She was covered in fogs, then she's surrounded by trees. Lisa walks further, and realised how beautiful the forest is. Flowers are blooming in hues of red, pink and purple as if welcoming her into the place. There are small butterflies dancing around on air and she's twirling in a dress – a pretty blue dress.
Then she heard a melancholic sound of someone singing. It was soft at first, and Lisa hopped between small streams to find the source of the male's beautiful voice. She reached a big tree – with leaves coloured in golden yellow – and the voice became silvery. She closed her eyes, trying to remember where she had heard of the familiar voice from.
She opens her eyes to find the guy's face hovering on top of her. Is this a dream? Wait, why is it so dark? She looked out to the see-through curtains covering the sliding door to the balcony. It's really dark outside.
"What – what time is it?" She rubs her eyes.
"It's fifteen past eight. I'm sorry, I couldn't find the light switch," His voice sounded apologetic. His voice...Jungkook??
"You're still here?! Why are you still here??" She pushed herself up immediately but was plopped back down when he tapped her shoulder lightly.
"Tell me where the switch is,"
"Um...it's behind the wall there," She pointed to the side-parted wall across the television. He smiled and went over. The sudden burst of white light in the room blinded her for a second and she had to cover her eyes.
"I'm sorry, do you want me to switch it off?"
No! The dimmed lighting will be dangerous to my feelings for you! She shakes her head in response.
"Okay," He walked over back to her and sat on the armchair facing her. "How are you feeling?" His voice is soft and laced with concern.
"I'm okay, I told you I'm okay. You didn't have to stay here,"
"I didn't. I went out. I was hungry and I didn't think you'd be happy if I take one of your ramyeons. So I went to buy food...for us,"
'For...us...' Oh my God, stop...
"You – I mean...it depends on which ramyeons," She mumbles, still rubbing her eyes.
"Spicy beef,"
"Then yes, you made the right choice by going out," Can her voice be any smaller? Of course, she liked the guy more but since there's no way he will ever be with her, she'll choose the ramyeon instead. Jungkook laughed, showing the two bunny teeth she always find adorable on him.
"Thank God, took me a while to decide," His eyes are sparkly and his manners made her smile. "Do you have the energy to freshen up?"
"Why? Oh no – do I smell bad?!" She gathered her hair to smell it but couldn't tell as it smells like lavender – same as the air freshener in her house.
"No!" He laughed even more. Well done on clowning yourself, Lily! At least he knows how funny you can be! "I just thought you'd wanna freshen up before we have dinner,"
"Have...dinner?" Wow...the entire time she imagined having dinner with Jungkook before was either at a nice restaurant after they watched a random movie at the cinema or at a picnic table by Han River after spending the whole day strolling through the city! Not here while she's sick! "Um...okay," She got up, grabbed her phone and quickly disappear into her room.
Why is he back here? If he left the house, how did he get back in? She left the house key and access card on the coffee table, maybe he used it? But why is he going through all these troubles for her? Lisa plonked herself on the toilet seat, trying to remember what happened earlier in the evening. Did she fell asleep before he left, or was it after...
Her phone buzzed and she unlocked to find Chaeyoung's messages in her inbox. She hadn't checked on her phone since noon, Chaeyoung must be worried.
'Yahh Lalisa!! Even if you're sick to death you should at least update me!'
It made Lisa smile. She replied before scrolling up to see her previous messages. In between the girl's questions, there's a video that she sent at 2.38pm. Lisa opened it and felt her heart skipping a beat at the short sequence of Jungkook eating a burger and laughing while trying to hide his face when he looked up to the camera. He looked so cute and carefree...Lisa felt the knots in her stomach at the video of her best friend and her crush having lunch together like a happy couple.
I'm not jealous. I can't be. I'm happy for Chae...I should be happy for Chae. But he's here. Does she know that he's here? Maybe she sent him here? But if it's so, she would just get updates from him. Should I tell her that he's here?
Jungkook wiped his hands and turned just in time as Lisa reached the counter. She seemed to have showered and changed into a different oversized vintage shirt. The long, checkered pajama pants also looked too big on her, but she looks adorable in his eyes still. Her hair is now tied up into a bun, leaving her bangs parting slightly on the sides. She looked better and fresh now, and she's staring at him with caution. Jungkook brushed off his nerves. He knew she'd have questions. He knew he couldn't just get away with the sole purpose of 'taking care' of her.
