Phantom (Avi)
Hello, my loves! This smutty (and OOC) thing started out with the intent of being for pentabae, but it turned into a monster somewhere along the way. I hope you enjoy this along with Monster_Mama (who may or may not appreciate this - sorry) and my sister alison-fire (who beta'd this).
And as always, I love you all, my darlings! Feel free to leave a request! They're still open, despite how slow I am at getting them out. Oops?
Warnings: There's smut and bad language. It went from a slight worship scenario to some daddy kink. Perhaps it will make up for my absence.
You spotted him across the room, and you were instantly hypnotized. Your eyes met his, and you couldn't bring yourself to look away, no matter how shy you usually were around new people. You knew who he was, of course. Everyone at this party knew who he was: Avi Kaplan – singer extraordinaire. He and his group, Pentatonix, were celebrating another record-breaking album release. You had been invited by a friend of a friend, and before you knew it, you were whisked to the party in a flurry of champagne fabric and glitter. You weren't completely sure why you let your friend dress you, but you couldn't help but admit that the clothes did make you feel good. You weren't going to complain too much. As long as the glitter stayed away from your hair, that was.
The eyes before you left yours, moving to pay attention to the person who had stolen his focus. You pursed your ruby lips in disappointment. However, you were pleased with the realization that your eyes were now allowed to roam unapologetically over the man. Your eyes traced the broad shoulders, slim waist, and long legs. He was dressed simply, a nice leather jacket over a button down shirt, tight jeans, and nice, shiny black shoes. His dark hair was pulled back into a sort of man-bun, and while you hadn't previously found them attractive, it looked wondrous on him.
"Hey, what are you looking at?"
You hurriedly turned to your friend who was standing at your elbow with two drinks in her hands. You grabbed one and took a sip, biting back a cringe at the too-sweet taste of something combined with the alcohol in whatever she had ordered. "Nothing," you replied, trying not to seem rushed or embarrassed with your words.
"Uh, you were basically eye fucking someone. Who was it?" She looked around the room, trying to find the mystery person.
You rolled your eyes and nudged her side with your elbow. "Stop that," you hissed under your breath.
She waved you off, and you were honestly surprised she had heard you over the loud music playing. After a minute or two more, she gasped and faced you. "Oh my God, were you lusting over Avi Kaplan?"
You glared at her. "Absolutely not. Why would I be doing that? I don't even know the guy."
She chuckled. "Oh, but you will. You were totally imagining him without clothes on! I know you! C'mon! Let's go introduce yourself!" She grabbed your free hand and started to drag you across the floor.
"No!" you called, digging your heels into the floor as much as possible without breaking them. "Dee, stop it! You don't know him!"
"Maybe not, but we never will if we don't go talk to him." She might have had a point, but you grumbled and continued your struggles nonetheless.
Thank God for Scott Hoying's timing. That's all you could think when the blonde member of Pentatonix grabbed one of the microphones they had set up on the raised platform in the room. He tapped it once, twice, three times, and the distraction was enough that your friend stopped her pursuit and released your hand. You straightened your dress, cursing her stubbornness in your head. "Hello?" he asked into the mic. When his voice was indeed projected, he continued. "Hey, everyone! Welcome to the release of our new album: Pentatonix. We are so proud of how it turned out, especially after all of the blood, sweat, and tears that we poured into the songs. And here, tonight, we will be performing some of the songs from the album for the first time." He smiled as some cheers erupted around the room. "We hope you enjoy them."
The rest of the team members eventually piled onto the stage at their respective microphones. You listened intently as they performed a few of their original songs, but your eyes never strayed away from Avi Kaplan. There was just something about him, something that electrified you and had your heard pumping faster. As much as you hated to use the word, he was simply dreamy. His physique combined with his voice, and what little you had heard of his personality from the fans, made for a desirable combination that you were very much attracted to. You wanted him, and not exactly in a way you would readily admit in front of an audience.
One song in particular hit you hard. It was a cover of "Where Are You Now". You had never been a large fan of the song, but that night you learned to love it, for Avi's beautiful eyes never left yours throughout the entirety of the song. Dark thoughts whispered you were reading too far into something that couldn't possibly be there. After all, what would Avi Kaplan, someone who was a celebrity in their own right, want with someone who edited stories for a living?
