"They're gonna love you, don't worry," He squeezed her cheeks with one hand and planted a quick kiss on her lips. It didn't help with the nerves but she smiled anyways.
"Taehyung is the one that was with you at the bar right? The one that looks like a model?"
Jungkook stops walking and turns to her. "You think he looks like a model?" Lisa nods. He shifts from one foot to the other and frowns at her. "You think he's good looking?"
"Yeah...I mean, at first he looked like one of those anime characters you know...but when he stood up straight and introduced himself, I think he looks like one of those models – with broad shoulders and sharp face – he's so handsome,"
"Yahhh! I'm here, I'm handsome too –" Lisa laughs as Jungkook glared at her. He's so cute when he gets jealous like this! He can't possibly think she'd choose anyone else except for him – did he think she's gonna leave him and go with his friends?! Oh wait, that did happened to him before! Suddenly Lisa felt bad for the guy.
"Yes you are. You're the most handsome...kind...patient...loving...most beautiful guy I've ever seen!" She wrapped her arms around his waist, scrunching her nose while she said it. His ears turned pink and he scratched the back of his neck, showing his bunny teeth in his shy smile.
"O-okay...I mean, if you um...if you say so," He sighed and rolled his nonchalantly and she suppressed the urge to laugh out loud. How did I get so lucky to have you in my life?
He took her hand and guided her into the posh-looking restaurant. The place is buzzing with in-house upbeat music and chit-chats of customers. It looks packed – with people who looked like they just came out from magazine cover shoots. Lisa felt even more nervous, looking down to what she's wearing – wondering if the dress looks good enough on her and feeling conscious about the minimal make-up she'd put on earlier. She caught a few girls at one table staring at Jungkook – then at her – then back at Jungkook.
The guy didn't seem to notice however, stretching his neck to find his friends. It's a big day today – for her at least. He's been asking her to meet his friends and it seemed like a big deal to him for her to get along well with them. Coming from the background of 'not fitting in well' for the past 2 years, she has her doubts.
Of course he made it clear that he loves her – even after finding out about the truth of where she came from and how she got here – but what if his friends don't? What if they find out that she's actually just a poor and unlucky girl that got here by chance? What if they ask him to leave her – would he do it?
He waved a hand up and she followed behind him as he starts walking further in to a table. Two familiar faces already greet them with a smile – that being Jimin and Taehyung. There's another 6 guys and 3 girls – wait, aren't those two the Kim sisters? And that girl Yeri -
"Sorry we're late! Guys, this is Lisa –"
"Oh my God, you're Lisa!" Jisoo shrieks and Jennie turns to look. Lisa blushed as she splayed one hand on her chest and smiles. "She's Lisa!"
"Yes, Kook mentioned that," A guy with blonde highlights muttered.
"You know her?" Jungkook asked.
"Heck yeah! Hi!" Jisoo immediately got off her chair and came forward to hug her. All eyes turned to them, confused as to what's going on. "Oh my God, you're even more beautiful in real life! You look like a doll – doesn't she look like a doll?!" The rest nodded and giggled – except for Yeri - making Lisa feel even more conscious and nervous than she already is!
"O-kay....you're making my girlfriend shy now," Jungkook pulled out a chair and gestured her to sit down.
"Oh, I'm sorry – no, don't feel shy! We're all nice people!"
"Very nice people – honey, sit down," Taehyung calls out for Jisoo. Ahh...now it registered why he looked so familiar the first time they met! She probably seen him on Jisoo's Instagram page before!
"You know Taehyung, Jisoo. Jennie and Kai," Lisa bowed her head to everyone Jungkook's introducing her to with a smile. "And Yeri," His voice sounded cold. Lisa plastered a smile even though the girl doesn't. "Her brother, Namjoon, Jin, Hobi, Jimin and Yoongi,"
"Yahh...it's worldwide-handsome-Jin!" Okay, Lisa will surely remember Jin! As for the rest, I hope I'll get their names right!
"Lisa's the one I told you about, our photographer?" Jisoo cuts off.
"Ahhh I love your pictures!" Jennie puts both hands to her chest, giving her a warm smile. Maybe this won't be so bad!
"Thank you. We're supposed to meet tomorrow right?" Lisa returned back the gesture.
"Yeah, what a coincidence that you're Jungkook's girlfriend! You're so lucky Kook, she's so talented – and pretty too!" It's obvious that Jisoo's the more talkative sister between the two.
