Chapter 16
"America, come on! You're supposed to be the quick one!" Nat complains, dragging me down the busy streets of New York. I grin at Wanda's awed expression as she takes in all of the lights and billboards. It's her first time in the city. We've really bonded in these last few weeks. I've been trying to make up for lost time with my younger sister. This is the first time I've been out since my injury. I'm not completely healed, but I'm almost there.
"We've got to get into a shop before the paparazzi find us," I say from experience. Obviously, the press knows that Steve and I are engaged, but we're keeping all of the details as under-wraps as possible. If they heard about our dress shopping trip, I know we'd make the tabloids. And that's the last thing I want.
"Right up here." Nat points to a bridal shop and ushers the two of us in before closing the door on the howling October wind. A woman at the register perks up as we enter.
"Ah! You must be today's clients!" She says excitedly, clapping her hands together. "Welcome to Dana's Bridal. Which of you lovely ladies is our bride?"
I blush. "Me," I say, holding out a hand to introduce myself. "I'm America Evans."
If she's surprised about any of our identities, she doesn't comment. "Lovely to meet you all. The shop has been rented out privately all day by a T.S., so feel free to browse at your leisure. And if you have any questions, don't hesitate!"
After she leaves, I turn to Nat. "Did Tony rent out the entire store?"
"Yeah. And he paid off extra so the press wouldn't find out." I make a mental note to thank him later.
"Wow," Wanda whispers, running her hands up and down racks of gowns. "They're all so beautiful."
"I don't even know where to start." I don't have any idea what I actually want. "Oh, yeah, I have these for you guys." I fish two invitations out of my bag and hand it to the women, who both open the envelopes eagerly.
"December 24th, huh? You really went Christmas wedding all the way." Natasha smiles as she reads the card. "Where's the church?"
"Saint Augustine's. It's in Brooklyn. Steve's parents got married there." That was his idea, one I loved. We will have no parents at our wedding, and it would be nice to honor them in some way.
Nat nods in approval. "So, what's the game plan? Do you have any ideas?"
"Well, it's a Christmas wedding, like you said. I think you two are going to be in dark red. And for me, I'm up for basically anything. I don't want to show too much skin, though." I'm not ashamed of showing my scars, but no one needs to see them unnecessarily.
Over the next three hours, I try on dress after dress after dress. Dresses with collars and plunging necklines, sleeveless and puffy sleeved, long and short. Nothing makes a lasting impression on me. My patience starts to wear thin as I try on dress number twenty-six (I think), Wanda's pick. I don't even notice anything about it as I pull it on.
"Can't I just wear jeans?" I ask through the dressing room door, exasperated and ready to fall over.
"No. Come show us." I obey Nat and step out. Her eyebrows go up and Wanda gasps. I turn to look at myself in the mirror and have a similar reaction.
The top is plain, long-sleeved and fitted, with a low back dissolving into a row of little buttons. And the bottom flows out in a short train of soft white chiffon, almost feathery. A small, disbelieving smile settles on my face as I stare. I'm a bride.
"This one's it," I tell my friends confidently, swaying around a bit to watch the fabric move.
"You look amazing!" Wanda gushes from her seat. She claps her hands together in excitement. "You're really getting married!"
"It's crazy," I allow. I wave to the lady at the register. "We'll take this one."
"It looks beautiful on you, my dear," she says.
"How much do we owe you?" Natasha asks, grabbing my purse to pay, but the lady waves her off.
"Your bill has been taken care of."
"What? By who?"
"Someone named T.S."
I smile and shake my head, looking at myself in the mirror one more time before changing back. Two months left.
It's late evening when we arrive back from the city. I hang my dress in the back of my closet and go off on a search for dinner. On my way down the stairs, I almost run straight into Pietro.
"Oh my goodness, hi! I'm so sorry, I didn't look where I was going!" He starts to walk down with me.
"How was the city?" He asks.
"Amazing! Wanda loved it. We bought a dress."
"What does it look like?"
"It's white," I say cheekily, not giving him any more information. He punches me playfully in the shoulder. "Did you guys eat yet?"
"Stark ordered Chinese food. There are still leftovers, if you're hungry."
"Yeah, that would be great. I'm starving," I say.
"Have you been cleared yet? I need someone my speed to train with. The rest are boring," he complains, giving me an eye roll. I roll my own right back at him.
"Fury says I'm 'still healing,'" I say, using air quotes. "I feel fine, though. Just every once and a while, it hurts, but if they don't clear me soon, I'm going to do it anyway."
"Good." He pats me on the shoulder as we enter the kitchen. We're alone except for Steve, who is talking with someone on the phone.
"We work together," he argues quietly, glancing at the two of us. "I understand that... sir... you can't be serious..." I stop eavesdropping and head to the fridge, pulling out a can of Sprite. Pietro and I exchange uneasy glances as Steve hangs up.
"Doll, do you have a minute?" Steve asks, rubbing his forehead tiredly. I nod, and Pietro speeds out, leaving the two of us alone.
"Steve, what's wrong?" I ask. I walk up to him and pull him toward me for a soft kiss on the cheek. He doesn't respond to my affection, his thoughts elsewhere.
"That was Fury. They've found another Hydra base in Germany."
"Germany?" I ask. "And he wants us to go?"
Steve shakes his head. "No. Fury says you're still not cleared for missions."
"What?" We're a team. We work best together. "But I'm fine, I really am!"
"I know." He sighs, running a hand through his hair. "But he doesn't want to send anyone who isn't in top shape. It's too risky."
"Who is he sending, exactly?"
"Me, Pietro, the Vision, and Natasha. He's contacting the rest of them now." All of my favorite people are leaving. That only leaves a few of us left in the compound. It sounds lonely.
"How long will you be gone?" I look up into his clear, conflicted eyes.
"I don't know. A month at most." He gives me a sad smile. "Are you gonna be okay?"
"I want to go," I mumble into his chest as he pulls me close.
"I know. But you'll be safe, at least."
"But will you?" I whisper. "You're going to be in so much trouble if you get shot, let me tell you."
"I wouldn't dream of it. That's your thing," he whispers back, giving me a soft kiss. I close my eyes and wish for time to stop. "I'll come home and it'll be almost time for our wedding." I nod the slightest bit.
We go over to the couch with the intention to keep talking, but I just lay my head on his chest and close my eyes. He strokes my hair gently, like I'm something fragile and delicate, and I feel truly adored. In the dark, my lips find his, and I eventually fall asleep in the protection of his arms one last time for what could be a long time.
New chapter! I hope you enjoyed this one! Here's the dress
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