"Lisa, wake up - I have to go now!" Chaeyoung's loud voice sprang in from outside her room. Lisa yawned and rubbed her eyes, stretching her arms wide open before looking at the time on her phone. Shit! It's late!
She scrambled out of bed and out her room. Chaeyoung's all ready, standing by the front door with one hand carrying her backpack and the other holding her phone.
"Sorry Chae," She rushed to open the door for her friend. "Thanks for last night! I owe you one,"
"I told you to not take up so many jobs! You only have two feet. Anyways, sorry I have to leave early. Chanyeol's changed his plans and asked me out for lunch," Chaeyoung's giddy expression is not lost on her.
"You're amazing for still keeping up with his antics, you know....it's almost like...he doesn't deserve you for it," It hurts her to see Chaeyoung being tossed and used like this that she had to throw it in there. Her friend just rolled her eyes, not willing to respond.
"You slept in pretty late today, what time did you get back last night?"
"The normal...I just had a really nice dream," Her mind wandered to the dark eyes and handsome face she'd been crushing on for the past one and a half year.
"Oooo...okayyy!!" Chaeyoung pulled a scandalous face. "Well, we'll talk about this dream on Monday cus I'm late for a date! Bye, love you!" She gave Lisa a hug and walked out.
"Love you! Thanks again!" She shouts from inside before closing the door and rushing to get ready.
She stepped in to be greeted by little pouty lips and a frowning face.
"You're late!" The little girl stomped one foot and crossed her arms. Lisa wanted to laugh at the cute puffy cheeks, but Emily seemed determined to show her how upset she is, so she pulled a sympathetic face instead and squats down to the 5-year-old's height.
"I know, I'm sorry. I saw a very pretty butterfly on my way here and it reminded me of you. I wanted to catch it to show it to you, but it flew really high," She probably shouldn't lie to a kid, but it's the only thing on top of her head. Anyways - it worked! Emily's face softens and a smile slowly formed on her little face.
"It's pretty like me? How big is it?"
"Very pretty like you," She pretended to think. "Not that big, around this big?" She gestured between one thumb to the other.
"That looks small, I'm not that small. Why is it pretty like me?" Now she regrets making up that story, remembering how Emily is prone to asking detailed questions. Thankfully her mother appeared from behind her.
"Hi, Lisa," Mrs Kim flashes a bright smile.
"Hi, sorry I'm late," Lisa waves with an apologetic smile.
"It's okay. Mr Kim is still getting ready. We'll be back around five, soyou don't have to stay till dinner. Thanks for doing this on such short notice.He forgot about the reunion,"
"Oh, it's okay. I don't have any plans,"
"Still, it's Saturday. I'm sure you'd have better things to do than babysitting,"
"I'm not a baby!" Emily pouts and crosses her arms again.
"Of course you're not, baby. Hey, you wanna show Lisa unnie your new backpack?"
The little girl looked down shyly before turning around, showing a very bright and rainbow-colored unicorn backpack.
"Oh wow! That's so pretty!" An idea crossed Lisa's mind immediately. "That's what the butterfly looked like! The wings had colours like these!"
"But you only seen it now, how did you know it's like me?" Damn it, what a smart girl!
"Well...the colours reminded me of your beautiful and colourful personality,"
"Per-so-na-ty," Emily tried copying the word. "Unnie, we're going to the park right? Maybe we'll see the pretty butterfly again!" She jumps in excitement.
"Yeah, we can do that. But we'll go to the bazaar first, okay? Remember you said you wanted that lemon ice-cream before?" Please say yes, I need to grab some food. I'm gonna need some energy to keep up with you!
"Yayyy lemon ice-cream!! Let's go now!" Emily grabbed her hand, already excited to go out.
"Say bye to mommy first!" Lisa had to turn her around to face Mrs Kim, who's only smiling at her adorable daughter.
"Oops!" Emily ran to her mother and hugged her. "Bye mommy, love you, bye!" Then she's back to Lisa's side, pulling her out the door. Lisa waved to Mrs Kim while being dragged out.
Jungkook huffed, looking out to the busy marketplace along the narrow street. He's really not in the mood to be in crowded places on a weirdly sunny day like this, but the art shop is 200 metres away and to get there, he needs to walk through all these people and stalls. It's already autumn - why is it so hot?!
