'I'm in the area. Should I pick you up for dinner?'
'Why didn't you tell me earlier dad? I've already made plans'
'Okay no problem. Just checking. Your mother asked me to remind you again about the dinner'
Oh no! Mom's birthday dinner – when is it again? Nevermind, I'll check on her messages later.
'It's still in another few weeks, I remember dad'
'Good. We're inviting a few close friends and partners so I expect you to be there. I think your mom bought a new suit for you. I think she's arranging for it to be delivered soon'
Oh God, a suit?! His mom never mentioned that it will be a big gathering! What's with these efforts?
'Call her'
'I spoke to her yesterday'
'Would it hurt you to talk to her everyday?'
'No, of course not...I'll call her'
'You got enough money? Do you need more?'
'No, I'm still okay'
It's a bit embarrassing for himself to be questioned like this. He felt like a child – counting on the parents to provide. Not that he's not grateful cus he is – it's just that he wanted to be responsible over himself. He wants to feel like he has his life under control, even without the help - specially now that he's known Lisa. Seeing how independent and hardworking she'd been to support herself made him realise how incapable he is if his family is not around to help. Almost everything is paid off for him by his dad. Yes, he worked for his passion – but he never had to worry if the money's not enough cus it's always there.
Lisa's situation could happen to anyone. But he can see how resilient she is – just like she said her mother was. On the surface, you can't even tell that the girl works every evening and night – taking on any kinds of job she can get her hands on. Granted, he still doesn't know and understand why she did it – he's still finding the right time to ask – but the fact that she can look care-free and happy all the time, you can hardly tell what she's going through. Including Jungkook.
He puts his phone back in his pocket and took off the helmet. The almost-full parking lot outside of her apartment is quiet as usual at this time of day. The night breeze is exceptionally cold tonight, and he can't wait to get inside to get his body warm – preferably with Lisa's body on his. Damn, they've only been together for a month but he's already so comfortable and used to having her around before he sleeps. Kissing her was fucking addictive, but even just her presence calms his days.
He stopped his tracks when he saw Lisa getting out of a black, fully-tinted coupé. He can't see the person inside, but he managed to catch a glimpse of a man's dark-coloured pants. Who is that? Lisa waved and bowed before the car drove off. He couldn't even see the plate, as it was dark and a bit far from where he's standing. Lisa turned and found him – she looked confused at first but smiled and ran to him seconds after.
"You're early! I thought you said you'll finish the mural at 9?" She hugged him, comfortably resting her cheek on his chest – warming his heart but not enough to contain the anxiety of seeing her being dropped off by another man.
"Who was that?"
"Hmm?" She looks up to him. "Oh...that's...um, that's the landlord," It's either she's lying or she feels awkward at answering the question – he could tell by the way she stuttered and looking to everywhere else, avoiding his eyes.
"Why are you meeting your landlord in a car?" She fidgets, and he doesn't like this at all. She couldn't answer him. She has answers for everything – this is such a simple question compared to Emily's 'where-can-you-find-unicorns' – why can't she answer my damn question?!
Jungkook sighed. They already had so many misunderstandings since they've met, Jungkook didn't want to let his emotions ride them through another one. It takes time...they're getting to know each other...she said so...trust her...
"It's cold. Let's go up?"
Lisa stirs the hot chocolate in the mug nervously. Jungkook had been unusually quiet and keeping a safe distance on their way up until now – resting his head on the armchair, and she knew why. He must've been upset to see her there and not knowing the what and why of things. It's not that she didn't feel bad because she does.
She'd kept a lot of things in the dark for him when he's already done so much – standing up for her, patiently waiting and respecting her before, pouring his heart out of his comfort zone, telling her he loves her...and she feels undeserving of it if she doesn't reciprocate his gestures. He can't be doing all the work, you fool!
But what would entail if she tells him about her situation? Would he understand? Would he be against her principle and actions, like Chaeyoung and Mrs Kim? Well, he's been surprising you countless times so far – why not give him the benefit of the doubt? And even if he is against it, what then? It didn't stop you when Chaeyoung didn't understand – yes, but this is Jungkook.
Her first crush and the first guy she'd ever fallen in love with. It felt different and it scares her to think that he won't agree. Chaeyoung always reminded her how stupid her thoughts about it were – what if he leaves when he realises the same? But what if he leaves because he felt like you're lying to him?
