Christmas Special pt 1
Hey hey hey gues who's back? RWBY! :D
Jk lol but srsly VOLUME 4 :D cookie if you know rwby
Anyways I'm back! Not gonna be updating lately cause I have winter break homework ;_; Sorry to keep you waiting also 400 views OMG THANK YOU 😘
Leona POV ( btw this is time skip after Halloween and Thankgiving I didn't make a chapter 😭 )
*BEEP BEEPz BEEP* Ugh....not another torture day..I have suffered enough these past months..
"What are you supposed to be anyways? You look like little red riding hood :P" He said while eating the candy in the basket that was SUPPOSED TO BE FOR THE DAMN TRICK OR TREATERS! "I AM LITTLE RED RIDING HOLD YOU BUTT SNIFFER" I yelled back while blushing. Let's just say that he uh....never mind o//o
"T-that was o-only one time..."
"Whatever! Anyways could you please give me back the-" I was interrupted with the sound of cracking eggs in the window ( they are at leona's house ). I looked at the window then saw two little brats throwing eggs, they looked like they were in middle school.
I growled then went up to the door and opened it. "HEY YOU LITTLE BRATS STOP THAT OR ELSE-" an egg splattered on my of my eyes glowed red.
"HAHAHAHA!! Look dude the 5 year old is going to cry!" One of the mf brats said while laughing.
"Five years old....?"
I walked towards them with my claws out
"I AM [beep]ING OLDER THAN YOU MIDDLE SCHOOLER BRATS" I yelled while chasing them. I can hear YIP laughing his guts out. ( he was a vampire btw, ironic isn't it? )
And don't get me started on thanksgiving...let's just say my family invited our friends (Aka Aphmau, Aaron, Katelyn, Kawaii Chan...EVERYONE...btw Aphmau lives in a mansion XD ) over to dinner, but when Yip's brothers came, they started a food fight witch caused damage to our house because of Travis -_- but now it's fixed so yay....
Alright then time to check the time- HOLY MOTHER OF BLAZES ITS 12:27!? IM SO LATE OH GOD. I quickly ran to my closet then fetch my uniform on. "MUM WHERE ARE THE POPTARTS?!" I yelled in a hurry. My mom walked downstairs with a confused look.
"Why are do you have your uniform on?"
"Because I have to go to torture day!"
"It's Saturday, and you have winter break .-." My mom said while walking to the TV.
I stood there dumbfounded then walked up stairs to change.
(Leona's Outfit)
Ahh much better :3
I grabbed some poptarts then decided to go play some LOL when suddenly I saw snow (●♡∀♡) I rushed up to my room then changed again.
I wanted to wear a coat but most of them were animal furs....especially wolfs *shiver shiver!* ((;゚Д゚)). "MOM IM HEADING OUT KAAAY!?" I shouted. "SUURE BE HOME SAFELY!!" I decided to go to Kawaii Maid Cafe ( the cafe that Fenrir and Leona went to was the same one as this ). As I entered I only saw a few costumers.
"Good morning Leona! Would you like to try out special?" Aphmau said with a cheerful we even have mouths? O-O
Leona:Where did you come from!?
Me:Well when I was born-
Leona:Ew! Not what I meant, just leave and continue the story >_>
Me:Geez fine, Author out! ✌('ω')
"I really like what you did with the place Aphmau! So christmassy!" I said. "Thank you! LAURENCE COME HERE RIGHT NOOOOWW!!". Suddenly Laurence appeared out of no where. "Yes young master?" "Lead Leona to a table!" "On my way!"
After I sat on a table I wondered why Laurence talked like that o-o. "Hey Laurence, why are you talking like that?" I asked. "Aphmau made us do it because of her anime ಠ_ಠ" "Black Butler??" "Yeah" he said with a hint of annoyance. "Alright then get me a Hot Chocolate with marsh mellows and Nutella on top and some macaroons, Sebastian" I said with an idiotic grin. He glared at me then went back to the kitchen. A few minutes he came back with my order.
"Why thank you so much Se-"
HOPE YOU ENJOYED sorry for the mistakes XD
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