Why did I forget about the marketplace? They started having it every Saturday since last month. He tried to avoid coming to the area since it started as much as he can, not wanting to hassle himself. But the frustration from last night had him desperate to let off steam – that being to paint – and his art supplies are running low, so without even thinking much he set his foot on the 10 minutes' walk here.
Ah well, you came this far, a few minutes more pass the crowds is better than turning around empty handed! Plus, you need to paint her while you can still remember her face! Not like he could forget those eyes that soon but who knows if you'll ever see her again! Fixing the cap on his head, he took a deep breath before entering the market.
The first few rows are food stalls, with picnic tables set out in the middle of the street. It wasn't wide enough so there isn't much space between the seats and customers queuing to buy. Jungkook had to dodge and constantly stopping his tracks to give way to people crossing around, it's annoying. Obviously, he's not a fan of being in crowded places. The only time he'd actually volunteer to be in a crowded place was if Yeri asked him to.
He finally reached the end of the food vendors that isn't as busy. Now they're selling household items. Plates, bowls, kitchen utensils, cushions, rugs...some of which looked aesthetically pleasing and handmade – tempting him to stop and have a closer look, but he reminded himself to keep walking. Oh, those frames looks nice – big enough to frame some of his paintings –
"Oppa!" A small voice and an even smaller hand gripped his wrist. A little girl with a high ponytail looked up to him. Jungkook looked up to see if any adults are behind her, but none of which are paying attention to both of them. He looks back to the girl. Did she mistake him for someone else?
She just stood there...staring at him. She's wearing a red dress, and the straps of her backpack looked way too colourful for his liking. What now? He's not that good with kids. It's not that he doesn't like them, he's just not that good at communicating with them. Girls...kids...they're too much for a simple human like Jungkook!
"Oppa, can you help me?" The little girl said casually. Great, now he's forced to interact with the kid – God forbid if something bad happens to her! Jungkook squats down to her level.
"Hi! Are you lost?"
"I'm not lost. My unnie is lost," Huh? Another kid is missing? Jungkook scans around again, searching for another kid that might seem lost.
"Okay...are your parents around? Do you know where they are?"
"No, my dad is working. He has to meet his - his work friends. Mommy don't like it so much but she – she needs to go with him so he won't lie. I heard them yesterday. Mommy said he shouldn't work on Sat – Saturday but Daddy said he has to put food on the table. We already have so much food in um – in the fridge, I don't know why he's looking for more food. I don't eat a lot. There's always cereals – I like cereals but not the healthy ones, Mommy asked me to eat the healthy one all the time –" Okay, we're going off-track here!
"Okay, okay," Jungkook chuckled. "Then who are you here with?" I might have to ask them to teach you not to share so much information with strangers!
"Okay, where is she?"
"Oppa, you need to eat more raisins. Mommy said raisins make you - they make you not forget things," What in the world? What's up with this kid? "I told you, unnie is lost." Oh...
He laughed a little at himself, feeling like he'd just been fooled by a kid. "Okay, how big is your unnie?"
"She's smaller than you. You look taller than her. Can you stand up?" Jungkook threw a questioning look, but did as she asked anyways. "Mmm...maybe your neck. Yes, that's how tall she is. Oppa, what's this?" The little girl points to his forearm.
"Oh, that's...drawings." He said, feeling conscious and awkward to be asked by a kid. She nodded slowly.
"I like to draw. But why is it only in black? Are there no colours? I like colours, see my bag? It's very colourful! Unnie said it's pretty like the butterfly she saw. She said the buff – the butterfly colours are like my per – per...persoty," What is she talking about? Jungkook had to basically snap himself out of trying to understand what the girl is saying and back to reality.
"Let's go back to your unnie. What colour is she wearing? Do you remember?"
"Of course I remember! I ate a lot of raisins, you know," The girl said proudly. Cheeky. "It's yellow! Unnie said it's her favourite color,"
Jungkook stretched out his neck, trying to search for someone wearing a yellow something. Thankfully, the market is filled with neutral-colored looking outfits – making it easier to spot a girl with her hair tied in a messy bun, dressed in a yellow-sleeved top and loose jeans. The girl is around ten feet away, with her back facing him – going around fast enough for him to confirm that she's looking frantically for this little one in front of him. Poor girl, she must be panicking!