"Okay, there is no denying it, sister. Sexy bass man over there is totally making eyes at you. I'm fairly certain they're bedroom eyes." Dee turned to you and proceeded to mess around with your hair. "So, I've got a plan already. Here's what we're going to do. I'm going to introduce ourselves without getting interrupted this time. Then, after a few minutes of small talk, I'll conveniently need a refill on my drink. At which point, I'll leave and you will have him all to yourself." She cocked her hips and placed her hands on them. "And missy, you better not let this wonderful opportunity go by without at least giving it a chance. I mean, have you heard the man sing? His lustful voice is likely even more sinful, and damn it, if you don't need a good lay!"
Your hand made contact with her arm. If it was a little harsher than was considered playful, it was righteously deserved. "Hush! There are a ton of people here, and I don't need them to think I'm some kind of cheap whore!"
"Please," she waved you off. "Almost every woman in here has probably masturbated to Avi Kaplan's voice."
"Dee, I don't want to hear that. Please, will you leave it alone? If I go talk to him, it will be my decision and on my terms."
She considered how truthful your words were by watching your eyes. Your mother had always called you an open book, and though you hated the pseudo-label, you had to admit she was right. You wore your heart on your sleeve and your intent in your eyes. It was no wonder you sucked horribly at poker.
"Fine, I'll back off. Just, give it a chance, yeah? You've had a bunch of attractive guys who have given you second glances, but you've never talked to them. You have to put yourself out there, or you'll never meet anyone. Do you really want to end up as a lonely cat lady?"
A laugh bubbled its way up your throat. "Hey, I happen to like cats, thank you very much."
Dee shrugged. "Still, give him a chance." She left a pat on your bare arm and wondered off into the small crowd.
Left alone with your thoughts, which was quite a dangerous thing, you didn't notice the presence making its way towards you until a throat was cleared. A startled step back nearly sent you tumbling to the floor. Thankfully, whoever approached grabbed onto you in the nick of time. You were awkwardly cradled in a pair of arms, the heady scent of slightly sweaty man and cologne sending your mind to the clouds.
"Miss, are you okay? You almost had a terrible fall there."
The voice was eerily familiar. "Oh, yes. I'm fine. Uh, thanks for rescuing me."
He squeezed your arms gently before releasing them. "I was coming this way to introduce myself, but I never expected to have a gorgeous woman fall into my arms." Though you refused adamantly to fall into the trap that was sure to be his eyes, you caught sight of his half-smile. It was a few brush strokes away from being a smirk, which you would have considered far too cocky and a turn-off. At least, you hoped you would have. It had been a while, after all. "My name is Avriel Kaplan, but most people call me Avi."
"I'm (Y/F/N). It's a pleasure to meet you, Avi. Congratulations on your album. You guys sounded great." For the sake of being polite, your line of sight rose until you could see his own shining hazel orbs. Shit.
Shit. Shit Shit. Nope. No.
Well, there they went. Your sanity and any sense of decorum, that was. The promises of unspeakable things, of passion and lust, of charm and sinful words, were displayed through his eyes by his soul. It was Eve looking into the eyes of the snake, and you were impossibly bound to the allure he emitted. Even if you wanted to, you couldn't get away. Avi Kaplan was a cobra, and he had successfully captured his prey.
"The pleasure is all mine, beautiful. Say, would you like another drink? We could grab a table in the corner, talk a bit?" He phrased them as questions, but underneath the suggestions was the steel bite of an order.
"Sure," you replied, your voice more sure than your emotions.
He led you gently through the crowd with a warm hand on the small of your back. It wasn't far to the bar that was nestled snugly against the side wall. "Pick your poison."
An internal debate was had. On one hand, you wanted to keep your wits about you. You didn't know Avi, and while he seemed nice enough, you didn't trust him. On the other hand, if the night was going to end with the two of you in bed together, it would be better to have a bit of liquid encouragement. "Give me a Jack and Coke."
He waved over the bartender and ordered your drink along with a dark beer. "So, what brings you here tonight?"
You raised an eyebrow, your flirtatious side peaking its head out from behind the boulders of indifference. "I'm here the same as everyone else: to listen to Pentatonix perform songs from their new album."
He chuckled. You couldn't quite tell if it was because he thought your answer to be humorous or because he thought you were indulging him. "I would have never known. Did you friend bring you?"
