His feet grew restless. He's pacing at the lobby by himself, waiting for a reply from Taehyung and Jimin. After a while, his phone buzzes.
'Can't you just ask her friend to share her phone number? Just say that you have something to ask'
He sighed before typing a reply back in the group chat.
'I already did. Chae said it's better if I ask her myself. But I can't do that if I don't see her'
'Chae is my Rosie? I miss her voice'
'Chim, this ain't about you'
'So...I can just go up and check on her right? It wouldn't be weird right?'
'Hyung, Chae said you're annoying and you look like a player'
'Define weird. As in stalker-weird or desperate-weird?'
'Those 2 sounds the same'
'Then it's weird'
'Yahh you better not flirt with my Rosie'
'Tell her I can be anything she wants me to be'
'Get over yourself Chim, she's not your Rosie that's not even her name!'
'Not yet'
'I'm already here so I should just wing it right?'
'Did you at least bring food or something? Don't go empty-handed, it would look even worse'
'Already have. Okay pray for me!'
Jungkook locked his phone with a confident smile upon getting the assurance he needed. Just at the right time, someone pressed the buzzer from inside, unlocking the entrance to the apartment building. Acting oh-so-casually, he pretended to reach for the invisible-access-card-that-he-didn't-have in his pocket – then proceeded to tap the invisible-access-card-that-he-didn't-have on the reader, all the while holding the door open to sneak in after the man left. He smiles proudly to himself at the success of not being caught. He got onto the elevator and pressed 9.
It's quite an accomplishment for him, being able to trick his ways into getting Chaeyoung to share the address. It was also unplanned. They were having lunch earlier – this was planned for him to get more information out of her. He wasn't sure why Chaeyoung treats him like he's the best person to have a conversation with as she talked about all these people and things he doesn't even know of – aside from when she rambled about Jimin! Or maybe it's simply because of that, she thought he'd be a good listener? But never mind that, it worked great for his benefits!
He was sure she was saying something about working out and the gym being too far from her house. Then she said she wished her house is as near to the University as Lisa's so she could walk in the morning like Lisa does. Of course, Jungkook would always perk up when he heard the name. If he's a rabbit, everyone could definitely see how fast his bunny ears stood up! In those quick few seconds, he strategised the questions in his head.
'Yeah, it looks like a cozy area to live in – not that busy. What's the name of her place again?'
To which Chaeyoung answered Daisy Service Apartment. Then he asked if the place is nice and the girl just spilled every detail by herself. He came to know Lisa's house is on the 9th floor because Chaeyoung spoke about the view from 9th floor. He might not get the unit number, but Chaeyoung mentioned how the apartment's good to live in if you have pets because the management allows it, and that's a good thing because Lisa has 3 cats and she loves her cats. Lisa loves cats. She loves cats so much that she even has a white, porcelain cat vase outside of her doorstep.
So now all he has to do is find a unit that has a white, porcelain cat vase at the doorstep. And indeed he found it, located only a unit away from the elevator. Jungkook smiled to himself, staring at the vase. It's cute! Although the flowers in it looks like they haven't been watered for a few days. He took a deep breath, chanting to himself 'you can do it' a couple of times before pressing on the doorbell.
Mental note: Daisies Service Apartment. 9th Floor. House number 9-12-01. And why are you taking notes?? You're only here to give her the food...and to check whether she's okay or not. And probably talk a little.
He moves slightly away to hide himself from the peephole, scared that she might not open the door if she sees him. His heart beats louder when he heard the unlocking of the door. Jungkook turned to face the door, slightly opened with a portion of Lisa's face behind it. She was rubbing her eyes before opening them widely – probably out of shock upon finding him standing there.
Before he could even say anything, she shuts the door close. Okay...now what?! He took a step back, and sweat started forming on his forehead. This is a bad idea – of course! How can he be so stupid to just show up here?! She's probably calling the police now – fuck! I can't go to jail – dad's gonna kill me! Or worse – is he gonna get a restraining order from her? Well, there goes your chance to even start –
The door opens again slowly, and Lisa peeks through.
"Sorry - what um...what are you doing here?" Her voice came out slightly croaky, and he knew she's having a sore throat.
