- ¿Qué estáis haciendo aquí? - dijo, sacando su daga lentamente, e inmediatamente todos le apuntamos con nuestras armas. Él sonrió con una ceja arqueada, bajando su daga, devolviéndola a su funda. - Está bien, está bien; calmaos. Bajad vuestras armas, chicos.
Nos miramos entre nosotros, inseguros de hacerle caso, pero finalmente decidimos bajar las armas, lentamente, reticentes.
- ¿Qué hacéis aquí? - volvió a preguntar. - No he visto a nadie aquí desde hace años.
Jackson dio un paso al frente.
- Venimos de las Islas del Este; las Islas del Sur nos han declarado la guerra y fuimos enviados aquí. - explicó rápidamente. - Estamos buscando a Monty, ¿está aquí?
El hombre frunció el ceño.
- ¿Quién os envía? - preguntó con cautela.
- Labanka, nuestra Chamán. - Anna respondió. El joven la miró con una sonrisa divertida sobre los labios, reparando en ella por primera vez. Me mantuve tensa, en guardia, preparada para atacar.
- Oh. Labanka. - él asintió, y después se giró y comenzó a caminar hacia el interior de la cueva.
- ¡Espera! ¿Te vas? - alcé la voz, temerosa. No podía creer que habíamos hecho todo el camino hasta aquí, para ahora, nada.
La risa del joven nos llegó a través de la entrada de la cueva.
- Oh, no. Esperaba que me siguiérais dentro. - él continuó caminando sin mirar atrás.
Nos miramos los unos a los otros para inmediatamente después correr tras él hasta alcanzarle. Nuestros dragones nos seguían de cerca, cubriéndonos la espalda. Caminábamos a través de una cueva ancha y por lo que paarecía muy profunda; nada interesante. Paredes de roca y oscuridad. Estuvimos caminando alrededor de diez minutos, y aún no alcanzábamos a ver su final.
- ¿A dónde vamos? - me situé al lado del hombre, dejando una distancia prudencial entre nuestrs hombros.
Él me miró de soslayo y me sonrió.
- Queríais ver a Monty, ¿cierto? - dijo, y se mantuvo callado un momento después. Él sostuvo entonces algo alcancé a ver. La oscuridad de la cueva comenzaba a ser tan densa que casi ni podía ver más allá de mis narices.
De pronto, una luz se encendió y pude ver la cara del joven de chaleco azul justo frente a mi. Di un pequeño bote y un paso hacia atrás, asustada.
- Vamos, que no muerdo, rubita. - él carcajéo, y comenzó a caminar de nuevo, sosteniendo en alto una lámpara de aceite.
- Ese no es mi nombre. - dije, cruzando los brazos sobre mi pecho.
- ¿Cuál es, enconces? - me preguntó indiferente.
- Elsa, ciertamente. - respondí, mirándole curiosa ahora. Arqueé una ceja. - ¿Y el tuyo?
Él giró un momento la cabeza para mirarme por encima de su hombro, como si no estuviera seguro de saber la respuesta a mi pregunta; o como si no estuviera seguro de querer contestarla.
- Rider. Flynn Rider. - él frunció el ceño y volvió a girar la cabeza para mirar al frente. Asentí, y entonces sentí un roce cálido sobre mi mano. Era Jackson.
- Els, ¿todo bien? - me preguntó con una sonrisa forzada. Asentí.
- ¿Y tú? - pregunté, arqueando una ceja. Él levantó la barbilla hacia Flynn, que caminaba delante de nosotros. Yo solté una risita. - Sólo está siendo amable, Jackson.
- No me da buena espina. - susurró, acercándose un poco a mi para evitar que el resto le oyera.
- No le conocemos - susurré de vuelta, poniéndole una mueca incrédula.
- Deteneos. - Flynn alzó la voz, haciéndonos callar a todos. Nos encontramos ante cinco aberturas en la roca, que cada una nos llevaría hacia un camino distinto.
- ¿Cuál es el camino correcto? - Anna alzó la voz a mi espalda. Los dragones comenzaron a ponerse algo nerviosos.
- Este. - Flynn caminó por una de las aberturas en la roca, decidido, asegurándose de que le seguíamos. Le seguimos, inseguros.
- ¿Falta mucho? - Anna se quejó, cansada. Llevábamos caminando toda la tarde.
Nos detuvimos ante una nueva hilera de entradas, de caminos distintos.
- Me tomas el pelo. - Jackson suspiró, exhasperado.
- Oye, es un refugio. - dijo Flynn, molesto. - ¿Esperabas que estuviera a plena vista?
