Gym day!
Narrator's POV
You groaned as Armin tied your shoe lace. "Stop complaining, Y/n. You need this. It'll be fun I promise" he kissed your cheek as he finishes. You furrowed your brows in response, "Are you calling me fat?!"
His eyes widen. "Never! I'm just saying I need a partner for special thing I'm trying out" He grabbed your gym bag. You pouted, "Couldn't this wait??" He shook his head.
Tremity then came downstairs with Eren. Eren grabbed her water bottle and went to Mikasa. "Mikasa..were going to the gym around the corner. We'll be back" he gestured to us. Mikasa looked up from her phone, "before dark that is."
You braced yourself for the questions.
"What's in those bags? Let me check.
How long are you willing to stay there?
Are you hiding something underneath your clothes?
What are you going to do there? Who's going with you? Extra bodies from other squads goin'? I don't think so. If you are I need there Name(s), Number(s), Address(es)"
Your mouth dropped at how many questions she was asking at one time.
"Gym supplies, Till five, no, Fun things that consists or gets us to work out, Armin, Y/n, Tremity, me, yes, Levi" Eren said. You nearly choked.
You kicked off your shoes and threw your gym bag under the table, "I don't think so Mr. Jalapeno, I'm stayin' right here. Y/n has been disconnected from the site"
Armin sighed. "Disconnect Levi" Mikasa said. Eren then sighed and called Levi, "sorry dude, Mikasa doesn't want you to go." Armin was busy putting back on your shoes.
Time skip
"Just do it Y/n" Armin nudged your side. You let out a 'ugh' since this was the tenth time your boyfriend Said that. To you, it's like he was repeating the Shia Labeouf speech all over again.
"Fine. But you owe me" You pointed at him. He sat down. "Sit ups!" He said smiling. You put your feet over his own and he began, "20, ok?" You nodded. He did something unexpected, kiss you every time he completed one at the end.
You soon got the hang of it at five sit-ups and went along with it. "20!" He stopped. He then squished your cheeks together making you look like Your pouting and kissed you.
You broke this kiss and blushed. "Next one is.. Push ups!" He made you lay down. He then said again, "20." He kissed you again every time he completed one. 'Man am I on a kissing spree?' You thought as you captured Armins lips again.
"20!" You said again. He got up and pulled you up. He slid his hands on Your waist, "I love you Y/n." He blushed as he looked into your eyes. "I love you too, Armin" You got on your tippy toes and kissed him.
He immediately kissed back. "Hey you guys!" Eren ran up with Tremity. You waved at them. "Me and Eren found a square pit with trampolines somewhere over there. Wanna try it out?" Tremity pointed over by the benches.
You nodded eagerly. You've always wanted to try this out but you never had time. And by time I mean being lazy and not ask Armin to go to this. You ran over there with Tremity. The first thing you did was jump into the square pit.
"Y/n!" Armin yelled. You emerged from the ball pit, "I'm fine Armin. Come join us!" Tremity nodded.
But you only caught them staring at you and Tremity.
"There at it again.." you sunk back in.
Eren & Armin POV
Sparkles flew around us as we looked at you and Tremity. "Whoa..." Eren said. Armin blushed as he saw you in a 2 piece. Eren stepped closer to Tremity.
Narrator POV
"Hey! Bist du auf Drogen oder so etwas?" Tremity snapped her fingers in Eren's face. They snapped out of it. "No! We're not on drugs we swear!" Eren raises his hands in defense. "Ich überprüfe deine Tashce wenn ich du hause.." she said.
He whined. You looked at him, "What did she say?" Armin wanted to know too. Eren chuckles, "Don't worry about it. I'll try to calm her." We nod. Armin smirks and tackles you in the square pit. "Oi! Armin!" You get off of him.
His smirk only widens. "Don't do it, I swear if you do it you'll be forbidden from kissing me for five hours" you threatened, knowing what he was plotting out.
He goes under and you rush to get out. But before you reach the surface, you get pulled under. Armin then holds you by your waist. "Armin.." You said. He leaned down and kissed Your neck once. "Armin I have something to tell you but we need to get to the surface.." you say.
He gets to the surface with you. "I'll kick your ass, Armin!" You go after him.
German Key:
Hey! Bist du auf Drogen oder so etwas? - Hey! Are you on drugs or something?
Ich überprüfe deine Tashce wenn ich du hause..- I'm checking your bag when I get home..
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