The air at 2am is her favourite – especially after the 'last drink of the night' routine. Her stomach feels warm, the breeze is soft, complimented by the silence of the night – giving that sense of calmness she couldn't get when the city's awake. She'd gotten used to this place, she wondered now how Bangkok sounds like. It's been two years since she left her motherland and everyone she knew back home. Once in a while she would stalk her cousin's Instagram page, staring through the screen and trying to remember what 'home' or 'family' felt like.
She stretches her arms widely and breathed in the cold air, suppressing the urge to cry. It was really sweet of them to do the surprise for her – from the performance shout-out to the staff gathering – they even invited Chaeyoung to come! It's definitely a bittersweet parting celebration she had never received before. When she left Thailand, it was in such a rush that she didn't get to properly say goodbye to everyone. Not that there are many people to bid farewell to, since only 3 of her aunts showed up for the funeral.
There's a soft thud behind her and Lisa spun around immediately, now conscious of her surroundings. She had been walking through this route at this hour almost every Friday for a year and nothing bad has ever happened – but then, you can never be too careful. Standing around 10 feet from her, someone looked like he just stumbled on something. The guy looks up and caught her eyes. Is that...Jungkook? He gave a small wave. When Lisa didn't move, he walks up to her awkwardly.
No, no, no. She's been keeping her distance – she had to – there was no way she could endure the pain to see Jungkook and Chaeyoung together as a couple if she has any feelings for him!
"Sorry, did I scare you? I was just walking back," God, can his voice be any more sexier?!
She couldn't speak. Partly because...well, this guy makes her shy as hell that she couldn't think straight. Or maybe it's the shot she had before leaving the bar? Never mind – but also because prior to leaving just now she managed to steal a glance at him and if her eyesight's correct, she was sure he was giving her a cold stare. It left her wondering why he doesn't seem in favour of her. She didn't notice it the first time they met – but then, she wasn't looking straight to him that much then. She was more surprised and shy that their path had crossed randomly like that.
After much thinking in between saying her goodbyes and receiving advices and wishes, her mind decided that perhaps he's heard of all the gossips. And the fact that he knew she's working at the bar, it could only have solidified all the bad things people say about her. God, she wanted to run back home and hide under the safety of her duvet – probably cry a little and hug Leo while crying – embarrassed that the first guy she ever had a crush on, is probably on that side of the fence. You know, the fence that separates her, Chaeyoung, Mino, Mr & Mrs Jeon and Mrs Kim, the only ones who knew the truth about her past – and the students with those rumours and gossips...and now Jungkook.
But here he is now, talking to her. Maybe he's just being nice in order to get to Chae? Or maybe he's thinking that she's a bad influence to the girl of his dreams...oh no, is he gonna ask me to stay away?!
Jungkook cleared his throat. "Um...since we're heading to the same direction, do you mind if I walk with you?"
"Yes!" Why are you shrieking?! The guy raised his eyebrows, probably surprised at her high-pitched voice. Bless his eardrums! "I mean, no! No, I don't mind," Heh. Heh. Heh. "Um, where are your friends?"
"Oh, they have somewhere to go after this," He placed his hands in the pocket of his jeans and smiled.
That damn smile – with those two bunny teeth – stop being so god-damn cute! Lisa fidgets with her bag strap as she starts walking, because standing face-to-face with him makes the butterflies in her stomach riot in frenzy. They walk side by side in silence. She's too scared to speak. She could already feel the alcohol working its magic, who knows what will come out of her if she starts saying something!
"So...they said it's your last day?" She can't recall if his voice sounded this good last week.
"Do you sing?" Oop - there you go!
"Hmm?" Oh. My. God.
"They said –"
"Oh yeah," She laughs. Why – what's so funny? Why the hell are you laughing, just why –
"Heard you got another job?"
Come on Lisa...you can do this. You can overcome Tipsy Lisa and talk to him like a normal person. Remember how you did it last week? Just don't look at his face.
"Oh...Chae told you?" Her eyes betrayed her as they glanced up to him. He faces up front and she can't tell what that little smile is about. Oh God, he likes Chaeyoung so much that even just a mention of her name got him flustered! If that doesn't stop you from crushing hard on this guy, I don't know what will! "Yeah...I'm starting next week,"
"Can I ask where?" Damn, you can ask anything from me and I'll give it in a heartbeat – oh my God, stop it!!
"Um," She tried to clear her mind off from the thoughts. "It's...not like a specific place. There're these influencers, not sure if you know them,"
"What are 'influencers'?" Jungkook shook his head apologetically and Lisa laughs a little.
"Well, basically they have this fashion and lifestyle blog and vlog and they tons of followers...like millions! On their Instagram, Youtube channel –"
"Oh...close to a celebrity? I think I have friends that does that – sort of like an endorser right?"
