Chapter 1
"Are you all ready for your two weeks away?"
"I'm not so sure about this Lay. I mean I need to work and keep busy" Chanyeol pushes his last few documents across the table that need to be finalized.
"Chanyeol there is keeping busy and there is avoiding what means the world to you"
Chanyeol sits back in his office chair overlooking the city below as he plays with his mobile phone twirling it around in his hands.
"I don't think I can do it"
"Chanyeol, you and your son Kai need it. He needs you more now than ever before you are all he has left in the world"
"I know you don't need to remind me ok" Chanyeol stands up looking out at the city while still feeling so lost of what to do
"Look it's two weeks away to spend time with your son since Luhan died" Lay feels his heart break knowing he hates to bring it up.
"You don't need to remind me of my husband dying ok" Chanyeol huffs hitting the window with the palm of his hand in anger.
His husband Luhan passed away over 2 years ago and he can't seem to move on. He is distant from his son and works all the hours he can, leaving his only son with a sitter.
"I'm sorry but Chanyeol I'm worried, we all are. Now let's get you changed and out of here. Kai is ready to go, his bags are in the car along with yours"
"Where is he?"
"He is sitting with Sehun his sitter in the break room telling everyone and anyone that will listen that he is going on a mini holiday with his dad"
Taking a deep breath Chanyeol walks around his desk and reaches for the bag Lay passes him.
"Change out of the suit and meet us in the break room" Lay leaves the office of his best friend knowing this holiday needs to happen for them both.
"Hi uncle Lay, is daddy ready yet?" A cute little 6 year old Kai asks with a huge smile across his little face.
"Yep he is just changing his clothes and then you will be off on your trip". Lay gets down on his hunkers before Kai as Kai takes his teddy from the chair beside him hugging it tight.
"Well well are we ready?" Chanyeol smiles nervously as he sees his son smiling with a little backpack on his back while hugging a teddy
"I'm ready daddy. I have my teddy brown nose and my backpack with some sweeties that Sehun gave me"
"Oh you will get me into trouble little man" Sehun says before tickling Kai making him laugh
"Oh wow you really are ready shall we head off now little man?" Chanyeol waits as he son hugs his sitter Sehun and his uncle Lay.
" You have a great time and when you get back I wanna hear all about the cool things you got up to with your dad ok"
"Ok uncle Lay I will have lots and lots and lots to tell you won't I dad?" Kai looks up at his father as Chanyeol nervously smiles "of course son now let's get going"
Saying their goodbyes at the car one last time Chanyeol clicks his excited son into his car seat before closing the door
"Thanks for this Lay I really appreciate it" Chanyeol holds his hand out to shake but Lay just grabs him into a hug .
" Go have fun with your son and forget about here we can look after everything" Lay pushes Chanyeol towards the car making the taller take a deep breath before he climbs into the car.
Clicking in his seatbelt and checking his mirrors one last time he starts the car.
"Ok little man ...."
"And brown brown nose" Kai says holding up his teddy's hand
"Oh yes and brown nose are we ready to go?"
"Yesss we are ready for an adventure" Kai says as they start to drive off waving at the others as they go .
Feeling rather nervous being alone with his son for the first time in a while Chanyeol just keeps taking deep breaths. He can do this no big deal just some time with his son doing father and son things.
Looking at his son in the rear view mirror he can't help but smile before looking at the passenger seat seeing it empty makes his smile fade.
His husband Luhan used to sit there singing songs with Kai when they went anywhere.
Chanyeol used to love how Luhan used to fall asleep on long car rides and he hyper when they got to wherever they went. He also misses Luhan's hands touching his thigh as they drove alone on a date. Luhan used to tease him so much when he drove, kissing his neck and whispering into his ear to hurry home.
"Daddy, are we there yet?"
Chanyeol snaps out of his daydream and looks in the rear view mirror at his son
"No son we only just left silly we can't be there yet"
"But daddy is a cool driver I wanna drive like you daddy one day"
"Oh do you?"
"Yeah and have lots and lots of cars"
"How many cars?"
"50 cars daddy"
"Wow that's so many you will need a great job"
"I will work with you daddy and get money and save it "
"You wanna work with daddy ,why ?"
"So I can spend everyday with you and I won't need Sehun no more"
"Oh" Chanyeol looks out at the road ahead trying to come to terms with his son pointing out he needs to be with him more. When an adult points it out it's different but when a 6 year old points out that you need to spend more time with him the truth hits home very fast.
"Are we there now daddy?"
"No little man we have a bit more to go"
"Oh maybe daddy should have brought the other car "
"Why do you say that ?"