He poured the herbal tea he bought earlier into two cups and took a seat in front of her.
"Thank you," She said when he placed the cup beside her bowl of porridge. He saw her peeking at his bowl and back at hers.
"It's the same," And he noticed the slight blush on her cheeks as she nods.
They ate in comfortable silence. For him at least! He wondered if she'd agree to go see the doctor after this. He already dropped by his house to grab the extra helmet for her. And if she's not comfortable riding on his bike, he can just call a cab. The clinic isn't that far from here.
Once he's finished, he took a sip of the tea and a deep breath, gathering the courage to ask her. "Can we go to the clinic after this?"
Lisa paused for a second, then shook her head slightly. God, this girl is stubborn!
"Please?" He tries again.
She took one last spoon in her mouth and shook her head again. Once she's done drinking, she looks up to him with a small smile. Jungkook returned the same and sighs.
"Thank you for bringing the food, Jungkook-ssi. I feel so much better already! You don't have to worry," She stood and took her bowl, then Jungkook's to the sink. There's something in the way she spoke, Jungkook thought. She wanted him to leave. She was being polite and formal – not the same as the fumbling and mumbling Lisa from this evening or the night they walked together.
He waits patiently for her to finish cleaning. He would've offered, but he didn't want her to get upset over it. Somehow he has this feeling like she didn't want to owe him anything.
"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked once she came back to the counter – probably waiting for him to get up and leave.
There's that smile again as she dipped her head once. "Yes!"
He waited for any signs of her coughing or sneezing as she looks awkwardly between him – to the counter – to the walls behind – then to him again. Isn't that like a signal for you to get your ass up and go back?? But Jungkook didn't move. He doesn't want to. He knows she's lying. The longer he stares at her facial expressions, the more he noticed it. After a minute or two – she sneezed, making him gasps.
"It's just a sneeze – it's normal!" She exclaimed before him and Jungkook tried his best not to laugh. He got on his foot and walks over to Lisa, who's rubbing her nose and looking down to the floor.
"Go have a seat. I'll bring your meds," Lisa looks up wide-eyed and Jungkook pats her head. He just had to – she's just too damn adorable that he couldn't hold it back. It's either that or a squeeze on her cheeks with his lips on hers! Yeah. Pick your battles.
She blinked with a frown, then turned to the living room awkwardly. Jungkook sighed and shook his head. Of course, he already prepared for Lisa's rejection on visiting the clinic – so he bought some medicines for her cold at the same herbal tea store. Yes...overthinking does wonder to the boy!
The owner was kind enough to offer some help when he saw Jungkook being clueless and taking almost half of the things on one shelf alone. He came back to Lisa with a glass of water and a small, brown paperbag. He can feel her eyes on him as he took out the strips and placed them on the coffee table, one by one.
"I'm not sure...ahjussi said you should take all – but this one –" He held up a strip. "This is if you feel feverish...and I have two types for coughs here –"
"Thank you," He heard her small voice and looked up. Why are her eyes glistening? Is she going to cry? No, no -
"It's nothing! Don't –" Don't cry! Jungkook scratched his head, not sure of what to do. "I-I just happened to pass by this shop – and they have the tea. Ahjussi said the tea is good – I don't know and I saw they sell herbs and medicines too and I'm not sure if you wanna see the doctor or not, so I thought I – I just thought," God, he's a mumbling mess! Well, at least it made her laugh a little! She took one pill at a time as he handed them to her.
"Thanks. You really didn't have to do all this, but thank you...really," She said earnestly, making his heart giddy and shy at the same time.
"I just...I didn't see you at school. I wanted to apologise...it was a misunderstanding, I promise! I don't know what others are saying and I wasn't thinking...and Chaeyoung said you're sick and I –"
"Does Chae knows you're here?" The question caught him off-guard. He had all these answers in his head but not this one cus...well, cus he didn't even think she'd ask.
