Chapter 3
The same evening, Taehyung has put all of his writing equipment into his little, light rosey bag, and hurried out to the aesthetically shining green field on the campus. It was a wide and inviting space for various activities. And since the sky was painted in incredible hues of pastel colours, the boy couldn't help himself but to sit down there, and stare.
He absolutely loved the skies. They were different, each day. Sometimes all blue, then greyish, perhaps partly clouded, or even at best scenarios: in multiple colours due to the sun setting slowly. He inhaled the fresh air of incoming autumn thoroughly with his nostrils. That's when he got an energy booster to grab his pencil and notebook, and started writing.
It didn't take too long. After only a few minutes, he had already written many paragraphs with lots of ideas to inherit into his lovely letters. Every time, he truly did his best to express himself as much as he could, to reflect his soul and feelings as clearly as possible in them.
Most probably, Taehyung would have written at least twenty pages about his passion and dedication for his crush, yet got startled after he felt a hand grab his shoulder from behind, softly. Due to not expecting a random touch, he twitched in surprise, gasping out and instantly closing his notebook, panicking completely while he was at it.
"Woah woah- relax, cupcake," a knowing voice whispered, seeing how much the frightened boy was clutching his precious notebook to his chest, his eyes wide when he recognized the person.
As his jaw dropped, the latter smiled sheepishly. "It's just me. Sorry to have startled you like that." he apologised, and lowered himself with his bottom onto the gras next to him, staring up at the sky, simply but quietly joining him.
Taehyung, still grabbing tightly onto his nearly exposed notebook, stared wide eyed at the beautiful boy next to him. His hair was messily done, and for a change of his football uniform, he was only wearing a loose, black shirt with ripped jeans and brown timberlands. Being astonished, he realised Jeongguk honestly didn't need to try hard when picking what to wear. He always looked perfect.
"O-oh- uh-uhm- It's f-fine! Yeah-" an uncontrollable stutter left his throat, trying to get a grip onto the current situation. A curious pair of beautiful eyes looked his way, wondering. Then, a little smile crooked up the edges of the masculine man's lips.
"Don't be this nervous, pretty," he snorted, pinching his nose playfully. It didn't slip his attention of how the cheeks of the other blushed a crimson red, how he shyed away a tiny bit. " 'M not gonna eat you up..." he explained, but then frowned, and looked down, mumbling a single, short word beneath his nose.
Taehyung, internally fanboying due to the skinship and compliment he has just received, missed that one. Instead, he smiled at him softly, eyes forming into a hearty shape. "O-of course. How- how are you?"
"Oh, since I spotted you sitting here, I'm very fine." Jeongguk flirted, smiling. "What about you?"
"I-I'm fine, too," Taehyung retorted shyly. "What are you doing here?"
"Just hanging around, nothing really. Actually- I had a feel that I'd find you around here. Dunno why. The sky is pretty today- and so are you. Maybe that's why?" he shamelessly said, chuckling to himself. It satisfied him to see how every single time, he managed to make the other blush so quickly. Almost as if he knew about the power he had over Taehyung. And it embarrassed the latter a lot.
"And what are you doing here?" he asked curiously, taking a look at his closed notebook. He stared for a while during Tae's time of mentally gay panicking and trying to think of an easy excuse that he was 'definitely not writing a love letter'. His lips formed into a small 'o'.
"Are you writing again? Have I perhaps inspired you to fight off the blockade?" he asked, intrigued. Multiple times did Taehyung blink at him before he nodded, mentally stating that it was the easiest thing to go with.
"Y-yeah! At least- I'm trying.. but I'm not ready to read anything aloud yet-"
"That's totally fine, no rush," the muscular one assured soothingly, patting his back. Timidly did the other smile at his understanding, heart fluttering.
And that's how they remained, sitting on the grass next to each other, the hand on Taehyung's back sliding down to his waist, wrapping his arm around it properly. It seemed quite romantic, relaxing- if Taehyung only wasn't this tense because of his overwhelmed, happy emotions that were not prepared.
After a while, Taehyung noticed that Jeongguk hasn't been quite admiring the view above them. In fact, his eyes were fixated on a single person, and that was... himself.
A faint blush tinted his cheeks, heart beating rapidly. Slowly, Taehyung averted his gaze from the beautiful, purple sky, and looked next to him. There, he saw Jeongguk, staring at him intensively, with that soft, yet serious look in his eyes. He couldn't deny that he found him extremely attractive, and it only made him more nervous in that situation.
Quickly enough, his head turned elsewhere, only to avoid the addictive gaze. However, Jeongguk was a tad quicker.
In that very moment, the turning away was stopped by Jeongguk's hand on his chin, making him look back at him automatically. As a reaction, Taehyung's eyes opened widely, breath hitched. They were not that close, yet that mere body contact caused the elder's heart to beat faster.
"Don't look away."
Their eyes locked with one another, and Taehyung could swear that Jeongguk's head was inching closer, and closer, and closer. His breath was tickling his skin, eyes slowly parting down to Taehyung's lips.
More and more, the shy boy was sure his heart is gonna explode any second from this tension, his mind was becoming nothing but a blur, intoxicated by the gentle perfume smell of Jeongguk,
Then, before their lips could even meet, Jeongguk stopped. Now, his eyes shot up to the puppy ones from the other. He wasn't clueless, he felt the nervousness from the overwhelmed, brown-haired one.
"Ah," his sudden deep breath hushed, causing shivers to run down Taehyung's spine in a, surprisingly relaxing way. He swore he could listen to him whispering sweet words all the time.
"I really wish I could do that right now." he rasped quietly, letting out a small snicker. Never did he really explain what he exactly meant with "that", but Tae's mind let him get the hint on it's own.
"Yaaaah, Jeongguk-ah!" some unknown voice from afar called, and Jeongguk reacted immediately, looking back, at the same time startling the elder. Recognising the person as a waving friend, he made a little "ah" sound.
"I gotta go, cupcake." he said as he looked back at the flustered one, leaning back. The moment he let go, Taehyung whined mentally. Why did he had to go? He wished to spend more intimate time with him, just like before.
Judging by Jeongguk's amused smirk that started to edge up onto his lips, he knew exactly what Taehyung was thinking. As he stood up, he winked at him. "See you soon, yeah? We can continue where we left off next time." He assured, and then lifted his hand, bidding him goodbye in a wave.
Not knowing how to respond to that, yet automatically raising his hand for a goodbye, Taehyung's jaw dropped a little bit open, speechless. It was too much to take in all at once, but sure did he leave the lovesick one in a frazzled daze.
And as he watched his crush power-walking away to one of his friends, moving so smoothly and dominantly as if he owned the place, Taehyung felt the butterflies in his stomach going crazy.
Ah, perhaps there was truly something sparkling between them.
Hi, small update!
I turned really sick but I still wanted to update. Hope you liked it even though it was short. Next one is gonna be longer for sure. Stay healthy and take care of yourselves!
Mira 💕
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