"Yes I am noona. So you're the influencers -" He held her hand under the table, grazing his thumb on it.
"Oh...so you're a photographer?" Yoongi asked.
"Not really...I like taking pictures,"
"Don't be so humble! You should see her works – you'd love it. Hey, maybe you can ask her to shoot one for your EP cover," Jisoo continued before taking a sip of the drink in front of her.
"Oh yeah hyung! When are you gonna share it with us?" Jungkook leans forward.
"When I share it with the world," Yoongi rolled his eyes. He seemed like a grumpy person.
"You're a musician?" Lisa asked and he smiles.
"See, that's how you call it – a musician! Not like you guys – keep calling me a singer or idol – pshh!" She can see how everyone smirked and rolled their eyes. "Yes I am. An aspiring musician,"
Lisa nods. "Wow...that's so cool! Do you write your own songs?"
"Yeah, and I compose them too," He said proudly, leaning back to his chair. "What kind of music do you like Lisa-ssi?"
"Um...a bit of everything," She looks down shyly.
"She listens to Kehlani, Miso, Tori Kelly...and Jhene Aiko right?" Jungkook grazed her hand again, making her blush being reminded of the other night.
"You have good taste," Yoongi nods.
"Wow 5 seconds in and Yoongi already approves! That doesn't happen a lot –" Namjoon said from the opposite end of the table and Lisa caught Yeri – who's sitting beside him – huffing and taking out her phone, playing with it.
"Lisa-ssi, where's Chaeyoung?" Jimin asked in a slight whisper.
"You mean Rosie? I'm not sure...you should know right? Heard you guys been talking –" Jungkook coughed out loud at her response.
Taehyung leaned forward. "Wait – Rosie? Jimin, did you finally –"
"Yahh yahh! Off the record –"
"Ooo...you got some little secret you didn't want us to know Chim?!" Kai - is it Kai? - points out scandalously and the two sisters laughed. "Come on, man! You were never this secretive when it comes to women before – wait! Is our Chim finally settling down to one girl?" He gasped, and Lisa giggled when Jimin's cheeks turned pink.
"Lisa-ssi, tell us what you know!" Hobi shouts and Jimin turned to her in panic. Aww...he's really shy about it!
"I don't know that much, I'm sorry," Lisa smiles apologetically and Jimin sighed in relief. Disappointment hits their faces.
"You have an accent – where are you from, Lisa-ssi?" Jennie suddenly asked. Very perceptive of her –
"I can answer that!" Yeri suddenly said, making Lisa nervous again. "She's from Thailand. Right?" She raised an eyebrow.
Lisa felt Jungkook's grip tightened and it's her turn to calm him down. "Yes, you're right Yeri-ssi. I'm from Thailand,"
"Aahhh...no wonder you looked a bit different –" Jisoo said as Jennie nodded.
"Does...all Thailand girls look like you cus I might go there to find a girl or something," Everyone laughed at what Hobi implied – everyone except for Yeri of course! "What? I'm serious –"
"No, we don't look the same, I'm sorry," Lisa giggled along.
"There's only one her, hyung! And she's already taken," Jungkook said with such pride, making her blush.
"Aishhh...I'm more good looking than him, Lisa-ssi," Lisa covered her mouth, laughing hard at Hobi's statement. "And older too – more matured and experienced!"
"Yahh!!" Jungkook shouts at him as everyone continued laughing at the two.
"You need to be richer than Kook, oppa. That's how you can win her," Yeri muttered and the laughter died down almost instantly. Namjoon elbowed her slightly and she frowned back at her brother.
"Watch what you say, Yeri-ssi," Jungkook's voice is stern – and Lisa knows he's mad at the girl. She pulls his hand slightly and mouthed 'it's okay' with a smile but he's still frowning. She really didn't want to cause any trouble by being here seeing as how she's the outsider of the bunch.
"Wow...what's happening guys? Why are you two glaring at each other? Aren't you guys like, best friends or something?" Worldwide-handsome-Jin asked, oblivious towards the situation.
It dawned on Lisa that aside from Namjoon, Jimin and Taehyung – who's looking at each other and Jungkook awkwardly – the rest of the group didn't seem to know anything about what happened between Jungkook and Yeri. And now Jennie is looking at Lisa. She wasn't sure what that look meant, but her conscience is internally screaming at her. They must think that Lisa's the cause of the drama in the friendship.