"I see her...she's over there," He pointed to where she is, still looking at her direction. "I think she's trying to find you, you better –"
He looks back down to see that the little girl is already on her way to the direction he mentioned. Aish, this kid! No wonder her sister lost her - she probably wanders off all the time! He stood there watching the girl run, making sure she manages to find her sister. She did, the smart girl! She pulled her sister's shirt slightly and the girl spun around. Wait, is that...Lily?
Jungkook's heart races as he squints his eyes, trying to make out of whether it's the same girl from last night. The girl who left him bothered more than what happened with Yugyeom and Yeri. The reason why he couldn't sleep well last night. It is her! She pouts and leaned down to hug the little girl with her eyes closed, relief shown across her face. Then it seemed that she scolded her sister a bit.
The serious frown sits cutely on her beautiful face – even when he couldn't see her forehead, he could make it out from her expression. When the little girl turned to point at him, he quickly looked down to his feet, hiding his face – not sure why he felt shy. Probably because he's sweating like crazy and not looking his best at the moment – but then again, he didn't think he ever looked good anyways. Probably no better than last night!
After a few seconds, he looks back up to see that they're already walking away, hand in hand. So she has a little sister? They don't look alike though. And what's with the age gap? Maybe her parents had her when they were really young? Where are they going? Jungkook began walking far behind them.
I'm just gonna make sure she won't lose her sister again. Even if they're no longer in a crowded place to miss out on each other? Hey, that kid is quick, it might happen again! Yes, of course buddy. You do you.
He maintained a good 15 or so feet apart behind them, not wanting to be noticed by either Lily or any passer-by who might mistake him as a stalker. But it really is what you're doing, no? No, I'm just gonna make sure they're both safe – wherever they're going. After a junction, they turned left and into what seemed like a park. He contemplates on whether or not he should carry on. The park seemed pretty quiet, there might be a pervert or kidnapper around! In broad daylight? Mm-hmm better be safe than sorry!
He walked inside through the gated bushes, following a pathway surrounded by trees. The yellow-golden leaves of autumn blew with the wind across his feet. He's never been to this area before – he didn't even know that there's a park here. Does she live around here? If she does, it means they've been living only a few blocks away from each other. How come he can't remember ever bumping into her before?
He still can't recall why she looked so familiar the first time he saw her. Maybe at the university grounds? But their departments are separated between two blocks – which is far considering no sane students would hassle themselves walking around without any specific reasons. For him, Yeri was the reason – maybe he saw her while having lunch with Yeri at her department's cafeteria? Mino said she's friends with Chaeyoung – who's in the same department as him, so maybe she'd been there?
He was right, the park is really quiet. There's literally no one here. Probably because it's noon and the sun is blazing hot! He found two paths splitting in front of him and because they walked way far ahead of him, he stopped his tracks – thinking of where to go at this junction. Then he heard loud giggles from his right, so he knew that they're nearby.
"Unnie, that's not the way!" He followed the little girl's voice. When the giggles became louder, he tried searching between the trees and saw them. It seemed like they're both jumping mindlessly, with arms flailing out in the air. What are they doing? Then he realised the butterflies, flying playfully – or so it seemed – across and by them.
After jumping several times, Lily huffs out – trying to catch her breath while the smaller laughs at her. Jungkook positioned himself better – not too far to hear them speak, but far enough to be hidden and noticed. God, I hope no one's here to see me like this. They might think I'm a stalker or something. Yeah, no shit!
"Unnie, look!" The girl pointed to something. "Is that the one? It's not colourful though,"
"No, that's not the one. The one I saw had rainbow colours on the wings,"
"I love rainbows! Daddy promised to bring – promised to bring me and Mommy to see rainbows but he never did,"
"If he promised then he'll do it...you just have to be patient,"
"Mommy said he's busy,"
"I'm sure one day your dad will bring you. Maybe not yet. Plus, it's very hard to find rainbows,"
'Your dad'? So they're not sisters? Maybe step-sisters? Yugyeom has a step-brother and they're quite close, so maybe it's the same? Jungkook shook his head at the thought of the friend who betrayed him.
