You, Me and Us...
Bayley's P-O-V
'Uhhhh....that hurts...mhmmm...' I clutched onto the bedsheet.
My legs were forced down. The cuffs digging through my flesh almost tearing my ligaments. I winced as the soft feathers lashes kissed my forehead softly trailing down my nose, lips, chin, grazing down my neck.
'Ahhhhhhhhhmmmm...' I moaned as it headed down to my breasts, drawing circles around my left breast. I screamed as it pricked. Blood oozed down spilling all over my body.
'Help!' I yelled as it marked me.
I screamed the merciless... '!' I screamed.
'Somebody help me, please!!' I shouted, feeling the tears rolling down my face.
I started beating around on the bed, punching my fists, screaming my lungs out.
'Pam! Pam! What happened? Hey!' I felt soft and tender hands caressing my cheeks.
I was breathing hard and fast. I slapped my hands around finally coming in touch with another pair of hands.
My brimming eyes opened to examine the hazy surroundings and then my eyes fell on..
My husband.. Fergal. He leaned upon me with concern in his eyes. Keeping my gaze into his blue-green orbs, I felt the world around me.
I was in my bedroom, safe and sound. It was just me and Fergal.
'Pam!' Fergal cupped my face wiping my tears which I had no idea about. I was still breathing fast in shock.
'Fergal!' I whispered realizing things and sat up hugging him tight.
'Pam! You just a nightmare.' Finn said kissing my forehead. 'Relax! You're fine baby. I'm here.' he said running his hands all over my back.
I was still in shock and I hid my face on Finn's shoulder. I had those nightmares again. I've had them before and they proved really detrimental to myself and my family. Finn being a caring husband, took me to a lot of therapists but they could help a little because I couldn't open up anything to them.
So, we are to leave it on time and time proved out to be the best healer. With such a loving and caring husband, the sweetest son in the universe and the happiest family we got together, soon, I moved on and they were gone.
But, today after two years, it returned. The tantrums, the pain, the torment everything was back and I felt the dark shadows hovering again. Why?
My heart paced as I held Finn tighter than ever.
'Never leave me Finn. I'll die.' I said restlessly.'
Finn lifted my face up and smiled. 'Come on Pam! You already know I'll never leave you. And it was just a dream baby. Relax!' Finn said kissing my lips softly.
I kissed him back feeling his soft lips showering love, tenderness and care towards the lady he held his world in.
We pulled away softly. 'I live you Fergal.' I whispered.
'I love you too Pam.' Finn said pinching my nose. I gave him a smile because he deserved it.
'Is Ferris awake?' I asked Finn remembering he slept with Finn in the other bedroom last night.
'Well, yeah! He has to.' Finn said pointing to the wall clock.
Oh my god! It's 10 already! Did I sleep that long?
'Yeah, you did sleep few extra hours today. But, since it's the weekends, I thought I shouldn't disturb.' Finn said as if hearing my mind.
'God! No Finn! Ferris must be hungry. Oh no! It's almost his bath time. He falls sick even if there's an hour of irregularity.' I said impatiently jumping off the bed.
Finn chuckled. 'Hey Pam! Relax!' he said chasing upto me. 'He's already had his breakfast and I've already prepared his bubble bath and I was about to get him bathed but rushed here only when I heard you screaming in sleep.' Fergal explained.
'Oh God Fergal!' I slapped my forehead. 'I'm so stupid.' I said shaking my head.
Fergal grinned. 'Yes you are.' he said placing a strand of my hair behind my ear. 'And don't forget, Ferris hasn't forgiven you yet.' Finn reminded.
Freak! How can I forget it? Ferris was being a naughty kid last evening and picked on a fight with the kid of our neighbor and I had to tame him by a parently scolding. And hit his little baby ego and he said he wasn't going to talk with him. Of course, his father sided with him and boycotted me for the night letting me sleep alone in the bedroom to make sure justice was served to his son.