"Yeah, something like that! So they're apparently one of the few in-demand influencers in Seoul for the past year, appearing on shows and fashion events," She glanced again to see whether he's following. "They have content covers every day – and on Sundays they have a walk-around-town themed topic for their vlog. So they hired me to shoot pictures for their content every Friday...for the Sunday one,"
"Oh...so you're a photographer?"
"Trying to be...I guess,"
"How did you get the job?"
Lisa shrugged. "They emailed me last month. I...I have a blog...w-where I upload my pictures. They said they liked it,"
"Wow...then you must be really good! For someone to just approach you like that,"
She lets out a little laugh. A little nervous laugh. Jungkook just complimented me! Well, not really but –
"I just got lucky, I think," She hides her nerves by looking down to the ground. She's not blushing, is she?
"Don't say that..." She heard him say softly. God, can her heart beats any louder? "So you'll start next Friday?" She nods. "Are you nervous?"
More nervous to be talking to you now – "A bit...I hope I do well enough. I mean, I did some research and I think I can manage their expectations – but the video bit is new to me, I have been learning on angles and editing on tutorial videos,"
"Video editing? I did some before –"
"You did?"
Jungkook nodded. "Yeah, I always record time-lapse and process whenever I paint. By the end of it, I'll edit the video but it's just for my personal keep. Just for me to see my own progress and how I can make it better...I played with the software a lot,"
He's perfect – how is he so perfect?!
"If you like, I-I can show some to you," Lisa noticed him placing his hands back in his pockets. "I mean – if you need help about the software, you know. I-I'm not a professional or anything – and only if you w-want to, of course – I can show you probably the basics. Or maybe you've learned that, b-but I can sh-show you maybe a trick or two –"
"Okay," She mumbles out, because Jungkook is too cute when he's trying to be humble and Tipsy Lisa took over! The guy stopped walking, prompting her to stop as well.
"Yeah...I mean, if you don't mind, I'd love it if you can help –" God, Tipsy Lisa is brave! Did you just say 'you'd love it'??
"I don't mind!"
She can't help the shy smile she gave. He looks super cute with his sparkly eyes and his mouth hanged opened like that. He likes your best friend! "Um, but only if you're free. Like, don't get out of your way or anything,"
"I'm free!"
"I mean – I mean I'm free tomorrow," He ruffled on his hair. She wished she could run her fingers through his hair – is it soft and fluffy like it seemed – Lisa, snap out of it already!
"Um," She starts walking again. "I have to babysit in the morning, but I'll be free after lunch time. Chaeyoung's probably free as well, maybe she can join in. Are...you free...after lunch time...?" Please say yes, please say yes. What - it's for Chaeyoung!
"Yes!" The butterflies in her stomach are throwing a party for sure. "So um...babysit?"
Lisa laughs. "Yeah, I babysit every Tuesday and Thursday, after class,"
"Oh...is it your sister? O-or brother?"
"No, no," She laughs nervously again, only now realising that it's probably not a good idea to share more with him. But he'd seen her at the bar before and she haven't received any warning letter from the university. Yeah, well, he probably stayed late, got drunk and forgot all about it. "Can I ask you a question?"
Jungkook nodded. "How's your hand?"
"Oh, it's better now, thanks to you," Oh...so he did remember her! "I kept the bandage on for two days after that but it got itchy so I had to take it off,"
"Two days?? That's too long! You should've taken it of the next morning to clean it up again!" On instinct, she reached for his left hand to examine it. Everything had dried up, and there aren't any red marks around the wounds. She breathed a sighed relief, seeing no trace of infection. "You should really be careful –"
She looks up to find him staring intently at her, their faces only inches apart. If she were to just tip-toe a little and lean in a bit, she's sure that their lips would meet. How would it feel like to be kissed by – he likes Chaeyoung!!!
"Oh!" She jumps back immediately, releasing his hand to fall back by his side. She sighed, closing her eyes and shook her head – too embarrassed to even look at the guy. Why is it so hard to just control your freaking self, Lisa?! She continued walking and after a few steps, Jungkook appears by her side again – following her pace.
"So...who is it that you babysit?"
Okay, back to a normal topic. Great! It's gonna be embarrassing to let him know how many jobs she has but that's better than giving him the impression of how much she wanted to kiss him!
"This little girl. Tuesdays and Thursdays are when her mom had to go to the old folks home to visit and care for the grandmother. She had been bed-ridden for about a year plus now and apparently the home doesn't allow kids – scared that they'll get infected by something. Her name's Emily, she's super cute....and super smart as well! She has violin lessons until 4 so I'll pick her up and entertain her until dinner when her mom comes back. Her dad always works late so I rarely see him, but Mrs Kim is nice. She always feels bad whenever she calls for me, but I've been babysitting Emily for more than a year now and I kept telling her to not worry about it cus at the end of the day, she is paying me to help –" Okay, okay, filter-mode Lisa! "Sorry...I got carried away,"
She didn't dare to look up to him. He must've been laughing at her for being a mumbling mess. Probably annoyed. Probably both. You know, like one of those moments when you're annoyed but there's nothing you can do about it so you just laugh it out? No? Just me? Okay.
