You Want Me to What?
Dedicated to my best friend on here, Love ya!
The title should clue you in...maybe...
IT'S LONGER! But not long enough. I'm working on it. :) Kinda weird in the start and serious-y in the end. Ugh I'm not satisfied, but i can't think of anything right now.
Tell me where I need to impove and if there are any mistakes! Thank you so much.
I'm off the do more Maths sums. More like a 100. Sigh.
(P.S. If you see this story anywhere else, please tell. I'm not putting it anywhere except here.)
Chapter Three - You want me to what?
Masen was silent behind me. He stood looking over my shoulder as I heated up his meal and my own. I could see from the corner of my eye that his eyebrows were furrowed. A hesitating expression lingered on his face and his eyes were cast towards the buttons of the microwave. I felt like asking what was wrong, but the feeling of unknown was more dominating. I couldn’t bring myself to open up and ask a simple question to my client.
A client. I reprimanded myself. That’s all he was, that’s all he will be.
You never know, nagged a voice. I sighed in frustration and turned, words bubbling up to my lips.
He beat me to it.
“What were you dreaming of?”
Shit. Anything but that.
I could already feel the inescapable blush travel up by cheek, staining them red. “Uh-Umm,” I stuttered. What was I supposed to say? I opened my mouth, but unlike moments ago, I was at a loss for words.
I dreamt of you my Prince Charming. Fall in love with me and we’ll kiss, riding into the sunset – or maybe fly – to our happy-ever-after.
Not happening.
“I, uh, dreamt of unicorns?”
I mentally slapped myself for that. Unicorns? Great Bella, now he’ll think you’re not only a freak but a five year old too!
He choked on air after that coughing for a minute as I rushed to get him water. He blinked at me after taking the glass. “I never expected that.”
I laughed nervously, the high, fake kind of laugh which left you cringing and nervous. He looked at me as if I was the most interesting object he could find, when the microwave pinged behind me.
“Well, there’s you’re dinner! I’ll just have mine, for your safety you should go back to the seat,” I said, all while picking up the tray and placing it on his tray-table. “Thank you!”
With a huff I went back to my food drawing the curtains as I did so.
“What an idiot.” I groaned, banging my head on the wall with an audible thud.
“Miss Bella, are you okay?”
“Yup, just peachy!”
Not a great end to a day.
It was a few hours later I found myself cuddled up in one of the single beds provided for us that I looked back on that conversation. There was a knock on the door and Jake entered looking weary.
“Hey, do you think you can stay up for a couple hours? I need some sleep.”
I nodded shutting my book and pulled the covers off me, grabbing my jacket and standing up.
“Seth has it all under control, but you know protocol. Two people always.”
I smiled at him and kissed his cheek, silently leaving him. I knew the routine. I had done it several times before and I knew there would be more moments like this coming in this long trip. Although you needed two pilots for every trip, Seth and Jake had long ago mastered the need. They would normally take turns when the skies were clear and take a break for only a couple hours. I wrapped myself up and headed out. The cabin lights had been dimmed and Mr Masen was in his room as far as I knew of. I kept staring at the door I hopes that he wouldn’t come out.
Oh who are you kidding Bella, of course you want to see him.
I didn’t realise there was someone in front of me as I crashed into them. I lost my balance and was just about to land on my back when two warm hands snaked their way around my waist. My sweater and the overly large shirt I had on below had rode up and the hands were like fire on my cold skin.
“I-I’m sorry.” I said.
His warm breath fanned across my face, the smell of mint overloading my senses.
“It’s okay.” Said Masen.
I instantly straightened and back away, his hands slipping from my skin, leaving tingles behind. His green eyes held me and I felt my heart stutter for a minute.
“Umm, I’ll just go then,” I whispered, inching my way past him while fixing my shirt and sweater.
His hand caught onto my wrist. “I heard you say my name.”
I froze.
“While you were asleep. I heard you say my name in your dreams. The softest of a sigh, but it was my name.”
“Your name? Psh, no! The unicorn was a Mason too.” I quickly mumbled. Wow. I really need to learn how to lie straight.
He seemed to be thinking the same thing. “Don’t lie to me.” He said, his voice slightly husky.
“I’m not.” I looked down. His long, perfect fingers, wrapped around my thin wrist.
He growled as if unsatisfied and in the next few seconds I found myself cold, his body away from mine, his back facing me. My hand was held out, reaching for him. I quickly pulled it back and exhaled shakily. In the blink of an eye he was gone, the barest click of his door and I was alone in the cabin.
It took a few seconds to calm myself. He was dangerous, as dangerous a man could get when your heart behaved like this. Distance. I was what I needed. I had only been working for him for less than 12 hours but I knew that this would only bring trouble.
Your walls Bella, be on full guard. You won’t let this happen to you again.
With another shaky breath and pulled myself together and went to join Seth for another long night.
