47 - Sunset
[Time Remaining – 00:00:00]
---- ----
Moon, stars, sky.
The street was quiet, save for the occasional hum of a passing car. Mike sat on the green grass by the riverbank, running a hand over his shaved head while taking a few sips of the caffeinated drink keeping him alive.
Florescent store lights casted his back in an ethereal glow, leaking into the river. The dim neon 'Open 24 Hours' sign buzzed faintly.
The coolness of the river hit his features. Once more, he raised the can to his lips, but paused as he looked up at the sky. Mike leaned back, propping himself on one arm,
He sighed, lowering the can with a deep, weary expression holding exhaustion, "Three jobs," he muttered, words lost to the moon, "Three jobs and I'm still broke,"
Lazily blinking at the stars, Mike tilted his head, thinking back to the shooting stars from earlier... when people surrounded with family and friends just to make a stupid wish.
"I wish I had someone," he quietly admitted, confessing to the stars themselves. "Someone by my side that cares. Someone who gives me chances when I fail and feel hopeless," his gaze fixed on the heavens as if waiting for something, though he didn't know what, "It would be nice to have someone who always gives me love, not because it's convenient... but because they want to,"
Words lingered in the air as he chuckled bitterly to himself, almost cynical, "Stupid," he muttered,
But, the meteor shower had long gone, leaving the sky desolate, a faint reminder of what it once was. He took another sip of his energy drink, eyes back onto the river,
Wishing on a star is stupid anyways – he always thought so.
In that moment, a stray shooting star streaked across the sky, cutting through the clouds like a final promise – waiting just for him. Mike didn't manage to catch it, but it passed as quick as it came,
That was his true wish.
---- ----
[Time Remaining – 00:00:00]
Everything flipped, pulsating at its very core, craving a change. Colours grew brighter – bleeding into one,
His fingertips were kept outstretched, yearning to be held.
The world held its breath, the digital timer stuck just at its penultimate point, and for a split second everything froze – both time and space.
Colour returned... Will's eyes burned hazel, meeting... so did their hands.
Will grabbed him.
He held tight.
A promise to never let go.
Something shifted in that moment, the sounds of the beach growing louder, less muffled, the air feeling crisper, the sand truly filling his every pore... it was as if their worlds, the ones they both lived in collided, merging into one – the universe changing its rules so they could be together,
Will pulled tight into an embrace, essentially trying to absorb the boy before him, clutching tight as though he might vanish at any moment. He buried his face against Mike's shoulder, poking him with his chin, mumbling with a shaky voice, "I've got you,"
Still breathless from the sprint and the close call, Mike could only hold on. He clung to the fabric of Will's shirt, arms wrapped around in a heavy grasp, dangerous yet calm. The grip was tight enough to cut off circulation – Mike couldn't breathe, a deep calling resonating from within.
But he didn't care.
He was safe.
Will pulled back, still holding on, but just enough to gaze upon his face, ensuring this moment to be reality and not some sort of sadistic dream sent to forsaken him. His smile was shaky, holding back weeks, months of emotions, voice trembling but steady, "I got you this time," he repeated,
Mike merely nodded, clutching tight to Will's waist, nails digging in, feeling like he might die if he couldn't.
"It's okay, it's okay, I got you," for the third time Will repeated, soothing him... although it was unclear for whose benefit, "I'm not gonna let you leave this time,"
But the words seemed to be what Mike needed, allowing a shallow breath to be release, whispering back, "I'm not. Not ever,"
Without thinking, the brunette leaned over, tiptoeing to press a simple peck on Mike's lips, a simple but powerful gesture to explain everything he couldn't find the words to say.
Like a kettle on the stove, Mike heated up, hissing softly inside. Yet, before Will could pull back, Mike pushed, kissing him again – more assured, more intentional, more certain.
The world slowed, tips of their teeth fitting perfectly inside.
Waves lapped the shore in a gentle rhythm, providing a melody for this reunion, the sun painting the sky pink and gold. Each kiss between them carried years of escaping, pretending and those unspoken emotions that had been lost-
Kisses deepened, swapping saliva and salt-water. Mike could taste the ocean on Will's lips, yet it was sweet. His lips were chapped, movements breathless and hurried, yearning for this moment.
As they kissed clumsily, Will's hands shifted, wrapping around Mike's nape, growing hungry. Sea water touched the tips of their soles, receding to reveal soft sand – he was grounded – he would never waver.
Slowly, the kisses faded, withering to a crawl – the intensity murmuring to something gentle and soft, bringing them back to the present. Their lips parted, and Will leaned back for one quick last peck, a soft giggle vibrating against Mike's with a light heartiness that was playful and reassuring all at once.
