Chapter 14: Another Day at the Beach
"Really? I can't imagine a big tough guy like you had a soft side for kids" I teased Luke as I laughed.
We have been talking for almost 2 hours now in the same place the small cafe shop in the beach. While we were chatting, a young girl tripped while catching the beach ball and Luke quickly helped her and even made the young girl smile and laugh. That is soooo cute.
"Shut up" he muttered, sitting back down.
"Oh so you're not denying it?" I teased more and continued laughing. But I stopped when his eyes stared at me, oops, I am getting too much "Sorry" I covered my mouth
"Don't, " he smirked, leaning his elbows on the table and his eyes soften
"What?" My head tilts on one side. What is he saying?
"Don't stop laughing" he murmured, a smile forming in his lips "It's a great achievement that I finally made you smile"
Blood quickly rushed to my cheeks, and I can't sink that again in my mind. Luke is making my heart beat too fast. I hate to think that I might get a heart attack because a man is just making me smile.
To hide my blushing face, I looked down but again, I felt his warm fingers on my chin and lifting my face up, meeting his dreamy eyes.
"Don't hide your face when your blushing." He smiled and chuckled making me do the same. But now, a smile came out from me.
"You are such a jerk" I slapped his fingers away from me and looked away to hide my redder face .
When I looked away, I noticed the three men sitting not too far from us earlier. They are still there and I feel their stares at my body. Luckily I have Luke's shirt around my shoulders. A shield that protects me from their pervy stares.
They were whispering at each other everytime I turn my eyes at them or they will give me a teasing grin and pursing their lips at me making me feel uncomfortable and feel disgusted
Luke seems to notice how I tighten his top on my body and my look at the boys. His eyes became serious and glared at them "Are they bothering you?" He asked me, and he stood up rather harshly
"No!" I answered quickly, grabbing his hand to stop him whatever he is planning "Don't mind then. They just might be checking me out~"
"~checking you out???" He snapped, making me flinch "They are molesting you! And there is no fucking way I would let that happen" he spoke in clenched jaw and walk towards the men who are laughing at us.
I quickly stood from my chair and stop him from making a scene. "Luke~"
Luke marches over to the men and yelled "Dudes, what the fuck is your problems?!"
"What?" They three said together, and based on their tone that they are teasing Luke.
But the glare in his eyes are very deadly. The manly and tough look on the assholes' faces suddenly fades and they all gulped
Luke seems to be loosing patience because he slammed his fist on their wooden table making them all jump in their seat
"Whoa, calm down, bro... " one of them raised his hands "We are just talking how sexy your girlfriend is"
"Yeah! C'mon, look at those asses and boobs she had" the other is surely drunk. They have tons of beers on their table!
Luke narrowed his eyes at them, his fist clenching. Shit, this is not good. But before I know it, he fist already made contact with the drunkard's face causing him to fell on the floor.
"Luke!" I grabbed him and tried my best to pull him away from them "Let's go, c'mon"
But he quickly listen to me, he sigh and run his fingers through his hair. "Better not be in beach in 5 minutes before I see your face again or else I will smash that face of yours" he told him, harshly controlling himself not to burst.
I pulled him out of the store with the boys looking scared and nervous. Okay, now I know.
Don't mess with Luke Carter.
We got out from the store and I dragged him away. "Hey, Luke, buddy...calm down" I put both of my hands on his arms "You don't have to do that"
"Are you kidding me, Georgina?" He glared at me this time "Those bastards are being dicks!"
I rolled my eyes at him "I know! What I was trying to say is that you don't have to punch them like that for me!"
Luke groaned, run his hands through his hair "What kind of a guy I am if I let some bunch of assholes talk like that the girl I am into?"
My eyes widen. Sorry, did I hear right? Did Luke the big scary guy just confessed that he is into someone? At me???
Luke seems to be surprise of what he also said then his flushed face quickly changed and turn into a smugly grin
"I'm just kidding. I do not like someone. Just got caught with the moment" he quickly said and the feeling of disappointment flash in me. "Lets go find the others"
I sigh and nod my head "Let's go"
So he doesn't like me? Why do I feel sad about that. It's not that I like him too, right?
