The walk to the deli wasn't as awkward as he thought it'll be. Yes, they walked in silence at first as he didn't want to annoy her or say something that might push her away. It's apparent that she didn't want him to accompany her, which bothered him a lot because does that mean she doesn't like him around anymore? But Jungkook's determination to spend more time with her overpowered those thoughts. He wanted those soft lips on him again – preferably on his lips the next time it happens. He wonders if she knows the effect she has on him.
His mind recalls the events of last night at her house. After his awkward apologies and Lisa being too kind to a jerk like him, she had switched on the television when he made an excuse that he couldn't go back yet because he forgot the keys to his house and Jimin would only come back after 10pm. He prayed that she'd have that empathy towards him and not kick him out then – and he was right. She trusted him enough to have let him stay. In reality, he wanted to leave after she'd fallen asleep. Oh yeah, he left out the part where the cough meds is a drowsy one! He didn't mean anything by it though, he just didn't want to leave her still awake and alone. Honest!
The medicine worked fast as she fell asleep around fifteen minutes after. He laid her head down gently to the cushions and covered her with the blanket. That's when she suddenly made a grab of his right hand, holding it to her neck as if she's hugging a bolster. Jungkook didn't know what to do so he sat down on the carpet next to the sofa for a while, leaving his hand in hers, giving her the warmth he thought she needed.
But he's only human and after half an hour or so, his arm began to numb. He tried to bear with the pain for a little while longer but when he couldn't anymore, his arm decided to take over and moved by itself – causing her to stir a little. That's when she held the back of his hand to her lips and kissed it.
'Don't leave me...I like...I like you around...' She mumbles incoherently, but clear enough for him to catch the words.
Only God knows how fast his heart was beating at the sight! Nothing like that has ever happened to him – even when he was with Yeri! Jungkook practically cursed at himself – and his arms! – because if it weren't numb, he surely could've felt the heat from her lips more! Damn you, blood circulations gone wrong! And he guessed because of that, he's more confident to be holding her hand just now.
She must've felt awkward at the beginning as well. And hurt. What Yeri had said must've hurt her so much. Damn, Jungkook couldn't even contain his anger at the girl when she referred Lisa as a 'Thai prostitute'! Never – throughout the entire time that he's known the girl – that he felt so angry that he wanted to lash out on her. Not even when she was on the bed with Yugyeom! But saying that about Lisa just pushed a button in his heart and had earned her a cold stare and a piece of his mind that he felt was necessary and deserving. He felt like he doesn't know the girl anymore.
'Don't ever call her that again, you don't even know her. This is not about you. Not everything I do revolves around you. I'm over it. I don't care who you're sleeping with – who you're with, just leave me and her alone, you understand me? She's better than this – than you'
He couldn't recall her response after that – he wasn't even thinking much. He knew those remarks left her standing there in shock, but all he wanted was to go to Lisa. Thankfully, she was still in sight when he turned around. Just her presence before him made him calm. It was funny, really – he thought she was going to shout at him or something. But she looked so confused and she constantly frowned at him. And how cute was she when she huffed about, stomping around when she thought she was alone?! Damn it, Jungkook tried so hard not to laugh!
Anyways, after ten minutes of walking side by side in silence, she suddenly asked him if he's ready for the finals – a very safe topic that Jungkook didn't mind talking about. He was worried that she might ask something that has to do with Yeri. Not that he would mind sharing about what happened, he's just worried if she'll start talking about the insult earlier.
Jungkook waits for her to decide on which sandwich she wants, taking the opportunity to watch her confused state as she shifts her gaze between a Lobster & Mayonnaise and Spicy Tuna & Eggs. When she finally decides on Lobster & Mayonnaise, he took the latter – just in case she wants to try it later.
"Can I pay?" She asked when they placed the sandwiches and drinks on the counter. Jungkook frowned. "Please? You already bought the food yesterday, please let me treat you this time,"
"No," He immediately hands over his card to the cashier. Her little pout makes him smile. Jungkook had a plan. He's going to stick with his plan. He's not gonna let her get rid of him so quick.
"So when do you wanna do the editing thing?" He asks as they stepped out and munch on the sandwich.
"Editing thing?"
"Yeah. You know, the video editing we talked about?"
"Oh...really, you don't have to –" He knew that was coming.
"No, I insist! Are you free tomorrow?"
