"Okay okay...but you're spending tomorrow with me and I mean the entire day! Jungkook can go to work –"
"Mom –" He groaned and stomp his foot like a child. He already planned not to go to work tomorrow. It's not like anyone can argue with him – he's the owner for God's sake!
"No! I'm spending time with her –"
"Son, let your mother be –" Now it's his dad's turn to scold him.
"You can spend time even if I'm around –"
"Jeon Jungkook –"
"Fine, fine – I'll leave you two alone...tomorrow!" He resigned and sulked, opening the passenger door and waits for the giggling girl to hug her goodbyes. When she's done and got in, he went around the car to his mother. "I'll bring her over tomorrow," He kissed her on the cheek.
"Drive safe!" The woman is cheerful today. His dad too! He hadn't been out of the house much for the past 2 months after his last episode – letting Jungkook's brothers handle things at the office – but this morning he actually arranged to meet his business partners for golf! All because their precious 'Lalisa' is now here. How easy it is for the girl to bring joy to his parents!
Jungkook looks over to his side. She's clad in his hoodie and sweatpants because she didn't have her clothes with her. Both are too big on her, making her look even smaller and adorable! Her face is clear without any makeup to apply, but she had put on her lip gloss – the only thing close to a makeup she could find in her small purse. He recalled her cute face and voice this morning, whining in whispers as he pulls her downstairs. How many times does he have to remind her that she looks beautiful either way??
They had breakfast with his parents. Jungkook couldn't tell whose more in love with the girl – him or his mom? She was constantly blushing and practically swooned whenever Lisa said 'thank you' or complimented her on the food or the house – or the floral-patterned dress he never seen his mother wearing! She really dressed up for her 'Lalisa' – it's amazing!
"I feel so full..." Lisa whined, rubbing her stomach in circles.
"Yeah...you didn't have to eat every single thing she put on the table, you know..." He chuckled.
"She must've taken so much time to prepare it, I didn't wanna upset her..." That's one of the reasons why he's madly in love with the girl. She always puts other people's feelings in any of her actions – even if sometimes it might backfire her.
"Well, you've set the benchmark. My mom's gonna prepare more food for you after this – that's guaranteed!"
Lisa gapes at him. "Don't scare me!" He laughed when she slapped his shoulder.
"So when are you moving in with her?" He teased again and Lisa laughed sarcastically.
"I'll ask her for your room. I'm sure it's bigger and I think she'd rather have me than you around," She rolled her eyes and Jungkook supressed the urge to squeeze her cheeks.
"I don't mind – the bed's big enough for both of us, I think she'd want us to share – maybe I'll ask her later -"
"Yahh don't!!" They both burst into laughter as she slaps him more. "It's not nice to give her false hope,"
Jungkook's laughter died almost instantly. "What do you mean? What 'false hope'?"
She looks down on her knotted fingers. "Jungkook...I have to go back to Japan. I have a job there –"
"You can do your photography here you know...I told you, I can open a department. I've always thought about getting in some photographers – we've been using external agencies for our projects –"
"I'm not doing photography,"
"You're not?" Wasn't that what she always wanted to do? He realised that she haven't told him about her work in Osaka.
"No...I'm a translator. For tours. The place I work with – with Ms Jessi's partner – they provide classes on Korean language and literatures. At first I came in to teach, but Mr Takuya had a friend who works in the embassy and one day he mentioned about the translation service in their Tourism sector. He asked me if I'm interested and I figured the pay could cover for my expenses better – so I took it. Ms Jessi's a bit upset about that but she came around after. I think Mr Takuya is the one you saw me with. I don't think I've hung out with any other men there,"
Oh...another misunderstanding from the universe huh? Jungkook took a while to digest. "So you don't take pictures anymore?"
"I do...but only for myself,"
"But it's still something you wanna do?"
She sighed a smile. "Not everyone gets to do what they want you know...some have to do anything to get by," Why is there a hint of bitterness in her tone?
This is so frustrating! She's not saying anything and God knows if I'm gonna start talking first when she's the one who's making things confusing! Worst part is, he doesn't even know if she's paying attention to this intense atmosphere around them! He had been silent since her bitter answer, but she didn't seem to be bothered by it. She keeps staring out that damn bloody window all the time – sometimes bopping her head to the songs played in the car. How could she be so oblivious?!
Jungkook scans around the small hotel lobby – if you can even call a place in between shoplots that offers rooms to stay in by the hour a 'hotel'! She should be in a better place than this – it annoys the hell out of him that she's paying to stay in a dodgy 'hotel'! The elevator opens and a couple came out. A girl who looks like she's in her thirties, and an old man. He huffed out when the door closes.
"Pack your bags. You're staying at mine tonight,"
"Hmm? Why?"
"Because I –"
"I already paid for 4 nights –"
"I don't care! If you're too calculative about that then I'll give you the money back –" He shouted, unable to control his suppressed irritations anymore. Lisa stood frozen beside him, looking down to the floor. The elevator dings and she led their way.
The room is small, surrounded with only four white walls. The single bed holds one corner and there's only space for one to move around between it and the toilet. He's not gonna back down on this. He's dragging her out of here if he has to!