Mike stared at him, taking note of his hazel eyes, moles, flushed cheeks and radiating smile – a smile Mike hadn't known he needed until now.
It was a promise to love him.
His heart was so full, threatening to burst. Tears in his eyes spilt. His chest heaved, salty tears mixing with the ocean front, running to his lips, tasting salt on his tongue. He was caught off guard. He never cried... but right now, it felt appropriate.
Giggles turned to concern as Will took notice, hands rushing to the ravenette's face, using his thumbs to gently wipe away the overflowing tears,
Cupping Mike's cheeks, cradling him like a porcelain doll, Will analysed his features, pushing a stray hair out of his face, his freckles accented by the redness of his cheeks, "Mike, hey, what's wrong?" his voice was tender, laced with worry, "Are you okay? Are you hurt? Did I do something wrong?"
Mike shook his head with a soft smile, hiccupping, lips parting to squeak. He pressed his eyes shut, letting a shaky breath resonate his core. He tried again, voice cracking from the depth of his emotions, "N-no... You didn't do anything, Will," he sniffled, trying – and failing – to steady himself, "It's just everything,"
"Everything?" Will wiped away more tears with infinite care. His own heart squeezed at the sight before him – the boy usually so kept, so restrained, so apathetic was here, breaking down – bumbling into a mess of words and emotions.
There was something so tender and beautiful about seeing him so vulnerable,
"I don't understand why you're so nice to me. You waited for me for weeks e-even after I broke up with you... and- and-" Mike rambled, tripping over his own tongue, rubbing his eyes with the sleeve of his blazer – he thought he'd be more embarrassed admitting something like that,
Who knew he was such a cry-baby?
"Hey, stop that... you're gonna scratch your eyes," Will swat the sleeves away, using his own to gently wipe away the tears,
Time, which had been his enemy since the first day, felt meaningless.
"Will... I..."
"Mike, it's okay," Will gently cut him off, sensing there was something left unsaid – he didn't want to force Mike to say something he didn't want to.
With a trembling voice, choking with emotions, he finally said it, those repressed words.
"I love you Will,"
The confession hung in the air, raw and pure. It was as though saying those words out loud unlocked something in Mike – a floodgate he'd kept tightly closed for years. They were tears of joy, of relief. He wasn't just crying for the love he felt in that moment, but the times he convinced himself he wasn't worthy.
Will's own eyes laced tears, but this time didn't fall – not like usual. Instead, he smiled, a warm grin spreading ear to ear,
"I love you too," Will murmured, voice calm and steady, "I promise to keep you safe this time,"
Mike's tears were unending, adding to the salty water in the ocean. He buried his head in the crook of Will's neck, smelling the soft scent of perfume. His body trembled and heaved, sobbing for all the years of pain, loneliness and fear – his dam had broken.
Vulnerable. That was something Mike had promised himself never to become. In his reality, he berated himself for every time he cried – 'to cry was to lose in life', that was what he always told himself.
But here he was, vulnerable, crying in public in the arms of his boyfriend.
Not disgusted, nor repulsed, Will held him through it all, gently rubbing his back in a circular motion, "Let it all out. I've got you. You're not alone anymore,"
The sobs gradually slowed, Mike's breathing evening out as Will's embrace grounded him. But he didn't let go. Even as tears dried and his trembling subsided, he stayed in the embrace as if they were moulded into one.
Now, the sun had fully disappeared below the horizon, only a few strands of yellow shooting at the sky. The moon hung high, stars taking their place, twinkling against the backdrop. Waves gently pooled their feet, wetting the soles of their dress shoes.
He finally leaned back with puffy eyes and a rosy complexion, but there was something new – hope. "Thank you," Mike whispered, letting out a shaky laugh – offsetting his nervousness.
Will smiled back, tiptoeing, pulling close, kissing the top of the ravenette's forehead. He pressed his lips against Mike's damp hair, sweat mixing with salt and remnants of shampoo.
Holding hands, they were scared to let go. They laughed as stars grew brighter in the sky. In that moment, the world was quiet, still and infinite.
[Mission: Make Will Byers Happy - COMPLETE]
His goal – his sole reason for being here was fulfilled.
And then, a second message, his new goal appeared before his eyes,
[Mission: Make Mike Wheeler Happy - COMPLETE]
For the first time in a very long time, Mike didn't feel like he needed to fight to survive. He was living.
[----GOOD END----]
[Thank You For Playing 'Love Supremacy Zone']
Mike smiled – he won.