"I..." She hesitated for a while. Please, no more rejection. My heart can't take any more for the day. "I have Emily in the morning,"
"Okay, noon then?"
"S-sure..." Jungkook's heart did a leap, excited that he gets to see her again tomorrow!
"Where are you going?" Jungkook asked when Lisa's about to leave him at the entrance of the National Library.
She fidgets as she came back to him. "I have some work to do. You don't have to wait for me okay? Just leave whenever you want to –"
"But it's Friday,"
Lisa froze. Shit! Was she the one who told him – no, it's Chaeyoung! Shit!
"What do you –"
"What time do you finish?"
"What time will you be done with your work?"
"No, no, you don't have to –"
"I know. I'm just asking," Jungkook hides his nerves with a smile. You're doing great, buddy!
"Um...probably around 5,"
"Okay!" With that, he turned and enters the library. Phew, that was close!
Jungkook rubs his palm together, heating them up in the evening drop of temperature. He glanced at his watch again. 5:06pm. She should come out any minute now. She won't lie to him and leave before she said she would. No, she's not that cruel.
"Hey Lis, wait up!" He glanced up by instinct to see Lisa putting on her bucket hat, approached by a guy. He looks about the same age as them. He's tall, with broad shoulders and a sleek-back hair. Jungkook could say that he's good-looking, if his mind would stop asking 'who the fuck is this guy?!' for a second.
"Oh, hey Sehun," Is this Sehun the guy she said she liked for so long?
"Are you heading back now? I finish in half an hour...if you can wait, maybe we can go grab dinner together?" Sehun shifts from a foot to the other. Do you think you look cute doing that? Do you??
"Um...it's okay, I have to get back. I've been sick – there's a lot of assignments I have to catch up on," Lisa said with a smile. Jungkook clenched his fist tightly, not liking the fact that she's smiling to another guy the same way she did to him.
"Oh okay, it's okay...maybe tomorrow? After you send Emily back maybe," He knows about little Emily as well?! Well, too bad buddy, she has a date with me! Maybe not an actual a date but still - let the guy imagine!
Lisa nods. Why is she nodding?? Is that a yes?? But you have a date with me!! "We'll see. I'm not sure yet what time –" Okay, not a yes -
"Sure, no worries!" Dude, calm your ass – you look like a fool right now. "I'll text you tomorrow okay?" He even has her fucking phone number?! Lisa nods, preparing to leave and Jungkook looked away immediately, not sure why.
"Jungkook?" He turned and finds Lisa standing at the top of the stairway. "What are you still doing here?"
"Oh...I was done a while ago but then I looked at the time and it was almost 5 so I thought I'd just wait for you. You all done?"
Lisa nods cautiously while walking down towards him. "I told you, you didn't have to wait –"
"I know. I just didn't have any plans and it's boring to walk alone so..."
Lisa crosses her arms, as if she's not buying his bullshit. Jungkook felt nervous all of a sudden.
"How do you know I work here?"
"Uh...you...work here? Like, 'work' here...at the library? I thought when you said you had some work to do it's like, you know...like you have an assignment to do or something –" She raised an eyebrow, definitely not buying his bullshit. "Chaeyoung told me,"
Lisa's arms fell to her side. "That girl really have to control her mouth –" Her hands formed in small fists, as if she's annoyed. She looks so cute! "What else did she tell you?"
"Um...I can't remember," Jungkook held a hand in his hair, ruffling it – another habit of his when he tries to lie. "Anyways, where are we going now?"
"We?" She smirks. SHE SMIRKS!! God, she looks so hot, Jungkook wanted to pull that bucket hat down and covers her face with it so no one can see her looking hot like this!! "I'm going home,"
"Great, let's go!" He grabs her hand – hoping she won't let go this time. And she didn't. He didn't know where he got the courage from. Most probably after seeing that Sehun guy trying to make a move on her, making him feel like he should step up his game a little.
Jungkook felt like he's walking on air. He's really walking with Lisa, hand-in-hand! He hopes she didn't feel the tremble at the beginning. He was too worried and scared that she might pull away, that he didn't dare to even move his fingers! But now – after walking for five minutes – he braved himself to graze his thumb over her thumb.
"Um..." He felt her flinch slightly but she didn't pull away. Yes! "So um...do you have any plans yet after you graduate?"
He shrugs. "My dad wanted me to take over one of his subsidiaries, but – I don't know yet. It's not something I want to do,"
"Oh...does it have something to do with what you're studying?"