"More like dragged, but yes."
Cold drinks were placed before the two of you. With little hesitation, you downed at least half of the burning drink. A cough prickled at the back of your throat, but you managed to keep your composure. If Avi's impressed look was any indication, you had pulled off a damn good poker face. "Are you having a good time?"
Droplets grasping tightly to the rim of the glass reattached themselves to your fingertips. Your shoulders rise and drop in a shrug. "Don't get me wrong, I enjoy your music. I just prefer being at home rather than at a party, no matter how small and intimate it is. This is more of Dee's scene. I came along for the entertainment and free drinks."
Avi laughed, throwing his head back. The sound was as musical and ethereal as his voice. He created a picture of dark beauty. It truly was no wonder he was so entrancing. "Nice to know that you can be honest about your intentions without worrying about the thoughts of others."
"Too much time is wasted trying to appease others. It's much easier to say what you mean upfront."
He hummed thoughtfully, nursing his beer in his left hand. His right hand was still on the small of my back. It had dropped a bit but was still at a socially acceptable location. We were leaning lazily against the bar. "Are we being brutally honest with one another, then?"
It didn't matter much to you, but you answered nonetheless. "Sure. Have at it, sir. Hit me with your worst."
He stared deeply into your eyes when he spoke. "I want to take you home tonight."
You had sort of expected he did, but to hear him say it so blatantly and without any hint of embarrassment was astounding. Most men weren't so straightforward. You found it oddly attractive. "You want to take me home? To mine or yours?"
He shrugged and stepped closer to you, invading your personal space by miles. The warmth from his body could be felt by your own, another vine in the web he was entangling you inside. "Which one would make you feel more comfortable, darling?"
"Mine. I have more than enough space. You can stay the night or leave, whatever you decide. I live alone, so it won't be an issue."
Avi nodded and rolled the ideas around in his head. The chatter of others in the room filled the silence with sound, providing a comforting distraction from the situation. "Okay, your place it is, then. Let's finish our drinks, and we can go. I'll say a quick goodbye to the band before we leave."
"That's fine. I have to tell Dee that I'm heading home for the evening." You finished the rest of your drink within the span of approximately fifteen minutes. His hand was now drawing nonsensical designs against the top of your hips, and he had leaned over a few times to place warm, slow kisses to wherever he could reach on the side of your face.
Time passed from your exit from the party and your entrance to your small apartment. You were aware of its coming and going, but the haze that was Avi Kaplan had fully overwhelmed you. Nothing was registering if it wasn't the touch of his lips, the pressure of his hands, or the sound of his voice. The slightest caresses had your nerves alight, and your panties were sure to be soaked through completely.
Within moments of entering your apartment, he had you naked and against the wall in your bedroom. A gasp left your lips at the sharp sting produced by his teeth. It was sure to leave a bruise, and the thought of him marking you like you were his property, like he was claiming you and wanted others to know what the two of you were doing, caused another gush of liquid to fall from between your legs. If he noticed the excess of liquid on his fingers and palm, he chose to ignore it in favor of leaving more bites and blooms of blood down your chest to your right breast.
You grinded down on him unabashedly hard as his fingers rocked inside of you. You weren't sure at this point how many were inside, but he had your toes curling and your breath coming in short, harsh pants. You grasped onto his shoulders, trying to find purchase somewhere. You fleetingly grabbed at his open flannel before it floated to the floor. The only surface left was his skin, and you wasted no time in digging your nails into his shoulders.
He hissed in pain and retaliated with a particularly unforgiving tug on you right nipple. You bucked against him, enjoying the stinging sensation that wasn't allowed to ebb as he continued to abuse your sensitive flesh.
The movement of your hips was stilled when his body pressed yours uncomfortably tight against the wall. "Be a good girl," he warned, ensuring your eyes were trained on him. They were the first words he had said since the two of you entered the house, and his voice alone would have had you orgasming if your lower back wasn't beginning to hurt. "If you behave, Daddy will make sure you feel really good. And you want to feel good, don't you baby girl?"
You were tempted to not give him an answer, the rebellious and independent woman in your soul demanding you make him earn the right to dominate you. However, you doubted he would enjoy that too much. It was one thing to rebel in small ways, but to come right out and challenge him? The feelings he was creating by playing your body so expertly were too good for you to cause any sort of disruption in the current dynamics. "Yes, Daddy. I want to feel good. You make me feel good, Daddy."
