CHRISSY VAN RUSSELL-The Innocent Dreamer
"OMG! Where are the drinks?" Elayne asked over the loud music at the party.
"What?" Chrissy strained to hear anything over the loud music.
"Drinks!" Elayne yelled in Chrissy's ear.
"No, wait..." Chrissy followed her cousin around the packed house party. She did not know many at the party, even though they were mostly from her school. She was part of the "in-crowd" at Dunlap Academy but only because of her last name. Elayne was the most popular girl at their school, and she was only a junior like her.
Elayne was a big drinker. A bad drinker. At the last party they were at she got so wasted she danced nude in front of everyone. Before that, she skinny-dipped in a pool while everyone took pics and made videos. She had a thing about getting naked. All that and she still was the girl everyone wanted to be friends with.
"Party pooper," Elayne shouted, egging Chrissy on. "Look, there are Carter and Linc. Let's go say hi."
As always, Chrissy tagged along.
"Yo Carter, nice party."
"So glad you made it. Now we can get this party started." Carter searched behind the bar and pulled out a bottle of peach Ciroc. "Just for the party girl."
"Oh Carter, you know me so well," she smiled, flirting with him, dancing on him while she drank straight from the bottle of vodka.
Chrissy had to stay sober for her cousin, she was sure of it. The party was going to be the talk of the year, that's for sure. No parents, access to a high-quality liquor bar, and a bunch of spoiled rich kids. What could possibly go wrong tonight?
And there he was. Tony Jackson, her forbidden fruit. Way out of her league. He was a senior, super smart, and had his pick of the girls. Too bad he only thought of her as just a friend.
"Elayne, there's Tony."
"Yeah, so," Elayne said, busying herself behind the bar mixing drinks like a pro.
"Isn't he totally cute tonight?"
"Like, ew! He's like your cousin or something."
"By marriage! My mom is married to his uncle." Cousins by marriage she repeated in her head. Tony was too hot to be related to her.
"Yeah, but still ew! Besides, not your type."
"My type? What's my type?"
"Not Tony Jackson," Elayne remarked, downing her drink.
Chrissy ignored her cousin and waved to Tony. He smiled at her and waved back. He said something to his friend Xavier and they both headed her way. Xavier was super hot too but way out of her league. Every girl at the school was into him. Tony was more her speed.
"Hey cuz," he announced to her.
She rolled her eyes at him. "Don't call me that. I'm not your cousin."
"Sasha's my aunt, she's your mother, which makes us cousins," he explained, with a grin at her.
"Exactly what I say." Elayne leaned over the bar between them. "Just like me and you Chrissy."
"Hey E, starting early?" Tony said to her.
"What would you like, Mr. Jackson? I'll mix you up a drink." Elayne already was mixing up a concoction.
"No way."
"Oh come on! It'll put some hair on your chest." Elayne handed him a drink "That is if you are a man."
Elayne gave him a flirtatious smile and Tony smiled back at her. Chrissy watched and could tell that Tony was mesmerized by Elayne just like every other guy. It made her upset because she wanted Tony to notice her.
"I got this," Tony stated, taking the drink and downing it. "Wooo!"
"I knew there was a wild and loose party animal in you somewhere." She grabbed his hand and then climbed over the bar. "Dance?"
"Don't hurt me," Tony said as Elayne pulled him off to the dance floor.
She seethed with anger. Elayne knew she had a crush on Tony for the last three years. Ever since she met him at her mother's wedding all she could think about was being Mrs. Tony Jackson. The problem was, he only thought of her as a friend.
"Hey Chrissy, want to dance with me?" Xavier asked, standing beside her.
"Sorry, I don't feel well," she lied.
She watched the two of them grinding on each other to a freaky song. She even saw how Elayne could not keep her hands off him. Touching his face, his shoulders, his chest. She even grabbed his butt. Chrissy could not watch it anymore. She stormed out of the party and outside.
She was tired of playing second fiddle.
QUINTON JACKSON-The Life of a Player
He slipped from the bed of the young hottie before he could wake her up. He grabbed his pants, slid them on, and tossed his shirt over his shoulder, and stealthily exited the apartment.
He did not even remember the girl's name.
It wasn't Sasha though.
He could only imagine some of the wild things he wanted to do with Sasha. He wanted to call her up now, but now that his brother was in town, he knew it was not possible.
Ever since Sasha made the move on him, he was down. No hesitation. Hell, it was just sex and they both were great at it. Or was it more?
Did she even love Antonio?
Did he love her?
"Naa!" he said to himself as he sped down the highway.
His cell buzzed and he looked down at the screen, it was his brother. It was ten minutes after midnight, what the hell?
