Jungkook grew even more nervous when she appeared at the lobby, looking so chic and cool in those tight skinny jeans and a crop top hidden underneath her black leather jacket. Did she wear the jacket to match with his? He hopes so! And those Timbs on her...she can just step on me anytime and I'd say 'thanks, please do it again'!
She fixed a strand of hair behind an ear when she finally reach his bike, and the blush on her cheeks appear. Jungkook didn't waste any time to pull her into a deep kiss, not caring if anyone sees.
"Happy birthday, baby,"
"Thank you. Sorry I didn't get to see you after class just now, I was late for Emily,"
"Don't worry bout it. You ready?" He held out the helmet for her.
"Oh, there's more? That birthday kiss already made my day -" She chuckled.
"Well...that was it until you showed up wearing matchy outfits with me. I thought you'd wanna show me off to the whole city or -"
"I didn't - I didn't know -" She huffs and pouts on being teased, looking so cute that Jungkook can't help his silly bunny grin. "Yahh don't laugh at me!"
"It's okay doll. I'm all yours anyways,"
She rolls her eyes and he could see the contained smile behind her lips.
It's not the best that he could do, but she reacted so amazingly happy that Jungkook can't help but feel proud of himself anyways. He had booked the entire restaurant for just the two of them - with Jimin's gracious help as he's the owner - and the set up is as romantic as it could get! Fairy lights were hanged from the entrance, all the way leading to the back of the garden area - where the table-for-two is. There are flowers of many kinds around, and the soft melodic sounds of jazz music accompanying the night.
"You're spoiling me too much," She smiles happily as he pulled the chair behind for her to sit. "I'm not dressed up nicely for something like this,"
"Oh, this is only the beginning. It's just dinner. And you look amazing in anything - how many times do I have to tell you that?"
"It doesn't look like 'just dinner'...it looks like a scene where the guy always ends up proposing," She chuckled.
"Keep blushing like that and I just might,"
Her eyes widen and she fidgets nervously. Her humility still amazes him. It's as though she failed to realise that she deserves all these grand gestures and treatments.
"So...I've pre-ordered...but I'm not sure what you prefer...so I ordered different plates for both of us so we can share,"
"You know I'm not picky but..isn't this like...too much?"
"Hmm?" Does she not like it?
"I would be fine with just a simple dinner, you know. You don't need to do all these," She gestured to the ambience surrounding them.
"Yeah, I know. But there's nothing simple about me wanting to make your day special, so..."
She smiles as her cheeks blushes pink, and Jungkook fights the urge to pull his chair closer to hers just so he can kiss her anytime he wants!
"I'm sorry..." Jungkook looks down to his fingers.
Lisa turned with a smile, but he could tell that she's suppressing her laugh inside. "Aww bunny!! Don't cry! We can come next time!"
"I didn't check...I thought they'd still be open,"
"It's okay...really! It's a nice night...we can just go for a walk -"
"But we always do that -"
"Omo...are you saying you're tired of walking with me?" Lisa squints her eyes and leans back a little.
"No! Of course not!! I just...I wanted to make you happy -"
"I'm already happy being with you,"
Aish...this girl is spoiling me with all her sweet-talks and I can't even complain! "Okay..." Jungkook smiled down shyly before grabbing her hand in his and starts walking towards the riverside. "I promise I'll bring you here again,"
Lisa giggles, no doubt amused at how his plans went down like this just because he forgot to check the time. She mentioned before that she always wanted to go to one of the theme parks in Seoul. She said she always saw ads and pictures of people going, but never had a chance or friends to go with. It's quite sad when he thought of it.
He knew she only have a handful of people around here that's really close. It's a good thing for him, since he didn't have to worry so much about where his girlfriend is and with whom. But on instances like this, he felt bad...and he wanted to make it up to her - like fix it for her or something.
"You really don't have to overthink it, you know..." He looks up to the girl smiling beside him. "I'm not used to a lot of excitements in such a short period of time so...it's probably a good thing that they're closed. I might fall sick with all the anxiety from the roller-coasters -" He knew she's trying hard to not make him feel bad so he smiled.
"Next Friday then. We'll go on a normal day. I don't want you to fall sick - it's gonna be so hard to get you to the clinic,"
She laughed and slapped his shoulder playfully.
