Chapter 26
Steve and I run down the aisle hand-in-hand amidst the clapping, out of the church, and to the front steps. The wedding party follows us excitedly. I snag one rose from my bouquet, close my eyes, and toss it into the crowd. After Pepper catches it, Tony immediately starts to run back into the church to hide. Everyone's laughing, including Pepper, and Steve pulls me in for a hug. A few cameras are waiting outside, but instead of freaking out, we just wave and get into the car. Let them know.
Once we're inside, he grins at me. "Hey there, Mrs. Rogers."
"You're all snowy," I giggle, trying to brush his tuxedo off a bit.
"So are you. Nothing we can do about that." I lean close to him, with only inches separating our noses. "You look gorgeous, doll."
"Thank you. You look just as handsome as usual." With all of the extra space in our limo, I lay down on top of him, my head resting on his lap. He leans down, kisses me lightly, then deeply. "We're married, Steve."
He smiles. "I'm the luckiest man in the world."
"Two days here, then Malibu," I say dreamily. I grab his chin and pull him down. "This thing has tinted windows, right?"
"I think so."
"Perfect. No paparazzi. Kiss me again."
"You don't need to tell me twice."
Once we arrive, I stare out the window for a moment. Everything feels so warm and happy and wonderful.
"They're waiting for us," I say, biting my lip. "Is it bad that I kind of don't want to go in?"
"No, I know the feeling." He takes my hand. "Together?"
I smile. "Together."
When we step outside, it's like a blizzard. Snow swirling all around us, blowing my hair all over my face and making it incredibly hard to see.
"Just go straight!" Steve yells, grabbing my hand. We make it into the entrance, snow-covered, shivering, and laughing uncontrollably. We brush each other off as best we can as we step into the elevator.
"Good evening, Captain and Mrs. Rogers," FRIDAY greets us. "Might I offer my congratulations?"
"Thank you," we both say at the same time.
"Is everyone upstairs?" I ask. It was just easy to have a reception in the Avengers Tower, which we were able to get cleaned up after the whole Ultron situation.
"Yes, waiting on you. Should I announce your arrival?"
"Yes, please do," Steve replies. The elevator stops at the top floor. "Make it fun."
"Presenting for the very first time, Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rogers."
The elevators open to reveal a room full of my closest friends. There are two long tables and space cleared away for dancing, and the entire room is lit by twinkle lights. Natasha really outdid herself with the decorating.
"Hi!" I yell over the clapping and wolf-whistling I suspect is Pietro. Everyone rushes to greet us, and I get pulled into hug after hug after hug. The guys slap Steve on the back and give me kisses on the cheek, with Steve warning them to take it easy.
There's dinner first, so I sit at the end of one table in between Steve and Wanda. The caterers bring out dinner as she leans over.
"I'm so happy for you," she whispers. I smile in response.
Sam stands up and everyone quiets down. I'm curious as to what he has to say. Someone hands him a flute of champagne as he clears his throat.
"I've known Steve and America for about eight months now. For those of you who don't know, I met them around six in the morning in Washington after a run. What that struck me right away was how dedicated they both were, and how much trust they shared. We got into a lot of messes in the months that followed, but that trust never changed. If anything, it grew. I saw a lot of things. I saw America learn who she was. I saw Steve put her before himself, and I saw her do the same. I saw America nearly die, and I saw Steve stay by her side night and day, only leaving when someone forced him to.
"After America got better and everything went back to normal, or as normal as we could get, Steve and I went out for a guys night. We were at a bar, not drinking or anything, just hanging out. I could tell he was distracted, so I asked him what was on his mind. And he looked up at me and out of nowhere just said, 'I'm going to marry her.' I wasn't that surprised, but I asked him a little more about it, and he said he bought the ring when she was still under. He was just waiting for the right time.
"Point made, these two deserve tonight more than maybe anyone else I know. While I actually think this is the longest time I've spent with America without her getting shot, I know their adventures are far from over. I'd like to toast to Steve and America Rogers, my best friends." He raises his glass, and everyone else follows. I wipe a few tears off from under my eyes as I drink.
