He forgot when was the last time he felt this content. Was it on her birthday 2 years ago? He handed the money to the stall owner and grabs the hotdog. Damn this woman can eat! They just had dinner an hour ago and now she wants a hotdog! It does look good though – he turned and found her missing from his sight. What – where is she? The guy queueing behind him hissed, signalling him to move. He muttered 'sorry' and dipped his head before scanning around again. Where is she?!!
"Jungooo!!!" A high-pitched voice made him jumped a little and turned as quick. Yeri is all smiles and Lisa laughed beside her. Jungkook sighed in relief. "Omo, you should see your face –"
"Hey Yer," He nodded an annoyed smile and looked back to his girlfriend. "Yahh...why did you disappear like that – I was so worried!"
"I saw her walking past us and I thought I'd say hi...I'm sorry – she was walking so fast –"
"Relax, Kook...no one's gonna kidnap her – jeez..."
He forced a little laugh as the two giggled at him. "Where you heading to?" He took a bite of the hotdog and heard Lisa hissed, in which he just responded by showing just how tasty it is! Yes, he's childish like that. Lisa tried taking it out of his hand but he held it up high.
"I'm meeting Yuggie – yahh...give her the hotdog –" Yeri's now staring at the jumping-like-a-child Lisa.
"Oh...where?" He ignored the request because it's simply amusing.
"Just around the block. You should come – we haven't seen you for a while now, let's catch – yahhh give it to her! People are looking!"
He looks down to his girlfriend – whose eyes seems to be focused on reaching the hotdog – stretching her limbs as high as she could and jumping slightly...on repeat. It's so comical – he can't help but laugh. This is the same girl that was sexy as fuck on the bed and made him come 6 times within a single day! Her duality is amazing!!
"Just how hungry are you? Did I not feed you well just now?!"
"It's. Just. Smells. So good! Need!" She huffed in between tiny jumps. Seriously – can she be any cuter?? He gave up and hands it over to her. The girl smiles widely and took a bite, relishing as if she hadn't eaten anything for a month!
"Cute –" He muttered.
"O...kay...should I leave?" Yeri rolled her eyes and awkwardly shifted from a foot to the other.
"I told you – around that block!" She gestured to the end of the pavement. "We're having a drink at a bar there. Let's go!"
"Baby, you wanna go?" Jungkook asked and Lisa nodded wide-eyed with her cheeks stuffed – too happy with her food in hand. "Okay, let's go,"
"Look who I bumped into –" Yeri kissed her boyfriend on the cheek and moved aside to reveal Jungkook behind her.
"Yahhh Jungoo!!" Yugyeom stood immediately and hugged him. "Where have you been?!" The guy had to shout a little for Jungkook to hear. The bar is too loud with rap music blasting, filling the entire space.
"Ahh just busy," He moved slightly to the side and tugs Lisa to his side. "This is Lisa...Lisa – Yuggie," His girlfriend smiles politely, dipping her head a little to greet Yugyeom.
"Oh my...wow...so this is Lisa? Your Lisa?? Wow...hi Lisa!!" Yugyeom suddenly pulled her into his arms, hugging her. Jungkook held his free palm in a fist. Then the guy held her across the shoulders. "You're beautiful! Wow baby – she's beautiful right?! She looks like a doll!" He looks over to Yeri. The girl just laughed, nodding along.
Jungkook gave a piercing look but the guy didn't seem to notice – too excited over Jungkook's girlfriend. "I've always wondered how you look like – oh wow...now I know why Kook – wow you're really –"
"Yes, honey...she's beautiful. Now let go of her or Kook's gonna kill you,"
Yugyeom finally looked back to him and released Lisa from his arm. He cleared his throat a little as Jungkook pulled Lisa close to him.
"Sorry...sorry Lisa-ssi, I got a little excited. I've been hearing a lot about you. It's good to finally meet you in person!" He bowed a little and Lisa giggled while muttering 'it's okay'. It's okay?? No it's not – "Don't worry Kook! I won't steal this one,"
Hah! Jungkook forced a laugh. It had been an inside joke between the 3 of them for the past 2 years – but when it's about Lisa, suddenly it's not so funny anymore.