"Cause we be there now daddy your silly"
Chanyeol can't help but smile at how cute his son is and how he misses little things like this.
"Well it doesn't matter what car daddy drives I have to go the speed that the sign on the side of the road says"
"I like the fast roads" Kai says while looking out the window with his teddy
"What fast roads?"
"The really fast ones that go to grandma's"
"Oh you mean the motorway"
"Yeah the fast road" Kai kicks his feet excited
"Well we are going on the fast road once the light turns green"
"Yayyy me and brown nose like the fast road don't we brown nose" Kai talks to his teddy as Chanyeol can't get over how cute his son is
"Are we going to my uncle Lays' house?"
"No son we are going to a little bungalow that uncle Lay got for us to stay in for our trip. He says we will really enjoy it"
"I can't wait, will there be friends my age there daddy?"
"I have no idea son it will be my first time there too"
"Ok daddy I'm sleepy now" Kai yawned while snuggling his teddy.
"Go for a little nap and I will wake you when we get there"
"Ok daddy me and brown nose are sleepy so we sleep" Kai turns his little head and closes his eyes hugging his teddy tighter.
Chanyeol can't help smiling knowing Kai always falls asleep on a car journey. It also gives him time to think.
Driving the motorway he starts to play with his wedding ring. He has wondered if he should take it off or not. It has been two years and his friends want him to move on like Luhan' asked him to before he passed. He just can't seem to do it so he leaves it alone and follows the directions to the bungalow.
Hour later
Arriving at a small village Chanyeol looks around seeing a lot of people coming and going looking excited about something. He continues to look out for road signs till he finds the one he needs. Turning down a road with beautiful leafy green trees either side he spots a few other bungalows scattered around not too close to each other with just enough for privacy.
Stopping the car he looks up the pathway to the bungalow him and his son will be staying in for the next two weeks.
Climbing out of the car to stretch his legs he closes his eyes feeling the bit of warm sun kiss his face. Taking in a deep breath of fresh air he opens his eyes again smiling this is just what he needs.
"Daddy" he turns to see Kai knock on the car window at him.
"Hey little man we are here now come let's get our bags" Chanyeol says while opening the car door to let his son free.
Climbing out Kai runs up to the door of the bungalow with his teddy brown nose and knocks on the door.
"Hey I have the key" Chanyeol shouts after him as he grabs the bags from the car boot
"Oh sorry daddy I forgot I'm silly"
Kai hurries back to his dad and grabs his little backpack.
"You take the keys while daddy gets the bags ok"
"Ok daddy I can't carry all them bags I'm only little"
"I know you are but you have the keys and they are really important"
"Are they daddy?" Kai look up at his tall father waiting for a reply
"Yes that's how we get in so they can't be lost"
"Oh no I don't like lost things daddy"
"I know little guy so hold them tight for daddy"
"I got them daddy don't worry come on"
Kai walks ahead as Chanyeol follows, carrying all the bags up to the door before putting them down to open the door.
"Well done daddy" Kai gets all excited as he watches his dad open the door and step inside
"Ohhh wow this is so beautiful" Kai walks in through the sitting room and stops at a huge glass door to what takes up most of the wall
"Daddy look at the garden", ''Can I go outside with brown nose?"
"Of course you can hang on" dropping some bags he moves closer and unlocks the door letting Kai go out to explore
"Come on brown nose" Kai rushes out into the garden as Chanyeol smiles seeing his son so happy . He decides to put the bags into the rooms and have a look around himself.
"Look brown nose over there are strawpips they look yummy" . Kai looks back at the bungalow and back at the delicious fruit and takes a chance and steps closer
"Ohhh they so red and yummy" Kai smiles from ear to ear all excited to see so many
"Hi there" he hears a voice making him jump
"I'm sorry I didn't touch them" Kai starts to panic and uses his teddy to hide his face
"Hey it's ok what's your name?"
"Park Kai and this is Park teddy brown nose" Kai holds up his teddy making the stranger smile
"Hi Kai and brown nose my name is Baekhyun"
Kai slowly let's his teddy fall from his face and looks at the person who scared him
"You have pink hair that's silly" Kai says with a whisper
"Oh don't you like it" Baekhyun says while touching his hair
"My daddy had red hair before but never pink"
"Oh wow I like red too"
"Me too" Baekhyun smiles at the cuteness of the smaller
"Can I have a strawpip?" Kai asks
"A strawpip you mean a strawberry?"