Thankfully, she's smart enough to not argue. She gathered her toiletries and some stuff she left on the small bedside table, placing them neatly into her luggage while Jungkook stood in his own furious bubble at the door. When she's done, he took the luggage out of her hold and grabbed her hand, pulling her out all the way to the car.
The drive to his place continued to be as intense – at least for him! None of them said a word to each other. She stared out the window and Jungkook...well, he's brooding. The vibe's even worse than before!
He unlocks the door the his apartment and brought her luggage in. He's aware that Lisa is following behind him but he makes no move to face her – partly scared that she might lash back out on him – or is it the other way around? He walks further in to his room and settled the luggage on the low table – just so she knows that she's sleeping in here with him! Yes, he's petty like that.
"Jungkook...are you okay?" Her soft voice came from behind him.
Am I okay? Am I okay?! Of course I'm not – how can she not see that?? He turned to face her. Her slender figure stood by the the bedroom door, her shoulders hunched inwards and she's fidgeting with her fingers. She looks like she's afraid. Of what – of me?? He saunters over and stops in front of her.
"Look at me,"
She looks up and her eyes glistened as she holds her tears back. God, why is he always making her cry?! They just met again -
"I'm sorry...I just didn't want you to stay in a place like that – I'm sorry I shouted at you,"
"It's fine. The hotel's fine with me – they have good reviews as well –"
"Good rev –" And...the anger is back. "Lisa, don't you get it? I want you to be in a good place – not some dodgy 'hotel' where people rent by the hours just to fuck –"
"You don't know that –"
"Oh I do! I've been living here all my life – I know what goes on in places like that –"
"Since when are you so judgy?" She frowned and stared coldly at him, challenging him.
Is she fucking serious right now?? God – "Oh baby, I can judge as much as I damn want to – if it means keeping you safe," He took one step closer to her.
She smirks and folds her arms across her chest. "What makes you think I need you to keep me safe? I've been fine by my own all these while,"
It's like she'd thrown a bucket of ice on him. Jungkook took a few steps back, looking down to the floor. The air feels warmer and he finds it hard to breathe. What's happening? Is this it? Is this the best that he gets after waiting – trusting on destiny to bring her back to him? After those meaningful kisses, bringing her back to meet his parents...seeing happiness and love in all their faces – after the 'i-miss-yous' and 'i-love-yous' and the passionate love-making last night...this is what she says to him?
Jungkook felt suffocated. He felt hopeless. She never planned to come back to him. She never wanted to. She likes her life the way it is – without him in it. She only came here for Chaeyoung – and he'd practically forced her to be here with him. Fuck – I'm so selfish!! His eyes started to get blurry as they welled up in a pool of tears. He searched around – feeling the pockets of his jeans. I need – I need my keys. I need air. I need to get out of here –
He heard her calling his name before he left the apartment.
He's not sure why he's back here again. He hadn't visit for a few months now – being so busy with work. The housekeeper did well at keeping the house as it is. The cat vase is still in porcelain white. The flowers are wilting a bit – probably because the lady only changed it once a month. Maybe he should ask her to come twice a month to make sure the flowers are watered well. Why – it's not like there's a point anyways...
He brought the vase inside and to the kitchen, sprinkling drops of water on the dirt like how her mom does to her flowers. The house still smells like lavender. He made sure the scent remained as how it was before. It's probably the only way he could feel her presence with him all these while. He didn't have anything else of hers to keep him motivated. Just this house...and the memories they made in here. This was home to him...the closest he could feel to her.
He opens the sliding door to the balcony and the cold air rushed in, flowing on his warm 'post-tears' face. It's too much...everything is too much. Suddenly he's bone-crushingly tired. Tired of all the positivity he occupied himself in while missing her like crazy. Tired of the never-ending questions – assumptions – self-blaming and self-pitying his mind created for the past 2 years. Tired of all the longing and the weight of love he's been carrying – just tired!
It's 10pm and he'd just been driving aimlessly. She probably already left his apartment – went back to her 'hotel' and went to dinner with the bunch. Jungkook crashed himself on the sofa – laying down and closes his eyes. A tear drops from the corner tip of his eyes and he just lets it. So...tired....
Jungkook stirred and woke up. The sun is up and he sits himself up, wiping his face with his palm. He took his phone out from his jeans and there are a bunch of missed calls and message notifications.
'Yahh where are you'
'Why aren't you answering my calls'
'Kook are you okay'
'Answer me nowwww'
'Yaaa you're making us worried answer my callsssss'
'Lisa's going crazy trying to find you what's going on with you two???Are you back together tell meeeee'
'Please don't do anything stupid. I don't know what's going on if you guys met or anything but I'm sure something bad happened if not she wouldn't ask me where you are'
'Kook you motherfucker I can't sleep!! If I find you alive I'll kill you myself!!'
'Kook-ahh please answer me'
Damn - this woman is nosy as hell! But he knows deep down Jisoo cares for him - probably the most out of others. Jungkook typed a reply.
'I'm fine noona. Sorry I fell asleep and didn't notice your calls. You can kill me I'd allow it'
There are 39 missed calls. Mainly from Jisoo and another unknown number. It's already 9.18am. Jungkook made his way to the bathroom – cleaned himself up – and left the place to get to work.
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