Lisa rubs her lips with the tip of her thumb for the umpteenth time and smiles to herself again. She still can't believe that just happened! The butterflies in her stomach are still up, still not over the fact that Jungkook had kissed her – again, and again, and again! Her mind is still heady with the sensation of his lips grazing softly on hers, his tongue exploring the curves of her tongue...how he bit her lower lip before he pulls back as she gasped for a bit of air – it's like he can't get enough of her! The way he stares at her after each kiss, caressing her cheeks and jawline, from her hair to her ears...and down to her neck...God, he looked so sexy and he makes her feel things – it took all of her might to stop herself from asking for more!
Lisa sighs a smile and hides her face in the pillow, embarrassed at her own thoughts. Now she regrets persuading him to go back home. He didn't want to leave and truthfully, she didn't want him to either. But she convinced herself that he must be tired and reminded him that he doesn't have any spare clothes. So he finally left after promising he'll come back tomorrow and bring spare clothes with him to tease her.
God, how did she get so lucky? He's so perfect and he made her feel so comfortable – that even her awkward-self is not shy around him anymore! She liked him so much before...and now she likes him even more, how is that possible? Of course, there are still those doubts lingering around at the back of her mind. She still can't wrap her brain around the fact that he likes her. Because...why?
She thought he didn't remember her from the first time they met. But he did. She thought he didn't look back - not to her at least! - when he walked away with his girlfriend...but he did. Maybe he does genuinely likes you, for God's sake – he even waited for you this morning despite not knowing when you'll be coming back! Is that not enough? It is...it's more than enough.
Her phone rang and she picks it up with a smile, knowing who the caller is.
"Hi" Can her voice be any smaller?
"Hi...did I wake you?"
"No, I was just lying down...getting ready to sleep"
"God, why did you have to kick me out? I could've been next to you right now –"
She laughs.
"I didn't kick you out – don't be dramatic"
Now it's his turn to laugh.
"You did. You were practically pushing me out the door just now –"
"That's not true! I didn't push you, I just nudged –"
"Nudging is pushing"
"I had to! You just won't stop"
"I didn't plan to stop. I'm gonna kiss you forever, whether you like it or not. And you won't be able to 'nudge' me out after this, I won't let you"
Lisa's heart flutters at what he just said.
"Well, you better not smell bad or I'll do the same thing again" She teases because Amateur Lisa didn't know how to respond to someone as sweet as him.
"I did not smell bad!"
"You did –"
"I didn't – wait, did I? Oh God, did I really smell bad??"
She took pity on him quickly and muttered 'no' a couple of times. "You smell like Jungkook"
"I heard he's cute"
"He is. The cutest!"
"And hot"
"Extremely" She sighs.
"I'm gonna come back now!"
"I'm sleepy I think I'm gonna –" She makes a snoring sound and hear him laughs over the phone.
"Just wait till I see you tomorrow"
Lisa feels giddy.
"What time are you coming?"
"What time do you wake up?"
"I don't have anything in the morning so...probably 9"
"9.30 it is! You gonna sleep now?"
"Okay...sweet dreams baby"
She chuckles at the word.
"Yes. That's what I'm gonna call you from now. Deal with it"
"Okay, Jungkook-ssi"
"You –"
"Goodnight, Jungkook-ssi"
"Yahh –"
"Sweet dreams, Jungkook-ssi"
She's probably gonna regret this later but she just loves teasing him!
The day had been perfect. Lisa hasn't felt this content in a long, long time and her heart is overwhelmed with happiness. She had spent almost the entire day with Jungkook and not once did she stop and feel tired. They had breakfast in the morning at a nearby café before going to the movies. Then they had lunch and went to a bookstore because he wanted to get the new release of a comic book he's currently reading.
He didn't want to tell her – probably embarrassed to admit that he's a weeb - but of course she found out when she snuck up behind him at the cashier counter. He was so cute, red ears and all! Then they walked around for a bit and returned back to Lisa's place because it got a bit windy and cold.
Lisa flinched a bit when Jungkook moved his head on her lap. When he didn't notice and continued focusing on the comic-reading, she breathed out slowly. It's already embarrassing her too much whenever she thought about the accidental mutters of 'my first kiss' yesterday. He didn't have to know that but her stupid little brain couldn't work at the time.
