Xavier puts the toy down then goes out the doggie door and bounces to the gate.
The gate as a small hole in it
Xavier squeezes himself through the hole and starts to wonder, then spots a bigger dog and bounces over to him.
The bigger dog smells him.
Xavier looks at him.
The bigger dog continues to sniff him.
Xavier moves away a bit.
The dog growls.
Xavier whimpers.
The dog licks him.
Xavier looks at him.
The dog picks him up and takes him to his own home.
Xavier tries to snap at him.
The dog huffs thinking this is a little puppy who need protection.
Xavier tries to get away.
The dog sets him in his yard.
Xavier starts to go towards the open gate.
The dog runs up and snaps at him.
Xavier yelps.
The dog pushes him to the porch.
Xavier tries to run home.
The dog stops him.
Xavier barks at him, alerting the humans in the house.
The humans run out and fawn over the new puppy on the yard.
Xavier tries to run again.
The humans let him get away.
Xavier runs back home and lays on the front porch.
They go home and see him on the porch. "What are you doing out?"
Xavier whimpers.
Severus picks him up.
Xavier yelps.
Severus sets him down and opens the door.
Xavier limps in causing Harry to frown. "Come here, puppy." He says softly.
Xavier happily limps to him.
Harry careful picks him up.
Severus watches them shutting the door.
Xavier whimpers as Harry looks at his leg.
"We should probably take him to the vet."
Harry nods and pet him softly, wrapping him in a soft blanket.
Severus takes them to the vet.
Harry holds Xavier as Severus registers him.
Severus finished and sits down with them.
"It's okay, puppy." Harry coos softly.
They get called back.
Harry carefully lays Xavier down.
Severus watches the tor doctor examine the Dog.
Xavier snaps at them.
"He seems fine no infection."
"But he's hurting..."
"Yes that normally happenS when someone or animal is bit."
Harry pets Xavier.
Xavier licks his hand.
"How do we stop the pain?"
"Can't really just let me bandage and clean the bites."
Harry nods and holds Xavier down to make it easier.
The doctor cleans and bandages him and let's them leave.
Harry carefully picks him up while Severus pays.
Severus takes them home.
Harry puts Xavier on his doggie bed and sits with Severus.
Severus holds him.
Harry snuggles to him.
Severus kisses his forehead.
Harry looks over at Xavier as he tries to get up.
Severus rests his head on Harry's. .
Harry holds his hand.
Severus kisses the back of his hand.
Harry smiles.
Severus nuzzles him.
Harry smiles and kisses him.
Severus kisses him softly.
Harry pulls away.
Severus smiles.
Harry shifts.
Severus boops bim.
Harry giggles.
Severus smile.
Harry kisses him again.
Severus kisses back.
Harry purrs into the kiss and deepens it.
Severus pulls away.
Harry pouts.
Severus kisses his forehead.
Harry starts to kiss his neck.
Severus shivers.
Harry continues.
Severus closes his eyes.
Harry sucks on his neck lightly,
Severus groans.
Harry moves closer, still sucking.
Severus holds him tighter.
Harry sucks harder.
Severus moans softly.
Harry grinds their hips together.
Severus holds him tighter.
Harry pants heavily through his nose as he grinds and sucks harder.
Severus holds him tight.
Harry pulls away from his neck and grinds against him faster, clinging to him.
Severus holds onto his hips.
Harry moans loudly and cums in his pants.
Severus cums as well.
Harry continues to grind not caring about the sticky mess he made.
Severus undresses himself and harry.
Harry pants softly.
Severus kisses him.
Harry rubs against him. "I-I don't want you to fu-ck me yet." Harry pants continuing his grinding.
"Then what would you like me to do."
Harry get on him hands and knees beside him. "Work a fist into me."
"Umm. No..."
"That sounds painful."
"It's not, do it one at a time."
Harry looks away from him.
Harry stays quiet.
Severus sighs and gets up and goes upstairs.
Harry curls up.
Seveeus takes a cold shower and dresses.
Harry stays there.
Severus lays in bed and reads.
Harry goes to his room.
Xavier whines.
Harry lays down and spells Xavier's bed to carefully move him upstairs.
Xavier curls up.
Harry stares at the wall not bothering to put on clothes.
Xavier whines hungry.
Harry gives him some food magically.
Xavier eats.
Harry continues to stare at the wall.
Severus sighs and throws the book.
Harry flinches.
Severus curls up.
Harry wraps himself in a blanket and goes to Severus' room.
Severus looks at him.
Harry lays next to him.
Severus stares at him.
Harry looks away.
Severus frowns.
Harry closes his eyes and sniffles.
"What's wrong?'
"I'm sorry."
Harry curls up next to him with the heavy blanket still around him.
Severus holds him.
Harry closes his eyes.
Severus pets him.
Harry purrs.
Severus kisses his forehead.
Harry opens his eyes and looks at him.
Severus grins.
Harry kisses him softly.
Severus kisses back.
Harry pulls away feeling Severus start to slip the blanket off him.
Severus look at him.
Harry let him take off the blanket.
Secerus holds him and wraps the blanket around them.
Harry puts his head on his chest.
Severus pets him.
Harry purrs.
Severus grins.
Harry falls asleep.
Severus stays awake.
Harry purrs in his chest.
Severus watches him.
Harry snuggles closer.
Severus closes his eyes.
Harry purrs in his chest, lulling him asleep.
In the morning severus jerks awake from a nightmare.
Harry jerks away.
Severus looks at him.
Harry rubs his chest.
Severus try's to relax.
Harry purrs.
Severus grins watching him.
"Love you."
"I love you to."
Harry meows cutely at him.
Severus kisses his forehead.
Hary purrs.