"Yeah Yer, why don't you tell them what happened? Since you're so persistent in running your mouth like that –" Jungkook's anger is evident and Lisa felt like an intruder all over again. Is he mad at her because of what she said about Lisa? Or is he still mad at her over what she did?
The latter question pains her heart as she tries to recall if he'd ever mentioned that Yeri will be here today. She's pretty sure he didn't. Which brings her to the next question – why didn't he? If they're used to hanging around like the 'best friends' that they are, he would know that she'd be here, right? Or did he brought her here to show off to Yeri? Is she a way for him to make the girl jealous?
Lisa wanted to leave. She wanted to run like how she did when she overheard their conversation before. But his grip on her hand stayed firm.
"What I did is nothing compared to the fact that your girlfriend is a poor little gold-digging whore –"
"Yer!!" Jisoo gasped at the girl and Jungkook stood up immediately, pulling her hand to stand.
"We're leaving," He took her handbag on her lap, gesturing for her to follow. "You know what Yer, don't talk to me till you grow the fuck up," He hissed. Lisa managed to mutter a quick 'sorry' - didn't dare to look up to anyone and the voices calling out to him while he drags her out of the restaurant.
Lisa sighed to herself as she enters the living room. Jungkook is lying on the sofa with an arm covering his eyes. The hot chocolate drink she made for him before she went in to shower is still untouched. He must be really stressed out over what happened. He barely said a word to her since they left the restaurant and he went so fast on their ride back home. A crush of guilt fell on her. He deserves better than this...than me.
If it were to be someone that's not as problematic as her, he wouldn't have to deal with this. Yeri wouldn't have any bullets to shoot at him. He wouldn't be embarrassed like that in front of his friends. He'd be able to laugh and catch up and his friends would love his girlfriend, and Yeri – well she'd just sit there in the bitterness bubble she created by herself instead of making horrid remarks to piss him off!
Jungkook held his hand up and looked at her. She smiles as he holds out his hand, gesturing her to come over. She makes her way and he pulls her down to lie on top of him. Then he wraps one hand on her waist, the other carressing her hair. Lisa heard the heavy thuds of his fast heart beat.
"I'm sorry," He whispered. She looks up to him – resting her chin on his chest.
"No, I'm sorry. You shouldn't have to deal with that kind of remarks. I'm sorry that I'm your girlfriend,"
"What – no!" His panic is apparent as his eyes widen. "That's not – why do you think that? You – it's not even –"
"Bunny," She splayed a palm on his cheek to calm him down.
"Don't say that – ever again! It's not your fault at all – I don't know what her problem is,"
"She misses you," It pains her to say it, but she knew exactly why she's always trying to get his attention. Jungkook blinked a couple of times, not understanding. "She misses you...it could be that she miss you as a friend, or it could be she wanted you as something more. She already have her opinion about me – that's nothing new. I'm used to her making remarks like that at the faculty. So it must've upset her to see you with me...someone that she never sees as anything worthy – being with someone whom she used to be so close with,"
"Well, that's her problem – I don't care. I can't say the same cus I don't think about her at all,"
Lisa sighed and went back to lying her cheek on his chest. "Do you know that she'll be there?"
"I didn't. I mean, yeah...she used to hang around with the bunch before but that's cus I brought her along. I didn't know that she hangs around with my friends when I'm not around," Oh...then it's true. She came to see him.
"Maybe she knew you were coming. Namjoon's her brother right?"
"Yeah, she probably came with him,"
"Does he know what happened? You know...between you and her,"
"Yeah he knows. Tae and Jimin told him. They came and fetched me at the bar that night,"
Lisa fell silent. Perhaps Namjoon wanted things to work out between his sister and Jungkook – that's why he didn't mind bringing her along. I mean, if I knew Chaeyoung is having a problem with someone and she didn't want to see him, I wouldn't bring her anywhere near the person...unless if I want them to work things out.
"Baby..." He calls for her. "I'm really sorry. I promise I won't let it happen again okay?"