"I..." He scratched his non-intchy head nervously. "I h-heard you're sick,"
She blinks a couple of times. Her tiny face underneath her messy bangs looking cute as hell, he thought.
"So I...I brought...this um...I brought um," Stop. Stuttering. "Porridge. I brought porridge,"
"Y-yeah..." Her voice sounded different. "Um...you really don't have to – h-how –" She turned slightly and Jungkook heard a sneeze. Bless her! When she re-appeared, she covered her nose with a tissue.
"Are you okay?"
"Y-yeah, um...you should go. You might catch – hang on,"
She disappeared again and he heard another sneeze as well as running steps inside. After a second, he push the door fully open – finding Lisa nowhere. He wondered if he should go in. Will it be wrong? Will she chase him out? She's probably too sick to do it. And she's really sick, he could tell. I should at least give her this porridge. Yeah, okay buddy...here goes!
He helped himself into the apartment, took off his shoes and carefully place them beside the shoe rack. He noticed a pair of new-looking Timberlands and an all-white Stan Smith. Damn! He always imagined having a girlfriend with the same taste in style as him! He also saw the yellow flats she wore with her yellow shirt from the walk with Emily last week. It puts a smile on his face, recalling the image of the two jumping in circles.
"Um," He looks up immediately when he heard her voice. Lisa's wearing an oversized shirt and shorts, and Jungkook had to stop himself from gawking at her beautiful long legs. She's standing around 6-feet from him, covering her mouth with a hand, and holding up the other towards him. "You shouldn't come in, you'll catch whatever I'm having,"
Jungkook lets out a sigh, realising that he'd held his breath – scared of her lashing out about the other night and now this. But she didn't look like she's mad at him. If anything, she seems worried. If only she knew how getting sick is the least of his concerns right now...
"You shouldn't be standing up too long, where's your kitchen?" Jungkook walks further towards her, suppressing a laugh when she backs away, following his steps.
It wasn't a long hallway as he strode past Lisa, but he only noticed how bland everything is once he reached the living room. There's nothing on the white walls. The beige carpet covered the white-marbled flooring. The sofas are all in white as well. There are two yellow cushions – which are probably the first coloured things he'd seen since he entered aside from her shoes. Oh, and there's a yellow blanket on the sofa as well. Yellow's really her favourite colour huh?
The living room somehow reminded him of his parents' house. Everything's in neutral tone – including the rugs and decorations. His dad has a thing about cleanliness and he mentioned a couple of times that the earthy tones gave him this 'imperial sense of establishment' – whatever that means. Of course, after learning about the theories of colours in previous semester, he can understand why.
The house seems big – probably too big for one person, especially for a student. No wonder she has to work all the time – this house must've cost a lot! I wonder how her room looks like, is it the same as the living room or are there more personality –
"Y-you can't just –" He knew what she's going to say so he kept walking towards the kitchen island, farther in from the living room. She hasn't screamed at him yet. That's a good sign. And somehow, seeing her – looking so adorably tousled with her pink nose and all of her sick state – gave him the kind of confidence he didn't know he has. The mission is to give her the porridge. Then he'll leave.
"Yahh –" Her voice is so small, he had to hold himself from laughing. Stop being cute!
Her kitchen is amazing! It's fully equipped with an oven, a medium-sized microwave, and there's a dishwasher as well! Everything is so tidy and in place – aside from the two mugs and a bowl left in the sink. Aside from those and the couch, it feels like you just checked-in to a hotel room and everything's untouched.
If he didn't know any better, he might take her as a daughter of a wealthy family! Or someone with an old pimp – no more of that shit Kook, you better not fuck this up! Without looking back to Lisa, he took one bowl on the counter and focused on the task at hand.
Lisa left again to the bathroom because she had to blow her nose. She really didn't have much energy to run back and forth like this but she'd rather be all drained out than to do it in front of Jungkook. Of course she was determined enough to forget about her stupid crush on him, but things doesn't just happen overnight! She needed time. She needed to stay away and avoid bumping into him. Ever. But now he's here. In her house! What is he even doing here?! How did he even knew where she lives? God, everything's so confusing – it's giving her a headache!
The knock on the door made her jump a little.
"Lisa? Are you okay?"