6 minutes later, we finally saw them, relaxing. The guts they have to leave me alone with Luke. What do they think we will do? Have sex on the beach???
Yeah, right.
Totally not my thing.
Sam and Trixie sun bathing on the small beach chair they brought while the boys were playing and already swimming on the ocean. Obviously, having fun already.
Luke and I walk towards them and I stopped to the boys and playfully slapped them and they jump in surprise to see me
"George! Did you have fun with Luke?" Sam smirked, but in a teasing way.
"Did something happen?" Trixie grab me closer to them and he grip Luke's shirt on me "Oh my, you are wearing his shirt!"
"The guy is just being a gentleman. He protected me from a group of drunk bastards" I whispered at them and they squealed silently.
"But he doesn't like me. I am sure of it. He told me himself" I added, wrinkling my nose and pouted a little "But...he is not the last man in the world. Like at those hot topless men"
Sam made a sad face "Maybe he's gay"
Trixie laughed and slapped Sam's face "You are so dumb, you know. Your lucky your sexy"
Sam sticked his tongue out at her and smiled at me again "What about tease him a little?"
"Tease?" I frown thinking of what they are planning again. They are making me act like a slut desperate to have a boyfriend.
"Yeah, give them a little show...like how you used to get Frank before" Trixie suggested, evilly.
"C'mon, don't tell us you forgot how to make guys drool over you" Sam glared at me with one eyebrow raised.
"Of course not!" I protested. "I am still number one flirt in our team" then with that, I stood up straight, swiftly remove the top in a sexy way and let my hair be blown by the wind, showing the boys a wonderful view
I am facing away from them so I hope they saw me. A very evil grin formed from the girls' faces making me grin back.
"Come on girls, it's time to swim" I said and turn around to see the boys, staring at us like really, frozen in their grounds.
The girls and I run to the water, laughing and started splashing them some water.
"So girls decided to show their claws!" Adam spoke through the splashes
The splashing continues and we were laughing really hard. Marvin and Sam are fighting and wrestling then I felt an arm wrap around my waist but I didn't panic since I know it's Luke's
We swim down the ocean and we were like kids playing under the water. We were punching each other, kicking and even laughing. We are just having fun and I am sure that I am laughing too.
When we swim up some air and the others were laughing at us.
"You two are so cute to watch" Dane cooed, sarcastically.
"Shut up" Luke splashed him and swim deeper. But when I turn to the girls, they were giving me the look
But this time, I played and swim with the girls, attracting some boys. Beach days are girl's day.
Remember that, girls.
Later that night, the boys set up the bonfire and we are gather up around it. Adam has a guitar, playing random music, singing whatever language it is.
I was now wearing a loose shirt that they brought for me, my cheeks are in red shades. I was sitting with Sam next to me.
Marvin gave me a stick with a marshmallow to roast. I am just sitting here, quietly and enjoying them talking and sharing their stories. I would laugh at some part which I felt was a little funny.
Adam...being Adam, he was telling us about his life, and then he told us something that I got my interest on
"Let me share something to you, guys...I am gonna share how the three of us meet" Adam blurt out catching everyone
"What? No!" Luke quickly protested, putting his beer down on the floor.
"What's wrong, Jerk? Afraid to let us know how an ass you are?" I smiled, sarcastically at him
But he just glared at me causing me to laugh "Continue, Little Muscle man" I told Adam.
Marvin turn to sit next to Sam, meaning that he is in the same log with us. Now I am becoming a third wheel to them. Heck, I can hear them cheesy words to each other!!!
"Okay, we were freshmen when we met at our school, William Stanford Academy. You see, girls were already taking my number once I stepped on the school..." he said, his ego coming out
"Yeah, yeah, Adam. Go on" Trixie said, in a boring tone.