Lisa sighed and brought the mug to the living room with a determination. You can do this, Lily! She placed down the mug on the coffee table and looks at the guy. His eyes are closed, but there's a frown on his beautifully sculptured face. It's like he's thinking about something and it stresses him out. Is he mad at her? Lisa took his hand and he opens his eyes. She pulled him on his feet and made him sit on the couch next to her instead – never letting go of his hand.
"Um...about just now," She stares down to their intertwined fingers. She's really bad at this. "I mean – about the landlord...please don't think anything bad,"
Jungkook's face reflects mixed emotions. His frown is still there and it seemed like he's in pain, but his eyes appears soft that Lisa could feel the love he declared of so genuinely. Take the leap Lily, don't be scared.
"Remember when I told you – the night when you walked with me and asked who paid for me?" Jungkook pouts - probably embarrassed to recall that question again in his head - and Lisa giggled by accident at his cuteness. "He um...that's the man...the man who paid for my studies, and this house," She waited for his response, but he only leaned in more – taking her palm in both his hands, grazing them softly as if asking her to continue.
"He...he was on a trip in Bangkok with his wife. He left his wife to do some shopping. He was going to see her back at the hotel that night but he received a call from the hospital, so he panicked. He asked the driver to rush over a turn and the driver didn't realise the 'stop' sign. That's where my mom was crossing," Her eyes began tearing up and she had to take a moment to gather herself back. He didn't say a word, just continuing to rub her hands in his.
"When I got to the hospital, he was crying. He hadn't seen his wife yet – just waiting for me...I think he was still in shock and he needed to talk. He looked so scared when the police brought me over to meet him. That was after I identified my mom. He...he couldn't look at me. He kept rocking his body – back and forth – and I felt so –" A tear fell on her cheek, recalling the man's pained face – probably as painful as how she looked like when she unveiled the cloth to her mother's resting face.
"I felt so bad for him – I do. I was angry – my God, I was so angry at first...but I couldn't lash out or scream. He was crying as hard as I was when I dropped in front of him...and he kept muttering the word 'sorry' over...and over. I can't remember how long it lasted but we were crying so hard that it probably got a lot of people thinking we're a family who just lost someone...but really, we were just two strangers who don't even know each other's name!"
"I stopped first...I felt so drained and empty, that I just stood back up...I was going to leave. I couldn't stay there much longer, you know. The smell, the pitiful looks from the nurses – they were all her friends. The police was there too – they asked me to go down to the station – that since it was an accident caused by the man, in normal circumstances the victim's family will file for a case. I didn't know much but all I wanted was to go back home. I couldn't deal with anything then. So I just said no – I didn't want to press charges, I didn't want anything except for my mom back,"
Her hands are shaking and she pulls them out of his hold, wiping her tear-stained cheeks. "The man chased behind me, begging for me to stop and to follow him – I can't remember much on what he said and what I said but I went along anyways. We got to the the Emergency Unit, where his wife was. She stabilised, but her heart beat was weak. I couldn't remember what exactly was it – cus I was still thinking about my mom. But I do feel bad for them both so I kinda gave my blessings, you know? The man was just holding his wife's hand. He was crying non-stop. It reminded me of when my dad passed away, and how my mom couldn't stop crying and refused to leave his body. It was...such a sight,"
"She never liked the idea of being buried, so I went with the cremation. I don't know how the man came to know about where I lived, but he appeared in the evening of the service. He bowed on his knees, out of respect and asking me for forgiveness. I – I didn't have any anger left in me at that point, you know. I had cried the whole night, I remember feeling so alone. Like I knew death is inevitable – we're all gonna die one day – and I couldn't be mad at him. I felt like the weirdest person – my neighbours who came for the service was shouting and throwing nasty words at him – but he didn't budge. He maintained his bow...until eventually I managed to say that it's okay,"
"My mom wouldn't want me to hold any grudges. Her life was cut short and she didn't get to see me becoming –" She sighed, slightly shaking her head. "I wanted her to be proud of who I am. I wanted her to know that she had raised me well. I wanted to be patient like her...strong like her. I want to always smile like she always did. Her smile was so calming," Lisa chuckled, remembering her mother's smiling face.