- Bueno, situado en el Gran Bosque es ocultarse ya suficiente. - Anna cruzó los brazos sobre su pecho.
- Seguro. - Flynn cerró la conversación indiferente.
Comenzamos a caminar de nuevo a través de una de las aberturas. Estaba cansada, sentía la suela de mis botas desgastarse a cada paso. También estaba hambrienta, para ser competamente sincera. Vimos el atisbo de una luz, que esparaba que fuese la que indicara el final de la cueva. Apretamos el paso, y pronto estábamos allí. Las vistas eran inigualables. Bajo nuestros pies la hierba fresca, y a escasos metros una caída en picado desde el acantilado donde estábamos. Una cascada caía frente a nosotros, mojándonos la cara. La cascada caía abajo, en un gran lago, que continuaba en un río, donde iban a nacer y a morir más cascadas a nuestro alrededor. Las paredes de roca se extendían a lo alto y parecían tocar el cielo, y las nubes eran bajas y se colaban por estas. Fénix e hipogrifos volaban a nuestro alrededor y sobre nuestraféniz rojo de gran tamaño se posó al lado de Flynn. Era casi de su tamaño.
Flynn le palmeó la cabeza, con suavidad, y todos dimos un paso al frente.
- ¿Es tuyo? - ppregunté interesada.
- Claro - Flynn me sonrió cálidamente al mismo tiempo que subía a lomos del gran fénix. - Debemos volar, no tenemos tiempo que perder.
Todos nos montamos en nuestros dragones, y con Flynn a la cabeza, volamos sobre el paisaje.
El sol ya comenzaba a ponerse, y
The sunset started to come, and we all looked at the beautiful and catcher landscape. We could see how all the colors mixed in a huge rainbow, surrounding the hole forest, and how the wind floated here and there, playing with our hair, whistling in our ears, like it was singing a beautiful song. The river was fresher than ever and the butterflies surrounded us in their flight. We lowered down and I could see a big mountain, with what seemed a kind of green castle, carved in the mountain's rock. A gigant waterfall fell down on both sides of the castle, making it look georgeus and powerful. The lower clouds forming the fog above it induced a kind of respect and careful that I had never felt by anything. A huge terrace was formed fore the castle, and we landed there.
"The dragons may stay here in your first visit" Flynn advise us, and we dismount them. We all said our goodbyes to them, and they started playing around.
The castle's doors opened slowly by themselves, and a shiver ran down my back. This Monty has to be an important woman.
We entered and all our chins fell to floor. Beautiful cerulean water was filling the main room. The blue walls' rock was decorated by all tipes of tiny flowers growing in them, like they wanted to create a georgeus mosaic. The ceiling was all covered by tiny yellow butterflies, that slowly moved their wings, but they were not flying at all.
A boat was next to us, and Flynn didn't take long to throw it to the water.
"C'mon, it's safe" he laughed at us, riding on the boat.
I smiled sheepishly and rode too, sitting next to him. Then Anna, Emma and Jackson. Flynn rowed and we avanced fast. As he rowed, yellow lights turned on under the boat, and all the butterflies started flying around all the room, creating an amazing show. It was complitely indescribable. I leaned over the edge of the boat, looking the blue water and my waving reflect in it. It was so beautiful, that I couldn't help but touched it. Its touch was so soft, so delicate, that I was even afraid of damaging it.
We arrived to the shore, and we got off the boat. The butterflies went again and rest in the ceiling. Flynn pushed the boat, and it started to floating all the way back by itself. I was freaking out so hard.
We all looked at each other as we walked behind Flynn through a yellow runway up. Our steps sounded hard and make a curious echo in the hole room. At the both sides of the runway, the walls and at the ceiling, were growing up all kind of colourful mushroom and little shrubbery, wich gave off different fresh and penetrating smells, soft, delicate, passing through our nostrils, delighting us.
"This is amazing!" Emma shouted in an awe, like she was squeeze herself from the inside.
"Yeah... It's completely beautiful..." Anna added in agreenment, while she was tourning around herself, looking at every detail that could scape from her widen eyes.
Jackson stared at me, and held my hand, no word was said. It wasn't necessary, we understood each other without words. Maybe that's why our friendship was so special. I smiled warmly at him, and he smirked back. Always that smirk.
Flynn turned around and saw our own reactions at the new world that he was showing us, and he smiled, thoughtful. He shook her head and turned back, walking faster. He turned left in the yellow runway and a very width and high snowy staircase came up in front of us. We looked at each other. All of this was being very weird and beautiful at the same time.