Urgh! This father and son always teams up against me! Can't blame it, Ferris was Fergal's world and Ferris loved it as much as he loved Ferris. In fact, Ferris bonded with Finn way more than me. They weren't just father and son, they were best friends.
I sighed. 'And where does my prince wish to take his bubble bath today?' I asked looking at Finn who has had a habit of pampering his stubborn kid.
'The garden.' Finn said scratching the back of his neck.
'Garden!' my eyes widened. 'No! You did not!' I said almost feeling like crying.
Ferris has a habit of plucking all the flowers in the garden, tear the petals and shower them on his tub. Finn knows my fascination of various exotic flowers but he succumbs to everything Ferris desires.
I started rushing towards the garden.
'Pam! Relax! I got him a new toy and he loved it. I think he won't touch your flowers.' Finn said running by me.
'You think?' I asked Finn annoyed.
Fergal shrugged. I rolled my eyes and made my way into the garden.
'Ferris!' I called making way. Strangely enough, the flowers seemed untouched. Usually, there seem to be an earthquake in the garden once Ferris steps in. But, today it was calm.
Finn chuckled behind me. I looked at him surprised. 'Told you he loved the toy.' he shrugged.
I smiled and walked towards the place I heard the giggling and splashing sounds from.
Finn and I looked at each other and smiled.
There was Ferris taking a smooth bubble bath doing a brrrrr sound with his mouth as he minutely played with something under the bubbles.
'Hey! What have we got there?' I asked bending down with a smile.
Ferris looked at me wide eyes but then looked away.
'Jaddy get heraway.' Ferris shouted rambling with his half-Irish accent squeezing his eyes shut turning his neck towards Finn.
Oh man! He hasn't melted yet.
'Why? Is Ferris still mad on mommy?' I said pouting to him with a sad expression.
Ferris looked away again. 'Jaddy tell mommy a bad dynosau.' Ferris said to Finn. Finn sat on his knees chuckling and looking between me and Ferris.
'You are right Ferris. Mommy is a bad dynasaur.' Finn said making a face at me and holding Ferris to him by the edge of the tub, massaging his baby skin in the process.
What? I gave Finn a wtf look.
'A very bad dynosau. She call Ferris schupiz.' Ferris said continuing to focus on his toy under the bubbles showing a vibe of fresh anger towards me.
Finn grinned at me enjoying the whole thing.
'But mommy is sorry. She will never call Ferris stupid again.' I said sitting on my knees near the tub facing him.
Ferris pouted at me and looked down. 'She bad. She bad. She bad.' he said.
'But if Ferris doesn't talk with mommy, who will make him a chocolate cake..who will dress him for school and who will bath him?..' I tried to touch the bubbles in the tub but Ferris shoved my hand away.
'Baj dynosau mommy no touch Ferris.' he said with the kiddish angry face.
To be honest, I was feeling really down now. Ferris wasn't even looking at me. I sighed helplessly but then Finn showed me a hand and gave me an I've got this look.
'But, you know Ferris, mommy promised that if Ferris forgives mommy she'll take him to the museum.' Finn said cleaning up Ferris.
Ferris looked at Finn blank and blinked, perhaps, interested in the offer. A smile creeped up in my face.
'And mommy said she will even get Ferris candies on the way.' Finn said. 'And Ferris lives candy, doesn't he?' Finn said pinching Ferris' cheeks lightly.
Ferris blushed through a smile and looked at me.
'Yes Ferris. Mommy will give you candies. Promise.' I said with a smiling nod.
Ferris examined me for a while and turned his neck towards Finn again.
Crap ! He'd always pick Finn over me!
'Yes Ferris.' Finn assured. 'And you know who asked Daddy to get you this?' Finn said dipping his hand within the bubbles and picking up Ferris' new toy. 'It's mommy.' Finn whispered through a smile.
Ferris' mouth opened in an 'O' shape as delight sparkled in his beaming face. He looked at me with a big smile.
Aww! I nodded to Finn with a smile.