"Anyways, the man asked me about myself – he wanted to meet my relatives, but the few that came had already left. I think he found out that my father had passed away as well from the hospital. He knew a lot about me when he came that evening. He knew that I just finished my diploma. He said there are better education in Korea and he suggested that I move here. I said it's okay, that I can manage. He offered a sum of money, but I declined it as well. I told him that he didn't owe me anything. I felt like there's nothing that he can give to me – none of which I wanted,"
"He went back but came again the next day, trying to persuade me. I think he visited for 3 or 4 days before he finally broke down again – telling me that he already arranged for his wife to be sent back for the surgery. But he was still there because he couldn't leave – not without a peace of mind. I felt so bad for him, you know...he was supposed to be with his wife but instead he was there with me. So I packed my bags and the few pictures of my parents and followed him here. I thought I'd go back – that I'll only be here for a few days, just to make sure he'd make it to his wife,"
"A few days turned into a week. He said he had something to discuss with me and I didn't mind waiting. When we finally sat down to talk, he revealed that his lawyer had been looking into my family's background – and apparently my mother had took on a loan for my diploma and they decided that it's best to sell the house to pay for it in full. He said he had his people to pack everything from the house and it's already transported safely here – they kept it in a warehouse – and he gave me the key,"
"Wait, so they just sold the house without your permission? Without even telling you first?" Jungkook seems eager to voice out his anger. Lisa just gave a small smile and nodded, looking down to her fingers. Chaeyoung had the same reaction too when Lisa had told her about it. "Did you at least shout at him?" He managed to tone it down.
"No...they gave me the forms to sign. I – I think I was in shock at the time. Like, in my head – I kept asking 'so I don't have a home anymore?'. I signed it...eventually. He brought me to the warehouse...everything was indeed there. I think I cried for nights, thinking where do I go. I mean, he already said he's arranging for a house for me while I waited at the hotel, but still...I couldn't believe that I sold it and there's no place to go back to,"
"What about your relatives? Didn't they do anything about it?"
Lisa sighed a smile. "No...they – they hardly even know me. I grew up without them around...cus they sort of never cared about our family since my mom re-married. I called one of my aunts before I left Bangkok – to tell her that I was coming here for a few days. She said – and I quote – 'do whatever you want'. I don't think any of them cared if I ever went back or not...no one's tried to find me up till now,"
"Anyways, after another week, he brought me here. He said he already registered me in the waiting list for Yonsei University – all I have to do is pick a subject, so yeah,"
Jungkook nodded slowly and Lisa wondered nervously at what he's thinking. Is he annoyed at her for not standing up for herself about the house – just like Chaeyoung did?
"So....so this house is his?" He asked.
"Mmm....on papers it's mine. But it's his,"
"What do you mean?"
"He bought the house but he puts my name on it. He already paid for it. But for me, it's his,"
Jungkook blinked a couple of times. Okay....here comes the tricky part. "I don't understand," No one does....
"It's....it's complicated – let's not talk about it –"
"No, I really wanna know –" He grabs her hand, insisting for her to explain.
"I – do you know how much this house costs? It's 590 million won," She laughed. He wasn't. He actually seemed unbothered by the number. Of course he's not, that's cheap for people like him and Chaeyoung! "I've worked for a year and a half now and I only managed to keep about 18 thousand – like, I have to work for my entire life to be able to pay him back and that's if I'm lucky enough to earn more! If I'm unlucky, I might have sell my soul or something –"
"Did he asked you to pay him back?" Oh, here goes....
"No – but that's not the point," Jungkook frowns, not understanding what she meant. Lisa took a deep breath to calm herself.
