*Warning: Mature Content included*
"Happy birthday!" Lisa shrieks as the waiter placed the cute chipmunk-head cake in front of her best friend. The other's cheeks turned pink when she realised how many heads turned to Lisa's high-pitched voice.
"Oh my God – keep it down! I'm 23, not 6!" Chaeyoung gapes at her.
"Doesn't matter if you're 50. We'll still celebrate your birthday like this! Now smile to the camera," Lisa held the phone closer to Chaeyoung's face.
"Aww...thank you....for this cute – this cute – bear?"
"It's a chipmunk, Chae! It's you!"
"Huh? It doesn't look like a chipmunk...the ears are not the same,"
"It's a chipmunk! The name's Chocolate Chipmunk!"
"Can't believe you're asking me to eat my own kind – and it doesn't even look like one!"
"Try it!!" Lisa puts down the phone after she uploaded the video to her Instagram story. Chaeyoung takes a bite and her eyes widen. "Is it good?"
"So good!! Shit – there goes my diet!"
Lisa laughs. "It's your birthday – no one diets on their birthday,"
"Easy for you to say, you never gain weight no matter how much you eat. I – on the other hand – will have to go to the gym for 5 days straight just to get rid of this –"
"Pshh...nonsense! You look great," Lisa took a bite when Chaeyoung offered her the spoon. The rich taste of dark chocolate and velvety texture melts in her mouth immediately. "Woahhh...so good! And it's not too sweet –"
"Right?!" Chaeyoung keeps stuffing the cake into her mouth and sighed. "That's it. I don't need a boyfriend – I'll just have this for the rest of my life!" They both laughed.
"And me!" Lisa took a small box from her sling bag and hands it over. Chaeyoung's mouth drops open in a big smile, holding her hands in a fist and flailing them over her shoulders.
"This – no, oh my God –" She opened it to find a beautiful silver, heart-shaped pendant. "It's...it's the one I showed you....Lisa-yaaaa...." Oh no, is she gonna cry?!
"Chae, don't –"
"But it's Ted Baker! It must've cost a lot – you didn't have to – I was gonna get it myself!"
"Hey, I can afford it okay! Why do you think I work so hard? Cus my girlfriend is expensive and I need to keep her happy –"
"Yahhh I'm serious!! I know how much you earn –"
"Put it on! Let's see how it looks on you!" Lisa cuts her off by acting like an excited puppy. Chaeyoung sighed and fix the pendant around her neck. She looks down, rubbing on the little heart and her eyes twinkles.
"Aww...so pretty! Wait, lemme take a picture," Lisa unlocks her phone and points the camera towards Chaeyoung – who's still looking down, admiring the piece. She knew Chaeyoung would love it. They were walking around the shopping mall earlier this month when her friend saw and fell in love with the pendant. Lisa had been doing double her shifts at the National Library since then – determined to gift it to her. And with the way Chaeyoung is looking right now, it was definitely worth it!
"Yahh you make me feel so bad now...I only bought you those silly yellow flats last year –"
"Those pretty flats that I wanted," Lisa corrected her, raising an eyebrow as she does so. "You got me what I wanted, and I got you what you wanted. We're even!"
"But the price is not even – those flats only cost –"
"We're not calculative people Chae," Lisa frowns, making her point across. Chaeyoung paused to think and leans back in defeat.
"No, we're not...thank you, I love you!" She smiles widely that her eyes looked like a straight line of happiness. "Can't wait to show Alice this! I swear if she gives me another pillow plush, I'm gonna hold this pendant up in her face and replace her with you –"
"Wow...feisty," A male voice interrupted her and both of them looks up. Chaeyoung's mouth drops open at the dashing smile.
"W-what are you doing here?" She stuttered. It's either that or she'll drool over the guy – take your pick! Jimin is looking extra handsome today – why...how...? His hair is styled differently and is in full blonde now, similar to her hair colour. Wearing a black shirt and pants that sits nicely on his body, he stands straight like one of those models you see at the end of the runway – with his hands in his pockets and staring at her with a smile in his eyes.
"Are we celebrating something?" He looks to the used candle and the half-eaten cake on their table.
"Oh yes, it's Chaeyoungie's birthday," Lisa speaks up when she saw the friend frozen in her seat.
"Oh wow, happy birthday Chaeyoungie," Jimin smiles warmly and greeted her formally. "Lisa right?" She nods, returning back the smile. "Sorry I interrupted you girls, please go on ahead," Jimin's weirdly polite today – he even bowed before moving past them. And he didn't call her friend 'Rose'...Lisa looks back to Chaeyoung - huffing out the air as if she just ran a marathon and leaning back to the back of her chair.
