16 - First Kiss?
---- Few days later: Monday 1:48 PM ----
During the lunchbreak, Mike and Dustin sat on the rooftop, eating with a view and the only quiet place in the school. The pair sat on the ground, cross-legged. Will was busy with Art Club, stuffed inside a room, recapping the events of the Art Showcase on Friday, being given tips on how to improve. Mike decided that he would just see him after school; at least Will was replying to his texts promptly now.
"I think Mrs Click is scared of me," Mike said with a confused joking expression, digging his wooden fork into his food, "I tried to concentrate in her class, so I made eye contact, and I swear I saw fear in her eyes."
"I'm sure that isn't true." Dustin rolled his eyes,
"On my last exam, I didn't answer any questions and drew a bird instead... I got 103 marks..." the ravenette deadpanned, "It was out of 100! I got bonus points for creativity,"
"I wish I had that problem..." The curly haired boy chuckled, chewing his food.
"See! I'm telling you!" The ravenette repeated, "She thinks I'm a delinquent!"
Dustin laughed, placing his box in his bag. "Maybe it's the piercings. It's giving 'I commit arson'."
"I would never do that... again." The ravenette mumbled the last word quietly, then noticing the rumble of notifications from Dustin's phone. He tried to sneak a peek but Dustin pulled his phone closer to him, reading the texts, but this time it wasn't giggly and bashful like usual, he was serious.
"You can just ask, you know?" The curly haired boy chuckled, lowering the phone from his face, seeing the ravenette's inquisitive gaze.
"Oh right..." Mike nervously cleared his throat, "What's wrong?" he asked, furrowing his brow, not really knowing how to ask.
"Suzie!" he groaned dramatically, leaning back, "We're in an argument."
"Why? What did you do?" Mike asked, trying not to assume, but already having some assumptions.
"It's not me! Its science!" Dustin threw his hands in the air.
"Ok... what did science do?"
"It's our 100-day anniversary tomorrow, and I planned it to a tee, but apparently, it's an issue cause its today!" Dustin complained,
Mike blinked, confused. "How do you screw up this bad?"
"I didn't screw up! Technically, if you factor in time zones, its day 99 today," Dustin defended, gesturing wildly. "But Suzie says it's day 100 today because she isn't counting time-zones, and now she thinks I can't count. So, now she's all 'You don't take it seriously' and stuff. It's a mess..." he pouted, running a hand through his curly hair.
"It's only been 100 days? You both act like it's been years." Mike muttered,
"She's just my soulmate." Dustin said confidently, his face softening, "I need to make this up to her... I'll just say she's right and celebrate today."
"Man, relationships are complicated," Mike muttered, more to himself than to Dustin. The only relationship he had lasted one year, they did everything a couple would, but Mike never felt 'it', as if something wasn't right. He couldn't open his heart up, he wanted to do everything solo, almost acting as if his partner was non-existent; he didn't know how to love. So eventually he was broken up with.
"Tell me about it!" Dustin sighed, "I wish we were older so we could get a drink and gossip... we should do that when we turn twenty-one!"
"Yeah..." the ravenette mumbled, trying his best to reply with a smile, "We'll definitely go out for drinks when we're older," but in all honestly Mike wasn't sure, what if he fails his goals? What if he succeeds? What happens after his time is up?
Their thoughts were cut out when Mike noticed a group of boys coming close to them; Jake and his buddies, oddly, no Troy this time. The group approached with their usual smug expression, looking the pair up and down, locking eyes with them.
"What now?" Mike groaned; it was clear Jake was still salty about the 'fight' from last time, he just wanted an excuse to rematch and prove his worth.
"I was just wondering why you're not with your precious Will Byers. Are you cheating on your boyfriend with Dustin over here? Wow! Dustin your good! You turned him gay!" Jake mocked, involving Dustin in a situation that didn't concern him,
"Why are you obsessed with who is dating who?" The ravenette didn't flinch, calmly standing up, approaching Jake, "And why do you care who's gay or not?"
"Listen here asshole-" Jake scrunched his face, grabbing the ravenette's collar, annoyed by the lack of reaction,
"Jake what the hell man, stop it!" Dustin stood up, separating the two boys, pushing Jake out the way. He wasn't one for physical confrontation, so this was a big move for him.
"What did you just say to me Toothless?" Jake stepped threatening close, almost as if he was ready to attack Dustin, calling him a nickname to mock his medical condition, "I'll get rid of your baby-teeth for you."
"Why don't you shut your mouth if you're not going to say anything useful?" Mike was now teetering on anger. He had overlooked all the previous taunting because he deemed it as 'cute' but the type of cute like a chihuahua trying to challenge a great Dane; a nonsensical yapping, but now he was actively making fun of his friend. "You should learn some manners; did you know the weakest guys chat the most?"
"What the hell are you talking about? Are you actually gay?" Jake sprouted,
"So, what if I am?" The ravenette said with his whole chest; was he really gay? He hadn't ever thought about it, but he wasn't going to let this boy mock a whole subset of people.
"Homo." Jake spat, venom lacing his words,
Mike's expression didn't change, something clicking inside of him, he contemplated punching Jake directly in the face to teach him a lesson, but it wasn't worth the trouble, would he even learn a lesson? But then Mike thought of an idea; a lightbulb going off in his head. The ravenette, stepped forward, advancing closer, trapping a nervous Jake against the wall, hearing the group of boys around asking questions, confused by the situation.
