Lisa felt sore since morning. The good type of sore - one that confirms who her body belongs to. The kind that reminds her of Jungkook's soft touch and rough grips. The kind that makes her squirms with the memories of Jungkook's incredibly-beautiful face when he kissed her all over, and his amazingly-sculptured body every time he tensed, or arching his back with the glory of coming -
Her vision suddenly went dark as she felt hands covering her eyes. She heard the small, girlish giggle and immediately slaps the hands.
"Yahh Chae!"
"I've missed you so much!" Chaeyoung took the seat next to her at the bench. "Do you know how boring it is to not have you around? Don't ever get sick again!" She pouts like a little child, making Lisa laugh.
"Aww...I'm sorry baby. I had to replace a shift last Friday so I was rushing,"
"Mm-hmm. And after this you're gonna be with your 'boyfriend' all the time so you won't have much for me anymore!" Chaeyoung rolled her eyes and Lisa gasps.
"How – "
"When are you planning to tell me?" She shot a glare to Lisa, crossing her arms to make her point.
"Now - I was gonna tell you now –"
"Pshh – can't believe I have to ask Jungkook what happened –" Oh no – what?!
"What – why did you ask him – what did he tell you?"
"I was worried when you called me about him last week! Then you went M-I-A when I texted you yesterday,"
"I was busy –"
"Mm-hmm so it's begun! He told me you guys spent the whole day together yesterday. He was so proud with himself too..." Chaeyoung eyes her best friend and Lisa grew conscious. It's not like she planned to keep it a secret or anything, she's just waiting for the right time – "You seemed different...like, glowy...why?"
Huh? Do I look different? And as if she registered something, Chaeyoung gasped loudly. "Yahh did you and him –"
Lisa had to cup her friend's mouth immediately as she looks around for any students passing by the bench. When there are none, she released her. "Keep it down!"
"Oh. My. God! You did, didn't you? How was it? Is he good? How many times –"
"Chae, keep it down!" They both laughed.
"Seriously, tell me everything!!" Obviously, the girl got way too excited. She'd been bugging Lisa long enough about having a relationship and losing her virginity – damn!
"It was...amazing," Lisa smiles shyly to her knotted fingers. "He was amazing...and gentle...at first,"
"At first?? How many times – wait, do I wanna hear this? Fuck it, we'll stop at how many times you guys did it,"
"What the fuck –"
"Wait, no! 3! I think 3,"
"You think...? What's the 6? That's double the amount –"
"Oh that's...different,"
"Oh my God, no way! He made you –"
"He made you come 6 times?? You fucking lucky –" Chaeyoung's forced whisper seeks desperate attention and Lisa can't help but felt shy!
"It just happened – we went on a date yesterday and he hung around...and slept over,"
"He made you come 6 times in one night?! What the fuck –"
"Well, 4 times last night. 2 times this morning,"
"Okay, now you're just rubbing it on my face but - oh my God! Where do I get myself one of those?!" Lisa didn't understand what she meant but laughed anyways. Is it not a normal thing? She thought it's how it works. "Ugh, I am so ready for my next boyfriend now," Lisa laughs even more at her friend's animated face.
"Anyways, I asked him to go with me to see ahjussi. My mom's birthday's today,"
Chaeyoung rubs her arms. "You okay? You need more support?"
"I think I'm okay...last year was a bit hard cus it's the first time...you know...but I feel better this year,"
"Okay...but you'll call me if you need to cry right? I'll come over in a blink!"
Lisa's heart felt warm upon hearing it. Chaeyoung had been like the sister she never had for the past two years, a shoulder to lean on when things get heavier in her little world. And to still see her concerns and wanting to care for her brings her that contentment and she's thankful for it.
"Oh, there he is," Chaeyoung points to Jungkook, who didn't seemed to notice them sitting there and continued his way along the pavements leading up to her department building. "Why is he walking that way –"
"It's okay, I'll go chase him. He probably thought I'm still in class," Lisa gathered her stuff and got up.
"Okay, careful! Call me if anything –"
"I will! Love you Chae!"
"Love you too!!" Chaeyoung shouts back as Lisa ran across the yard to follow her boyfriend.
She huffed and bent, clutching her knees as she catched her breath. Damn, he walks fast! When she stood back up, her eyes scans the almost-empty hallway and saw a glimpse of Jungkook going into one of the class halls. What is he doing in there? Does he know where her classes are? Did she mentioned it to him?
Lisa walked to the where he disappeared. She was about to go in when she heard voices. It sounded like a conversation so Lisa stopped right behind the door – which was left slightly opened. She peeked inside and saw Jungkook and Yeri. Her heart beat picks back up but she holds her ground. It could be nothing...it could be nothing...please let it be nothing....