"No," He looks down to his fingers. "Please don't be mad at her, she didn't give me your address. Well...not intentionally. I'm sorry about the visit, I just..." He took a deep breath, still avoiding her gaze. "I just really wanna apologise. I didn't mean it that way, like you said. I swear I didn't mean anything by it –"
"Jungkook-ssi," She cuts him off. "It's okay. You don't have to feel bad about the other night. And you don't have to apologise for getting me food either. I'm thankful, really,"
God, she's so kind! Why is she so kind?? He braves himself to look up to her, receiving a genuine smile that left his heart feeling warm and calm. "Can we start over?" Lisa gave him a questioning look. "Can we be friends?"
Lisa rests herself on the bench, breathing in the autumn air – feeling fresh and healthy! She's not one to get sick easily - but she knows that when she does, it'll last longer than just one or two days. She had spent the whole morning catching up with her lecturers on all the classes she missed. Now she has 3 assignments to get done by Monday next week. That's not so bad, she'll have the entire Saturday to get it done. Right!
She opens her notebook's calendar. The season's almost over and winter is coming. Her finals are in the next month, she wondered briefly if she's prepared for it. Some days, she did think that it's probably a good thing that she doesn't have that many friends to hang out with. It somehow got her focused. Other than the works she did outside of school, she's been paying a good amount of attention to her studies. She's actually one of the best in her batch – although no one, including herself – had acknowledged it that much!
The only person who seemed so adamant and constantly reminded her of it is Ms Jessi – her professor in Modern Korean Poetry. She recalls the earlier conversation she had with the ever headstrong Ms Jessi – asking for Lisa's plans after graduation and whether she'd be interested in moving to Japan to start off a career. Lisa was flattered, of course! But it's a pretty big change to move to another country again and she has her doubts. But you have to think about it now – you can't be a student forever! And isn't it your dream to travel?
Lisa sighed to herself. She misses her home – but it's no longer her home. She wanted to go back – maybe to visit, but there's no one for her to go to. Her late mother's birthday is in a few days, and she's getting more emotional as it gets closer. Maybe that's why she got sick. She's homesick.
'We're all we have baby...and we'll be with each other no matter where we are in this place...'
The memory of her mother's voice soothes her melancholic heart and she closes her eyes again to stop herself from tearing up. It's gonna be okay...it's gonna be okay.
"Why are we sitting so close to her –"
Lisa opened her eyes at the sound as three girls took the bench beside hers. Oh, it's her! Lisa looks back down to her notebook.
"I mean, if you're gonna have a pimp paying for you, the least you can do is dress up nicely – not like some homeless hag," She heard giggles.
"Right? Or maybe the old pervert never cared about her appearance so he never brought her shopping. He probably asked her to go around the house naked all the time –" More giggles. Lisa searched for her earphones in the bag. She's used to this, of course. But it doesn't mean she wasn't hurt every time it happens.
"Must be...it couldn't be her face," Where's that damn earphones?!
"Hi Lisa," She turned to her right and see Jungkook standing beside her bench, one hand in his pocket and the other clutching on the strap of his backpack. He's wearing a black hoodie and a pair of Timberland boots. I have the same pair! He looks so cool and handsome, Lisa's mouth went dry.
Lisa looks to her left, watching the girl leaving her wary friends and walking towards Jungkook with a warm smile. 'Gugu'?? Lisa brushed off the questionable nickname on her crush. She's too pretty, Lisa feels like she's the ugly third-wheel in a K-drama.
"I tried to find you. Um..." The girl tucks her hair behind one ear, shifting from one foot to the other. Lisa could see her eyes glancing to her. "Can we talk...privately?"
Lisa took it as a cue to leave. She's not sure why she felt like an intruder. It's not like she came in between them – she sat there first! But the moral conscience in her took over so she picks her book and bag up, ready to leave.
"No, sorry. I have a lunch date," She heard his voice first, then felt a palm on hers. It felt like there's an electric current from the contact so she pulls away immediately. But Jungkook pulls it again, holding it tight. Lisa looks up to the guy – who didn't seemed slightly apologetic by the action.
"Are you serious?" The girl chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Gugu, I know you're mad at me – can we just talk? You don't have to do this," Okay, she has got to find another nickname for Jungkook cus it's embarrassing for Lisa to hear!
"Do what?"
"This," She gestures to their locked hands, then at Lisa. When Jungkook didn't say anything, the girl continues. "Can we just talk?"
"No, I told you. I have a lunch date,"
Oh God, how did she get caught up in...whatever this is – it's so uncomfortable!