Mike's voice lowered, a deadly teasing, "Wanna know something Jake?" He asked without waiting for an answer, grabbing Jake by the collar, kissing him square on the lips. It was quick, but deliberate enough to shock everyone, including Jake himself, who stood frozen in place, his eyeballs wide.
Mike pulled back, grinning now, "There. Now your gay too! Congrats on coming out."
Jake's face turned beet-red, pointing at the ravenette, spitting on the ground, trying to cleanse his mouth from the kiss, "Huh?"
"Did you like it?" the ravenette grinned.
"AH!" he yelped, throwing a fist in the air wildly, punching Mike in the cheek, "You fa-"
Jake didn't even have a chance to finish his insult as Mike pressed him against the wall again, his elbow pressing firmly against his chest. "Finish that slur, and I'll kiss you again... with tongue." He warned.
"What is going on here?" A teacher arrived on scene hearing the commotion, demanding an answer. His eyes landed on Mike, already assuming the worse; it was clear he wasn't pleased.
---- 5:09 PM ----
"This whole system is bullshit!" Mike grumbled, walking out the school gates, adjusting the straps of his school bag. He was accused by the teacher for starting the 'fight' just because of his reputation; he got detention, and, of course, Jake got off with not so much as a slap on the wrist.
[Entering Love Supremacy Zone]
Mike looked at his phone, not even registering the message before his eyes as he walked past the gate, nearly jumping as someone popped into view before him, "Damn! Will!" Mike exclaimed, clutching his chest, "You scared the shit outta me, what are you doing here?"
Will didn't respond, his eyes locked on Mike's lip. He took a step closer, his expression clouded with concern. "What happened?"
"Umm?" the ravenette played it off with a joke, "Battle wound?"
"Who punched you?" Will questioned.
"It's not important." Mike smiled jokingly
"Who was it." The brunette repeated,
"It just happens, don't worry."
"Why won't you answer me?" Will frowned, not satisfied with that answer.
"Hey... I'm answering... it's just not the answer you necessarily want." Mike shrugged.
"I asked who it was." This time, it wasn't a question, it was a demand.
"You need to calm down first."
Suddenly, Will took hold of the ravenette's wrist, tugging him back toward the confines of the school, dragging Mike behind him, ignoring the protests.
Mike playfully groaned, "I just got out of school! Do we really have to go back in?"
Will didn't respond, his determination evident, leading Mike through the hallways, not stopping until they reached the nurse's office. Pushing the door open, he looked around, realised the nurse wasn't in- she must have already gone home for the day. Will didn't frown, he was actually excited; it was just him and Mike. Still, he couldn't get distracted; he had a mission. Making Mike sit on one of the beds, he went straight for the medical supplies in one swift motion.
"Jeez! I'm really fine, you know?" The ravenette watched amused, "I've been bruised before."
Will ignored him, rifling through the first aid kit, pulling out some Q-tips and antiseptic gel, turning to face the ravenette, sitting next to him on the bed. He turned his face to the light, assessing the wound as he coated the Q-tip in gel.
"It really doesn't hurt," Mike exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air,
"Are you really not gonna tell me who did it?" Will questioned, ignoring the protests.
"And what would you do if I did tell you?"
Without hesitation, Will replied, his voice cold and serious, making eye contact with the ravenette, "Kill them."
Mike blinked, caught off guard by the intensity of Will's voice; he giggled, "Good boy Will. Good boy Will." He said, reaching out to pat Will's head like one would do to soothe an overexcited puppy.
"Tsk..." Will clicked his teeth, pouty, "What are you doing?"
"I'm just teaching you not to bite." Mike explained, stroking his hair for a few more seconds. "But now that I think about it, I'd rather get punched again than kiss-"
"What?!" the brunette exclaimed, his eyes widened, "You did what, with who?" the gel from the Q-tip dripping onto his fingers.
"Oh, nothing." Mike furrowed his brows at the reaction, "It's not what you think," trying to explain, "I kissed Jake to teach him a lesson,"
"What? How does that 'teach him a lesson'?" Will questioned, lowering his Q-tip.
"Some stuff you just wouldn't understand," the ravenette replied as if it was something way beyond his intellect.
"You'd do that stuff with a man?" the brunette asked, barely above a whisper, searching Mike's face for an answer.
"Sure, why not? Doesn't bother me." The ravenette shrugged light-hearted; he'd never actually thought about it before, the kiss was just that... a kiss. "Apply the gel already," he leaned his head closer, exposing his lip.
The brunette shook his head, raising the Q-tip once more, his hand hovering above Mike's lip, slightly trembling. Will's mind spiralled, his heart pounding in his chest as he stared at Mike's lips, the answer echoing in his mind. Does Mike like kissing boys? A sudden heat rising through his core. How many people had Mike kissed? He assumed the ravenette would have lots of experience in kissing, was that why he wasn't fazed?
Will gulped; the thought causing a blush to his cheeks as his hand finally moved to apply the gel, but as he moved closer it was getting harder to concentrate, he couldn't help himself from thinking how close they were. The warmth of Mike's skin, the tufts of hair covering his face and the faint smell of cologne... everything seemed much more intense now.
His hand hesitated again, trying to calm down as he worked, not wanting to accidently let his hand slip and hurt the ravenette. Yet, his thoughts kept drifting back, more intense, filled with desire.
He wanted to know how it felt.
He was a guy; would Mike kiss him?
Would Mike want that too?
He really wanted to kiss Mike.
2044 Words
Stay Safe <3
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