She thought he wouldn't want to kiss her anymore after that – that she might be bad at it that he's turned off by the fact. But he kissed her more after that, and more today. Seriously, he would kiss her every chance he gets that her lips felt swollen now - not that she's complaining! He's so amazing and sweet and he makes her feel so at ease and young. He makes her laugh like a mad woman too – always tickling her around and teasing her with lame jokes and pickup lines.
God, I hope he won't be tired of me so soon! Her eyes wander to the abstract tattoos covering his left arm. She doesn't know what it portrays exactly, but she didn't have to know to find it sexy as hell. The black and grey ink on his golden-yellow skin is such a contrast, and they trail down from his bicep and ends just before his wrist – Lisa couldn't help but follow the lines with her fingers delicately.
"Don't do that," Jungkook whispers as he looks up to her wide-eyed. Was she holding her breath?
"Oh sorry," She immediately pulled back but was caught by his hand before resting it on his heaving chest. She can feel his racing heart beat through the thin shirt.
"I – um," He looks down to their intertwined hands. "We're alone here so um...you might not wanna do...that –"
He looked a little desolate and flushed that Lisa can't help but bursting out with laughter. Good to know she could make him nervous as well!
God, this woman is dangerous! She really has no idea how beautiful and alluring she is and how hard it was for Jungkook to control his urge and damn hands to just pick her up and savour every little part of her body! Everytime she touched him – intentionally or by accident – he felt those nice little tingles, making his heart flutters and his body shivers. That includes waking up his little friend down there – damn! Jungkook felt like a highschool teenager who's so bad at controlling those damn raging hormones every time the girl touches him.
But he wants Lisa to touch him...and kiss him...and stare at him...making him feel like he's the most special thing in the world for her. He likes the feel of her lips on his so much that he's starting to think he's addicted to her. But he's her first kiss. Which could only mean that she's inexperienced in...'that field'. So Jungkook has to behave and control himself. He won't ask of 'it' from her and he doesn't want to come off as pressuring her. He will wait. He'll wait for her, even if it requires a ring one day – God, he couldn't even bring himself to think about the days when he'll be able to wake up next to her every day!
But damn – she's making it so hard!! Every time those hips walked in front of him throughout the day, it's like they're waving flirtatiously at him! The way her hands running across his waist or arms...her soft fingers tracing the outline of his tattoos...and are now softly caressing in his hair – God, he's only a man! A weak man who's mind is now imagining holding her tight little ass on his lap and -
"Jungkook," Her soft voice interrupts his dirty thoughts – thank God! He looks up from the comic he's been pretending to read for the last 10 minutes or so. "Can I ask you something?" He nods. "Who's that girl...from Friday?"
Oh...okay, yeah. Now is probably a good time to let her know. If he wants her to open up to him, he should do the same. He's going to make sure he won't lose Lisa – this is a start of their relationship - wait...are they in a relationship now?! You and Yeri kissed and did even more before – but you guys weren't in a relationship! Panic rose in his chest.
"You're my girlfriend right?" He blurted out before he can even stop himself.
Lisa chuckled and her cheeks blushes pink. "Um...I – I don't know..." What?! What does that mean?? "Am I?"
"Yahh of course you are!" He sat up almost immediately to face her, still panicking. "I don't care – I'm telling you that you are! You're my girlfriend and – and I'm your boyfriend, s – so you can't go out with other guys –"
Lisa laughed before stealing a peck on his lips, shutting him up. "Okay, I'm your girlfriend,"
Jungkook felt like the happiest man on earth right now! He felt like there's a shift in the air that he breathes...like a new perspective or should he say life, has taken over and another rush of happiness fills his heart – making him feel like jumping on the couch and shouting a big 'YES!' to the universe for giving him this! He finally has a girlfriend...and he can't thank his lucky stars enough that it's Lisa. A new sense of determination hits him in a flash – there's no way he could ever replace her with anyone else!
"Um...Jungkook? Are you...okay?" She waves a palm in front of him. He was shook....he must've froze in front of her. Fuck – that's embarrassing!
"Uh...yeah. Of course! Of course I'm okay – " He muttered and Lisa giggled a little. "Are you okay?"
"I think so,"
"Good! Now," He claps his hand – another way to embarrass yourself, I see! "Sorry, where were we?" She giggles again. Good to see he can make her laugh often!
"About the girl from yesterday,"
Jungkook muttered an 'ahh' before crossing his legs in front of her, getting ready to bare his heart and soul to this girl. She could ask him to jump off a cliff and he'd probably do it in a blink!
