46 - Eye Of The Storm
---- 7:22 PM ----
[Time Remaining – 00:48:57]
Graduation was at 8, what was taking so long?
The sun was already setting, an orange hue filtering into the confines of the coach. His knee bumping up and down uncomfortably as they meandered through yet another stop, slowly crawling. He looked down at his wristwatch, reading the time, he didn't have much time left...
Three-quarters of an hour.
Mike fidgeted with his collar, the tie feeling as though cutting off circulation, suddenly unbearable. He realised now just how out of place he was, looking stiff in a formal outfit. The suit creased; the once crisp shirt wrinkled from wear.
With a clenched jaw, he landed his cheek against the cool glass window and groaned; he didn't have time for this – his phone was out of juice and this coach wouldn't move. He was anxious. When he looked down, his dress shoes caked with mud, only natural after running around like a madman.
[Time Remaining – 00:41:12]
Time ticked down, forcing him to close his eyes, squeezing them tight – what was going to happen? He could hear the sounds of the of the bus crawling through the slow-moving traffic, cars and bikes surrounding.
The bus jolted onwards, causing Mike's seat to bounce back with a thud... "Ugh, what now?" he rubbed the top of his head, looking out the side,
Suddenly, they shuddered to a halt, Mike jerking around like a ping-pong ball. He instinctively braced himself, clutching tight to his dead phone, his heart sinking at the unmistakeable sputter of the engine familiar,
The driver barely had enough time to safely park on one side of the bridge before sighing annoyed, "Sorry folks," he announced, "Engine's acting up again – don't worry, it should be up-and-running in ten minutes,"
Ten minutes? He didn't have that kind of time!
Mike looked all around, seeing the beach in the far distance, tapping his feet up and down with panic flooding his every pore. There was no way he could wait for the bus to spontaneously sputter back to life.
He didn't think twice, jumping from his seat, weaving his way around to the front of the bus,
"Sir, I'd like to get out please," he asked polite yet urgent as the doors opened, hissing in acceptance, not even waiting for a reply as he jumped onto the hot pavement,
The wind hit him immediately, faintly smelling salts. He looked both ways, rushing to the edge, seeing the beach far ahead, following the route would take him there, and to the venue... but he had to go all the way around.
Long and daunting, the bridge stretched ahead but Mike didn't hesitate.
With a final breath, he broke into a sprint, the soles of his dress shoes slapping against the harsh pavement with each stride.
Will was waiting.
Through the curtains, at his phone, out the window.
Will repeated the cycle,
The backstage area buzzed with the usual pre-graduation chaos; kids fixing their gowns, adjusting the tassels of the cap and parents on the other side of the curtain, trying their best not to expel tears of joy – proud of their babies.
Of course no one had come for Will.
Yet, he couldn't care less. In the midst of it all, he paced back and forth, continuously making rounds to every possible exit, searching, his gown bouncing with every step.
His friends' stood nearby, each entailed in their own happenings, exchanging puzzled glances. Dustin, who was snacking on a bag of popcorn, clearly enjoyed the show before him, "What is he doing?" he raised a brow,
Being passed the snack bag, El took a handful, "I don't know, he's acting stranger than usual,"
"Do you think he's lost his mind again?"
El rolled her eyes, elbowing his side, "Don't say that, he's stressed,"
"Over what? We're literally graduating!" Dustin took a second handful,
"Y'all gonna say anything to him?" Lucas but into the conversation,
"I tried, but I don't think he even heard what I said," Dustin replied, holding out the snack bag to him, "Popcorn?"
Lucas shrugged, accepting a few kernels,
However, Max facepalmed upon seeing her friends doing nothing, deciding to step into his path, forcing him to stop, "Will, what's going on?" she crossed her arms, "You're usually crazy but this..."
"I'm just... just waiting for someone," Will checked his phone one more time, eyes glued to the screen,
"Wait what?" Dustin muffled almost spitting out chewed food mixed with saliva, "Who?"
"Your Mom? Jonathan? Your Dad?" El asked, eyes glinting with sparkles, trying her best to hold her excitement – she hoped at least one of them had turned up... she felt bad.
