Chapter One
A/N: Hello! This is my second/third fan fic. And Jeny is a real girl on Watt Pad :). This whole story is dedicated to her, for helping me think of a character. I'll try to update a lot, but I'm starting four other fan fic's around this time. Comment/Fan/Vote!!
This whole story is dedicated to DrummerXChick, you guys should go fan her :)
This whole story is copyrighted, so please don't copy this.
Thanks :)
Jeny's POV
As I rolled over in my bed, I remembered today was Saturday.
It felt like forever since the last weekend, this work week was torture. I've barely had any time alone at my apartment. Well, I actually do like my job as a hostess at a diner. It was down the street, so it was close to home. Just that, a lot of customers came this week, and I had practically no break.
But, that's over now. Thankfully.
I hopped out of my bed, full of bright energy. 09:30 am, perfect timing. Walking a bit sleepily into the bathroom, I stumble on the door threshold, but caught myself by grabbing the sink table. Opening the draw full of hair supplies, I pulled out my favorite hair brush.
I brushed my deep brown locks of hair, smiling. My hair was one of the features I loved about myself. They reached, roughly, to just under my collarbone. I yawned, not really caring about straightening or curling my hair. It wasn't like I was doing anything special.
Or was I?
Remembering my promise to last night, I practically sprinted to my laptop. Pressing the smooth power button, the screen lit up. "Come on, come on." I mumbled to myself, waiting impatiently.
When it finally logged me in, I screeched for joy. "YES!" I yelled loudly, forgetting my windows were open. I grinned as my IM account came onto the screen.
ThatBoy572 was online.
Just who I wanted to talk to.
IM Chat Box:
LovingJeny21 has logged onto the chat.
LovingJen21: Morning!
ThatBoy572: Morning, love. Sleep well?
LovingJen21: I would have slept better, but I was to busy figuring out who you might be.
ThatBoy572: Still haven't figured it out?
LovingJen21: I don't take pride in hiding myself.
ThatBoy572: Sure you don't.. Anyways, I'll see you later, I've got to go meet a friend.
ThatBoy572 has logged off chat.
LovingJen21 has logged off chat.
I shook my head slighty, ThatBoy572 is probably insane. I mean, seriously, who goes through all that trouble just to keep their identity a secret? He knew my name, so in fairness shouldn't I know his?
If I was being perfrectly honest, I would admit I was slightly falling for him. But, I couldn't.. I barely know him. Just what he sounds like. And, he could end up being one of those creepy old men, you hear about on the news.
And yes, I totally believe he could be.
I hear the quiet, bing, of my computer. Clicking a new browser, to find out what it is. When realizing it was news on the new band One Direction. I immediently clicked out of it, I couldn't stand them.
Sure, they were absolutley gorgeous, and talented singers. And maybe, I loved their music.. But, how could you like someone without knowing who they are? The whole commotion just gives me a headache.
To make matters worse.. I live next to the one- and- only, Louis Tomlinson.
A/N: Sorry for this terrible chapter.. I needed to introduce the story somehow. I have a plot written out in my mind, but it's bound to change at some point.
I enjoyed writing this chapter, I hope you like it :)
I would enjoy feedback, it makes me smile.
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