"She was...a good friend of mine before," It wouldn't be right to call Yeri an 'ex-girlfriend' and it would obviously seemed like a lie to Lisa to say that she's just 'a friend' – as she'd probably seen them together around for some time. Let's not start this with a lie if you want this to last, Kook!
"We um...there were 3 of us actually. I have another friend, his name is Yugyeom. We grew up together. His dad worked for my dad before, he was a Director for one of my dad's subsidiary so naturally, his family was always invited to dinner if my dad has something to discuss with his dad. Since we're the same age, my dad asked his dad to transfer Yuggie to the same school as me so that I'd have a friend. I was a bit quiet back then," Jungkook laughed nervously.
"We were really close, me and him. He was taller than I was so he was always the one to protect me whenever I get bullied – I was small among kids my age at that point," Okay, stop embarrassing yourself and get to the point! Lisa just smiled - her eyes sparks with complete acceptance and understanding, not with judgment or pity. "We were like brothers, inseparable. Some days I would even sleep at his house,"
"In highschool, we met the girl. Her name's Yeri. She was new in our class – she was born in Seoul but had moved before coming back following her parents' transfer. Yuggie was the first to approach her and since she doesn't have any friends, we asked her to join us for lunch and all. So after that, the three of us would do everything together – from homework and school projects to after-school activities, hanging out and such. I think it was during our Secondary School...when I was 17, that I started to...you know...liking her as more than a friend,"
He felt nervous all of a sudden. Lisa wasn't showing much reaction – just nodding and listening attentively to him.
"But I didn't do anything, or said anything to her. I only mentioned it to Yuggie. Yuggie always encouraged me to do something about it. But I was too scared. When we graduated, Yeri said she was gonna study at Yonsei, and Yuggie was basically just waiting for me to make up my mind so he could go with me, so I told my parents that I wanna be in Yonsei too...so I can be close to her. When I got in, I started spending more time with her alone so I could find the courage...and one day I did. I confessed and asked her to be my girlfriend,"
He looks up to Lisa to see if there's any reaction or any signs for him to stop talking about it, but there are none. So he continued.
"We kissed, and she hugged me...but she said she's not ready for a serious relationship so she asked me to be patient and wait for her. And I did. The entire time, I was waiting for her. Earlier this year – during her birthday – we spent it together and..." Jungkook clears his throat. He shouldn't go into details...right? "Something happened that night. I thought she was ready then to start our relationship but when we came back, nothing changed. Still I waited. Until last month,"
"What happened last month?" Her soft voice resonates his melancholic heart. He hadn't quite let his heart and mind sank in the betrayal yet – instead, he kept them occupied with Lisa.
"I um, I found out that she'd been sleeping with Yuggie," He looks down to his knotted fingers and heard a small gasp from the girl.
"Was that...the reason why your knuckles were bleeding? You were fighting with Yuggie?"
He laughs a little, shaking his head. "No...that was...I was fighting with a lamppost," Lisa frowns. "But yeah, it was that day. I didn't do anything about them actually. I saw them in his room, but I just left. I just...I guess my mind just went blank. Like my brain couldn't register what was in front of me at that point. It wasn't shortly after I left that I felt like my world was crushing down, bit by bit. And by the end of the night – before I went to the bar that is – I just completely lost it," He looks back down to his fingers.
"I'm sorry,"
"No, no. It's nothing now,"
"Is it?" He looks up as she tilts her head slightly. "Have you spoken to them about it?" He shakes his head.
"No...I don't think there's anything much to say. It is what it is, you know. I mean...I'm not a coward –"
"Of course you're not," She scoots closer to him and takes his hands in hers. He stares down on it, and it's like the sadness of his loss that he'd been suppressing is now at the tip of his eyes.
"I – " He looks up to her soft expression. It wasn't so much of pity, it's something else. Like she understands the pain he kept. And her eyes are saying it's okay to let it out, that there's no need to hide it from her. Just her...
"He was my best friend...my brother. I trusted him - and I just -" He looks down when he felt harder to breathe and the water in his eyes forming, blurring his vision. "I lost him. I don't know how to get him back or - or look at him the same way! What am I gonna tell his mom if he fails his class or if she asks why we're not friends anymore? He's so weak at memorising things and I - I was supposed to help him but he was f - he was fucking her all this time and I just - I'd be weak if I tell him it's all good and -"
Lisa got up on his lap by instinct and lets him cry on her chest, holding him tightly while caressing his neck and back to calm him down. As painful as it is to find that he's still not over the girl and his best friend, it's more painful to see him like this. She wonders how his friends could ever do that to someone like Jungkook. How could they hurt him this way?