He grunted and pulled you away from the wall. You sighed in relief as the muscles in your back were able to relax. He briefly walked across the room and tossed you onto the bed. You cringed at the loud noise it made. Surely your neighbors heard it, and no doubt there would be side comments made if you ever encountered each other in the halls. But the worries were stripped from your mind as the man before you removed the rest of his clothing. Your eyes landed on his red, throbbing member. He wasn't overly impressive, but you were quite sure he knew how to use it to your, and his, advantage.
At any rate, you weren't going to complain about anything. Well, maybe the fact that he was wasting time by staring at your nude body. "Daddy," you whined, pouting your lips for good measure. They were so swollen you could hardly feel them. Instinctually, your thighs rubbed together to get any sort of friction possible. "Please, Daddy. I don't want to wait."
Avi clucked his tongue, small pieces of his hair falling into his face when he shook his head. "Now be patient, baby girl. Daddy's going to make you come on his fingers first. Then he's going to fuck you so hard you'll be seeing stars for hours."
A mewl escaped your mouth only to be swallowed by his lips. He immediately inserted a couple of fingers into your dripping and overheated core. You bucked off of the bed, desperate to add more friction or anything that would send you over the cliff you were so quickly approaching. You had never been this close to coming so soon in your life. The man was talented, that was for sure. He could judge from your sounds just what drove you wild and what felt nice but not nice enough to send your heart on a rampage. He alternated between the two, working you up with harsh flicks and tight circles before gently soothing the hints of pain and overstimulation.
"Yes, Daddy." The words were a prayer and sigh in one.
"Do you enjoy how Daddy works you with his fingers? Is your drowning cunt all for me?"
"Only for you, Daddy. All for you. You're so talented, Daddy. I love it." Spurred on by the verbal encouragement, Avi hoisted your thighs over his shoulders and placed long, firm licks along your opening.
The aforementioned stars were set ablaze when your first orgasm of the night racked through your body. Fingers fought for purchase on the sheets beneath you, and moans fell one right after the other.
Avi was on you before you could recover any sort of control. He had procured a condom from somewhere and entered you swiftly. His grunt and your pleased sigh created a symphony of passion. He was a bit larger than you thought, but the stretching produced a pleasant thrum of pleasure and pain.
It really wasn't long before you were once again close. The fact was somewhat humiliating.
"Ah, Daddy! Yes! Please, more! So close!"
His thrusts were powerful, sure and strong and so incredibly wonderful. He knew just the angle to use to hit that special spot inside that sent your head spinning insanely. The room filled with the sounds of your skin smacking together, and the smell of sweat and sex permeated the air, further thickening the atmosphere of the room.
The orgasm that followed shortly after blindsided you. Panting wildly to get as much air into your lungs as possible, you closed your eyes tightly in an attempt to ride the tsunami as long as possible. A string of expletives alerted you that Avi had come as well, and he rested his head near yours as shudders racked his frame. No words were shared for a long time.
Eventually, his softening member slipped out of you. He rose from the bed, careful not to jostle you too much, and went to the bathroom. Exhaustion crept up on you, but the slimy feeling of cum traveling down your thighs spurred you into action. Just as you were about to attempt a trip to the bathroom yourself, Avi returned with a washcloth. "Here, let me clean you, baby girl."
You watched in silence as he softly cleaned your sensitive center. You closed your eyes and rested back against your pillows until he was done. Then, with a movement that already pulled at your sore muscles and had you worried about how it would feel in the morning, you curled up on the left side of the bed. The other side dipped the moment he returned. He pulled you into his side and pressed a light kiss to your damp forehead.
"Thank you, Avi," you mumbled sleepily. "I really enjoyed tonight."
"I enjoyed it as well, beautiful. Sleep well."
He left no number, and though you supposed you could see him on tour, something told you that things were better left alone. You two had shared a wonderful night together, but that would be all that would come from your encounter with Avi Kaplan. He didn't seem to be the type of man to settle down with a one-night stand, and you weren't exactly the type of girl that was looking for a relationship that was only physical. Perhaps you would cross paths again with him one day, if only to take him as a lover again. If not, he would forever remain in your mind as the handsome phantom who took your breath away.
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