"Yahh she won't even want him if he tries Kook, relax!" Yeri's really enjoying this! He felt Lisa's palm on his chest, and his tensed shoulders relaxed. He pulled out the stool next to Yeri and Lisa climbed on. Then he took the place beside her.
"So I told him – I don't care if he won't support me, I can do it on my own. I already have a prospect, you know. There's this American dude...he bought my painting from Eilo Gallery and he got in touch with me. Apparently he has a gallery of his own in New York. He asked if I'm interested to come in...probably have my solo exhibition there,"
"Woahh...New York huh? That's amazing – you should do it!"
"I know right?! Imagine that...my first solo exhibition...that could really help me get my name out,"
"Yeah definitely! It's about time anyways. You've been putting your stuff in all these small galleries here and there. Your work is amazing – I kept telling you that –"
"I know, I know...I was just scared before I guess...but...you know..." Yugyeom leaned in closer to him, lowering down his voice. "I met Yer's dad last month. And he sort of gave me an ultimatum you know...made me think about it a lot. He said I'm not good enough for her cus I don't have a steady income. I mean, when I sell, the money's really good. But I wasn't really paying attention you know? He's right. She deserves so much better,"
"Did Yer say anything about it?"
"No...she never questioned me about it. You know her, she kept telling me to do what makes me happy. And it got me thinking...like I wanna make her happy you know? I wanna be able to support her too, give her anything she wants when she wants it. I hate that I can't do that. So when her dad said that...it sorta challenge me in a way. I said to him I'll get my shit together and I'll marry his daughter, just like I promised,"
Jungkook leaned back, proud at how mature Yugyeom had become since the last time he saw the guy. Yugyeom had always been a little too attached with his elements. He always have his own way of doing things and he never really cared if anyone doesn't agree with his choices. He's pretty determined when it came to his mind and works as a fine artist. So this is definitely a new side that Jungkook is seeing.
It's really amazing that Yeri had stuck and being patient with the guy all this while - Jungkook admits that he's surprise at their strong relationship. Yeri had always been treated like a princess in her family – being showered with whatever she wanted since birth. And Yugyeom – who's not as privileged and had to struggle with family dramas up until now. Even his own father didn't believe in him! If Jungkook hadn't met and fell in love with Lisa, he probably would look at them as the most unlikely-to-last couple, to be honest!
"So what's your plan? You're gonna move there –"
"No...I'll lock it down first. Then I'll tell her about it and ask her to marry me. If – God, I hope! – she says 'yes', I'll wrap it up here first and bring her there with me. I can't go there by myself without her – that's crazy!" Yugyeom shook his head.
Jungkook smiled, feeling both proud and happy for his long-time friend. He glimpsed towards Lisa, who's nodding and smiling to whatever Yeri's saying. She laughed a little and his heart melts. They look so at ease with each other – as if they've been friends for a long time. Briefly he recalled the days when Yeri tried to help him find the girl – worries plastered on her face every time she came out from the exam hall to deliver him the disappointing news of not seeing Lisa around.
"So what's the deal – where did you find her?" Yugyeom whispered again. The couple knew about his love for Lisa – they were one of his support system in times of suffering in that 2 years. They knew all about her – but never really gotten the chance to really know her. It warms his heart that they're finally here to meet the girl of his dreams. She's here...she's really here for him.
"She found me actually," He stared at the girl and she caught his eyes. She raised her eyebrows and smiled before reaching for his hand underneath the table, grazing on it softly as if assuring him that everything will be okay. That everything will be nothing but better from now on.
"I still don't understand why we didn't stay longer..." She whined again for the umpteenth times. "The music was just getting good,"
Jungkook laughed a little as she's clinging on his back, rubbing her delicate palms over his chest and stomach...distracting him from trying to properly unlock the door of his apartment. It finally opens, and he guides her in.
"I really...really...really wanna dance..." She whines again.
"Next time, okay baby?" He went to the kitchen and poured a glass of water. She's still stuck on his back! Jungkook sighed and turned, holding the glass for her to drink. She took a few gulps obediently, then shook her head slightly – probably to get rid of her slightly tipsy self. Cute!
"But...but I really miss dancing!!" She stomped her feet, and Jungkook forced a frown. He can't give in - he has to be strict on her this time. "You're gonna laugh at meee..." She pouts and Jungkook can't help himself from laughing anymore. Mission failed I guess!