"I call them strawpips and they yummy"
"Ok well we need to pick some and wash them before we can eat them"
"Can I help?" Kai asks all excited
"Well you have to tell your parents where you are first"
"My daddy won't mind I go tell him wait and hold brown nose for me and I be right back"
Kai runs back to the bungalow calling for his dad
"Daddy daddy come quick"
"What is it" Chanyeol gets down on his hunkers as Kai is all excited
"I found strawpips and the pink haired man said I could help him pick some but I have to tell my parent first so daddy can I please" Kai holds his hands together and if he is praying
"Who is the pink haired man ?" Chanyeol looks concerned for his son
"Come I'll show you" Kai takes his dad's large hand in his little one and guides him to the side of the garden
"See daddy brown nose is with him" Kai points as Chanyeol spots a smaller guy standing holding his son's favorite toy
"I told you not to talk to strangers" Chanyeol whispers as Kai chooses to ignore him
"He's nice daddy"
"Hello hi sorry my name is Byun Baekhyun. I live right next door. I was just about to pick some strawberries or strawpips until I saw this little guy alone. I told him to go get you"
"Sorry he just loves them, they are his favorite. Oh by the way my name is Park Chanyeol"
"Nice to meet you" Baekhyun holds out his hand as they shake hands
"Daddy can I help please?" Kai tugs his dads jumper
"I'm not sure" Chanyeol looks towards Baekhyun unsure if it is ok
"It's ok honestly he can help me I don't mind plus I could do it with some help" Baekhyun smiles and Chanyeol can't seem to look away from the smaller beauty.
"Yes ok, can I help too?"
"That would be great I need to pick all these along this side to sell at the fair later"
"Wow really they look amazing" Chanyeol admires all the strawberries and just how yummy they look.
"They taste amazing too" Baekhyun smiles as he picks one and washes it in a bucket of water before passing it to Chanyeol
Taking a bite Chanyeol's taste buds come alive
"Oh wow they are delicious" Chanyeol licks his lips not having tasted one this fresh before.
"Can I have one pretty please?" Kai begs as Chanyeol gets on his hunkers and passes his one to his son
"Oh yummy yummy" Kai says while he shoves it all in his mouth
"Oh wow you just ate it all" Baekhyun playfully says as he watches Kai try to keep it all in his mouth
"Yeah if he could eat only these he would" Chanyeol watches his son so he doesn't choke
"I better keep an eye on my strawberries then if you're staying awhile" . Baekhyun winks at Kai as he starts to pick the strawberries from the bush's
"Can I do it?" Kai moves closer to Baekhyun as he shows him how to do it . Ok grab one and twist it like this and it pops off then we put them all in this basket to be washed can you do that ?" Baekhyun asks as Kai tries it
"I did it daddy look" Kai smiles holding a strawberry in his hand up to his father
"Great job, keep going" Chanyeol says while feeling a bit weird but also happy.
"So how long are you guys staying for then?" Baekhyun asks as they they pick the fruit
"Just two weeks"
"So you will be here then for the fair and the towns celebration"
"Oh is that happening soon I was wondering why all the people looked so busy while we arrived"
"Yep it's 100 years old this place so big celebration"
"Can we go daddy?"
"I'm not sure we aren't really from here "
"Of course you can go . Not like you wanna stay in while everyone else is out enjoying themselves" Baekhyun stops to look up at Chanyeol and can see the concern in his eyes.
"We will think about it,'' Chanyeol says, feeling awkward all of a sudden.
A few minutes later
"Wow I think we did it" Baekhyun smiles as Kai drops the last strawberry into the basket.
"We did" Kai gets excited and tries to lift the basket up
"Oh no little guy that's way to heavy for you" Baekhyun says while standing up to lift the basket himself
"Hey wait I'll lift it"
"Yeah my daddy is super strong he is" Kai says so proud as Chanyeol blushes and lifts the basket full of fruit
"Over here please" Baekhyun moves a few things away from a big basin like bucket full of water
"We just need to pour them into the water now and wash them" Baekhyun helps Chanyeol move closer to the basin
"Right little guy and brown nose we catch the ones daddy drops ok? Baekhyun says as Kai jumps up and down excited as his daddy pours out the strawberries
"Oh no they getting away" Baekhyun playfully says as he and Kai find it fun catching the ones that fell to the ground
Kai is all excited he bursts out laughing making the other two laugh. Chanyeol can't help but smiles hearing his son laugh such a hearty laugh for the first time in a very long time
Chanyeol puts the empty basket on the ground as Baekhyun and Kai throw in the last few that fell to the floor.
