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Next day, with Eren, Mikasa, Armin, you, Tremity
Your POV
Me and Armin walked along the sidewalk to the mall. We hadn't parked to far, for sure. Eren was a tad bit overprotective over Tremity. "Aye, Mikasa, is this Erens first girlfriend?" I asked. She nodded before looking at Eren, "Tremity is his first.. I don't think they're breaking up this soon" I look over at Eren, startled at what Eren did. Eren made Tremity wrap her arms and legs around his torso and waist. Eren smirked as Tremity was flushed in a deep red. Tremity began to see that he was moving, carrying her on his waist. I giggled along with Armin When I saw a couple, probably like the same age, argue about that. "How come I can't get carried like that?!?!" Mikasa let out a chuckle. "What? I carry you on my back sometimes!" She then smacked him. I turned my mouth in a 'o' shape. "Oh sh-t, Oh sh-t" my phone went off. I gasped and me, Mikasa, and Armin cracked up. "Siri!" She apologized. We walked faster, catching up to them. They were waiting on a bench, by the cologne section of the mall. "Alright, my mom equipped us with some money. Four $200 bucks. She told me she'd save this in her bank account for when I graduated" Armin said, smiling. "Oh..yay!" I said. "We'll stay together. I'm dividing the 800 bucks so we each get one of the 200" he gives us the money. "If you spend all your money, just tag along" we all nod. "A-Armin, what about what we want to buy and where we all are heading?" Tremity said. "Oh, about that. We'll go to every section of the Maria mall at least twice" She nods. "Ok, let's depart now" Mikasa walks ahead. We follow her, and Armin looks at Tremity and them. "Ok, your done doing that then.." he turned back around. First we stopped at (favorite part of the mall). My eyes sparkled as I was in (favorite part of the mall). "I've made it!" I raised my fists in the air exploring every inch of it.
5:58 pm, Hanji is coming
"But I don't wanaaa" Eren pouted. "I'm sorry Eren that's just the way it is.." Tremity tried the best to comfort him. "Its Hanjis turn, then you could have me all day of Tommorow, ok?" He pouted more. "But I don't wanna let you go and get hurt with Hanjis experiments.." he had a tear in his eye. "I-its ok Eren, you can trust me" Tremity blushed and kissed him. 'Aww, how sweet' a knock on Erens door was loud. "Its Hanji! Open up!" '6:00..' "Alright!" I went to open the door. Hanji busted in and said, "I need Tremity, please" Eren was sad. He kissed Tremity as one last good bye kiss and left with Hanji. "Now I'm alone.." I giggled. "Aww. Its ok Eren. Just six hours. Tops" He blinked at me before saying, "fine..." he got up and went to eat. Mikasa set down dinner for us, and sat down herself. "This is good Mikasa" She nodded. "Arigatou" was all she said.
6 hours later
"AYE! Tremity!" I heard him yell. He has been up since she left. "A-ah! Eren!" Tremity was startled. "You need to rest, Eren! Its 12am!" He grabbed her and pulled her to the couch and snuggled her. He turned around the terrified teen and kissed her. "Oi, couldn't he see we're trying to sleep?"I shifted in the extra bed. "Nope"
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