"That's okay...I like hearing you talk," Wait – did she hear that right? "And tomorrow? Who are you babysitting?"
"Ohh...still Emily. Sometimes her parents have some things to take care of so they'll call me if I'm free to help,"
"I see...so what happens on Mondays?"
"Yeah, so Tuesdays, Thursdays and some Saturdays you babysit Emily. Fridays you work at the bar – or after this, with the influencers. What about Mondays, Wednesdays and Sundays? Or some Saturdays when you don't have to babysit Emily?"
There's something in his tone that wasn't clear to her. It's a thin line between sarcasm and concern – she's not sure which.
"Now you're being greedy!" She frowns and leans back, ready to change the subject. He smiles with a sigh when he realised that she's teasing him, showing those two bunnies teeth again. God, Lisa never thought she'd be so lucky to be here at this moment! She had been looking at him from a far for too long that she's gotten used to it. Never once she dreamed that this day would ever come.
"Nothing, I do nothing," She gave a big, confident smile. Jungkook blinked a couple of times before smiling back to her and Lisa ignored the butterflies flying freely in her stomach. She's really content. Even if they don't speak to each other after this, or if he moves in to be with Chaeyoung, Lisa will always remember tonight. A miracle happened to her in this life. And she's thankful for it.
"I'm going that way," She pointed to her left. "Where are you heading?"
"Um...that way too," Pointing the same as hers. Oh, did he move to a different area? Not that she knew exactly where he's staying, but she'd seen him carrying stuff from the art shop once and he turned right at this junction.
"So you're in Language and Literature right?" Jungkook asked. "What uh...what are you studying?"
Lisa squints her eyes at him. Not that it's an odd or funny question – she just likes to tease people whenever they asked her that. And they do ask her that.
Jungkook laughed nervously. "Stupid question, right?"
Jungkook couldn't believe himself. He's really walking next to her! He managed to talk and appear like a normal person – at least he thought he is! It surprised him, because internally he was feeling all sorts of anxious. His heart had been beating hard since she caught him following behind earlier. Stop lying to yourself – it's been speeding since you saw her on the stage!
He wanted to talk to her. He only needed a few minutes to ask where he'd seen her from. That was all he needed. It didn't occur to him how hard it was to ask just that. Lisa just has this warm vibe and impeccable beauty that gives him mixed emotions. Physical attraction is one thing. He knew and there's no doubt that his hands itches to touch or caress her every time he laid eyes on her – she's just so beautiful so who wouldn't? But there's something else about her that takes Jungkook on an emotional rollercoaster.
It's the way she blurts and mumbles. It's in her little nervous smiles and pouts when he tried to compliment her. It's the combination of bright but reserved manner when she was talking about the photography gig and also Emily. It's something in those perfect round eyes that seemed like they bear secrets – and the way she looks at him and not looking at him – making him wanting to know more. It's in her frown when she jumped in concern for his wounds. Let's not forget the part where he felt tempted to lean in and kiss her just now as they stood so close to each other. God, Jungkook wanted to slap himself cold for even thinking about it – what is it about this girl that keeps drawing him in?
Jungkook had never gone through so much trouble just to get to know a girl before. Granted, he never had any other girls aside from Yeri – but even with Yeri, everything just went on its course. He was friends with her long before he developed feelings for her so by then, he already knew pretty much everything about the girl. But here he is, walking farther and farther away from his house, just to spend more time with this doll-faced beauty.
He makes a mental note to thank Taehyung and Jimin for pushing him forward to chase and walk with her. He left the 'chasing' part out because...well, because he's a pussy. But Taehyung said something that triggered the protective side of him that he never thought he had.
'For once in your life Kook, get out of your comfort zone. If you don't, these guys behind me will. I heard them talking about her just now and one of them seemed pretty adamant.'
That's all it took. He wasn't sure if Taehyung was lying or not – and now he doesn't care. It got him to walk with the girl and get to know her better.
"So are you gonna tell me?" He snuck a peak to the girl beside him. Her cheeks are pink, and he's not sure whether it's because she's blushing or if it's from the drink she took before she left. Yes, Jungkook was staring at her the whole time – what you're gonna do about it?