Marvin and Sam is still cuddling each other beside me so I am feeling the awkwardness in our area so I shift a little far from them
"Luke was also a ladies' man that time. He is very tough so some girls are scared to get close to him. Marvin... he is the hot geek. You will usually see him in the library, at the garden, reading a book" Adam shared taking a bite of his marshmallow "You see, we have different personalities and one day...I was late for class and I don't really care if and I think it's fate because we three are late at the same time. Then the teacher made us go to detention"
A laugh came out from me. I can't imagine a very clumsy and troubled Luke looks like. He still probably looks hot.
"Then we got to know each other in the detention room. We all had the same interests, the some personalities and we are just troublemakers. So since then,.we became the most popular and hottest men in school" he smiled happily "THE END!!!"
Luke was smirking when I look at him. He seems to enjoy our story telling. And Dane was clapping his hands, like a kid.
"How about you girls?"
"Huh?" Sam asked, breaking from Marvin's hug
"It's your time to tell us about how you three met" Luke told us
Trixie laughed and finished her beer before throwing it behind her "Our story? Let George tell you that because he was the one who kinda fix us up"
Then all eyes on me now. Oh dear.
A sigh escaped from me. I think there is no rejecting it now.
"Well...actually, I entered freshman with Jane in Diamond High...oh and with my boyfriend before Frank" I paused for a second remembering the moment "Then the first one I met is Trixie in English Class, we were sitting next to each other so we kinda have a little chat and I asked her if she wanted to have lunch with me. After class, Jane came to our table in lunch with Sam and introduced her to us"
"Jane and I had the same class too before that" Sam added, smiling
"Yeah, and then we met Dane too and he became part of our group and then...there, we're best friends" I ended the story clean.
"George, was very quiet and very...secretive at first that's why she doesn't have much friend. And that fiesty attitude of him is not helping" Dane said, and I gave a glare for sharing that.
"But almost all of the boys are going insane everytime he march with those legs" Sam added. Okay, they are making fun of me here.
I told you, I don't like sharing my stories!
"Enough of ours. Tell us about you boys again" I turn the top to them, crossing my legs. "Tell us how you boys got kicked out"
Then silence....
Another silence...
More silence...
"So?" Sam urged them. But they just look at each other. Waiting for someone who will speak first. Okay, they must be hiding behind it.
"The principal told me that you got kicked out of your school because you got into a fight. Is that true?" I asked, really curious to know.
"Yeah, That's true" Luke spoke first "A group of assholes in school challenged us for a fight and of course...we won't turn them down. We are not cowards"
"They are just jealous teenagers who are desperate to be popular" Adam said, and this is the first time I hear his bitter tone
I raised an eyebrow "You guys sounded like you don't want to talk about it"
"We just don't want to recall that day" Marvin snarled, pulling Sam closer to him. Seriously, he is like crushing my girl in his chest.
Too clingy
I am getting awkward of the situation so I shift away a little. Since I am still healing my broken heart, seeing this couple is making me worse.
At the corner of my eyes, I saw Luke, calmly drinking a beer alone in his place. Should I take that seat next to him?
And I did. I stood up and quickly sat next to Luke. He looked at me confused and I just pointed at the two couple making out.
"Oh, so you're jealous?" He smirked at me "You want to make out with me too?"
My eyes widen and blushed. "Shut up!" I punched his arm, looking away from him. "I-I just don't want to be around some lovely dovey couple"
Luke stayed quiet for a second "Then get used to it" he mumbled "Beer?" He offered
"Sure" I smiled, taking the can and opened to drink it. "Hey..."
He turn his face to me, "Yeah?"
I looked down to my fingers and smiled shyly "Thank you for this day. I really appreciate it. No man has ever done things like this for me"
His eyebrows touched for a minute and then a grin formed. "Not only me, my little Feisty. All of us did this for you. You are one extraordinary girl and people like us are what you deserve"
I was speechless once again. Extraordinary? The first time who called me that...coming from Luke again.
"I am one lucky girl" a laugh escaped my lips.
"Oh yes, you are" he murmured, leaning closer before whispering something in my ear that made shockwaves in my entire body "Your life will change staring now"
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