"Are you...okay?" Lisa leans forward with a frown.
"I don't know...last time I bumped into him was last week and he was sooo different than just now –"
"Why are you whispering?"
"Cus he might hear me! Who is he here with – is it a girl?"
Lisa stretched out her neck, looking around. "He's not around anymore,"
Chaeyoung's confused state is apparent as she looks behind her andaround the café.
"How did you find this place?"
"Hmm? Oh, Jungkook suggested it. He said his friend owns it and they have good cakes here. He's coming later by the way – you don't mind, do you?"
"Lisa, focus!" Chaeyoung snaps her fingers in front of her friend's face, and Lisa smirks in amusement. "Is his friend Jimin?"
"Ohhh...." Lisa nods scandalously. "Maybe...he didn't say. Oh my God, do you wanna leave? We can go if you're not –"
"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to youu! Happy birthday to Rosie....happy birthday to you!"
And...there it is! Chaeyoung cups her face in both hands, looking down in embarrassment as Lisa bursts out laughing while pointing her phone to record the 5 waiters that came out of nowhere with a bigger cake.
"Here comes the devil," Chaeyoung glares at him. What – oh shit, did Lisa mentioned about the other day? Is he gonna be hated by his girlfriend's best friend for the rest of his life now?
"Hi," Lisa's fingers interlaces with him, pulling him down to sit. Her fingers are cold so he closes them in his hand, scooting in beside her.
"Hi baby," He kissed the back of her hand and gave a smile. She looks so pretty today with a red, polkadot dress and Jungkook found himself questioning whether it's really a big deal that she had left him hanging. "Happy birthday, Chae," The girl rolled her eyes away. "What – what's going on? Am I in trouble?"
"Oh yes you are!" Chaeyoung started whispering aggressively. "Why did you ask her to bring me here? And not once did you mentioned that Jimin owns a freaking cafe!" Oh, thank God it's not about the other thing!
"Oh yeah...sorry bout that," He gave an apologetic smile and scratches the back of his neck. "I mean, she asked me where to find nice cakes so it just came up...I didn't do it on purpose, I swear!" Lisa giggled by his side. "So...how's the cake?"
"It's alright," Chaeyoung crosses her arms and shrugged.
"Chae, don't lie. It's sooo good – see?" Lisa pointed to an empty plate and another almost-half-eaten, medium-sized cake.
"Wow...you ordered two cakes?" These girls can eat! Not that he's complaining.
"No...I ordered a small one. Jimin gave the big one," Lisa explained. Oh, Jimin's here! Shit, he will surely get another scolding by the guy for not telling him earlier.
"Ahh..." Right on cue, his eyes landed on Jimin – who's sauntering over to their table – giving Jungkook that familiar glare. God, these two are exactly the same! It's a good thing he packed his clothes just now – already planned to sleep at Lisa's place again. Lisa will be his saviour today!
"Baby, you need to help me," He whispered into Lisa's ear and she looks up to behind Chaeyoung.
"What's in it for me?" She chuckled. Jungkook raised an eyebrow when he noticed her teasing look. Oh, you wanna play?
"Anything you want," He purposely grazes her ear with his lips and her fingers twitched in his hand. She looks down – probably trying hard not to blush.
Then she lets go of his hand and finds her way to his lap, resting and rubbing softly on his thigh – way too close to his dick – taking him by surprise. "Anything?" There's that sexy stare again – fuck yes! I'll do anything – take me as your slave –
"Yahh you two –" Chaeyoung's voice interrupted them both and Lisa clears her throat.
"Ahh, Jimin oppa," Lisa cheers excitedly as Jimin reached the table. Oppa?! Jungkook looks up to Jimin, who's face brightened up like a neon light in a dark alley. "Thank you for the cake! I'm so sorry, I forgot that Jungkook told me you owned the place. He asked me to ask for you but I got too excited that I forgot...I'm sorry oppa," Oppa my ass!
Chaeyoung frowns at both Lisa and Jungkook, obviously confused with the two.
"Aish...that's okay. He shouldn't have told you anyways, it's not a big deal," Oh, really? You're playing that card huh? Jungkook can't help but smirk to himself.
"The cakes are so good, oppa!" Baby, my sweet baby...STOP CALLING HIM OPPA IN FRONT OF ME!
"Thank you, I'll make sure to tell the team that you liked it!" Jimin suddenly sits next to Chaeyoung, who's busy looking at the opposite direction.