"Mm-hmm!" Can you stop shrieking at him –
"Um...okay...the porridge's ready. I've re-heated it. I used your microwave...if you don't mind,"
Use anything you want to – in fact, why don't you just move in here?! Then you can use me too! What the hell – no Lisa!!
"Yeap! Give me a sec,"
No, no, no, this is bad! I look horrible! She tried pinching her cheeks to give some colours on the pale skin. It doesn't work. She tried tidying her hair a little, putting it up in a bun – but there's nothing much she can do about her bangs. Ugh, why do you even care so much – he's as skeptical as the others, and he likes Chaeyoung! Alright Lily – we need to set our priorities straight!
He might feel bad about that night, that's all there is to it. Lisa tried to reason with herself. As much as his question hurts her, deep down she refused to believe that he's really heartless and ignorant. Whatever, you've made your bed – you've decided to move on. So don't care about what he thinks, okay? Okay!
She gathered herself and steps out to the kitchen where she could see a bowl and a glass of water already been set. Jungkook was leaning on the kitchen island, looking so casually at ease and hot while staring at his phone. The white, short-sleeved shirt he's wearing really looks good on his honey-coloured skin. His serious facial expression got her thinking how much of a 'boyfriend-material' he looks like right now. Chaeyoung's so lucky! If only she could freely capture the image of him looking so beautiful and comfortable in her kitchen...but no. She's just gonna have to keep this image in her own mind.
"Um, you can go now," Can her voice be any smaller?
"That's okay, I'll just wait for you to eat," Jungkook looked up, putting his phone aside.
"Cus you might not eat it once I leave," He said simply with a smile. That damn smile!
"Jungkook-ssi, I –"
"You shouldn't stand for so long, you look weak. Come," Jungkook pulls out one of the bar stools, indicating for her to sit. Whose house is this - hers or his?? Lisa fidgets at first, but obliged anyways because he was right. She'd been lying down on the sofa so much since she got sick, and the only reason she managed to stand up for this long is probably because of the shock that he is here.
Once she sat down, he took the seat in front of her. Is he serious? He's just gonna sit there and watch her eat?
"You don't have to stay, Jungkook-ssi. I will eat it," She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, looking down to the fingers on her lap – nervous to face him because...well, because she looks like shit.
"Lisa, just eat,"
"I-I'm not comfortable –"
"Do you wanna sit at the sofa instead?" Jungkook stood up almost immediately.
"No, no," She shook her head. "I'm not comfortable to eat while you're looking at me," She could see his shoulders relaxed a little as he heaved a sigh. "I promise I will eat it. You don't have to stay here –"
"I told you I'll stay, at least until you're finished,"
"Then –"
"Please...don't argue,"
"I wasn't going to," She looks back down to her lap, feeling like an errant child. His voice is so soft...it's making her feel bad. How does he do that? "I was gonna ask you to eat as well. There are um...biscuits...in there," She pointed to one of the top cabinets. He took a moment – probably laughing internally at the fact that she could only offer biscuits – then proceeded to take the jar out.
They sat there, both eating in silence. Lisa didn't look up to him once, scared of feeling the 'butterflies' again. Her sole mission is to finish the porridge as soon as possible. Then he can leave. It's a good thing he's not saying anything as well as it gives her time to strategise what she's going to say to him before then. She will thank him for the porridge, although she never asked for it. Then she'll ask him how in the world did he came to know where she lives because...how?? Then she'll say she doesn't have any hard feelings towards him so he doesn't have to feel bad and do this –
"Where do you keep your meds?" His voice interrupted her thoughts and she realised that the porridge's almost finished.
"Um, that's okay –"
He stood up and opened the fridge, looking for something. When he couldn't find it, he looked around the counter and the top cabinets. The he disappeared to the living room behind her. What is he looking for? He came back with the empty antibiotic strip Lisa had left on the coffee table.
"This is all you've had?"
"Oh," What's wrong with him? Why does he look so upset?
"So I take it you didn't go to the clinic? Chaeyoung said there's a viral fever going around now –" Chae? Is that how he knew her address – from Chae? But why would Chae even share it?
"It's just a cold,"
"Just...a cold?" It's obvious that he's exasperated as he ran his hands through his hair, although Lisa's not sure why. Why would he care so much whether she – "I'm bringing you to the clinic after this," He took the empty bowl to the sink.