"Jungkook, stop. You can't ignore me forever. I know what you're trying to do – but you can't expect me to get jealous over this Thai prostitute,"
Jungkook lets go of her hand and turned towards the girl. It wasn't anything new to Lisa as those words came out, but she's had enough of this drama between them so she decided to just walk away. As embarrassing as it is to be receiving it in front of her damn crush, it'll be even more embarrassing for her to see Jungkook agreeing with the girl. It's obvious that she and Jungkook have some unfinished business. From his actions just now, it's clear that he was just trying to make her jealous. Lisa holds back the tears that are threatening to build.
Act cool, Lily – this is now new. You don't have anything to do with him. It's not you that he's after – you just happened to be there. Yeah, well, he better sort whatever that shit's about before he makes any move to pursue Chaeyoung or I swear –
"Hey, wow – you walk really fast," Jungkook appeared beside her, huffing out as if he just ran a mile. Lisa froze. What does he want now? "So where are you going?"
Lisa looked back to the bench where the three girls were – now looking very small from where she stands, then back to Jungkook. Oh yeah, how did she get here so fast? Lisa starts walking again, determined to ignore the guy. The humiliation she felt is still there.
"Lisa," He calls out, but she's too engrossed with her feelings that she couldn't respond. Why does he have to appear there and then? Just why?! She was fine with whatever they said. She was gonna put on her earphones and just pretends that she doesn't hear anything – like she always had. But then he just had to show up, looking handsome as hell and hearing that word thrown at her.
'Thai prostitute', wow...so original! I can't believe they're still using it up until now. The least you can do is be more creative in your insults – you've been doing it for the past two years! 'Thai prostitute' - hahh!! I bet any prostitute can treat him better than she can! She could probably learn a trick or two from them – maybe then, Jungkook wouldn't try to make her jealous by using me! Oh, that hurts!
Lisa groaned loudly, stomping her foot a couple of times on the ground – too frustrated at what just happened! Why, God, why would you –
She opens her eyes and find Jungkook staring at her, amusement written all over his face. Okay, now she knows the universe is just laughing at her stupidity!
"Why are you following me?" Her voice is a little louder than she intended – but fuck it, she's already too frustrated to even think anymore!
"Where are you going?"
"Why - why do you wanna know where I'm going?"
"Because I..." She can see that he's suppressing his laughter as he pressed his lips together and a smirk formed at the corner of his mouth. Damn, why do you have to look so cute – it's freaking annoying! "Because I'm hungry...so I thought we can go have lunch together,"
Because he's hungry? Because he's hungry and he wants to have lunch?? Together?! It was an excuse – just admit that it was an excuse to your freaking pretty girlfriend – or ex-girlfriend – whatever she is!!
"I thought we're friends now – why do you keep calling me so formally?" He chuckled before walking over to her side and grabs her hand in his. Lisa pulls it back.
"Fine, Jungkook," She squares her shoulders. Yes, stand up for yourself for once! "Your girlfriend's not here anymore, so you don't have to pretend,"
"I wasn't pretending. And she's not my girlfriend,"
Lisa sighs. He really doesn't get it!
"Why did you hold my hand then?"
"Because it's cold," Lisa blinked, not understanding. "You just recovered, I don't want you to catch a cold again," He answered casually. Oh...that's so...thoughtful of him!
What – Lisa, snap out of it! "I'm fine...I can manage," She muttered as she placed her hands in the pockets of her sweater. Maybe she was being a bit dramatic.
"Okay..." He seems disappointed. Yeah, me too – but you're not mine for me to do as I please so – "So what do you feel like having?"
It took a while for her to respond as her head kept replaying the word 'you' over and over. Blame him for looking so fine today!
"I'm just gonna grab a sandwich. I have to rush to the library,"
"I thought you're doing the photography thing today? It's Friday," Oh, he remembers!
"Um, I'm meeting them next two weeks instead. They had to go to America for a week...they have an event there,"
Jungkook nods and smile. "So you're free today?"
Shit! "No, I'm going to the library,"
"That's good, I need to go to the library too! Let's go get a sandwich!" He starts walking ahead of her before turning back, gesturing her to follow. Oh, this is gonna be so embarrassing! He's gonna know that I work there! He's gonna see me in that uniform! Well, good thing he's into Chaeyoung – it's not like you can impress him anyways!
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