"That's the thing, I guess. It doesn't. But my brothers took on their roles well and I feel like I'd disappoint him if I refuse the offer,"
"Are you uncomfortable talking bout it? We can change the topic if you want –"
"No, no. I'm fine," I'm so fine in fact, I wanna share everything with you! "My dad's cool, you know. He did say I can do anything I want, as long as it's really something I want and I'll work hard for it. He wasn't like this before. Then my mom got sick and I think he hit some sort of a turning point,"
"I'm sorry. Is your mom okay now?"
"Yeah, now she is. It was a bit depressing at that time. Cus no one saw it coming and it was really a shock. She went through a surgery and thankfully, everything went well and she got better after that," He glanced at her and saw the small smile as she looks down on the ground. Shit, he wasn't even thinking about her situation when he spoke about his mom!
"Um...what about your parents?" Will she tell him? He grazes her skin again, hoping that she'll trust him enough to share her story.
"Ahh...both of my parents passed away," She says casually. "My dad had a heart-attack when I was 15. My mom passed away two years ago,"
"I'm sorry,"
"It's okay...thank you though," She gave an assuring smile, warming his heart. "Do you see them often? Do they live nearby?"
"Not really. They're in Gangnam-gu. Sometimes my dad would visit if he's around the area. My mom tagged along when I first got in the uni...then she fell in love with gardening and is now in a serious relationship with her pots and flowers,"
Lisa giggled. "That's cute,"
"Yeah...she said she has a mission to transform our backyard to a full-on 'landscape of love' - whatever that means! I can't complain...it's good that she has something else to focus on rather than worrying about whether I eat enough or not -"
"How many brothers do you have?"
"I have 2 elder brothers but they're both married. I'm the youngest,"
"Aah that explains the worry,"
"What about you? Do you have any siblings?" Of course he knew the answer to this. He just likes the fact that she's asking questions and it would be rude to let her do all the work. Plus, a simple question could potentially leads up to another, and he wants to know it all!
"No, just me," He's not sure whether she's looking down because she's sad to answer him or if she feels shy. He hopes it's the latter. "Although Chae already feels like a sister to me,"
He lets out a small laugh. It's nice to see Lisa and Chaeyoung's friendship. It reminded him of Yugyeom and himself before that fateful day. The guy would pretty much do anything for Jungkook and he feels the same - even if they're not as vocal about it as girls do.
"Jungkook," Lisa stopped her tracks. "Can I ask you something?" He nods. "Why are you doing this?"
Her eyes glistens as a small smile curved on her lips. "Yes, this. Why are you holding my hands?"
Wait - he's confused. What did he do that she suddenly asked this? "I um -"
"Why did you walk with me? And – and cared for me when I was sick?" She pulls her hand away slowly from his. Why – everything was good wasn't it? Why is she acting this way all of a sudden?? "If you like Chaeyoung, you shouldn't do this,"
Wait – what? "What do you mean if I like Chaeyoung?" Was he not clear enough about who he likes?! "I don't –"
"Are you just toying with her? Is that what you're trying to do? Are you just testing whether you can get anyone –"
"Stop, no! Why would you even think that?"
"Is it because I said I liked you? Is that why you're suddenly paying attention to me? If it's cus you felt bad cus I told you, you don't have to –"
"I like you!" His voice ended up being louder because it's too painful to hear her accusing him of the things he never even meant to do! Where the hell did any of these questions came from? Why would she think -
"I like you, okay? I liked you since the night I went to the bar and I can't – I can't even get you off my damn mind for more than 5 minutes and it's driving me crazy! You're driving me crazy – I don't know what and – damn it!!" He breathed out his frustrations, his hands are now in his hair. "I don't know why you would even think that – am I really that bad, do you really think of me that badly?"
He looks back to her and see the tears on her cheeks. Fuck! Now you scared her – well done, you fucking asshole!
"I'm sorry! Fuck – I'm so sorry I didn't mean to –" He wanted to wipe her tears away. He wanted to pull her in his arms and tells her that he wasn't mad at her. He wanted to kiss her just to show how much he likes her. Then he'd laugh about how ridiculous the idea of Chaeyoung and him is - he bets she'd laugh too! But he's too much of a pussy to do any of those things so instead of comforting her, he just muttered a whole lot of 'sorry' and walks away.
Why is it always like this...2 steps forward and 3 steps back between them? Why can't everything just be normal...and easy?
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