"Yo, bro."
"Just heard word Scoville is going with Van Russell."
Quinton almost skidded the car into the median when he suddenly hit the brakes. Luckily there were no cars behind him.
"What?" Quinton said, controlling the car and steering to the right lane. "Hold on man...what..."
He pulled the car over to the shoulder and parked. This required special attention.
"Hunter Scoville sent the email just about an hour ago. Did you get it?"
No, he was busy getting with the honey.
"No, but bro, tell me what's up? Hunter's my man, he knows I want this."
"Apparently Marty put in a sweeter deal."
"We can put in a sweet deal as well. Get with Donna and fix this!"
"If she's not down with it, she's not down. She still feels like those properties are not profitable to us. They could sink us."
Quinton got out of his car, slammed his door as he paced, and yelled into the phone.
"I can make the deal work! We need to take the business to the next level and this will do that. As you said, Donna is overwhelmed. She is going to make us miss out."
"Calm down Q.
"I'm calm! I'm not letting this merger go!"
TONY JACKSON-Back Seat of My Jeep
Tony and Elayne are in the back seat of Tony's Range Rover kissing and making out. They were parked just down the street from her home, but he knew to keep his distance from the mini-mansion she lived in. Her father hated the Jacksons as much as his uncles hated the Van Russells. That's why what he was doing was taboo.
"Have I told you how incredibly sexy you are," Elayne said as she kissed his neck.
"I'm thinking you say that to all the boys."
Elayne stopped and hit Tony's chest.
"Why does everyone think I'm a hoe?"
"I saw you at Cory Ellis' party."
"I like to have fun, that's all."
Tony pulled her closer and kissed her.
"When are you going to stop playing with me and be with me?"
"Why would I want to do that?" Elayne said, rubbing a hand up his shirt.
"Cuz we've been beating around the bush about us for too long now. I like you, you like me, why are you stalling?"
"I'm not."
Elayne knew she was, but she had a good reason. Though she was feeling Tony, so was her cousin slash best friend. It would kill her if Chrissy knew she and Tony were hot and heavy. So she tried to keep it on the DL.
"I want everyone to know you're my girl."
"I'm not. We're just friends Tony. Like you and all the girls you talk to on a daily--"
"They're nobody. Definitely not Elayne Van Russell."
"Flatter me, okay," she said with a grin.
"Okay, okay, we can chill out, take it slow, whatever the lady wants." Tony held her in his arms.
Besides, his uncle told him to stay away from the Van Russells.
Sunday morning Quinton pulled up at his baby sister's house, rang her doorbell with fury. Donna opened the door and gave him a neck roll and crossed her arms across her chest.
"Are you crazy?"
"We have to make a move on the Scoville deal," he said, rushing into her house.
"Umm," Donna looked at him, looked back outside as if someone else was coming, then back at him. "Since when are you coming into my house like you paid the mortgage? Where they do that at?"
"I said-"
"I heard you, but back the fuck up!" She closed the door and walked to her brother. "The Scoville deal is not up for discussion. We passed on it."
"Not we, you! Antonio wants this as well. What do you need to make this deal in our favor?"
"I'd appreciate it if you didn't bum rush in my house like you are running things. You and Antonio think just because you're older than me, you're the boss of me. Boy, look...take it down a notch, Q."
"Whatever! Baby sis, Antonio will not move on this deal till he gets a go-ahead from you."
"Then I guess we're not moving," she started, arms crossed over her chest.
"I'm not budging on this. You have to trust my word on this. Drop it."
He was not going to drop this. One way or another, they were going to get Scoville in their hands.
MARTY VAN RUSSELL-Business is Business
"Scoville is in the can!" he said to William.
"Told you."
"Hunter said it was no big decision to sell to us. He wants to join our team."
"You bringing him on?"
"Hell no! Obviously, he's not a shrewd businessman, he tanked his company. But I let him think he was part of the deal."
"The Jacksons are going to try and kill the deal, but they have no pull in this."
"Quinton's gotta feel bad since Hunter's his friend."
"There are no friends in this business."
His father taught him that lesson when he tried to be friends and business partners with Bishop Jackson. What started as a great friendship, ended with bad business.
He never felt a loss in the Jackson friendship, as he was neither close with Antonio nor Quinton. His brother Ethan was thick as thieves with those two. Like the older brother he was, he saved their asses many times with all the crimes they committed in their youth.
If it were not for him, they all three would be in jail.
Hey readers!
Little more detail in the Van Russell and Jackson rivalry. Now we have a Chrissy/Tony/Elayne triangle going.
Team #Telayne! Or #Trissy!
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