Shaking his head, Will replied, "No, it's someone else," Mom and Jonathan were still away and his dad was... well, his dad.
"Oh." El seemed deflated.
"So, who is it? Are you waiting for Troy? Cause that boy is never on time," Lucas adjusted the tie under his gown,
"Eww," He scrunched his face jokingly, "Not Troy,"
"Oh, good. I wouldn't hold your breath for him; he has no time management," Lucas added,
"Anyways..." Max steered the topic, "So who are you waiting for?"
"Just... someone else," Will tried his best not to pace – they still didn't remember Mike. Sure, they remembered certain memories with him, but they couldn't picture his face or remember his name.
His heart thudded as he peeked through a gap int the curtain. The auditorium was full of faces he had never seen before – giving him slight anxiety. And yet, none were the face he wanted. Sounds of shuffling and murmuring conversations filled the hall,
But the door remained closed.
"I just... he said he'd be here," Will swallowed hard, clenching his fist at his sides.
Max and Lucas exchanged a puzzled look, but it was Troy who spoke up, announcing his arrival, "Who's 'he'? like a secret boyfriend or something?" somehow already up to speed.
Will froze on the spot; how could Troy have guessed that? He'd only heard the last sentence – and he wasn't technically wrong, "No, I mean yes, I mean... ugh... I'll explain later," his face heated up.
"What?" the group collectively shared a gasp, even Troy's eyes widened, he was just joking; he didn't think it was true!
"Who is it?" Troy urged, curiosity filling.
"No one..." Will corrected, avoiding the questions, "Someone..."
"So, is it 'someone', or 'no one'?" Max picked crossing her arms,
"It doesn't matter anyway... You'll see when he's here!" Will thought of the train station, the phone call, Mike's voice on the other end, the discrepancies in the time – he had waited days with no response from Mike.
No call.
No texts.
Where had he gone? This was all so confusing.
[3.6 KM to Love Supremacy Zone]
The universe heard him.
His heart stopped, not registering the sound of the announcer ordering students to take their seat in line. The cryptic message filled his view, silencing all his thoughts. He had seen this 'type' of message before when he had wished Mike back into existence two weeks ago. But this screen made no sense, 'Supremacy Zone'? What was that? Which direction?
But the moment his eyes landed on the word 'Love', he just knew it wasn't a random alert... it was about Mike.
"Will, aren't you coming?" El asked,
Even now, his breath hitched. Without hesitation, he reached up, pulling the cap off his head, unzipping the gown and throwing it over. Backstage was full. The ceremony was mere seconds from starting, but he didn't care.
This was more important.
Max barely managed to catch the flying clothes, exclaiming, "Will! What are you doing?" watching him in awe.
"I need to go," Will didn't bother to explain,
"Go?" Lucas was taken aback, "Boy the graduation is starting!"
"I'll be right back! Trust me!" Will added, unable to move far as a strong arm grabbed his in concern. Dustin stopped him from leaving.
"It's okay to get cold feet, you know?" El pressed gently,
"I need to go to Mike guys!"
"Not this again! Will, Mike isn't coming!" Max facepalmed; these past few weeks that was all Will would talk about... some mysterious boy 'Mike' who they all supposedly knew and were aquainted with. He wasn't real, but Will was sure of it.
The arguing continued, pushing him to the seats, forcing him to wear his cap and gown,
Will didn't have time for this!
[3.5 KM to Love Supremacy Zone]
He tried pulling his arms away, slipping out the clothes. The glowing message popped up before his eyes once more, Mike was getting closer.
Although usually apathetic and a realist, Troy watched them, speaking out, "Guys stop," They all turned while pausing, allowing him to continue, "Let him go,"
"Troy, its graduation – we can't let him bail for some guy who's not even real," Dustin exclaimed,
"He is real," Troy admitted,
"What?" Will's face softened... that was the first person in these past two weeks to believe his crazy ramblings... and it was Troy of all people.
"I mean, I've not seen this 'Mike', but if you say he's real... then I believe you Will." Troy attempted to explain, unable to do so effectively, "You know how I've been feeling like something's missing... and I think this Mike fills that, so... I say that if you're so sure, go for it,"
The group went silent as the friends' processed the sudden confession. They didn't want to admit that Troy was making some sort of sense, they had been questioning their own spotty memories recently, although some of them had it worse than others, it seemed Will was affected the most, with Troy being a far second place.