He tried so hard to keep sober, conscious that he needed to keep her safe beside him at all times. God knows how many men were staring at her back at the bar! Jungkook could already see their hungry eyes strategising - just waiting for her to be left alone for them to make their move. Call him dramatic all you want, but he wasn't gonna let them take even a step forward – making sure she's in his grasps all the while. He even had to ask Yeri to accompany Lisa to the Ladies room just now, earning an obvious smirk from the girl!
What's more frustrating is that Lisa - being the usual oblivious girl that she is – wasn't even aware at all the looks and 'hey babys' she'd been getting the entire time! Yes, Yeri reported back to him. Probably because she enjoyed getting Jungkook jealous and angry like that! He can't really blame all the men though cus I mean, he's one of them as well! If only Tipsy Lisa hadn't looked so freaking hot all the time. His girlfriend kept smiling and laughing – gazing at him with those beautiful, intoxicated eyes – whispering her husky and tipsy voice that sounded way too hot for him. She sounded the same to order her drinks so how can he not be intimidated?!
"I don't understand..." There she goes again.
"I don't like how all those men look at you and I don't want them to have all these images of you,"
"Oooo....what image?" She squinted her eyes and breathed. Is he blushing?
"You know...like when you move...they'll start imagining things,"
"I doubt that they can imagine things just by –"
"Oh baby, you have no idea what we men are capable of. Don't tell me I'm being paranoid, I've seen you danced before remember?"
She looks confused for a second – then as if recalling something – her eyes looked up to him with a hint of tease and playfulness.
"So um...did you...imagine things about me?" With her whispered voice seductive as ever, she closed the gap between them and unbuttoned the top of his shirt while fixing her eyes on his lips. Jungkook's heart started to pound louder.
"Of course I have..." He tilted his head and gazed back at her, hypnotized by her beauty being so close to him.
Her lips formed a small 'o'. "What did you imagine doing to me?" He felt her fingers softly grazing on his neck, sending him delicious shivers that travels all the way down. His little vixen is back, and she wants to play...
"Dance for me and I'll show you,"
It's been a long time since he was hypnotized by her every move. She's still as amazing as always. Even sexier now, to be honest! Her body's really in tuned with every single beat of the music, and her intoxicating eyes are even more mesmerising than he could remember. She came closer to him and grabbed his hand to stand. As if being under her spell, he lets her guide him.
He wasn't much of a dancer, but he wasn't so stiff at it. Maybe because she's grinding her hips on his thighs...or maybe it's the way she moves effortlessly in his arms that made his body comply with her every step...he's not sure. I hope you never danced with anyone while you were away...
The unanswered question kept appearing in his mind, bothering the hell out of him. Is she still tipsy? Can he ask her now? Would it ruin her mood? She'd been so playful and seductive, he might be sleeping outside tonight if he makes the wrong choice.
"What are you thinking?" She breathed. Their faces are leaning to close to each other, and her enticing plump lips are just an inch away.
"I...I really wanna know. Promise me you won't be mad,"
"I won't," Her left hand reached up to the back of his neck, rubbing on his skin and sending delicious tingles in the pit of his stomach. "Ask me. I don't want you to worry,"
"Um..." It's like there's a lump in his throat as he feels nervous but so turned on by her small, husky voice at the same time. "Where...how...how did you get so good at...you know...like in the car..."
Lisa laughed shyly a little and looked down to his chest. Her already flushed cheeks turned even more pink.
"I missed you a lot when I was in Japan...I think that's why...sometimes I get these dreams,"
Jungkook leaned back a little to catch her eyes. Dreams? Like...'those' dreams? She bites her lower lip, still refusing to look at him. Oh...
His subconscious is shouting a big 'fuck yes!' internally and Jungkook tried hard not to jump around like someone who just won a huge fucking lottery!
"So um...tell me about these dreams you had. Was it good?" He whispered back close to her and she looks up. Her eyes are blazing with the need and lust she had earlier on.
"It was...good...but not good enough,"
"You weren't there when I woke up,"
My baby...my little vixen...my love... Jungkook can already feel his shaft cursing to be let out.
"Well I'm here now," He pulls her in tighter and her breath hitched upon feeling his hardness down there. "Let me show you what I'd like to do to you...since I first saw you on the little stage that night,"
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