"Do you like the cake, Chaeyoungie?" Jimin asked.
"It's...it's okay," Chaeyoung shrugs again. Jungkook looks to his side and find Lisa pursing her lips, trying not to laugh.
"Just okay? Oh wow...I might fire the baker then! We don't do with just 'okay' here –" Jimin made to stand up and Chaeyoung grabbed his arm in panic.
"Yahh don't do that!" When Jimin looked back at her with a smirk, she pulled back her hand and fidgets with her fingers. Wow, it looked like a scene in a drama! "It's – it's delicious –"
"Really? You really think so –"
"It's finished isn't it?!" She huffed in annoyance. Not sure if it's towards Jimin or the cake. Jimin seems to be confused as well as he continues to smirk at her. "Although I think you should rename it –"
"To Rosie?" Oh God, this guy is cringey as fuck! Chaeyoung seems to agree as she rolled her eyes.
"No! You named it Chocolate Chipmunk but it doesn't look anything like a chipmunk...it looks like a bear. Name it Chocolate Bear –" Okay...
"Chaeyoung likes chipmunks," Lisa explained. "So it's a bit personal, oppa," STOP WITH THE OPPA!! It's his turn to roll his eyes now. He's already so bothered for the past couple of days, since Lisa never returned his 'I-love-yous' that night. Now he has to sit here and listen to her cute, dearly voice – calling another guy sweetly OpPa this and oPpA that! I mean...yes, I asked her for help but does she really have to keep calling him that?
"Aahh...I see. Okay got it! I'll make sure they put a real-looking chipmunk after this. Or maybe I should have real chipmunks around in here – you can come everyday then –"
Chaeyoung shot him a glare and Jimin just chuckled, taking out his phone.
"Oppa, where's the restroom?" Lisa asked and left when Jimin pointed to the back. Jungkook took out his phone and plays with it, now awkward being left with these two who's obviously acting like they're in some sort of love-hate relationship. Of course, the 'love' part only came from Jimin.
His phone buzzes and he opens the text from the guy sitting in front of him.
'Okay, here's the 4-1-1. I need some time alone with this girl so you need to go'
Jungkook gave a death glare to Jimin, but the guy was only looking down to his phone. Then came another.
'There's a staircase next to the restroom. You'll find my office up there. Do whatever you want with your girlfriend but NO FUCKING especially on the sofa I just bought it'
Jungkook smiled to himself and cleared his throat. "I need to use the restroom as well," He heard Chaeyoung stuttering 'wait' a couple of times but continued his way to the back. Sorry Chae!
*Warning: Mature Content*
Lisa threw the used tissue in the bin and walked out to find Jungkook – leaning against the wall beside the Ladies restroom.
"Are you stalking me or do you need to use the –" He didn't wait for her to finish before grabbing her hand and pulling her through an entry – then climbing the staircase that led to a room. Once they're both inside, he turned and she heard the clicking sound from the door. The room is big – even with dark brown walls and black carpeting. It looks like someone's private office. There's a big working desk, with chairs on both sides. Beside it stood a mounted shelf, filled with books, papers and folders. In the middle of the room is a brown, leather sofa.
She turned back to Jungkook and he's glaring at her. His gaze is dark as he leans on the door. She's becoming well familiar with this look by now. It's almost the same look he has when he 'wants' her, but this is more intense. It's like he's mad or something. Why?
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Lisa's voice is shaky and she saw him clicking his tongue on the insides of his cheek. He looks so hot doing that – but she sensed danger for some reason. Slowly he came forward, closer to her. Without saying a word, he grabbed the back of her head and pulled her in for a deep kiss.
Something is wrong. She thought she's gotten used to his taste and the way he kiss her – but this is new. It's rough – and more passionate than all the times he's kissed her before. Even his breathing is ragged and rushed. He's marking his dominance – pulling her in and pushing her back – his hand roaming around and all over her upper body until she felt her back met against a wall. Then he moved his hands to her behind - cupping and squeezing them – making her all squirmy and wet as she moans in his mouth.
Lisa's hands shakily travel from his tensed shoulder to the muscles across his arms, as he shifts his kisses to her neck – making her shudder like it's the first time all over again. He then took one of her hands and placed it on his hard-on. Wow...he's so big already!
"See what you're doing to me?" He leans his forehead against hers – panting hard.
"W-what did I do?" Lisa swallows nervously.