Obviously it would be a lie if she says she's not jealous at all upon hearing the story – God knows how hard it was to keep a straight face while he was talking about her! Especially that part when he mentioned that 'something happened' – Lisa wanted to slap herself for even asking in the first place!
But she genuinely wanted to know although she didn't expect it to be this complicated for him. She thought it would be something cliché, like they argued because of a third person – but the third person would be someone new, not his own damn best friend! She couldn't imagine if it were to happen to Chaeyoung and her and she hopes that it will never happen to them!
His sobs pains her so much, and she muttered 'shh' and 'it's okay' a couple of times. It's clear that despite the betrayal, he still cares so much for Yuggie. What about Yeri? She likes him much more now than before, and Lisa can only hope that she's not a rebound for him. Lisa knew nothing about first loves, but she always heard that it stays forever. How long will Yeri be in his heart? How much of a room in there can he give to her? The thought makes her want to cry, but she holds it back. This is not about you, it's about him.
Losing people you love most is hard to accept - this, she knows all too well. But losing these people while they're still around and not being able to see pass the circumstances...that requires more strength than Lisa could ever imagined. She couldn't think of a way to help him, but she knew if it were to happen to her and Chaeyoung, she'd do everything she can to forgive and forget. Even if the person involved between them is Jungkook - she'll probably move away after realising that there's no way she could ever see them together! - but she's sure she'll do it...for a peace of mind.
After a while, his sobs died down. Slowly she loosen her grip and hold. He leaned back and wiped the tears off his face before looking up to her. His nose are blotched pink, and his eyes still glistens – but he still looks amazingly handsome to her. Even if it's a small space in his heart, she's thankful that it's even there for her. She'll accept it. He smiles – as if he could hear her heart saying it.
"You're beautiful," He breathes. Lisa blinks a couple of times. "Thank you for finding me that night...for...healing me,"
Lisa laughs a little. "I only put antiseptics and bandaged your hand, Jungkook-ssi. The rest is your own –"
He pulls her head in for a deep kiss and Lisa shivers at the slight roughness. It's so easy for him to make her 'feel things' she's unfamiliar with. He lets go but keeps his hands in her hair, their forehead leaning against each other.
"I wasn't talking about my hands,"
Lisa's heart races as his hand falls down to her neck. The graze tingles all the way to her spine. "Wh – what were you talking about then?" She close a peck to his left cheek softly.
"You...I was talking about you," His voice came out in a hoarse whisper, sounding hot as hell. Lisa went in to kiss his other cheek. "Your eyes..." Her kiss trails down to his tensed jaw. "Your smile," His hands went down to her back, caressing it down to her waist...making her shudder. "Your damn shorts and your long, sexy legs..." Now they're on her thighs. Lisa gasps in between her kisses on his neck as he stretched out to give her access. "Your voice and your laugh –"
Lisa couldn't take it anymore so she shuts him up with another blissful kiss. It started slow, but soon turned heavy as one hand grips her head back and the other securing her waist – pulling her in closer.
"You're driving me crazy," When their lips parted, Lisa gasps for air and whimpers with need. He returned it by biting her bottom lip, then soothing it with his his tongue. Lisa can't help but lets out a moan, already feeling the dampness 'down there'. God, he's so good at this! Jungkook suddenly froze as he pulls back, leaning back with concern.
"I'm sorry," He whispers. Like her, he's also breathing heavily, catching the air. "I – I'm sorry, baby. I should've controlled myself better,"
"What – what are you talking about?"
"I mean...I didn't mean to...but it's so hard," What?
"You still love her, don't you?" Lisa felt the tears threatening to build.
"What – no! No, no," He pulls her in an embrace again, muttering 'no' several times. "It's not that at all – I...I'm scared. I tried so hard to not pressure you...I...you're so pure, I don't wanna ruin you!"
Oh...she didn't even thought about it. Damn it, can he be any more perfect?! Lisa's heart flutters madly.
"But..." She braves herself to say it. "I want you..." Her insides are raging with lust and needs, screaming and begging her to pay attention! "I want you to ruin me," Her voice was so small. I swear if he pushes me away, I'll run and hide in my bed and never come out. Ever!
She can see his smirk as his shoulder stands wider. His pupils dilated and he looks more confident. It's the hottest of him she'd ever seen!
"Say it again," He leans in and stops just inches away from her. God, she wants this guy so much!
"Ruin me –"
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