"Because rainbows only appear after a rain, and not just any kind of rain –"
"Mommy said that too! Unnie, do you know where to find unicorns? I asked for a – a one unicorn for my birthday because - because Yuri got a pony for her birthday but I don't want a pony I want a unicorn. But Mommy said – she said they're really hard to find," God, kids and their questions are challenging!
"Um..." Lily looked up into the air – probably thinking of a nice way to tell the kid that unicorns don't exist. Jungkook felt bad at the idea. "They live in the clouds, that's why you can't get them. If you're really lucky you'll get to see them but it's very hard because they're white colour, same as the clouds,"
Wow...that's actually an acceptably smart answer! Very creative too, he must say. He could never come up with a reason behind that question as quick.
"Really? Woahhh..." The little girl looks up the clear, blue sky. "So if there are no clouds it mean they're not there?"
"They run and play in the clouds, it's their home. So wherever the clouds go, they'll follow. There are no clouds now, maybe later,"
"Oh! Like you always said, 'where - wherever Mommy and Daddy is, that's home'!"
Lily laughs out loud, and Jungkook held his breath at the beautiful sight of her face hitting the sunlight and the high-pitched, melodic sound – determined to keep it in his memory bank.
"I hope I'll get lucky one day,"
"Don't worry, everyone will have their lucky days. Some more than once.Some people get lucky with what they really want – if you really, really,really want it. And some get lucky with something that they didn't think theywant, but it's actually what they need," Lily rubs the girl's shoulders as thelittle one frowned – probably confused in trying to understand what the adult was saying. She's adorable!
"For example....you really, really like unicorns right?" The little girl nodded. "And you want to see them, like every day!" The girl nods again with a big smile. "So one day, Mommy or Daddy brings back a unicorn plushy for you – are you lucky or not?"
The girl shifts from one foot to the other, thinking. "But it's not a real unicorn,"
"No, but you want to see them every day, right? And you know unicorns are very hard to find – no one in the world has it. So are you lucky or not that you get a unicorn plushy to see every day?"
The girl's mouth curved up into a smile. "Yes..."
"Yes, you're lucky! You might not get to have a real unicorn, but you get to see the thing that you like most in your life – every day! How lucky is that?"
"So lucky!" The girl now jumps up and down with her hands in the air.
"So so lucky!!" Lily mimics the girl and Jungkook realised that he's been smiling by himself all the while. Really, this girl is amazing! Perfect, even! No one can be this perfect. Not even Yeri - he knew that.
"Unnie, do you have lucky days?" The girl's eyes widened, looking hopeful.
"Sure! In fact, I just had a lucky day yesterday."
"Did you see a unicorn?!" The girl shrieks excitedly and Lily laughs.
"Something like that...but no, not a unicorn,"
"Then why is it lucky?"
"It's a secret."
"Oohh, I can keep a secret! I'm really good at keeping a secret, unnie! I promise! This one – one time, when Mommy and I visited Daddy at work – we saw – we saw Daddy and Cherry unnie in his o – office room doing things together. Mommy asked me to keep – keep it a secret and not tell Daddy that we went and see – saw him and I did. I never said anything! Promise,"
Jungkook's heart fell upon hearing it, and it seemed that Lily also felt the same. He could see how her expression changed to a serious and concerned one as she squatted down to the girl's level.
"Emily, your Mommy is very strong,"
"Of course she is! She's an ad – a – adult – not like me. Sometimes I can't even open the milk bottle and have to – I have to ask her to do it,"
Lily sighed. "Sometimes adults get weak too. And when Mommy gets weak, you need to make sure you'll be there to take care of her, okay?" Her voice is so soft, it melts his already-weakened heart.
"I will,"
"You will? You promise?" Little Emily nodded. "You need to say you promise. Once you promised me, you have to keep to your promises,"
"But – but Daddy promised to take me see the rainbows and he didn't,"
"Emily, if Daddy doesn't keep his promises, you can remind him. But for yourself, you need to keep to your promises okay?"