All of the room was filled with white pure snow. The ceiling was covered by light white clouds, and the rock walls were covered by delicate frost, creating abstract drawings, shining in the silver light of the full moon that was showned between the clouds.
As Flynn put a boot in the snowy staircase, it started snowing slowly, delicate snowflakes were falling down from the clouds, for finally ending up softly in the snowy floor or in our heads. We were walking slowly and carefully, frightened of breaking up the harmony and awesomeness of the room. I stood up there, seeing the snowflakes falling in my face and decorating my blond hair. It was the first time that I saw snow, and was an incredible feeling. I loved how it felt the humidity covering my bones, my hair getting white and my eyelashes blinking with white drops in them. I didn't know why, but I felt like this cold feeling was a kind of flashback, like I knew this before.
I shook my head and threw back in my mind this odd thoughts, and looked back at my partners.
They were doing the same as me, enjoying the snow, amazed. I felt a warm hand in my back.
"You guys like it?" Flynn asked us, looking at me in the eyes. His brown eyes staring at me, shivers down my spine.
"I love it!" Emma shouted joyful, rolling around in the snow towards Anna.
"Mama told me stories about how we played everyday with snow, back at there in North Islands, but I forgot about that actually" Jackson added, getting near me with a smirk on his face.
I smiled to him and messed his hair with my hand, removing the white drops in it.
"C'mon guys" Flynn separated from me and continued walking with a frown on his face.
We quickly followed him, passing trough two more rooms. The next one was filled with brown trees, and when we put a foot inside, yellow, orange and red leaves started to fall down above our heads. Some grey clouds were decorating the ceiling, sunset showing, filling the space with beautiful and warm colours.
We went to the next room, a weavy beach stood in the left zone, gulls flying above. No cloud was seen, and a shining and heating sun hit us full. Our boots were soon filled with golden sand, and as soon as we were walking by, a hot breeze blow around. Our hair getting messy (messier, actually) and I started sweating. I realized I couldn't able to put up with hot. I ran to escape from it when suddenly I hit myself with a large and huge wood door, all painted in gold, silver, green and red tones. It was representing a countryside whith rising sun at dawn and all filled with flowers and animals.
Flynn nocked three times. After a while waiting, the giant door opened by herself to reveal a spring stage. The room was actually a giant terrace, that ended up far away from the door, in what I supossed to be one part of the both side waterfall at the castle. The smell of grass went to my nosetrils, all kind of flowers, trees and animals were there. A river crossed the terrace from side to side, with a golden bridge above it.
I noticed that at one side of the room was a little door, simple, only a tree was painted in it. But soon, another thing catched my attention. A big white butterfly came flying inside the room as we stood up there. It perched elegantly in the fresh grass, and that was when I realized that the flawless butterfly was carring a hooded woman. I was freaking out again.
As the woman went down, it flew again fluttering in a delicate way. The woman stood there, staring at us.
"Flynn, take them here" she sentenced with a soft but determined tone.
We did what she told us to, and we crossed the bridge in a hurry. We were all expentant and exited.
When we were close enough, she took of the hood, revealing her face.
Her hair was all red, very long and straight, fallind down her back. Her skin was like the sun rising in the morning, and her green eyes were so intense that I avoid looking at them. Her thin rosy lips were painted in her face like a straight line, not smiling yet.
She was wearing a long dark green dress, with a long tail at its back. Tiny red flowers were embroidered in its neckline, and a light silver cape fell down in her shoulders.
Her face then softened, and the line in her lips turned into a warm smile. To everyone surprise's, her hair suddenly turned white. Instantly, we felt her purity and goodness, and we softened all our odd expresions.
"Welcome to my abode, travellers" she said to us, her voice shaking joyful. She extended her arms and a wood round table with five chairs appeard in front of her. "I'm Monty, Mother Nature, as well"
All our chins fell to the grassy ground, completly speechless.
I felt how my throat dried at the moment, and before I could speak even a word, I hardly swallowed.
"W-who?" I asked softly, that was all I could say; that was all what came to my mouth.
"C'mon guys, you heard me, don't freak out" she approached us, her hair turned yellow this time. A feeling of energy, glow and brilliance lit up the terrace. "Sit down with me, please"
Hi there! Here's the new chapter! I really hope you enjoy it as I did writing it hahaha. I hope that you understand everything well, specially where it's describing all there castle's rooms... Ah! One more thing!
Please, it is very important for me you to vote and comment, I'd love to hear your thoughts, or any reviews or suggestions about the story. And that way, I will know if you like it!
Love you all!!!!!
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