When Lisa seemed lost, he added, "About your studies,"
"Oh..." She paused for a while and it looks like she's thinking. Perhaps it's too early to be asking all these questions but he really wants to know what other things she has up in her sleeves. She's amazing at dancing, she's good at photography – not that he could be sure since he's never seen her works before...maybe he should look her up online later – but she must be good enough to be hired for it. She's good with kids...or is it just with Emily? But he's seen how she talks with Emily, so no doubt that she'd fit in well with the kids.
"Well, it started out as me wanting to learn different languages...so I won't have much trouble if one day I get to travel. Now I major in Literature Education – more specifically, Korean literatures,"
"Oh, so you like to travel?"
"I want to...if given the chance. Do you travel, Jungkook-ssi?" He realised now that it's the first time she calls out his name tonight. And it sounded nice when she says it.
"Just Jungkook," He laughs a little. Thank God it's dark or she might see me being flustered and shit. And I was trying so hard to look cool! "I've been to Japan once, with my family. But other than that, no. I never thought about it before...cus everything is already here, I guess. Korea, I mean. I can go pretty much anywhere here, and I don't have to worry cus it's home. My family's here and my friends. Maybe when I start working or when I get older,"
"That's nice...I've always wanted to visit Japan," He looks over to his side and see Lisa nodding slowly, pursing her lips tightly that her cheeks puffs out. He felt like squishing those cheeks but no – he's not gonna do that, he's not a creep!
"So how many languages do you speak now?"
"Mmm...I'm quite fluent in four, I'm still getting there with the other three. It's hard cus I don't have anyone around to practice it with,"
"Oh, what's the three?"
"Mandarin, French and Spanish,"
"Wow...and the four that you're fluent in?"
"English, Japanese, Korean – by now...and Thai,"
"You're fluent in Japanese but never been to the country? That's amazing...wait...Thai?" That's so random.
"Yeah...I'm from Thailand,"
Aah...he was right, she's not Korean. No wonder she looked different, with those big eyes and plump lips. He stole a glance at her for the umpteenth time tonight. She really is so beautiful, you can't blame me if I don't get tired of looking at her! Her bangs parted slightly with the blow of the cold breeze and he could see how they shyly compliment her side profile. Wonder who the lucky guy is...
Wait, he heard of someone from Thailand from Yeri before. And Yeri's in the same department as her. Could it be that Lisa's the one she spoke about? The girl who has an old pimp paying for her studies? His heart races at the question. It couldn't be – she doesn't seem like that kind of girl –
"Who's the guy that paid for you?"
Fuck! His question – which was supposed to only be kept in his stupid little brain, locked in the box of everything ignorant and inappropriate – was so rude and rushed and must've caught her off-guard as well because right then, she stopped her tracks. After seconds, she turned, facing directly to him. She stared at him for what felt like hours and Jungkook felt anxious. Gone is her warm expression, which is now replaced by something cold and distant. Shit!
"Jungkook-ssi," She squared her shoulders and Jungkook wanted to run and hide. But he couldn't move. He thought she looked the hottest on the stage but the blaze in her eyes now is just something else!
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to –"
"Jungkook-ssi," She stopped him. "I don't know what exactly you heard but I can guess. Is that why you're here now? To dig up dirty details about me?"
"N-no, I'm sorry –"
"There's no need for that. I've heard so many things and I know your type very well by now. Your curiosity is amusing, you know that?" There's definitely sarcasm in her tone. 'Your type'. Jungkook wanted to punch himself in the face as hard as he can now so he can be excluded from the 'type'.
"I normally wouldn't answer to disrespectful comments thrown at me, on the basis of rumours and allegations spread by thoughtless minds. But I respected and liked you for so long and now," She sighed with a small smile, shaking her head slightly. What? She likes me? Like, 'likes me' – 'likes me'? For how long?!
"What a relief to have finally seen the real you," No, no, that's not the real me!
"So to answer your question, a man – a kind ahjussi – paid for my degree. Yes, he paid for me to be here in Seoul. The house I'm living in? He paid for that as well and all that comes with it," He saw the glint of tears in her eyes. Fuck you Jungkook, you made her cry!
Suddenly she looks like she's carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders – something is definitely not right! Of course it's not right – you fucker! You – asking that stupid question – is not right! But...is there something else? Is she forced to be here, to do something she doesn't want to? Is she in trouble? Why would she called him 'a kind ahjussi' if she's forced? Or was she being sarcastic?
Only now he realized how she'd taken a few steps back from him. No. No, no, no!
"So yeah, you can go back, tell your friends about it. I'm not one of you, I never am and I'll never be," She nods by herself.
"Lisa, I'm sorry – I didn't mean –"
"No, it's fine. Thanks...for asking me straight up. I can now have a peace of mind about you,"
What? What does she mean by that?
"Thanks for the company, Jungkook-ssi. Have a good night," She gave one last smile and walks away, leaving him to the endless questions he's about to have for the next few days.
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