SusanxSans(Drunk) Bdaygift
Birthday Gift for mah Best friend /sisy :3 hope ya like it
What a lovely day ,walking , feeling the Air breeze
Until ,(Susan) Supp Gal (Stacey) Supp
Susan saw her bestfriend until Stacey plans to Date with our BFs ,(Susan) I would love to ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Susan and sans are ready
While Stacey just holding a empty food container (Susan) where's your BF? ,(Stacey) diz iz ma BF. T v T Ima loner *sobs* (Susan) *sign*
Susan Ask sans to summon Gaster Sans ,sans agrees den Stacey disappears like a wind passing through , since Gaster Sans Arive he asks: Where's Gaster Stacey ~, den da other sans said : Wait!! Stacey!? Shes totally not here ! Gaster Sans replied:I-I mean Gaster! Stacey, *awkward* everything went silent for a while ,Susan cuts the silence of she said :let's go,Gaster ! Stacey arrived then there ready to go with there cigarette heh never gets old (lol) (Susan and the others teleports at grillbys ) ,Susan ask sans: wat ya want sans ,fries or Burger? (Sans) You~👈😉👈 (Susan) o///-///o ,Gaster Stacey and Sans are Awkward in diz place ,Gaster Sans wanna Kiss G! Stacey , she definitely don't Wana do dat in public then it ended up they kissing , then sans and Susan also kiss then all those stuff happens in grillbys ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) if ya know wat I mean ~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Den we met this mystery gal name Lucida we are like °-° den she teleports like dust , then theres these spiders who wants Grillbys like damn , then Susan met another Goat MoMA while are reading a book called "how to kill goats" Susan : Goat moma °v° Mariel: 😎 yah den Susan asking who her bae she said sans? Or Asgor ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) she make strange Goat noises den Asgor arrived den Asgor died killed by Mariel of Times Skipp
Sans ,Susan / Stacey ,Sans are dating , Secretly ~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Susan with Sans in Garden doing a Pic Nic Stacey and Sans doin ay romantic Dinner,then Blushy moments happen liek yeh~~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Then when that time Stacey and the others are doing a Party in le housee , Sans and Susan watching at the stars and Kissed Deeply , and when they arive at home at Staceyz house everything went Silent until someone said ,Pillow fight!! Everything went messy and crazy ,pf but they still have funn , then Susan and sans are drinking allot of ketchup some doing pillow fight and food fight , until Susan is knock down,and Sans carry her Bridal style sans said: We gotta go sleep now , where tired , and the others did the same too , they go home and some went to bed , then suddenly awhile ago
On sans and susans room, Susan :hey sans ~ want some this * Susan shows her sexy boney legs *000౦ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Sans: hmm~? Why could I say no to that heh~ then they go to the Bed ,then Susan's legs let them spread instead , stayy~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ,Sans is blushing and attempt to lick Susan's Legs until he reaches to Susan's underwear ,since sans already reach it ,he slowly~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), softly~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) removes Susan s Panty ,Susan blushes and being patient , thinking what he gonna do next, since sans already done removing the Panty, he Slowly crawls~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) up to Susan with a flirty grin , he removes Susan's Jacket leaving her sweater on ,he went down and slowly ~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) gently~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) lick Susan's Pussy, he went deep down until ,he heard a small moan ,then he recently continue it more deeply until Susan moans and pushes sans in her pussy and let sans do it more deeply and a bit fast , moree! ,Susan shouted , Sans do what Susan Asks ,Susan is moaning almost it can be heard outside there room ,Stacey just passed by there room ready to sleep ,until she heard a small moan coming out of the door , then she wondered what was that ,then awhile ago went silent ,she began to continue walk until she heard it again , she blushed and wondering stuff going on there ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), ((at there room))Sans lift Susan's her sweater up ,and touch her ribs ,like no one ever done it before Susan: ahhhh~ ughh~ ,it kinda tickless~ ,Sans: heh~ hungry? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Susan knods ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), then Sans blushes , he's shorts Inside are starting to glows a blue light until , Susan ,Pushed him to the Bed letting him sit down , Susan grins naughtyly ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ,then grabs sans shorts down and saw a glowing big dick , Sans and Susan blushes , Susan leaves a.grin a licks Sans tips of his Dick , and Slowly~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) puts on her mouth , Sans moans , then Susan pulls he's dick back and forth ,again and again , until sans moans can be heard Outside there room, Stacey:o//_//o , everyone is curious what there doing the adults goes to Stacey and shocked why Stacey is blushing, Until they realize the moans dey all like o//_//o , (muffin cake)dat noise is Killin me o//o//o , papyrus said to Pya ,"wanna do dat?" Pya:o////o (Stacey) wear ear phones everyone! ,(Kyla) wat is dat noise about? O,O frisk and far are wondering what they are up to ,Kyle asked Stacey "what are those noises about?,Can I watch? ,(Stacey) * caries Kyle) I think you should not ,far and drink died by attempting to watch of,the spider s carries Demn , den kyla and kyla are he next one who died off same reason ,Marketing arrived just now ,(Marieton) wats up brahs wat do I.. ohh O//-//O ,(Stacey) Sans and Susan in le room doing 0////0 ,*Noises stop* ((at there room) Susan: let's do another dangerous possition my love~ ,Sans :hehe as you wish ~ , *gets magic dick out of Susan's mouth" heh~ ,Susan falls at the bed , sans get his Dick in Susan's Private , Sans Carries Susan and Banged to the wall ,forcefully ,with pleasure,Susan Moans Loudly ((outside le room)) (Stacey) Itsss getting louder! 8///∆///8 ,(Kids wake up) huh? (Died again when they hear the noise)
(Le adults) 0//∆//0 ,((in there room)) Susan:AHHHH~ AUUGHHHH~ AHHHASANNAHHS~ FASTT!~ (Sans does it fast as he could , many blue liquid coming out , Susan feel pain ,her tears fall down ,Sans licks her tears and kiss her cheeks and her mouth deeply , he licks her neck ,Susan: awhh~ ahh uhh~ Sansy~ sans:heh~ huff puff~ Susan:your sweating too much ..,I kinda feel a bit pain.. but~ *pulls sans * *whispers* It's not over yet~ ehehe~ want more of me~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°),Sans:Blushes * uhh uh, Susan:cmon Sans , I know you love moree~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), Sans:hehe pleasure 😋,*grabs a Table* Puts Susan * Susan :Ties her self* Do it~ ,Sans:how many fingers should I Put~? Susan : 5~ for ,S U S A N heh~ Sans:hehe ya sure wanna Survive this?*Susan knods* heh ok then *Sans puts his hole hand on Susan'sPrivate ,Susan Moans in Pain and Pleasure , Sans put his dick again to Susan , and push it back and forth forcely and fast ,Susan Moans getting louder,((outside)) Stacey: when can this Be Overr @///_///@ ,((at room) ,Huff ,puff ,Susan:Sans.. I feel ,more Pain now.. and I feel something in my stomach..,Sans:Huff ...Puff ,*Sign* we better rest *removes he's dick *Susan Gasp* ..*closes eyes* ,Sans:*Carries Susan Bridal Style and let her lay at The bed* Sleep well ,Susan ,heh we had a great time today~ hehe ,it's even better than good if we try it again sometime heh.. *Susan didn't listen ,sleeps in peace* (Sans): heh ok then night. *sleeps with Susan at her side* Susan cuddles sans* night *kisses sans cheek*
(Outside) Stacey:? (Kids) 😃😑😃😑 , M.Cake: are they done? ,Stacey:*knods* I Guess
[Next Day]
Susan :uhh.sup guys
Hehe ,I know I'm not really good at story's ,it maybe suck but I'll do it for you my bootifuk best friend/sisu LarieNicoletteFaeRic hope ya like it 0w0
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