"You..." He sighed and looks up into her eyes sharply. "You make me nervous...all the time. And frustrated. And bothered,"
"Do I? Those are not good things..." She breathed, so turned on by the way he stares at her. "Why are you bothered?"
"You...you never said it back," He sighed again, closing his eyes this time.
"Never said what back?"
"I said I love you and you never said it back," Oh...is that why he's been a bit quiet these past couple of days? "And you keep calling Jimin 'oppa' in front of me,"
Is he serious?? Lisa suppressed her laugh when she realised that he is. Awww my cute bunny! "Oh...I'm sorry...I didn't do it to make you mad...is there any way I can make it up to you?" She continued to rub on his shaft, teasing him. He opens his eyes and the lust is evident.
"Are you...testing me?"
"I don't know what you're talking about. I'm only trying to make you feel better. You've been so patient with me and I think I should return the favour -" Just as she smirked, he pulled both her hands and pinned them up above her head and on the wall.
"I'm not patient now," He kissed her hard and Lisa's body is quick at responding – searching to close the gap between them. "I need to hear you say it, it's driving me crazy –" He stopped just to mutter those words before kissing her again. Lisa moans as his tongue explores the depth inside her mouth with such urgency.
"K-Kook," She breathed when he went back to suck on her neck.
"Tell me...or I'll leave you undone like this. I'll drive you crazy – just like you did to me," He moved one hand to cup the mound in between her thigh gap. Lisa gasped at the touch while trying to untangle her hands from his strong grip to just touch and pull him in. When she failed, her hips grind onto his palm, needing him to touch her more.
He slipped her panties to the side and plays on the wet area with his fingers. Oh...that feels so good! He knows exactly how to touch her and arouse the hell out of her – how can he not see that? Just when her breathing picked up and settling into his nice pace, he moves his hand away. No!
Lisa sighed, trying to gather herself back – feeling damn frustrated! She caught him smirking as he pulls down her dress sleeves to her shoulder – cupping her breast and closing her aroused state in his mouth. God, just – just like that...yes....
Her sensitive skin feels hot as she felt his tongue circling around before sucking and tugging on it with his teeth. His fingers found their way back to the slit, and he pushed two into her. Yes! A whispered moan escaped her mouth, enjoying the feel of his touch – in and out of her as his palm grazing her sensitive nub. Lisa throws her head back as his hand works faster. The sensation is building up and she so close to ecstasy – then he withdrew them back, leaving her confused and angry. She opens her eyes to Jungkook – who's now staring at her with amusement.
"See how frustrated you made me feel?"
Lisa took a deep breath, closing her eyes and re-opens them with tears building up. "Why did you do that?" Jungkook blinked and she felt his grip loosened. "I...I love you. Of course I love you. I've been in love with you since you helped me at the hall – I've loved you even when I knew I couldn't get to you, even when you couldn't even remember me and didn't even knew my name! I let you kiss me, touch me – make love to me – of course I love you! Do you think I'd just do it – just because?!" She's sobbing now, not caring at all how she sounds or what she looks like for that matter. "I told you things – for God's sake – I let you t-touch me and you think I'd just do it with anyone –"
His lips smashed onto hers – and she tried pushing him back, hitting him on the chest to protest – but he's too strong to even move an inch, and his hands in her neck are making her weaker...
"Is it lesser?" Jungkook asked as he stares at the girl, panting before him as she recovers back from her euphoric state.
"What?" She breathed.
"Your love for me. Is it lesser now?"
Her lips parted as she stares back up to him - her eyes bearing so much emotions but none of which Jungkook could unravel.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I hurt you. I have...I've been feeling so down - like I let you down. Since the night we met, everything with you felt new to me. It's like I don't even know how to be myself anymore - or maybe, I can't remember the way I was before. I feel like I make you cry all the time...and I'm so sorry -"
She leans in and kiss him gently - stopping him from saying more. Her lips are soft and tender, resembling everything he's feeling for her.
"I love you...I'm so in love with you and I love you more and more by the second. I'm sorry I cry a lot. It wasn't all your fault," She chuckled, making him smile as their forehead leans on one another. "We're getting to know each other right?"
He nods, not sure why he felt shy at her assurance.
"I'm not good with words...thank you for telling me how you feel," He felt her delicate fingers on his neck as she said it. "I'm sorry for making you wait. And I'll try my best to not call Jimin 'oppa' too much -"
Jungkook sighed a laugh and pulled her in his arms tightly. This feels amazing. Being with her feels amazing. Seeing her come under his touch feels amazing. He swore to himself then that he'll do anything and everything to be better for her. And for himself.
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