He saved Will... and himself.
This game was finally over.
But then, to perforate this perfect picturesque moment, Mike was suddenly hit by reality, "Oh my gosh..." he snapped back, "Graduation!"
Will blinked, shaking his head with a smile, almost dismissively, "It's okay, we don't have to go... besides, what's graduation without you? I'd rather be here,"
Guilt flooded him, "But you worked hard for this! You revised and studied hard! You deserve to be there!"
"So do you!" Will smiled soft, "You did so much this year,"
"Well, I did go missing for weeks," Mike chuckled, "It's understandable if I don't graduate this time,"
"But still..." Will pouted, "I want to graduate with you,"
Mike was about to argue, but then something strange happened, a soft breeze passed like a sharp knife poking his side. He felt something in his pocket... an envelope?
Mind buzzing with unease, he slipped the envelope out his suit jacket.
Inside was a small, crisp piece of paper. He unfolded it and froze – it was a ticket. On the back marked with the school emblem, was a receipt for a cap and gown rental. His name 'Micheal Wheeler', written in bold, official print.
He blinked, staring at it in disbelief, "What the-?" turning it over in his hands, "This doesn't make sense,"
Instead of sharing the confusion, Will chuckled, not planning on questioning anything after everything they'd been through, "Does anything make sense anymore? Maybe... the universe is just fixing things after you disappeared,"
Still unsure, he replied, "I mean I'm thankful but-"
Will cut him off, "Stop questioning it," his tone playful yet firm,
The world had given him yet another second chance; this was just another one. Maybe, just maybe, he was finally allowed to take it.
"Come on – quickly. Let's get your cap and gown. We're graduating today," Will tugged him forward, leading him away with infectious energy, planning the route in his head as they ran.
Mike stumbled for a bit, his thoughts racing to catch up with what was happening, they made it off the beach and onto the streets.
The nature of it all made it seem so surreal – the sky, the moon, the reunion... and now this – it left him in awe and disbelief.
But with Will's hand in his, those doubts melted away,
As they neared the auditorium to the ceremony, they picked up the pace, pushing out their limbs into the backstage, skidding to a halt. Adrenaline coursed through their veins as they spotted Will's cap and gown neatly laid out to once side. Will smiled soft, grateful for his friends.
Still with the mysterious receipt in hand, Mike found a second set placed conveniently on a nearby hanger with his name tucked inside the breast pocket – it was for him.
Guess the world really did want him here.
Clumsily, they threw on their caps and gowns over their suits, fumbling with the zippers and adjusting their tassels – luckily, Mike was dressed for the occasion. They passed a very confused looking staff member, sceptical at their late arrival,
Very chaotic.
Together, they peeked around the curtain to see the rows of seniors seated neatly in the stage seats, tall and proud. Will gestured to their spots – two empty seats in the middle row.
They scooted, weaving through clusters of students who eyed them with annoyance yet allowed them to pass. Split between two rows, their friends secretly waved them over. El and Dustin in front with Max and Troy right behind. They seemed relieved but not surprised. Meanwhile, Lucas's soft voice echoed through the auditorium, he was giving his speech.
Finally, the boys plopped down as Max smacked the back of both their heads like a disgruntled parent, "Took you long enough!" she whispered loudly, "It's nice of you to finally join us, I thought you'd skip the ceremony. Nancy and Barb got to their seats ages ago,"
Nancy was here, Well, somwhere in the crowd? And Barb, who had come to silently support Will despite the lack of familiar ties between them?
Mike rubbed the back of his head, groaning dramatically, "Why must you attack us the moment we enter?"
Troy leaned over the seats, resting his arms on the back of Will's chair, "I say she should smack you both again... coming at the wrong time." He grumbled,
"I wish we were sorry -" Will sarcastically deadpanned,
"You should be," Troy pouted like a child, "We had a bet when you'd come! Why couldn't you be fifteen minutes earlier? I could have won!"
Cutting the conversation short, El rolled her eyes at Troy, passing a small smile, "You both look great... is that why it took so long?"
Mike blinked; this was way too casual especially for all the time he had missed with no warning- Will said it had been over a month but here were his friends acting as if he were merely late. Confused, he asked, "Wait, so you're not mad that I... um... left?" Trying to find the best words to explain the situation,
He tread lightly.
"Left? What are you talking about?" she furrowed her brow, "We knew you'd be late; you always are – even last week when we went clothes shopping,"
"Last week?" Mike muttered, shooting Will a knowing glance. It was as if the gaps in everyone's memories had been quietly filled, smoothing over the chaos... and his absence – everyone but Mike and Will. History was rewritten. His chest tightened with gratitude and disbelief. The world hadn't just reset – it bent over backwards to make him belong again.