"I – I need to make sure I have the money to pay him back...you know...just in case,"
"In case he asked for it? Baby, the house is already in your name. He'd have no right to -"
"He – he has 3 kids. He wouldn't ask for it back , I knew he wouldn't. But his kids doesn't know about me. What if one day they find out and – and I don't want them to blame their dad for spending all these money on me – they might not see it the way he does,"
"Yeah, but they still wouldn't have the right to take this house from you cus it's under your name. Just like he didn't have the right to sell your house without your permission,"
Lisa sighed. "I signed the papers so technically I gave the permission - Jungkook, I don't wanna argue,"
"We're not arguing baby. We're...discussing...getting to know each other," He smiles warmly at her, melting her heart a little. Okay, a lot. "Lisa, I wanna know everything about you. You need to understand that when I said I love you – I really mean it! Like, I wanna know what you had for breakfast, lunch and dinner – and walk with you to your class and back and pick you up from work and send you back, and yes, I'm gonna be clingy as hell and be petty in those basic stuff so of course I wanna know – and hopefully understand this bigger things happening in your life. I wanna be able to discuss things with you and tell you what I think about it and I hope you'd wanna do that to me too. Tell me if I did something wrong, or if I'm being stupid – tell me how you feel – I don't mind listening to it every day if I have to,"
His heart-felt confession and his raspy voice in trying to convince her warms her heart and has woken up the butterflies in her stomach.
"Now, perspective," Jungkook folds both his legs on the couch, looking like he's ready to get serious. Lisa giggled as he claps his palms together and rests them on his chin. "First of all, he should've told his kids about it so they'd understand. I'm sure if he were to tell them the whole story, they would somehow see that his actions are justifiable. I mean, you lost your mom cus of him –"
"Jungkook, don't say that," She cuts him off. Her tone might have surprised him a little as he sits up straight and his eyes widen. She just doesn't like it when people implies the man of being the reason why her mom died. "It wasn't like that, please don't say that,"
"Okay...I'm sorry baby,"
"It's okay – I just – I'm sorry, I just don't think of it that way," He nods.
"Okay, I won't say it again, I promise. I'm sorry, okay?" He took herhand again and she smiled back, thankful that he understands. "Can I asksomething?" She nods and Jungkook took a few seconds – probably thinking on howhe should word it. "So you see him often?"
"He comes by to check on me. He used to visit once a week but I told him that he shouldn't worry so much – that I can take care of myself. So now he would just message me if he wants to check if I'm doing okay...which is still about once a week. But I didn't mind it – rather than coming all the way here. Now he would call if he's coming by...which is probably about once a month. Except for this month. Cus it's my mom's birthday month. Same as last year, he'd message more and come see me more. I think he still feels bad,"
"Oh...how – how many times have you met him this month?"
"Mmmm....he came by earlier this month. Then on my mom's birthday – that's why I asked you to go with me, I wanted to introduce you to him –" Jungkook looks down to his fingers and Lisa immediately feels bad for saying it. "Hey...it's okay. I'll introduce you next time, okay?" He nodded slowly before looking back up to her.
"And tonight?"
"Oh...he just dropped by. He said he brought food. His wife made it for me,"
"Ahh...where is it?"
"I ate it in the car. I've never invited him up here cus I don't want people to see him. He's like...a bit well-known I think. I don't want people to say bad things about him if they see him with me,"
"Then where do you guys normally meet?"
"Nowhere. I'll just get in the car and his driver will drive around the block until we're done talking,"
"And on your mom's birthday?"
Lisa laughs nervously, looking down to his hand that's holding hers. "I – I found this place last year. I wanted to somehow see my mom, but I didn't have a particular place to go to. I found out that there's a foreigners cemetery near the banks of Han River so I went there. I walked and walked...passing by each tombstones...then I felt like...like I was lost, you know? Like...I couldn't find what exactly I was searching for. So I cried. Then he called and he heard me crying so he came. We walked some more and he told me about the story of the cemetery. About a few of those who are buried there – their struggles and what they fought for when they were alive. And it made me feel better, you know? And I felt like if I want my mom to be buried somewhere, I would want her to be there – among all these strong, courageous people. Cus she deserves it. So I made it a place for my mom. There's this small tree at the far end that stands on its own. I promised myself that I'd go there – for her every birthdays or Mother's Days or whenever I miss her. I told him that and he said okay...so we met there,"
"Baby..." She looks up to meet Jungkook's teary gaze. "I'm sorry I couldn't be there,"
"It's okay – hey...don't cry...it wasn't your fault, it was a misunderstanding," Lisa climbed on his lap and pulled him in an embrace. "I'm sorry too," He wraps his strong arms around her small waist.
"Can I ask one more question?"
"You can ask me as much question as you want,"
"Just how old is this guy? I need to know who I'm competing against –" Lisa laughed aloud – covering the overwhelming emotions she's feeling for this guy that she's so in love with.
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