"Okay, I promise,"
"Promise what?"
"I promise to take care of Mommy when she gets weak,"
"Good girl,"
"But unnie, how do I know when Mommy is weak? Is it – is it when she gets sick?"
"Yes...also if you see her crying –"
"Mommy's always crying! I see her sometimes – sometimes I heard her from the bathroom,"
Jungkook felt really bad for Emily. He hopes the memories won't last long. He can't imagine the kind of pain she'll have to go through once she's grown up and understands things more and more. Granted, he never experienced such things before while growing up, but he witnessed Yugyeom's parents' arguments a couple of times before they eventually divorced. It wasn't easy watching Yugyeom going through it – he could only imagine why the guy fell into the rebellious phase at that point and hardly came out of it since.
"And what did you do when you see her cry?" Emily shrugged. "Next time you see her cry, you just go up to her and hug her okay?"
"Okay...like this?" She threw her arms around Lily and hugged her abruptly, as the elder tried not to fall back.
"Yes! Or maybe slower would be good," Jungkook suppressed his laughter as little Emily giggled, letting Lily go.
"Now that you know I can keep a secret, can you tell me your secret?" Wow, this girl really does have amazing memory...but really failed at keeping secrets!
Lily must've thought the same thing as she eyed her closely, contemplating. "This is just between you and me okay? You promise not to tell anyone?"
"I promise!"
"Well, yesterday I get to talk to someone I've really liked for a very long time,"
"You're back," Jimin said from the living room. "Where's your stuff? The shop's closed?"
Jungkook shrugged. "Yeah..." Technically it wasn't a lie as it was closed by the time he walked back. He lets himself fall on the couch, exhausted from all that walk and thinking about the two girls just now.
Who's the guy – he's not sure. Well whoever he is, Jungkook can't help but felt a tinge of jealousy at how lucky he is. He didn't have to know Lily long enough to see how warm and affectionate she is. The way she spoke to Emily just now made him feel at home for some reason, like one of those melancholic feeling he gets whenever he thinks of his mom and how she cared for him when he was little. He can't really explain it.
Lily just radiates good energy – whether it was in the storeroom, on stage or the park just now – she just left him feeling like everything's a firsts in such a long time. And it's confusing. After the talk, the two got back on their agenda of catching butterflies. It wasn't even tiring for him to watch them jumping around, giggling and having fun together – although not managing to catch a single one by the end of it got him a little frustrated! He invested so much energy and time watching their eagerness to find a colourful butterfly that he felt like finding one himself, just to give it to them!
What's with the colourful butterfly anyways? He saw many flew in hues of blue and orange – why can't they catch those ones? Whatever – the little girl got him emotional that he felt the need to make her happy. Do they sell butterflies online? A live one, that is. He took out his phone, typing 'buy colourful butterfly' in the search box. He clicked on the image results.
"Why are you looking for butterflies?" Jimin's voice startled him, so he locked his phone immediately and puts it away.
"Nothing, I just wanna see if they exist. Research,"
"O...kay..." Jimin leaned back. "So did you speak to any of them?"
Wait, does Jimin know about me following the two just now? "What do you mean?" He sat up quickly, nervous to be called out like a creep.
"Yuggie and Yeri," Jimin cocks his eyebrow.
"Oh..." Thank God! "No, why would I –" He shrugged.
"Good! I must say how proud I am at the way you're handling this, you know. We were so worried yesterday. I know how much Yeri means to you, and Yuggie too. I know you've known them longer than you've known me and you know –"
"Are we really doing this?" Jungkook chuckled. Bromance is really not his thing and although Jimin can be extra affectionate sometimes, this serious expression on his face is really a rare sight.
"You know I'm not that good with all these heart-to-heart talks man," Jimin laughed as Jungkook raised an eyebrow. "But yeah, I can't imagine what you must be feeling – just...you know, I would never do that to you or any of my friends and if I ever do, you're more than welcomed to punch the hell out of me –"
"Stupid. That's how I feel. You know...I trusted them with my life," Jungkook looked down to his fingers. It's really hard for him to open up to just anyone but at this point, he felt like his judge of character had been wrong all along. People who he thought he knew close to half of his life could turn their backs on him in a flash, and people like Lily – who he'd just came to know last night – could suddenly show up and make him feel all warm inside. He knew why he's handling the issue well. It's because Lily took his mind off things and gave him a little spark of faith.