"Why can't you just talk to me? I left you messages and I called so many times. I just wanna explain –" Yeri stomps her foot.
"There's nothing to talk about Yer. What's done is done, I don't wanna go back there,"
"Back there? That's all you can refer it to – 'back there'? Babe, we were friends for so long – please don't brush it off -" 'Babe'??
"Yeah, 'back there'! Since it never mattered to both of you, why should it matter to me?!" The frustration in his voice echoed in the faculty hall and Lisa felt shivers running down her spine. He's really angry.
"It's not like that –"
"Oh, it's not? Okay, fuck it – you wanna explain? Explain then, let's get this over with,"
"I –" She saw Yeri looking down to the ground. Oh, perhaps this is too personal. Maybe I should leave them be. But Jungkook.... "I was confused about you. I needed to talk about it and one day I hung out with Yuggie – we went drinking together. I told him that I liked you too but I don't know why I kept feeling like – like there's something stopping me. You're so nice and wonderful to me and you've been a good friend and I didn't wanna lose that. Yuggie was supportive as well, he kept mentioning that you'll treat me right and I should be lucky to have you. But one thing led to another and both of us got drunk. And something happened that night –"
"Just say you slept together –"
"Fine, we slept together. Both of us felt shitty about it the next morning, but it was too late. It was awkward for both of us but we eventually talked about it and we both agreed that there's no way I could be with you with that secret lying around between the 3 of us. Since there's no way of us being together...trapped in this lie, me and him just...we just continued hanging out together and I just felt like...like he gets me. Maybe cus we're both keeping this from you and yes, it's our fault for not telling you about it earlier but we were scared! Yuggie especially – you were his best friend and he knew how much you liked me. We wanted to – I swear, we wanted to tell you and we're sorry that we didn't and you have to find out that way – but we never meant to –"
"Let's skip all the pity-party shall we? And let's not talk about Yuggie – putting words in his mouth, since he's not here. Let's talk about you. You went along with me like there was an 'us' even before that day. Fuck it – the last time we slept together was what – not even a month before I saw you two? What was that? Why the fuck –"
"I know! I know and I'm sorry I just couldn't help it!" Yeri's crying voice is now louder.
"The shittiest part about this whole thing, Yer, is that you were sleeping with me – pretending that I meant something to you – while fucking my best friend. He's my best friend, Yer! If he gets you so much and if you like him, you could've at least thought about him if you couldn't find it in yourself to think about me. What about him?! Does he know that you were sleeping with me too?"
Yeri sobs louder.
"Fuck this – I have somewhere else to be –"
"Is it with her? Did you replaced me with her?"
Lisa shudders at her tone. It's clear that she hates her – for whatever reason.
"That Thai whore – are you replacing me with her?! She's not good enough for you – she can't possibly be –"
"Yer –"
"She can't be better than me!" Yeri's shout was so loud, Lisa's shoulders jumped a little.
Silence fills the air and Lisa could see Jungkook slowly walk towards the girl.
"You're right. Is that what you wanna hear?" Lisa felt her heart broke into a million pieces. "She's not prettier than you, she's not richer than you, she doesn't come from a powerful family like you. She's just a poor Thai girl, with no parents, no family – a whore you -"
"Hi Lisa," A voice startled her and she spun around to find Ms Jessi smiling at her. She blinked in shock and tears ran down her cheeks. She turned back to find that the door is now opened wide, and both Jungkook and Yeri are looking at her.
"I'm sorry," Was all she could mutter before she runs off as fast as she can.
Jungkook gritted his teeth, cursing to himself internally for the thousandth time today. Where could she possibly be? He's been sitting at her doorstep for half a day now – and it's already 2am. Is she okay? This is all your fault – if you could've just controlled your own damn mouth...maybe, oh I don't know...think before you speak – this probably wouldn't have happened!
He was just too angry and annoyed at Yeri's self-centered being earlier – he just wanted to make his point, for God's sake! He wanted to shout at her for calling Lisa with that filthy word and he wanted her to know that Lisa is nothing like her – that the girl is much better than her, without all these material things handed by birth!
He wasn't mad that Lisa heard their conversation. In fact, he would've felt relieved – if she had stayed and listened all the way to the end that is! Maybe she would somehow feel proud of him or even herself. She's the most important girl in his life now, and he wanted her to know that. And now he's scared – because she didn't wait for him to finish... because she probably understood it wrongly!