"You really did wait a while to ask, huh?" I whisper to Steve, who nods.
"Don't be. We made it here in the end, didn't we?" I kiss him lightly.
After dinner, Steve smiles and holds out a hand. "You ready to dance?" I take his hand and he leads me out onto the dance floor. Here it is. Our official first dance as husband and wife. I've been so crazy nervous about this that I've been making Pietro practice with me. But as soon as Steve puts his hand on my waist and I put mine on his shoulder, all of my fears dissipate.
Steve and I sway back and forth to Jason Mraz's 'Lucky,' and I laugh as he dips me. Both of us are grinning wildly as the song continues, the one we felt sums us up like no other.
"Lucky I'm in love with my best friend, lucky to have been where I have been, lucky to be coming home again."
He spins me, and I kiss him on the nose as I come back around.
"Lucky to be in love in every way, lucky to have stayed where we have stayed, lucky to be coming home someday."
No matter what happens, we'll always come home to each other. He kisses me again as the song comes to a close and everybody claps, joining us on the floor for the fun.
Multiple dance songs come on before anything really happens again. Over the microphone, I hear someone clear their throat. Wanda. She's standing in front the DJ, holding the mic in one hand and her guitar in the other.
"Um, hi. I'm Wanda, Val's - and I guess now Steve's - sister. I kept trying to decide what to get the two of you, because I really had no idea. But I was talking with Pietro the other day about weddings, and I came up with this idea. So, I'm, um, there's this poem in Sokovia that's read at every wedding as a tradition of good fortune. I've been working on turning it into a song, and I finally came up with something." Her eyes find me, searching for permission. I nod, a smile on my face. "So, if you have someone to dance with, find them. This is called 'An Uncommon Love.' Here goes."
Steve pulls me close. "Did you know about this?" He whispers.
"No," I whisper back. "But I already love it."
Wanda closes her eyes, lightly strums the guitar, and begins to sing. Her voice is soft and sweet, like a lullaby, and I find myself leaning close to Steve and listening to the words.
May you have the love only two can know
May you go where only two as one can go
May the sun rise and set in your bonded hearts
And the moon never find you too long apart
May you cherish each other's dreams as your own
And turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones
May you brave life's mountains and miles together
May there be no storm your love cannot weather
May you be lovers and allies and friends
May your souls' conversations never end
May you capture on earth what's in heaven above
May your hearts know the rapture of an uncommon love.
Wanda smiles a bit as everyone applauds. I make my way through the crowd and throw my arms around her. "Thank you," I whisper. "That was perfect."
"I'm so happy for you," she mumbles before letting me go.
Eventually, the reception dies down, and it's time to go. Almost everyone has left, except the Avengers.
"Thank you all so much," I say, repeating the words I've said all day. "We really couldn't have done this without you." Steve puts an arm around my shoulder.
"It was our pleasure," Natasha says.
"Yeah. Congratulations." Clint offers us both a hand to shake. "And Cap, speaking as a husband, I have one thing to say to you: she's always right." We all share a laugh.
"All right, get going, lovebirds. Your ride's downstairs," Tony says, pointing us to the door. "We'll clean up."
I raise my eyebrows. "You will?"
"No, but that sounded good. Get going."
Steve and I say our goodbyes and head downstairs where Happy is waiting with the limo. To my surprise, we pull up to an unfamiliar building within five minutes.
"Where are we?" I ask Happy, who hands me a small piece of paper. "Top floor," I read aloud.
"Guess we better go find this top floor." Steve and I take the elevator up, where we find a door with a small note taped to it.
Couldn't handle the newlyweds full-time. Welcome to the Rogers Palace.
-the team
I push open the door cautiously to find a completely furnished loft apartment. A lot of my and Steve's things are scattered around, including photos and decorations. The coat rack in the corner even holds some of our jackets.
"Wow," I whisper, just looking around.
"Wow is right, doll," Steve says, equally as surprised as I am. "I don't know what to say."
"Welcome home, Steve." I smile, and he pulls me close.
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