"Not gonna lie, it does feel like shit every time I see them in here," He pointed to his temple. "And somehow deep down I knew that Yeri always had her own reservations about me. I guess that's why she didn't want us to appear like a couple in front of people. I've asked her to be mine so many times – like...to make sure, you know. And all I got was her telling me to be patient. I thought – hey, maybe she needs more time. I gave that excuse to make myself feel better about it. It's kinda silly come to think of it...from the very first time I told her I'm in love with her, she never once said it back. Not even in like 'as friends' way. So it's kinda my fault for pushing it –"
"No, Kook. I don't see it like that at all," Jimin turned his body fully to face the younger. "Yes, you're in love with her – maybe that's why you're a bit blinded by it. It's normal. But she knew it and she played along with it – dragging you around, keeping you close as if things between you two will actually grow into something solid. I still remember how happy you were last month, how could she do that – that wasn't forced!"
Jungkook nodded silently, recalling the event that happened last month. It was her birthday. He asked what she wants as a gift, and she said a trip to Jeju Island so he planned and booked everything. He wanted it to be perfect, just like her. He didn't expect anything in return, he just wanted her to feel happy on her birthday. He cared about her so much, that he even booked two separate rooms – to not put on any bad impressions or pressure on her. Of course they've kissed and she would hug him occasionally whenever she wants, but Jungkook didn't want to make any further move. He was too scared to lose her.
So to say that he was surprised when she showed up at his room the night before her birthday was really an understatement. Covering her body with a bathrobe, she walked in and kissed him as soon as he opened the door. It wasn't his proudest moment in life – as it was his first time - but what happened that night was so special for him. He spent the morning waking up beside her – admiring her pretty face and smooth skin, memorising the curves of her body – engraving it in his mind as he looked forward for the next time he's able to touch her again. He knew exactly where he wanted to kiss her and how he wanted to love her better.
He thought of all the things he wanted to do with her now that they've taken the next step in their 'relationship'. He really thought that she was ready to be his and that was her way of saying it. Of course, he was wrong. They came back, and things went back to the way it was. She doesn't have a problem doing things with him when they were alone but she would always pull herself back whenever Jungkook tried to hold her hands or hug or kiss her in public. It bothered him but he lets her do it anyways. He was so into her that he didn't even mind chasing her around or waiting for her like a fool.
"If she and Yuggie really thought of you as their friend – like really, genuinely love you as their friend – they would never hurt you like this. I see that in you, always saying 'yes' to whatever they wanna do, give them all the benefit of the doubt – damn, I don't even think you have any doubts at all! But even if you don't enjoy or like it, you'd still go through with it, just for them. I can understand that cus I know you love them. So they could've returned the favour. Yuggie – especially – could've at least talk to you first before this happened. It's not like he doesn't know about you and her," Jimin placed a hand on his shoulder.
"What I'm saying is, stop justifying for people who treats you less. And I'm sorry too. I knew Yeri was bad for you – I've always felt it. But I didn't say anything. I thought I couldn't – cus you've liked her longer than you've known me. I thought it wasn't my place, you know –"
"Hey, no...it's not your fault,"
"I know...but...I'm sorry – "
"Thanks...for, you know –"
"Hey, you're like a little brother to me,"
"I'm only two years younger than you,"
"Yahh still! I'm 730 days older than you!" Jimin slaps the back of his neck and Jungkook laughed at his annoyed friend. He knows one day he'll get past this. One day he'll probably see that Jimin is right. For now, all he can do is pretend that he understands.
"Anyways, this is probably a good thing as well, you know! You're at your prime-time...now you can widen your horizon, meet new people –"
"No, I don't think so," Jungkook leaned back to the couch with a sigh. One girl is already occupying his entire brain right now, and it's not Yeri. That one girl alone is enough.
"Not immediately, of course. When you're ready! I already have a few candidates on top of my head that I wanna introduce you to,"
"No!!" Jungkook had his hands covering his ears.