I pulled my sunglasses on greeted by the unusual London heat. Masen was already out on the tarmac, a small blue bag beside him while he talked away on the phone. No words had been exchanged between us. I had done my duties as a host impeccably and had avoided any means of talking or even looking at him. He seemed to be doing the same, avoiding my eyes as they swept past him. His voice was laced with agitation as he fought with whoever was on the phone.
I grabbed my bag and walked towards the car set up for us. We would drop Masen to where he wished to stay and then head on towards our hotel. I slipped the bag to Jake as he shuffled everything into the trunk.
“Trouble in paradise?” He joked. I glared at him the best I could through my shades and went up to the passenger seat. “Shotgun!” cried Seth, pushing me aside before I even had time to open the door.
“Really Seth? Shouldn’t our real age come before mental ages?”
He merely grinned already at the receiving end of my bitter mood this morning.
“Miss Bella?”
I turned and walked to Masen.
“Yes, Mr Masen?”
He looked conflicted. His eyebrows furrowed and his bronze hair glinted in the English sun. His eyes settled on mine and there was a plea in them.
“Could I possibly ask you of a favour?”
I knew right then I wouldn’t be able to say no to this man.
A minute later Jake hit his head on the trunk of the car on account of my shout.
“You want me to what?”
Two hours later found me in the back seat beside Mason with both our bags in the trunk. I can’t believe I had agreed to this. I wanted to go back in time and stop myself from agreeing. Two days with Mason. No Jake, no Seth, just Masen and I. Oh joy.
He hadn’t spoken a word to me after I had agreed.
Again, as if he had read my mind he looked at me. “Thank you for doing this Mi - Bella.”
Now that I looked at it he did have a slight British accent. Now I knew why. His parents. He wanted me to pretend in front of his parents! I was going to hell one of these days.
We pulled into a side road, the dirt path looking used and worn with weather. The rolling hills turned dense as a small forest approached us. There was a brick wall with light posts at measured distances. Right in front of us was a regal, wrought iron gate with the initial C moulded into the centre. It had beautiful flowers surrounding the letter and the work done in each was intricate. I could almost make out each individual petal and leaf of the vines and flowers. There was a guard who stopped the car taking one look at Masen and going to open the gate. Who was he?
The car took us down another long road and I could see the tops of a house staring at me from above the tree tops. As soon as we broke into the clearing I gasped. It wasn’t just a house, it was a mansion. A god damned mansion which he failed to mention.
He grinned sheepishly at me and the car rounded to the ancient door which was opened as we got out of the car. I looked up at the house my astonishment clear on my face.
It was beautiful.
The medieval style had its own charm. Moss ran up the walls making it seem older than it should. There were a few modern additions to it, an archway beside it leading to behind the house. I took one glance at Masen and went to the archway. The path curved behind the house, the archway more like a tunnel with vines covering the entire way. When I finally got to the end, the garden that was before me was even more beautiful than the house.
Rows of roses, bustles of bushes with blueberries, there was an abundance of aromas and avian.
Whoa Bella, too much alliteration maybe?
Trees laden with fruits, bushes and vines overflowing with flowers and all around them were the sweet sounds of birds. Butterflies were on ever flower. Different colours all around. I stood stunned. I never knew there could be so much.
“I see you found my garden.”
I was pulled out of my staring to look around for the voice. A woman stepped out of the vines, her hair as bronze as Masen’s. Her eyes were a deep caramel, staring at me.
“Now the question is, who are you?”
Her voice was like a soft wind in summer. I looked down, blushing red when Masen came to my aid. When did he get here?
“Mom, this is my girlfriend.”
“Oh, so this is Tanya!”
“No mom, this is Isabella Swan or Bella actually.”
“Pleased to meet you.” I managed to say holding my hand out for her to shake.
“Pleasure.” She replied, shaking her hand with mine.
“Ed-” She was cut with one fierce glare from Masen. What was going on?
“Bella, please go inside, Sam will take you to your room and you can get fresh. I just need to talk to my mother for a second.”
I nodded going around him to the archway.
“Bella, there’s a door just beyond those vines.”
Oh. I flushed and went from the way his mother had come. I hesitated at the door as I heard Masen speak again.
“Mother, please don’t.”
“Edward you know how much I don’t like you doing this. What about Tanya? And who is this Bella? I’m sure she’s good but who is she? Do you even know her, Edward? What if she’s using you?”
“Mother, Tanya is history. You know what’s going on right now,” He said, “Why are you trying to deny it? Just let me spend these few months in peace. You wanted to meet someone in my life, that’s what I’ve done. Treat her well and please do not call me Edward.”
“And what am I to do of the will? What am I to do of the meetings, the contracts? What is Carlisle to do of the company? Did you even think about that when you did this? And what am I supposed to call you then?”