'Yes Ferris. Mommy knew you'd love this and so I got you this..' I said picking the toy up from Ferris' hand and..
I froze. It was motorbike toy! My eyes widened and I looked at Finn displeased.
I guess Finn realized that and cleared his throat.
'So mommy knew Ferris love to see bikes and she brought you this.' Finn said completing the sentence.
Anger, fear and frustration pricked every vein in my body.
'Thank you mommy. Ferris love ride bike...brrrrrr..' Ferris said swimming the toy on the tub again.
His face had delight a strange zeal, an enthusiasm and I hated every bit of it.
I couldn't take it anymore and stood up as fast as I could. I gave Finn a dirty look walked fast out of the garden.
The last I saw, Finn's face fell.
Why? Why? Why?
For all these three years, I've been trying to get Ferris away from everything that reminds me of him.
Ferris, me, Fergal.. That's our world. Ferris is my son. Ferris is Fergal'son and no one in the world should have any influence on him. But, why then? Why does Ferris jumps with delight every time a motor bike passes the lane?
Why does he get pissed in every next word? Why is he so impatiently angry and isolated from the rest of the world?
Why does his traits reflect to someone I've left three years ago.
No I can't let Ferris be like him. He's a murderer, a criminal, convict, the worst person in the world.
'Pam! Pam!' I heard Finn's voice as I got myself busy in making lunch.
'What now Fergal?' I asked sharply trying not to look at him.
Finn walked near the kitchen counter leaning on it to face me.
'Hey listen! Last night Ferris was really mad and you know how stubborn he becomes when he's mad.' Finn said trying to console me.
'And so you decided to get him that one thing I want to keep away from him?' I asked with rage.
Finn frowned. 'ehh.. It's not like that. You know how much Fergal gets strangely attached to bikes and all! So.. ' Finn tried to explain but I cut him off.
'So, you decided to give him everything he wants. Oh God Fergal! Why don't you understand? I don't want him being attached to these stuffs.' I shouted losing my calm.
I could say Finn was surprised.
'And what is the problem if he does?' Finn asked sharp.
'Fergal I..' Finn cut me off.
'No Pam. This is irrational. You didn't even let me watch the Moto GP last month because Fergal was getting thrilled, you even stopped those biking magazines we had and now you have a problem even with this toy?!' Finn said in disbelief.
'What's your problem if he likes bikes' Finn said frustrated.
I was breathing hard. I didn't want to answer that but my subconscious could always feel the uncanny surrounding it.
I looked down. Fergal walked closer and held my shoulders.
'Listen Pam, I'm Ferris' father and like you, I too want the best for Ferris and I want to shower all the happiness in the world on my son and I'll do anything to bring that smile upon his face. Please don't stop me.' Finn said calmly.
I nodded not showing him the emotion creeping on my heart.
I looked up at Finn into his eyes. 'He's your son Finn. You can chose whatever you want for him.' I said through a trembling heart.
Fergal smiled.
'Now that's much like my Pam.' he pecked my lips.
'Childhood passes in a giffy Pam. Let our son enjoy it to the fullest.' Finn said cupping my face.
I nodded as a drop of tear rolled down my face. 'Yes, he has to.' I said with a smile. 'And Finn, no matter what he's attached to, he's your son.' I said with a trembling heart.
This is the only thing I hoped.
'Yeah, our lovely son.' Finn smiled rubbing his nose against mine. I giggled through my tears.
'Jaddy love only mommy.' We heard Ferris' innocent voice.
I pushed Finn a little away embarrassed. But Finn chuckled bending down, opening his arms and Ferris rushed to him immediately.
Finn lifted him up tenderly spinning him around followed by childish giggles.
'No. Daddy loves Ferris more.' he said kissing Ferris' cheek.
I smiled emotionally playing with the handle of the spatula.
I wish the moment freezes forever.
Hey friends!
Are you there for this book
I'm sorry I couldn't really update it much but now, I'm back
The chapter might not be that good but things will get better in the next chapters
Keep reading
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