"What's wrong?" Harry asks coming from the kitchen.
"Were did you go?"
"I made breakfast..."
"You... your awake."
"That's what people do in the morning..."
"Did something happen?"
"You went into neko sickness."
"I did?"
"Go sit and eat."
"I'm still confused..."
"What Is There to be confused about?"
"I don't remember being sick..."
"Well your were."
"Now sit and eat."
"You didn't eat yesterday, you need too."
"We both need to eat."
"I ate yesterday..."
"You've been sick for days now eat!"
"Yes now do as I said."
"But nothing."
"Calm down!"
"Severus ple-"
"Just eat it's not that hard to do!"
Harry looks up at him. "Se-"
"Stop arguing with me." He growls.
Harry stares at him. "Sev-"
"I said stop."
"Just eat!"
"I can't!"
"And why not!"
"I forgot I'm allergic to things..." Harry says softly. "Please stop yelling."
"Well go and get yourself something to eat."
Harry nods and quietly walks to the stove.
Severus watches him.
Harry bites his lip.
Severus sighs.
Harry breaks down.
"Why are you crying?"He
Harry shakes his head and continues cooking.
"Tell me."
Harry looks at him. "I-I'm fine... just a little stressed."
Harry turns around and hugs him.
Severus looks down at him.
"I'm sorry." He sniffles.
Severus shrugs.
Harry cries softly into his chest
Severus pets him.
Harry pulls away and goes back to attempting to cook.
Severus sighs and goes upstairs not wanting to deal with this.
Harry stops and gets rid of what he's failing to make.
Severus lays down.
Harry puts the pan in the sink and goes outside.
Xavier limps to him.
Harry pets him. "Still hurting puppy?" He coos.
Lays down.
Harry watches cars go by, glamouring himself to look human.
Xavier looks up at him.
Harry holds him.
Xavier licks his cheek.
Harry smiles and starts to look at his leg.
Xavier tries to bite him when he touches the wound.
Harry grabs his snot.
Xavier shakes his head.
"Stop." Harry says
Xavier whines
Harry checks it, healing it as he does.
Xavier looks at him
Harry kisses his head.
Xavier licks his cheek.
Harry smiles.
Xavier nuzzles him.
Harry holds him.
Xavier gives puppy smile.
Harry holds him smiling. "Feeling better, puppy?"
Xavier licks him.
Harry smiles. "How about we go for a walk?"
Xavier wags his tail.
Harry gets his leash.
Xavier watches excited.
Harry hooks it to his collar and leaves a note for Severus.
Xavier starts walking.
Harry follows him.
Xavier trots happily.
Harry smiles.
Xavier looks around.
Harry frowns as Xavier whimpers and moves closer to him. Harry picks him up. "What is it Puppy?"
Xavier looks at him.
"What's wrong?" He coos softly.
Xavier whines and wiggles
Harry puts him dow
Xavier runs.
Harry follows him.
Xavier goes home.
Harry lets him in.
Xavier runs upstairs.
Harry picks him up.
Xavier looks at him.
Harry tries to pet him.
Xavier cuddles him.
Harry goes to his room and holds him.
Xavier licks his hand.
Harry lays down.
Xavier curls up on his chest.
Harry pets him quietly not hearing Severus walk in.
Severus look at him
Harry continues to pet Xavier.
Severus sighs and goes downstairs.
Harry puts Xavier down and follows him, seeing him leave.
Severus reads.
Harry sits next to him.
Severus looks at him.
Harry puts his head on his shoulder.
Severus reads.
"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have made a big scene... please don't be mad at me anymore." He says softly.
"Its fine."
Harry nuzzles his neck.
Severus reads.
"I love you."
"Love you." He mumbles.
Harry looks down. "I... I'm going to bed." He mumbles and gets up.
Severus looks at him.
Harry doesn't look at him.
Severus frowns.
Harry goes upstairs and sits in his closet, shutting the closet door.
Severus continues to read.
Harry pulls his knees to his chest.
Severus frowns and throws the book.
Harry flinches at the noise downstairs and slips slightly, knowing if Severus was mad at him, he wouldn't be as nasty to little Harry.
Severus sighs and closes his eyes.
Harry cries softly.
Severus goes upstairs.
Harry quiets hearing him.
"Y-Yes?" He replies as steady as possible.
"Are you okay?"
"Y-Yes." He lies.
Severus frowns.
Harry moves a little in his clothes making a noise.
Severus goes over to him.
Harry looks at him.