"Now we give them a little wash and put them into this basket here" Baekhyun shows Kai what to do as Chanyeol looks on at this complete stranger with pink hair showing his son how to wash and sort strawberries
"Now Kai and brown nose if you go over there you will see a small basket do you wanna get one and then you can take some strawpips home with you" Kai smiles and quickly rushes to get a basket and returns
"Mr Byun...." Kai starts
"Hey call me Baekhyun it's ok" Baekhyun says as Chanyeol watches on at his excited son wondering what he will say or want now
"Baekhyun, can I have some big ones please?" He says with a whisper
"Kai be grateful what your given"
"Sorry daddy" Kai lowers his head a little and hugs around his dad's leg making Chanyeol feel bad
"Hey I see some pretty big ones how about we give them to daddy hmm" Baekhyun says making Kai smile and let go of his dad
Once the small basket is full Kai smiles a big smile as Baekhyun washes off his hands
"Well thank you so much for your help Kai and brown nose" Baekhyun turns to Chanyeol as he picks his son up to carry him
"Say thank you to Baekhyun for the strawberries"
"Thank you Baekhyun for my strawpips Kai says with a big grin
"Thank you, we better head inside and unpack" Chanyeol feels rather weird in and awkward all of a sudden
"No problem at all, thank you all for helping me . Hopefully I'll see you around and you enjoy your stay here"
"I hope so" Chanyeol smiles before he walks off into the bungalow leaving a smiling Baekhyun sorting out his strawberries
"Daddy are you mad at me?" Kai looks into his father's eyes as he gets carried into the bungalow
" No you just scared me when you said you spoke with a stranger"
" I'm sorry daddy " Kai hugs around Chanyeol neck tight
" It's ok let's forget it now " Chanyeol places Kai onto his feet as he closes the door to the back garden .
" Can we go to the fair daddy? I have never been to a fair. What's a fair?" Kai puts his fruit on the table and follows his dad into one of the bedrooms
" A fair is an area where they have all types of different stalls with games and rides " Chanyeol picks his son up and sits him on the bed
" Can we go?" Kai asks but Chanyeol's eye was caught by the pink haired beauty out the window
"Daddy ?"
" Yes sorry son, we can go yes" Chanyeol turns to face him and gets on his hunkers.
" You need to do a big boy job" Chanyeol looks at his son with wide eyes making Kai excited
" What is it I'm a big boy I can do it "
" You have to find out where the fair is so we can go"
" Oh no daddy we won't have fun or get to play the games " Kai frowns
" How about you ask Baekhyun where it is ?"
" Oh can I please"
" I'll open the door for you" Chanyeol stands up as Kai climbs off the bed following his dad
" I go ask him" Kai rushes out the door and down the garden as Chanyeol looks on
" Baekhyun Baekhyun"
" Yes Kai is everything ok" Baekhyun looks down seeing Kai all red cheeked
" I'm allowed go to the fair"
" Oh great you will love it " Baekhyun kneels down lower as Kai gets excited
" But we don't know where it is ?" Kai shrugs his shoulders looking sad
" Well I can tell you where to go"
" Oh can you Mr Baekhyun"
" Yes but can you remember if I tell you ?'
" Oh I don't know but I can try" Kai huffs as Baekhyun just smiles at his cuteness
" Ok so let me think . How I can get you to remember it " Baekhyun closes his eyes and thinks hard
" Ok so remember this ok. Left left right straight on till ninth"
" What?" Kai looks confused
" Come on sing it left left right straight on till ninth"
Kai giggles as he watches the pink haired man
" I got it, left left right straight on till ninth" Kai screams in excitement
That's it so when your in the car with your parents take the first road on your left then the next road on your left then go straight down the road till ninth street and you will see it"
" Ok " Kai lowers his head looking sad
" Oh no it's ok if you can't remember I can tell your parents if you like" Baekhyun gets down on his knees as he tries to get Kai to look at him
" I lost a parent I only have my daddy" Kai whispers making Baekhyun wish he didn't say anything now
" I'm sorry Kai I didn't mean to upset you" Baekhyun says softly as Kai looks up finally
"I only have one parent too" Baekhyun says as Kai looks at him with wide eyes
" Really?"
" Yes, I just have my mum. My dad passed away" Baekhyun watches as Kai steps closer
"Awww hug" Kai moves closer again and hugs the stranger as Baekhyun doesn't know what to do so he hugs him back.
" Wow that hug made me feel better thank you" Baekhyun says as Kai smiles again " me too"
" I have to go tell daddy how to get there, bye Baekhyun" Kai runs off in search of his dad as Baekhyun watches Chanyeol pick him up and kiss his cheek.
"So sweet," Baekhyun says as he finishes packing up his little baskets of fruit before he heads off to get ready for the fair .
To be continued
❤️C ❤️
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