Chapter 12: The Gore Gore Girls
By the time Maise dropped me off for work, we'd planned out what we wanted to do for Betsy's response video. Before she left, Maise went with me to talk to Uncle Morbid about what we wanted to do, partly out of respect for club rules, partly because we were hoping he'd lend us some specific things. He agreed that me being treated as a named angel was blurring the lines too much, but as Debs had done it first he would allow us to respond accordingly before the guidelines would be strengthened against future infractions. Besides, he was enjoying Maise and Debs' theatrical feud as much as everyone else and wanted to let it play out fully. He asked permission to show the video at the Masquerade if he chose and insisted that the footage otherwise remain private between him, Debs and ourselves.
As for our other request, he listened to our plans, suggested some modifications based on his own practical experience and took us to the storeroom, where we borrowed a large bottle of fake blood, a discreet hose, a pump and an old friend we had borrowed once before.
Maise said she would prepare the space while I was at work, all I had to do was bring back an angel uniform to wear in the video.
When I got home, Maise had transformed our lovely bedroom into a killing room, with plastic sheeting hung all around. The bed had been stripped to just the mattress and a white sheet covered in plastic, with a pair of handcuffs fastened to each post. The fake blood pump was tucked down out of sight by the side of the bed, the thin transparent hose attached to the motorised jigsaw sat on a surgical tray on the bedside table.
We had a light evening meal, then went to get changed, I into my angel uniform, Maise into the villainous and captivating Axiala, who was about to get a whole lot more villainous.
Axiala shackled me face up on the bed, legs and arms spread-eagled. Maise's tablet was mounted up on the wall to take the video with the front facing camera, with her phone set up similarly as a backup. We could have sourced a better camera, but for the gore routine we had planned lower quality video was actually our friend.
Axiala spoke to the camera while I looked up from behind, mouthing interjections like "yeah!" and "bring it!"
"Aunt Betsy, at the last Mortal Masquerade our paths crossed," Axiala began. "I consider you a worthy foe and am looking forward to destroying you in the game of your choice. But first, regrettably, you left me with a little business to attend to.
"As you know, the angels of the mortal masquerade are there as nameless tributes so they can freely regenerate in a way we avatars cannot. But you chose to abuse this arrangement when you selected a particular angel as an individual. This will not stand. That angel has been made mortal by your actions, and so now must die."
Axiala moved to the side of the bed and stroked the side of my head.
"Angel Lexie, what was it Aunt Betsy said she was hoping for for her eventual swansong?"
"She wanted to be quartered," I replied.
She kissed me on the forehead, turned to the bedside table and picked up the jigsaw, giving it a quick rev. Then she turned to the camera.
"Here's your quartering, Aunt Betsy," she spat with a malevolent smile.
She set the saw going and moved it down to my waist, I could feel it touching lightly against my shirt. Held in bondage with Maise in full villain mode, this was intense stuff. Even though I knew what we were doing, I had no trouble willingly submitting to the fantasy, letting my body respond to the suggestion of actually being sawn through.
Maise discreetly released the blade and began pushing the saw across my waist, activating the blood flow from the pump as she did. I writhed about in my bonds, screaming madly as the blood flowed and bubbled in the wake of the saw. Maise paused and doubled down the effort as she reached my spine, pushing through and out the other side. When I had been completely sawn across the waist, she pulled the saw back the way she'd come, secretly reattaching the sawblade on the way out. She carried the saw around the bed until she reached the bottom left hand side by my legs. Once there, she carefully placed the saw between my legs, just below my crotch. She glanced up at the camera, gave a little smile, then activated the saw once more.
I felt the saw blade rubbing against the crotch of my trousers. Then the blood flow was switched on once again, hiding the detaching of the blade as Axiala began sawing me in half lengthways, pushing the saw up over my vagina, past my pelvis and up over my waist. I was soaked with blood at this point, writhing and screaming for England as Axiala pushed the saw up through my stomach and into my ribcage. She climbed up on top of me to push the saw further up between my breasts and into my neck, then over my chin, my face, over the top of my head. The sawing complete, she turned off the saw and blood flow and cast the tool aside as I settled back to play dead.
We were both soaked with fake blood now, I from the gory red cross across my body and Axalia from the spray from the saw and her subsequent crawl up over me to complete the sawing. She kissed me on the lips, rolled off sideways and sat up, staring at the camera like a blood soaked madwoman.
"So there you have it, Betsy," she said. "You want a capable opponent, now you know what I'm capable of. Kill you later!"
She got up off the bed and went to stop the camera recordings. When the recording was safely ended, we started laughing uncontrollably. Now completely out of character, Maise unlocked me from the handcuffs and climbed up on the bed with me, where we made passionate love in a visceral pool of fake blood. When we sat up, we looked like a pair of body doubles for Sissy Spacek at the end of Carrie.
"You've completely ruined Axiala's dress," I noted.
Maise laughed.
"It was worth it, and you know I have spares. Wow, that blood pump's really something, isn't it?"
After we'd showered, taken down the plastic sheeting and cleaned up the room, we watched the movie back. It was a proper video nasty, it really looked like I was being sawn up into quarters in an actual snuff movie. We cropped the video, rendered it and sent it off to Debs.
Ten minutes later, a message came back. It was a single hand clap emoji.
I wish we could have seen her actual reaction.
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