It was like he never left.
Dustin perked up for the first time in the conversation, dramatically waving his hand in front of their faces, phone held high, "Shush! I'm livestreaming this,"
"You stream now?" Mike questioned; what did he miss in the time he left?
"I'm livestreaming for Lucas who is supposed to be streaming for Max," he side eyed her before returning forward, "And I'm not missing this,"
Back on stage was Lucas standing with the microphone, mid-sentence. His voice carried through the auditorium, earnest but rambly, "Before every match I think to myself, 'what is basketball?'. Maybe we are the ball, and the basket is our goals, and the court is life,"
"What is he talking about?" Mike furrowed his brows,
"I don't know but it's hilarious," Dustin stifled a laugh, "He's been at this for thirty minutes. Ten minutes ago he was talking about how to make a 'Word Of The Day Calender',"
Will leaned close, whispering into Mike's ear, "He's stalling for us," admitting half-grateful, half-embarrassed.
"He's surprisingly good at it," Mike shrugged polite,
Eyes scanning the crowd, Lucas only now seemed to notice them in the seats. His face lit up in relief but quickly masked it, clearing his throat. "So, I'll leave you with that thought – I wish the Class Of Senior Year a happy graduation and a blessed future," quickly ending with a relieved exhale,
The crowd clapped and Lucas stepped away from the microphone with a sheepish smile. The announcer took the stage again, her tone lightly teasing, "Thank you Lucas Sinclair for that very passionate – and long – speech," continuing with the announcements.
Lucas walked over, throwing his head back in his seat, leaning over to Will, "You owe me big time, man,"
"I appreciate it Lucas," Will giggled.
Continuing with the performance, the announcer cleared her throat, echoing through the auditorium as she held up her tablet, "And now, the moment we've all been waiting for – the distribution of diplomas. Esteemed graduates, when you hear your name, please come forward to accept your diploma,"
Will reached over, his hand over Mike's, interlacing fingers. It grounded him in that moment. He glanced at Will who gave a reassuring smile before looking back at the stage. Mike also turned forward, his thoughts racing.
He was really here. Really graduating.
In the other world, he fought so hard to escape. He hadn't graduated there – his grades were abysmal, his behaviour left alot to be desired, and his attendance somehow worse. He didn't think this moment would come – he was always deemed a 'lost cause'.
Was this a dream? It wouldn't surprise him if it was.
But the hand on his showed him he was alive. For the first time in what felt like forever he was proud of himself – and it was more meaningful because now he was here surrounded by friends, by Will, by people who cared.
As they sat in the auditorium, something changed, Mike felt a soft breeze running over his back, tingling the back of his neck. His lips were no longer salty, and sound dulled to a murmur – for a moment, he considered he'd gone deaf from the ordeal.
When he looked up, he saw something appearing from behind the seats of the guests – a subtle shift in atmosphere. Across the screen, words began to form, reaching up into the cosmos, higher than he knew possible.
He was the only one who could see it.
[End Credits]
[Mike Wheeler, Will Byers, El Hopper, Max Mayfield, Lucas Sinclair, Dustin Henderson, Troy Walsh, Nancy Wheeler, Barbara Holland]
Countless names filled the front,
What was this?
His name, Will, friends, his sister, and those he encountered in the world spread below – including minor characters and names of those he had seen once. Some weren't even names, merely titles of people he passed by, spoken to once before forgotten forever.
[Joyce Byers, Jonathan Byers, Lonnie Byers, Karen Wheeler, Mrs O'Donnell, Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, James Dante, Angela, Jake]
Anyone who had contributed to the world appeared – the barista who served them in Chicago, train security who detained him on his first day here, even faceless extras from the streets of Hawkins managed to have thier presence weaved into this world.
It was like credits at the end of the movie, stretching out infinite and expansive.
Below, was the very last name on the endless list – in a category of its own,
Ominous, but familiar.
It was a simple title, yet it was clear who it was referring to – his friend. The one who sent him into this game to begin with, the one who put him through all these trials, to one who made him meet Will Byers... who revived him.
The black screen faded away, transforming,
[There's a Reward You Haven't Claimed]
[Reward Will Be Triggered After Current Operations]
Then, one final message popped up in his eyeline – his breath caught in his throat. The question felt like the penultimate ending to his long, winding journey... but was he ready to let it end?
[Would You Like To See The Bonus Ending Screen?]
3486 Words
I don't want this story to end :(
Stay Safe <3
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