Enrolling A New School
Susan was spending all day with her mom since grade 1 and until now ,her mother teaches her ,because her mother was a teacher ,welp.. a mysterious teacher ,her only student was only Susan her own daughter ...Until Susan was now 1st year college, her mother decided to transfer a new school near by Snowdin there's a college school over there ,Susan was so exited to meet her new school ,she quickly wore a big shirt and its written MTT , black leggings and sandals ,she's soo ready to enroll a new school,and she does a quick study for the entrace exam
Since she's all done, she quickly went to her mother and teleports together to a new school, Minutes later......they're already there at the enroll room to enroll Susan ,her mother shows the good behavior note and the card to the manager Flowey ,Flowey reviewed everything and he said that Susan had good score on her card and her best behavior was good, Susan *smiles brightly*,Flowey *gives Susan a random subject test paper*,Susan asked "what is this? Should l answer it?"then Flowey said "Of course Idiot! What else is a used of a test paper!? How dum you really are!"Susan said "uhmm sorry sir ,i'll go answer this" *silently goes to a silent classroom*and starts to look at the test paper,hmm... waw MAPEH this is my favorite subject! All about arts and music hehe tottaly my thing
Susan started to write her name until someone came inside ,Susan thought that it was flowey,She looks slowly at the monster who goes inside, until her entire body is facing at the monster ,then she saw a white shirt and a skeleton face "hmmm" *on Susans mind* "(( he looks so familliar I think I have seen him before or something .. i dont know... since my mom taught me since grade 1, she never let me go out of the house or stuff she just let me stay at home...))" Since the skeleton sat down beside Susan ,Susan continues writing her complete name at the test paper 'Susan Forte' and started answering
since susan already answer Test A number 1,The skeleton ask "heh what is your test subject?",Susan shyly answered "uh-uhmm MA-MAPEH that is my fa-favorite subject he-heh *brightly smiles*" Susan shyly ask "uhmm heh how about you?",The skeleton answered ,"Welp also my favorite subject since my dad teaches me every time heh" ,Susan ask "Hmm? What subject?",The skeleton answered "welp its Science ,My dad is a scientist and he always teach me science stuff heh" ,Susan smiled "heh waw thats nice heh my mom is a teacher ,Welp kinda mysterious teacher..." *we both laugh a little* The skeleton ask "haha your new right?" ,Susan answered "hehe yep",The skeleton asks another question "where did you go to school since elementary?",Susan answered "..welp im just at my moms..house.. she just teach me at home.. since she stills know the lessons on grade school until high school ..and also our home was far away from here since that day..now my house is there at snowdin im near at this school hehe" ,Susan asked "welp how about you? Your new too right? ", The Skeleton answered "Oh.. hehe No im not" ,Susan shockingly answered "whaa what!? Bu-but how did you get here? Your an old student right?you dont need to enroll cause your already an old student" ,the skeleton replied "woah chill hehe.. l was suppose to be 2nd year collage right now heh.."
*Someone opens the door * and its Flowey shouting us "Hey are you Guys done!?" ,Susan asks the skeleton "uhmm hey are you done? He answered uhmmmm no.... how bout you?" Susan answered "uhmm .. nope" *Flowey shouts* "Uhm Hello!? Are you idiots done yet!?" Susan answered scaredly "uh-uhmm not yet sir.." *Flowey shouts* "how Stupid you both are! This test is not even hard enough! Are you guys even studying!?" Susan replied scaredly "uhmm.. yes sir.. we're studying.." *Flowey shouts* "Oh Really!? Then why does it take you soo long to answer!?" Susan *creeps out* and answered "Uhmm.. uhm where just .. t-talking sir.."
*Flowey begins to shout even loader*The skeleton used magic on Flowey and throws him out to the classroom, Susan ask uhmm.. why did you.. do that?..The skeleton answered welp l just dont want my friend to get hurt, Susan answered What No!? Im not hu... fine im hurt just my feelings... nobody ever shouts me like that rudely..The skeleton *chuckles* hmm.. i guess we have to answer our test right now *smiles brightly* the skeleton *smiles back and continues answering* Susan also *continues answering *
Susan calmly answers the test *in Susan mind* hmm this test is isn't hard or easy afterall, its tottaly normal to me, glad thing it wasnt the hard subject im answering ^-^ myehehe its just all about music notes and line notes ,ohhh i realy hope theres art thingy of this .... i realy wanna draw right now hehe... welp im now on Test B number 8 yay im almost on Test C >w<
The skeleton continues answering *in the skeletons mind*welp i made a pretty new skelly-friend again welp my first skelly friend was Samantha Stacey she is now as a nerd ? Maybe?welp shes like my new skelly-friend now shes now 1st year collage heh.. welp this test is so easy peasy lemon breezy this is just about animals,plants,parts of the body.. welp i dont have a body im just a "bag of bones" *laughs of hes own pun*
Susan wanna joins the laugh so she *smiles and laugh a little*yay im almost at the last part yay!! Im soo exited to finish! >•< ,The Skeleton says waw really? Me too heh yay! Susan says Yay! High five *they both doing a highfive* welp heh....
1 second ago.. Oh i have an idea! Susan says ,*the skeleton ask* heh this is gonna be great heh what is it cutie? Susan reply heh since where the same, where almost done heh lets race! >w< im soo exited ! Welp the one who loose will buy some treats for us myehehe! The skeleton says welp *chuckles* its on! Susan says hehehe bring it on! The skeleton *chuckles again* Susan was thinking again the last words the skeleton say then she just remember he called her "cutie" uhmm.. why did you call me cutie? Susan looks confuse.. The skeleton answered welp l guess your to cute being a skeleton *he blushed a little* Susan *blushed*uhmm hehe t-thanks ,The skeleton says no problem ^^ Susan says welp lets start the race then *smiles*The skeleton *smiles back* then they both starting answering the test fastly and correctly*
Authors note:welp guess what who won the race? Heh youll see in the next page heh, welp follow me if yall guys getting intrested of my story doe ^-^,welp see ya on de next chapter❤
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