"Why? Wait –" Jimin gasps loudly. "Are you now...is that – oh God, is that why you're searching for butterflies?!" His hands clutched the front of his chest, as if protecting himself.
"What the fuck –"
"Oh thank God! Not like I'd have a problem with it you know...I mean, I'm not homophobic or anything! I'm sure I can find a few guys for you –"
"I will legit punch you in the face if you do that –"
Jimin laughed out loud as he moved slightly away from the frowning friend. "Then why the hell are you looking up butterflies –"
"Dude just let it go!"
"No, I really wanna know –"
"Aish I wanna give it to this kid!"
"Huh? What kid? Kook, I know they did you wrong but...please don't tell me you dig kids now, cus I really gotta report you for that. That's not cool at all and I'm afraid that's the end of our -"
"Nooo! What the hell man – what's wrong with you?!"
"Well, I don't know! You're the one acting weird –"
"How am I acting weird?"
"I thought you would've been emo as hell over what happened, but you seemed pretty okay last night! And today you're looking up butterflies – since when are you into butterflies??"
"I told you, it's for a kid!" Jungkook's annoyance is apparent as he crossed his arms on his chest, making Jimin laugh even more at the sulky boy.
"Okay, okay! Tell me bout this kid,"
Jungkook went back to his knotted fingers. "Well, there's this kid –about this height," He gestured somewhere mid-air. "Her name's Emily. She wastrying to catch all these butterflies but none of which she was looking for,"Jimin nodded slowly, patiently trying to understand. "She wanted a colourfulone, but there were none I think. I heard her talking bout her parents...like herdad cheated on her mom but she didn't understand it that way of course," Jiminis now frowning, wondering what on earth is this guy on about.
"And I feel bad for her you know. Cus she's so small and she didn't know any better. Like she wanted to see rainbows and her dad promised to bring her but never did. Then she wanted to find unicorns but obviously they don't exist, so she'll never get that one too. So I thought she should at least get this butterfly that she wanted –"
"Aahh..." Jimin nods slowly. "So you wanted to buy her the butterfly?"
"Yeah, the colourful one like she wanted,"
"A colourful one? Wow...I don't think I've ever seen one. What colours?"
"I don't know...rainbow colours?"
Jimin reached for the phone in his pocket and started typing. When the results came out, he moved closer to Jungkook, looking at all the butterfly images shown on the screen.
"You sure it's rainbow colours? None of these have more than 3 colours,"
"Lily said it's rainbow colours,"
"Who the fuck is Lily?"
"The girl from the bar –" Jungkook pursed his lips immediately, realising how he'd gone overboard on sharing these information. Of course he didn't tell the guys about Lily! Jimin is now eyeing him suspiciously. "She's uh...she's the sister, I think! I don't know...maybe a family friend?" He cleared his throat and pretend to focus on the screen.
"And she's from the bar? The bar you were in last night?"
Jungkook shrugs, not wanting to reveal more. He can already tell that Jimin is smirking at him – God knows how long the guy will tease him if he ever finds out that Jungkook actually stalked the girl earlier. The friend seemed to notice his awkwardness so he took his phone away.
"So you met a girl at the bar..." Jimin looks at him suggestively.
"Why are you looking at me like that? It's nothing, I just walked in and bumped into her –"
"Yet you know her name..."
"Yeah, cus sh – she bandaged my hand – here," He showed off his still-nicely-wrapped hand.
"Mmm-hmm, you should probably clean that up but hey, is she pretty?"
"Is she – hah!" Jungkook forced a laugh, feeling nervous suddenly when an image of the beautiful girl – her pure smile and infectious laughter, bright eyes shining under the sunlight – came into mind. "W-what, w-where are you going with this –"
"She is, isn't she? Look at you being all flustered and shit!"
"No, I wasn't –"
"Yes, you are! Go look in the mirror, you're pink –" Jimin laughed out loud. Jungkook covered his cheeks and immediately stands to walk away.
"Shut up!"
"Aww Kook has a new crush! I'm so happy –"
"It's not a crush, I don't even know her!" Jungkook shouts from across the hall.
"New beginnings!"
"She already has someone else that she likes!"
"And you said you didn't even know her!"
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