"No?" He spun around and glared at her. Is he – who does he think he is? Coming here uninvited and forcing her to eat and now instructing her to go with him – ugh, all these questions are just too tiring!!
"I don't wanna argue. I have a cold and I just need to sleep it off –"
"It's been four days and you're still sick –"
"I'm fine," Why are they arguing like how those couples in the K-dramas she'd been watching argue? She made to stand and was ready to tell him off but her legs betrayed her, turning into jelly just at the right time and almost caused her to fall if it wasn't because she was holding the island counter. She could hear him hiss before his hand reached her waist to hold her up – causing her heart beat to accelerate at full speed! He – he just –
She looks up to find him with wide eyes and saw the apparent glare. How is he so beautiful up close...and those eyes blazing with what – frustration or concern? Whatever it is, Lisa feels her body heating up with a strong desire to just cup his face and kiss him.
"I wasn't doing it on purpose –" She could only manage a whisper.
"Okay," Is it just her or is he staring at her mouth as he whispered it back to her? He's holding her so close that half of her body is pressed onto his...and Lisa thought she saw him lick his lips. Is this some slow motion scene in a romantic comedy? She knew she'd seen a scene like this before...right before the couple closed in and kissed. Imagine that...her first kiss...with Jungkook. Oh my God –
She immediately looked down and pushed him away. Oh my God – was I imagining kissing Jungkook while I'm having a flu?? Am I pink? Am I red? What am I right now?!
Jungkook cleared his throat, probably feeling awkward as hell right now of the position she'd put him in. A wave of regret suddenly hits her. He was just trying to make amends. He wasn't that bad of a person, she knew that. He felt bad. This is probably his way to apologise. And there she was, looking like a desperate puppy in love!
"Can um...c-can you walk to the sofa?" He asked. Lisa nodded and walked past him quickly. Once she sat down, she heard the sound of water running at the kitchen sink. Oh God, is he cleaning up after her as well?! She wanted to tell him off. She wanted to see him out. But all the shock and excitement had drained all her energy. So she leans her head back to the sofa and closes her eyes, waiting for him to finish.
Jungkook stares at the doll-faced girl, feeling a bunch of emotions he's not quite familiar with – all at the same time. He's angry and worried that she's still not well after days now. He's anxious with the strong urge to wake her up and bring her to see a doctor, but it's so calming to watch her sleep like this. He's happy that he's here with her and had ensured that at least she had something to eat, but the idea of leaving her alone again makes him feel restless.
He slowly lifts her head to the cushions and covers her body with the blanket. Then he stares at her again, thinking how on earth could someone be so alone in this world, yet still smile beautifully? I could really take care of you...if you let me. Jungkook sighed at his wandering thoughts. It's all very overwhelming.
I couldn't have done it. I couldn't have moved to a different country while grieving over the loss of someone I love. I couldn't have dealt with such agony. Shit, I even thought about jumping off the bridge when I found out about Yugyeom and Yeri! Why did you let him bring you here? How could you not be angry at him? How could you let him put you in this place – this place is filled with judgmental and heartless people – myself included! For the life of me, I couldn't find a reason of why she would even study and work just for the sake of it – all the while receiving harsh rumours made up by people who don't even know any better.
Jungkook's not that oblivious. He knows there are people who're struggling to survive, but this struggle she's facing with – it's by choice! It's not forced onto her so why would she even go through with it? Why can't she just be a normal person who would just leave it be? Why – out of all the people – why do you have to help me that night? The day he thought his heart was broken into a million little pieces. He remembered feeling like shit and trying to convince himself that no, he won't cry and he won't feel the betrayal for the next 5 years of his life.
Then – like some sort of magic presented to him by the universe – that same night, she came and really made the pain disappear! Not once did he wallow in the misery of losing Yeri to his best friend - or maybe losing his best friend in this fucked up betrayal. His eyes were constantly looking for her and his mind's filled with questions of only her. And his heart? No, he's too scared to think about what she's doing to it. Who are you?
He reaches up to fix the strands of hair covering her cheeks, slowly and softly. She stirred slightly at the contact of his fingers on her skin, but still remains asleep. At least one thing is certain for now. It's that his heart keeps beating differently around her. She came to him for a reason. There must be a reason.
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