Severus kneels in front of him.
Harry reaches forward.
Severus takes him.
Harry wraps his legs around his waist as Severus stands up.
Severus sits on the bed.
Harry looks up at him.
Severus kisses his forehead.
Harry kisses him.
Sevweus pulls away.
Harry looks up at him.
Severus grins.
Harry nips his neck.
Severus looks at him
Harry continues.
Severus stops him.
Harry whines.
Severus sighs.
Harry looks at him.
Severus looks away.
Harry looks down.
Severus gets up.
Harry looks at him.
Severus goes back to reading.
Harry starts to cry on his bed.
Severus sighs.
Xavier whines.
Xavier goes to Harry.
Severus sighs.
Harry ignores him.
Severus reads.
Xavier suddenly growls at Harry.
Severus hears the growl and goes upstairs.
Harry goes to his closet and Xavier follows him.
Severus walks in.
Xavier tries to get into the closet.
Harry whines.
"What's wrong?"
Xavier gets into the closet, growling.
"Why are you growling dog?"
Xavier snarls at him then snaps at Harry as he tries to calm him.
Severus frowns.
Harry cradles his hand trying to get away.
Severus pulls harry to him.
Harry shakes in his arms.
"What's wrong?"
"H-he bit me..." Harry sniffles.
"Its okay."
Harry clings to him as Xavier whimpers.
Severus pets him.
Xavier comes to them.
Severus looks at him.
Harry clings more to him.
Severus pets him.
Harry wraps his legs around him, getting up higher.
Severus looks at him.
Harry buries his face in his chest.
Xavier whimpers up at them.
Severus cuddles him.
Xavier jumps onto the bed as they sit down.
Severus pets harry.
Harry purrs.
Severus cuddles him.
Xavier licks Harry's hand.
Severus pushes the dog away.
Xavier whimpers.
Severus growls.
Harry whimpers.
Severus calms hin.
Xavier crawls back to Harry.
Severus pushes him away
Xavier whines
Severus pets harry.
Xavier tries again.
Severus pushes him away
Harry reaches to Xavier.
Xavier licks him.
Harry tries to tay calm.
Severus watches
Harry pulls his hand away.
Xavier whines.
Harry clings to Severus.
Severus pets him.
Harry kisses him almost desperately.
Severus kisses back.
Harry seeks for comfort in the kiss and tries to deepen it.
Severus pulls away.
Harry whimpers and tries to pull him back.
Severus kisses back.
Harry deepens the kiss.
Severus pulls away.
Harry whines.
"What's wrong?"
Harry moves closer to him.
Severus holds him tighter.
Harry's eyes start to glow as well as the brand.
Severus looks at him confused.
Harry looks up at him.
Severus pets him.
Harry purrs and summons the magical branding book.
Severus watches him.
Harry turns to a certain page and makes him read.
Severus reads.
Harry nuzzles him, feeling Severus frown.
Severus sets the book aside.
Harry looks at him.
Severus kisses his forehead and pets him.
Harry purrs.
Seveeus kisses his cheek.
Harry looks at him.
Severus smiles.
Harry bites his lip.
"What wrong?"
"You became my master again but in a different way, in a sense."
"Not my plan."
"I'm happy."
"That's all that matters."
"I want you to take care of me. Now and forever." Harry whispers putting their foreheads together.
Severus grins.
"I love you."
"I love you to."
Harry kisses him softly.
Severus kisses back.
Harry deepens it.
Severus pulls away.
Harry looks at him
Severus nuzzles him.
Harry purrs.
Severus pets him.
Harry shifts on the bed a bit.
"Whats wrong."
"Nothing." Harry gives him a mischievous smile.
Severus grins.
Harry rubs Severus' thigh.
Severus looks at his hand.
Harry continues.
Severus cuddles him.
Harry looks at him.
Severus smiles.
Harry looks at him innocently as he cups Severus' cock through his pants.
Severus pushes his hand away.
Harry pouts.
Severus cuddles him.
Harry pouts more.
Severus kisses his cheek.
"Can I?"
"Can you what?"
"I-I umm... want to make you feel good..."
"I feel good now."
"Really good."
"I am not a sexual person if you havnt noticed."
Harry nods quietly.
Severus cuddles him more.
Harry puts his head on his chest.
Seveeus smiles.
Harry closes his eyes.
Severus kisses his cheek.
Harry looks at him.
Severus nuzzles him closing his eyes.
Harry purrs.
Severus falls asleep.
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