Severus pets him.
Harrry meows.
Severus closes his eyes.
Harry nuzzles him.
Severus looks down at him.
Harry smiles.
Severus grins.
Harry kisses him.
Severus kisses back softly.
Harry deepens it needily.
Severus pulls away.
Harry frowns.
Severus looks at him.
Harry pouts.
Severus kisses his forehead.
Harry stretches and snuggles back to him.
Severus holds him.
Harry draws shapes on his chest.
Severus watches him.
Harry continues.
Severus closes his eyes.
Harry smiles.
Severus relaxes.
Harry gets up as an owl taps on the window and takes the letter.
Severus looks at him.
"It's for you, let me go get dressed while you read it."
Severus reads over it.
Harry comes back and sits on the bed.
Severus looks at him.
Harry looks over his shoulder.
Severus sets the note aside.
Harry looks up at him.
Severus pulls harry to him.
Harry kisses his chin.
Severus closes his eyes and holds him.
Harry nuzzles him.
"Mcgonagal is head mistress now."
Harry hums.
"She was wondering if I'd like to be potions master again."
"Do you?"
Severus shrugs. "I need a job..."
"I'll go with you wherever."
Severus nods.
"I've been thinking..."
"Bout what?"
"Well, if you take the job... I could go to the new wizard culinary school and open my own restaurant a year after."
"Or skip school and just get a business license and open up."
"Do I not need a certification?"
"Your Harry Potter all you need is a business license. The wizarding school is new. Its run by muggle borns. All the other restaurants they never went to school they just got a business license and keep to the codes. And read and sign a few papers that say what you need and the rules to keep the business."
Harry nods, "So I need to go to business school?"
"No you need to go to gringotts say you want a business license you pay for it then sign contracts then your done."
Harry nods, rubbing Severus' hand with his thumb.
Severus looks at him.
"So are you?"
"As I said. I need a job."
"Should we talk to her?"
"I'll just send a letter."
"Am I allowed to go with you?"
"Of course you would be."
Harry nods, "When do you start?"
"So... a month?"
Severus nods.
"So what do we do until then?"
"You can go get the license and everything and we can start looking at buildings."
Severus grins.
Harry gets up.
Severus looks at him.
Harry pulls him off the bed.
Severus goes and changes.
Harry goes to his own room and takes Xavier outside.
Xavier looks at him.
Harry sets him in the grass.
Xavier looks at him.
"What's wrong, puppy?" He coos.
He limps inside.
Harry follows him.
Severus goes downstairs and looks at them.
"Somethings wrong..."
Severus shrugs.
"Xavier, come here, puppy."
Xavier limps over to him.
"What's wrong, puppy?" He pets him.
Xavier lays down.
Harry looks at Severus.
Severus looks down at the puppy.
Harry puts food next to him.
The puppy eats.
Harry pats his head then takes Severus' hand.
Severus kisses the back of his hand.
Harry leads him out.
Severus follows him.
Harry looks at him.
Severus smiles.
Harry goes to Gringotts.
Severus follows him in.
Harry signs the paperwork.
They give him the card.
He thanks them and takes Sverus' hand as they leave.
Severus follows him.
"So go look now?"
Severus nods.
Harry lets him lead.
Severus looks around leading him.
Harry tangles their fingers
Severus holds his hand.
Harry looks around. "I was thinking maybe near the school?"
"Hogsmead it is."
Harry holds his hand tighter.
Severus aparets them to hogsmeade.
Harry smiles at him.
Severus smiles and walks him around.
Harry looks at places.
Severus follows him.
Harry stops in front of the old three broomsticks building. "Had a few... good memories here."
"You want to buy it?"
Harry nods quietly.
"Then buy it."
Harry owls Gringotts when they get home.
Severus lays on the couch.
Harry looks at him.
Seversus looks back.
Harry sits in front of the couch.
Severus pets him.
Harry purrs.
Severus smiles.
Harry kick his shoes off.
Severus kisses his forehead.
Harry crawls on top of him as the brand on his foot starts to glows through his sock.
Severus smiles.
Harry kisses him.
Severus kisses back.
Harry moans softly into his mouth, as Severus pushes their hips together.
Severus pulls away.
Harry looks down at him, blushing slightly.
Severus smiles.
Harry moves his hips slowly against his.
Severus stops him.
Harry looks at him, frowning.
"Why stop?"
"Dont want to right now."
Harry sighs and curls up on him.
Severus frowns a little.
Harry falls asleep.
Severus pets him.
Harry curls into a ball.
Severus frowns more.
Harry wakes up again, the brand glows again and his eyes glows the same color.
Severus doesn't look at him.
Harry starts to kiss at his neck.
Severus pushes him back.
Harry stares at him.
Severus holds him.
Harry stares at him, tilting his head.
Severus cuddles him more.
Harry mumbles something.
"N-nothing sir."
Severus frowns.
Harry calmly lays on him.
Severus pets him.
Harry calmly stares at him, letting him do as he wishes.
Severus frowns.
Harry quietly looks at him.
Severus looks away.
Harry lays a hand on his chest.
Severus looks at him.
"Thank you."
"What for.''
"Taking care of me, taking ownership of me."
"Your welcome."
Harry kisses him softly then lays his head back down.
Severus grins.
"Thank you for becoming my master."
Severus looks down.
"I'm glad it's you."
Harry looks at him. "Are you not?"
"I am."
Harry lays back down.
Severus watches him.
Harry watches.
Severus looks away.
Harry closes his eyes quietly.
Severus looks at him.
"I'm so glad." Harry whispers quietly.
Harry falls asleep.
Severus takes him to bed.
Harry snuggles with his owl as Severus walks out.
Severus goes back downstairs.
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