Please...please don't let this be the end of them. Please, dear God, I'll do anything –
The elevator dings a bell and he looks up to find Lisa in the arms of a guy – shushing at him and giggling obliviously. Jungkook clenched his fist and stood up immediately before realizing the familiar face his girlfriend is hanging onto. The guy looks up to him and frowns.
"Jungkook? What are you doing here?" Mino asked as he huffs about like he'd just climb the stairs all the way to the 9th floor. I wanna kick you down the stairs from the 9th floor – that's what I wanna do now! What the fuck is Mino doing here with his girl –
"Aahh...my boyfriend is herrr...." Lisa slurs with a smile, pointing an index finger to him lazily. Is she...drunk??
"Boyfriend huh?" Mino smirks. He walked her until they reached to him. Get your fucking hands off my girl! "So you're the asshole,"
Jungkook would've thrown a punch if Lisa hadn't leapt onto his shoulder. How dare he! First he's holding my girlfriend, now he's calling me an asshole? But you are –
"Don't call him that Minmin!" Lisa stomped her foot and pouts. "H-he's the sweetessss,"
"Mm-hmm sure," Mino continues to glare at him but Jungkook couldn't care less now. Lisa is here with him. She's safe. She's by his side. And she said he's the sweetest. That's all it takes to dissipate the anger he's feeling towards the guy. "Well, sweets...next time I catch her crying at the bar and ends up like this, your pretty face won't be so pretty anymore, ya got me?" He throws Lisa's backpack towards Jungkook – which Jungkook managed to catch in time. Lisa's been crying and drinking? Fine, I guess I can understand Mino's anger. I'd wanna punch myself too!
"He's soo pweety isn't he?" Lisa rocks about and Jungkook held her firmly on her feet.
"Sorry...I'll fix this," He muttered under his breath. "Thanks for...you know," He tilts his head, motioning to the girl who's clinging on to his arms like her life depended on it.
"Yeah...remember what I said," Mino warns again before disappearing back into the elevator. Jungkook sighed in relief and looks down to Lisa – who's smiling sheepishly with her eyes closed.
"Baby, don't sleep yet. Where are your keys?"
"Yes, keys,"
"Keys...to my heart? You don't neeeeit," Jungkook suppressed his need to laugh. How can he not – she's too adorable being like this!
"Good to know I don't. No baby, keys to your house. We need to get you in so you can shower and sleep,"
"Yes, bed,"
"With you," She grabs him by his neck and snuggles her face into it. Her warm breath makes him shudder. Oh please, don't do this to me! She's drunk – it's not right!
"Yes, with me. But first we have to find the keys,"
"Find...kiss!" She pulls his shirt down and gives a peck on his lips. Damn it, I'm trying to take care of you here!
"Thank you baby," He chuckled, cus he can't give in to the temptation. He can't! "Now your house keyyys," He emphasise, as if he's talking to a child.
"Ohh...keyyyss...it's...here!" She took it out from the pocket of her jeans. Thank God!
Jungkook took it and opens the door to the apartment. He brought her inside and positioned her to lean on the wall – making sure she could stand straight before going further in to switch on the lights. When he came back, Lisa's already plonked down on the floor – staring into space and looking slightly confused. He smiles at the sight of his drunk girlfriend and continue to close the door behind them, locking it. Then he picks up her bag and squats down in front of her.
"Baby?" Lisa looks up to him with doe eyes, and Jungkook fights the strong urge to squeeze her cheeks in with both hands while kissing her. "Do you want to walk to the bed or should I carry you?"
Her eyes widen and lit up in an instant. "Piggy-back!" She claps her hand. Jungkook sighed a little laugh and nodded before turning around. She giggled as she climbs up behind him, her arms flailing across his shoulders.
"Hold tight now," He felt her hands tightening themselves around and her head resting well behind his neck. He lets go of the backpack and holds her thighs up by his sides. Slowly and carefully, he stood up – fixing the position of her legs before carrying her to the bedroom. Thankfully he didn't bump into anything in the dark room, already memorised the space well. He stops by the bed and released her to sit on it. Then he went to switch on the bedside lamp.
The next challenge now is to get her to change. She didn't smell bad – she was just reeked of alcohol, although the faint scent of herself is still there. Vanilla – she smells sweet like a vanilla ice-cream that Jungkook wouldn't mind licking over and over again – even though the flavour was never his first choice! Damn it, whatever Lisa is will be his first choice!
He kneels down to face her, examining the parts of her skin that's exposed – which is only her face and neck. That's good. She's wearing the same clothes from this afternoon – a well-fitted striped jumper and long jeans. Her face is blotched pink – especially her nose. Her eyes looked tired and she's blinking really slowly – probably trying not to fall asleep.