“Masen, call me Masen. And yes Mother, I know the risks. I have months left. Leave it to me. Father can run the company perfectly well and you know that. I’ll take care of the rest.”
“But Edward,”
“Enough mother. I did not come here to fight with you! I love you, but let it be. There’s nothing I can do of it now.”
I heard his mother’s sobs before his sigh.
“Come here.” He whispered, I barely managed to hear it. I realised I was intruding, overhearing a personal conversation between mother and son. I silently climbed up the steps hearing his mother say one last thing.
“Does she know?”
I waited to hear before leaving.
The winding staircase led me up to the third floor of the house, the conversation still on my mind. I could see several doors leading into different directions. I was sure to end up getting lost here. The sound of footsteps echoed behind me and I turned to find a man with dark hair and a set of reading glasses perched on his nose. Yet he looked too you to be wearing them. His attention seemed to be on the paper he was reading, his green eyes scanning the document. Wait, green eyes. They were exactly like Masen’s. I wanted to ask for help but I was afraid to do so. That was when he looked up at me in surprise.
“May I help you?”
“Um, I’m Isabella, or Bella. Your son’s girlfriend?” I said, holding my hand out.
He stared at me with the same expression Masen had when he had asked me about the dream. The intensity of those eyes could kill a woman.
“Pleased to meet you Bella,” He said smoothly. “My name is Carlisle Cullen. I’m not sure if you’re supposed to be here, Edward’s room is on the second floor.”
“Oh um, sorry.” I managed, looking down on the floor. I slipped around him and went back towards the stairs. “Well I guess I should go. I’ll see you Mr M-Cullen.”
I rushed down to the second floor calming my heart. What was with this house? Edward? Cullen? His many names confused me and it was hard to keep track of them. I didn’t know his last name so it could be Cullen. Maybe he had a different name or maybe Masen was his last name and he had a different name then his parents. Edward Masen, the son of the Cullen’s. It was hard to believe. I needed answers.
I gradually found my way to his room, which I figured out was his when I saw the bags stacked in a corner.
He emerged from an adjacent room looking worried.
“Where were you? I thought I told you to go upstairs and come here. When I got here I couldn’t find you.”
My heart warmed with the words. Then I remembered we were supposed to be an act. A fake couple so his parents would be happy. The things I did for other people. “I got lost.” I said sheepishly.
He shook his head and led me to the adjacent room. “You’ll be staying here. Is it okay?”
How do I ask?
“Why do people call you Edward?” The question slipped out of my mouth before I even thought about it. Great, another spastic Bella moment.
He froze.
“Where did you hear that?”
“Your father.”
His eyebrows furrowed. “Oh.”
I waited for an answer but he stood there with his face scrunched up, think about what I had just said.
“Oh, sorry. Yeah. My mother and father call me by my middle name. They like it more.”
“So your name is Masen Edward Cullen?”
“Yes.” He said gritting his teeth.
“Okay.” I said simply, before hauling my bad to my bed and pulling it open. I wish I had taken Alice’s advice about the clothes. I could see him staring at me through the corner of my eyes. I decided to continue the conversation. “So, you guys must have a really big company for all, this.”I said gesturing with my hand at the grandness of it all.
“It’s ancestral. And it’s a small company. More like nothing.” He said, his eyes down casted and shielded from me.
“Okay.” I said letting it go. It was bothering him, I didn’t want it to bother him. He slipped back into his room shutting the door with a click, sealing the finality of the conversation and I couldn’t help but remember last night.
It was dinner time in the house of the Cullen’s and a man had come knocking to my door just before seven. I had taken a shower and was now dressed in a pair of jeans and the best shirt I had brought. He took me down to the dining room which had a table large enough for twelve people. Here was a chandelier above it and the crystals glimmered in the soft light. They were all seated at the table, Carlisle at the head with Masen’s mother to the left and Masen to the right. I went and sat beside Masen. “Now that we’re all here, we can start eating.” Said Carlisle sending me a smile.
The food was brought out and the small family in front of me helped themselves to it all while chatting quietly.
“So Bella, what do you do?”
“Well Mrs Cullen, I work for Aro Volturi and his private jets line. I’m one of the air hostess.”
“Call me Esme, please.” So that was her name.
I found myself stopping a yawn as I smiled at her. Mason saw me and cleared his throat asking for leave. “We’re jet-lagged anyways. Thanks mom, thanks dad.” He said getting up and pulling me up with him. He led me to my temporary room and stopped at the door.
“Thank you for what you’re doing. Even if she doesn’t show it, my mother is happy.”
“It’s nothing.”
“I’ll have to repay you. What do you want? I can get anything.”
I shook my head smiling. “Nothing. It’s okay Mr Masen.”
“I insist.”
I looked into his eyes and held out my hand, knowing I would reprimand myself later for what I was going to do just now.
“A friendship.”
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