Lisa chuckled. "You can't promise me that. If it happens, it happens –"
"I brought you there. I should protect you –"
"And you did and I'm thankful. But I'm okay, I really am –"
"Baby, don't lie to me. Please,"
Lisa paused and looked up to him again. He's staring at her intently and her heart melts at the way he cares for her. "Fine, I'm not completely okay. But I'm used to it –"
"But I don't want you to get used to it. I don't want you to feel like it's okay for people to treat you that way or – or say whatever they want about you. I want you to understand this – that you're worth more than that, and you deserve to be respected and loved simply because you're you. You're so amazing and you've made me the happiest – luckiest guy on earth since the first time we met! I want you to feel that, you know – see what you did to me – you made me go crazy and you made me wanna be better for myself and for you. Putting Yeri out of the picture, my friends – they loved you! Jisoo noona especially – she's not the most easiest person to get along with for girls cus she's always talking and asking too much – but she was actually blushing when she met you. And Yoongi hyung – my God, that guy's as thick as ice when it comes to meeting new people but he actually asked you questions! He never even asked what music I listen to but there he was, trying to make a conversation with you!"
Lisa giggled when he pinched her cheeks, being particularly shy at everything he just said.
"I love you so much...I don't ever wanna see you hurt because of me,"
"You didn't hurt me,"
"I did...in a way – she said all those things because of me. And I'm so sorry,"
Lisa climbed up and kissed his cheek. "Stop with the 'sorry'," She kissed another cheek. His lips catch hers and he snakes both arms to hold her tighter. Lisa's heart flutters and her breath picks up when he deepened the kiss.
"So have you given it some thought?"
"Yes. I think I wanna stay here...maybe start my profession here," Lisa's voice is small as the professor raised her eyebrows, surprised by her answer.
"But there's hardly any jobs that required your skills here. Lisa, I want you to really think about this. Here, you'll be competing with people who are much more experienced in Korean literature than you – and they've been speaking the language all their lives! Not to mention, most of them have strong connections here. In Japan, you'll be able to shine and spread your capabilities – not only that, you get to brush up on their language as well, exposing you to better advancement in the future. Please re-consider. I've told my partner about you and he's excited to meet you as well,"
Yes, she might be right – but Jungkook is here and there's no way she could ever leave him. She's sure of that now.
"I understand Ms Jessi...and I thank you for the opportunity and for believing in me, I do but –"
"Just give it more thoughts, please. Get a second or third opinion if you must. Ask around among your friends – the one that really cares about you, they'd say the same thing," She doubts that Jungkook would let her move to a different country and leave him here but she nods nevertheless. "Finals are just around the corner. And I would really like it if you give me the good news after that. Lisa, you're a bright and special person – and I don't just say this to anyone. I wanna see you grow and get better exposures. You earned it. You have to believe that you deserve it,"
Lisa nods more, plastering a smile on her lips. "I will Ms Jessi, I'll give it more thought. I promise,"
Lisa's eyes widen when she saw the two girls coming into the Ladies restroom as she was about to leave. The girl rolled her eyes and Lisa made a move to pass by her.
"They should really do proper background checks, you know. Not just let anyone in this school. We're the ones who have to share the restroom with these skanks – they're probably gonna spread their disease or something –"
She didn't know where she got the courage from but Jungkook's words rang in her ears. Lisa stopped her tracks and turned around.
"Yeri-ssi, exactly what problem do you have with me?"
The girl spun around quickly, probably shocked at Lisa's blunt question. "What makes you think you're so special?" She smirked.
"Oh I know I am. You've been showing just how 'special' I am for the past two years. Sorry I couldn't do the same to you. Like you said, I'm not like you,"
"Wow, now that you've got Jungkook wrapped in your dirty fingers, you've suddenly grew a backbone to even talk to me? Know your place girl –"
"No, you should know your place. I've never said anything back because I felt like it's useless to even try talking to someone who looks at nothing else but their own blinded hatred. You don't know me, Yeri-ssi. And I don't know you. Everything you've said about me so far was just rumours and accusations – not facts. I think the only fact you got right is that I'm from Thailand. Well done to you," She gave a small smirk. There's no backing out now Lili!
"Now about Jungkook, please don't drag him into any hatred you have towards me. I'm sure you feel the same way when I say this – that he's an amazing person with a big heart – and he didn't deserve to be treated the way you treated him at the restaurant, in front of his own friends. I'm sure you felt bad about what happened between the three of you...and I'm sure you miss having him in your life. But what you're doing – it's actually driving him farther from you. I'm not trying to come in between anyone's way here – especially not a friendship that's built for years and years – but here's my 2 cents. If you care for him the way he cared for you before...if you want him again as a friend, then maybe you should start acting like a friend too instead of trying to turn his back on me. Because between the 2 of us, he already made his choice on who he'd rather lose. Just a little advice from a poor Thailand girl,"
Lisa smiled before leaving the speechless girls – feeling liberated and confident at her sudden move.
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