"Do you wanna shower?" Lisa shakes her head. "Okay, but let's get you out of this clothes okay?" She nods. Good girl. Jungkook sighed to himself and stands up. "My baby had a long day huh?" He pulls her jumper up as she throws both arms on air for him to take it off.
"Yep! Long...long day...I went to see my mommy," The guilt rushes over him like a bucket of cold, iced water. He wasn't with her when she needed him – "And I went to see Minmin oppa – where's Minmin?"
"Minmin went back. He needs to sleep too,"
"Mmhh...he makes good drinks!"
"I can see that," Jungkook muttered, rolling his eyes out of jealousy. "Did you had fun with Minmin?"
"No..." Her small voice sounds like a sob and Jungkook has mixed emotions. "Yes!" Her sudden shriek makes him jump a little. "I danced with lots of people!" Lots of people? People who? Guys or girls? No.... "Like – like a wh-whore..." She gasped and he froze. My...my baby – my sweet, pure Lisa – no! He clenched his fist unknowingly, hurt that she's recalling that word even when she's drunk.
"Baby, listen to me," He kneels down again, taking her hands and finding her eyes. "Don't ever do that again, okay? You're not –" He tries to contain his anger. How many guys have got their dirty hands on her skin?! "You're not a whore and you'll never be one,"
"You said I am,"
"No!! No, that's not – not what I –" His hands are now in his hair, exasperated at the situation. "That's not what I meant...what I said –"
"I'm sleepyyy...can I sleep now?" There's that doe eyes again, looking at him so kindly.
"Y-yeah..." He finished unbuttoning her jeans and took it off quickly before Lisa plops down to her pillow. She stretches and Jungkook's jaw tensed at the sight of her – looking incredibly sexy with those messy hair and only in her bra and panties. She turns to her right, huddling her body into a ball-like position before finally dozing off.
Jungkook took a deep breath and sat on the side of the bed. He reached for the strands of hair covering her cheeks and tucks it behind her ear. God, she's too precious! She shouldn't have been there, listening to him and Yeri. He should've gone with her instead of following Yeri's request to 'talk'. I should've focused on finding her this afternoon. This is all my fault...
A slight snuffling sound woke Jungkook up. He opens his eyes to face the window, and it's still dark. What time is it? He turned, finding a big gap between him and Lisa. Why is she so far for him – he already had her soundly in his arms before he fell asleep. He heard more sniffles and feel the slight movements on the mattress. Is she crying?
Jungkook got up immediately and dragged himself until he reached behind her. He felt her body froze when he touched her arm, and the other hand pushed his hand away. She's awake. And crying. And pushing him away. Fuck! He wraps her waist and pulls her in forcefully.. I won't let you go...I won't! Her sobs became louder now and Jungkook wanted to die for making her cry like this!
"I'm sorry baby...shh...I'm sorry! Please...please don't cry. I didn't mean it that way – I swear! Please forgive me – please!" Tears fell down his face unknowingly but he didn't care. Nothing else mattered in this second except for her. She struggles out of his hold – trying to untangle his arms but he held her small body firmly.
"No, please – I was gonna tell her that you're nothing like her – that you're so much better! I wanted to say so much more – I'd choose you over a million of her but I found you there before I could even finish it – please believe me – I swear baby – I didn't – I didn't mean it –"
"Get away from me –" Her small, sorrowful sobs sounded loudly like lightning bolts aimed directly to his heart, and Jungkook's never felt more afraid in his life – afraid of losing her.
"Please...don't do this...please don't let me go! I can't – I can't lose you, please! I love you – I love you, please!" He couldn't stop himself from crying out loud and saying those words he'd kept by himself for God knows how long. She froze again and he felt her body tensed as she stops struggling. Then she turned.
Glassy eyes shining under the dimmed light gazed on one another. Hers – pained and wary and his, cautious and scared. Jungkook held his sobs and took a deep breath.
"I love you...I'm so in love with you – please don't let me go. Please,"
She raised a hand up and he thought she was going to slap or hit him. He closed his eyes – ready to accept anything she throws at him – as long as it will keep him feeling safe again! Instead, he felt her warm palm on his cheek, slowly carressing and wiping his tears off.
"I – I love you...please don't cry," He begs and sobs as more tears fell from her touch. "Please...please d-don't," His worries had blown up into a massive form of anxiety, and now he couldn't stop shaking. Why is it so hard? It's like he had been thrown into a big, empty room and the only other person he's been seeing is her. When did everything became so intense?
Only now he realizes how she'd pulled him in. He's been crying on her chest as she gently runs her fingers through his hair – over and over – reminding him of the times when he was little, crying to his mother. That's what she always did to calm him down. It always made him feel better.
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