Two people couldn't be a coincidence, right?
Hesitantly, they let go with Lucas being the first to speak, "Okay, go... just be back quick. I have to give a speech for the basketball team... so I'll stall for a bit, but I can't promise anything,"
Will excitedly jumped, hugging all his friends quickly before taking off, leaving El and Dustin holding his graduation outfit – collectively sighing, they hoped it went well.
"So who exactly is Mike to you?" Max called out as he reached the exit, still confused about one thing.
Will turned his head around with a little grin. The words surprised even him, but in this moment, it felt right solidifying the truth, blurting without needing to think,
"My man,"
Lungs burned.
Mike was lucky he didn't have Asthma, if he did, he would have definitely been winded and on the floor right about now. This was the third time in this game were he was rushing to get to Will... game mechanics really do repeat themselves.
The bridge continued to stretch, further and further than he could ever imagine –
[Time Remaining – 00:11:30]
the soles of his shoes slapped the ground, propelling him further, the setting sun indicating his time.
[1.2 KM to Love Supremacy Zone]
He could see it now, the message popping up in his vision marking his distance, he was still out of reach, too far from Will... but he was getting closer – that sparked his hope. The screen pulsated like his own heartbeat, sound thumping against his ears.
His suit clung to his body, shifting uncomfortably with each step, heat trapped in the fabric begging to release, but Mike didn't care. His mind raced faster than his legs, with the thought of seeing Will propelling him further,
Just a little further.
[Time Remaining – 00:08:42]
Time was running out; he had no choice.
Finally off the bridge, he turned away from the path and down the steps, passing his mother's café in the process... yet right now, he felt a strange peace as he shimmied through the café's outdoor seating - nothing worth crying over, he got his answer, he needed to live with it.
The storm was ending.
Onto the beach where the sun hung low, golden rays bounced off the waves. The tides approached.
People lounged on colourful towels, getting their last whiff of summer before seasons changed once more. Children laughed, splashing water, but they were all a blur.
Mike kicked up grounds of sand, almost tripping on his own feet, hearing the soft melody of the theme-park in the far distance, he was close -
[800 M to Love Supremacy Zone]
Across the shoreline, he continued running, weaving through happy couples enjoying the setting tun, swapping spit. He sidestepped pass a volleyball match and almost stepped on the unstable sandcastle of a little kid,
"Sorry!" he called out breathless, not looking back.
If he stopped, his heart may have exploded,
With clenched fists, he pumped his legs across the beach, feet sinking with every step, sand seeping into his shoes. His beacon of light was growing closer,
[200 M to Love Supremacy Zone]
"Will!" he shouted, voice breaking over the sounds of the ocean, seeing the familiar silhouette in the distance running toward him at equally neck breaking speeds,
The burning in his lungs was nothing compared to the desperation driving him forward.
Will was running toward him, eyes wide with emotion, voice carrying Mike's name across the land. The gap was closing, but not fast enough,
[100 M to Love Supremacy Zone]
The messages popped up, shimmering bright in his eyes. It pulsated with a rhythm, urging him forward. He reached out almost as if wanting to pull himself to the destination, "Will!"
"Mike!" the brunette yelled in response - he could see him.
Mike's eyes stung – not from the wind, nor the sand floating with every stride, but from the strong overwhelm of emotions threatening to overtake. He was so close.
They were so very close.
[50 M to Love Supremacy Zone]
[20 M to Love Supremacy Zone]
A fiery tail followed Will, his features accented by the setting sun.
His beloved was getting closer.
[10 M to Love Supremacy Zone]
[2 M to Love Supremacy Zone]
Messages appeared in quick succession. Will's arms mirrored his, the distance between them closing in,
It was right there, he was right there.
"Will!" Mike's voice cracked one last time, his hand reaching desperately forward.
[Entering The Love Supremacy Zone]
Sparks danced in the air, the zone collapsing into pure light. Their fingertips brushed, a mere wind separating them,
And then -
[Time Remaining – 00:00:00]
2306 Words
Stay Safe <3
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