"No, but seriously - why was it so hard,"
"I hate the smell. It reminds me of the last time I was at the hospital...that sterile environment -"
Jungkook stopped his tracks and pulls her with him. "We will never step foot in any clinics or hospitals - ever -"
She laughs again and Jungkook smiled warmly at her care-free demeanour. She looks good. Beautiful...happy...as how she should be. It's weird that most times she looked more mature than him when they're pretty much the same age. Well she had gone through a lot more than he did -
"Only for emergencies. And just clinics - not hospitals,"
"Baby, clinics don't handle emergencies -"
"Emergencies that requires advises, not treatment,"
"I'll start looking for personal doctors...specialists that caters to any kinds of possible treatments we can think of -"
"You enjoy laughing at me, don't you?"
"I do...I feel empty without it,"
"Then...you're welcome,"
Jungkook's heart flutters madly at the tease. It's been heavenly, being in love with her. "What are you doing this Sunday?"
"Sunday...oh, I have a dinner to attend,"
Jungkook's face falls. It was impulsive for him to just decide it now, but he's disappointed anyways.
"Why?" She must've noticed the change on his expression.
"I um...I wanted to bring you to meet my parents. I wanted to introduce you,"
She gave a slight nod and looks down to the ground, pouting as she does so. "Is it not too early -"
"What are you talking about - I waited 3 months for this," He laughed. "If it were up to me, I'd be introducing you the night we kissed!"
"Yahh...it's not funny -" She tried to pull her hand out of his but he kept it firmly.
"Of course it's not baby. I wasn't joking. I knew she'd love you and that's why I couldn't wait any longer...I'm just excited,"
"How do you know she'll like me -"
"Correction - I said 'love', not 'like'. Cus I know her and I know you," She's still unsure, it's written on her doll-like face. "Hey...I know you've had bad experiences before...and I know there's a lot more people who are pessimistic and oblivious towards others, but my parents...they're good people. They'll love you, I promise,"
"You can't promise that,"
Jungkook pulls her close to him and wraps his arms around her tiny waist. "I can't...I know I can't...but I'm hopeful and some-what confident that they'll do. You're amazing, they'll see that, and they'll love you...just like I do,"
She smiles and her eyes twinkle.
"Is the dinner more important than meeting my parents?" He knew he shouldn't guilt-trip her like this but he's desperate for her to go with him. He's so excited on the idea that he won't take no for an answer!
He led her out from the dark 3-storey building and catch his breath. It was a bit stuffy in there, with the dusty smell of cement. He thought of bringing her on a tour through all 3 floors, but seeing how messy it is...maybe another day.
"How long until they'll be done?" She asked.
"About 2 months I think. My dad gave me the key cus it's closer to me, so I can check up on the contractors. He planned to rent it commercially, but I kinda like it...so I thought I could do something with it," They started walking back towards the lake side where he parked his motorbike.
"Do something with it?"
"Yeah...I thought...I have this dream. Like - if my dad allows that is - I wanted to open a creative agency,"
"Oh wow...that sounds nice!"
"Yeah...I hope I can use that space to start. It's just the right space. It's convenient and I'd turn it into a cool office,"
She laughs. "Like 'pool table, gaming room and darts' cool?" Aahh...she knows me well!
"There'd be space for that, of course!" He sighed once he's done laughing. "But that if...if dad's okay with it. I mean, if he asked me to work for him, I won't say no -"
"Maybe you can try to tell him your ideas first? See what he thinks? Maybe he'll agree?"
"Yeah...I've been buying time...I think I'm scared that he'll say no,"
She turns to him and hugs his waist. "Don't be scared about something you really wanted to do. If it's really meant to be, I'm sure it'll happen. You just have to persevere and be patient," She looks so soft...
"I know..." He smiles back, feeling warm and gooey inside. "What about you? What's your dream?"
She took a few seconds to think as they continue walking. "Photography. I think that's what I wanna do,"
"You're already halfway there. Who knows...if I get to open my agency, I can hire you as a photographer,"
She squints her eyes and smirks at him. "I won't apply at your company,"
"Cus it'll be ethically wrong for me to get in just cus my boyfriend owns the company,"
"No, it won't. We'll get other people involved. You can show me your works and negotiate -"
"Nope! I'll get myself a job without your help, thanks! I don't wanna owe you more than I already have," Is she...is she serious? He can't tell. She must be joking...right? "Anyways, I'm not sure yet if I'll be good at it...I'm only starting with Jisoo and Jennie unnie next week,"
"You'll be great at it, I know! Oh yeah...and you'll be busy for me again then?"
"You talk as if you don't live just a street away from me! Lets face it, no matter how busy I am, you'll still find an excuse to see me. You might as well keep some clothes at my place at this point,"
Jungkook had to laugh because she's right. There's really no use of whining. "Wait - are you asking me to move in with you?"
"Yahhh -"
"A million times yes!"
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