"Someone wake Taehyung up, its time to go"
"Can I pour my drink over hi—"
"No Yoongi you can't. Jimin help Jungkook"
Jimin skipped over to the youngest who had a heavy and very asleep Taehyung lying on his lap. Jungkook didn't know how it got this way, but the boy slipped and suddenly his head was in his lap. At first Taehyung had fell with his head face first into the younger series lap, almost causing to shove the boy off. But when he looked around nobody seemed to be watching him so Jungkook quickly and awkwardly lifted the boys head and shifted him so it was more comfortable — for the both of them.
So currently the drunk Jimin was trying to wake up the drunk Taehyung, while a sober Jungkook was trapped underneath him.
"Taehyungie" Jimin singed as he squatted next to the boy and poked his cheek. After another few pokes, Taehyung finally opened an eye, before sitting up and rubbing both eyes with his hand.
"Jim..nie" Taehyung replied sleepily.
Jungkook turned his head away slightly, fighting the urge to press his tongue against his cheek.
"It's time to go home" Namjoon called from behind.
"Oh... mkay" Taehyungs words were slightly slurred, probably from both the alcohol and sleeping.
Jungkook stood up and was about to walk away when Taehyung latched onto his arm and hugged him back.
Jungkook turned back and looked at Taehyungs drunk puppy face. Without realising, Jungkook was frowning.
"Are you guys coming or what?"
Jimin stumbles to his feet and joined the rest while Taehyung let both his smile and Jungkooks arm fall.
The younger joined the rest and Taehyung slowly followed.
"What are we doing next!" Seokjin exclaimed as soon as they stepped out the doors of the building.
"Nothing. We're going home" Yoongi said.
He whined in response "That's no fun at all!"
"That's the plan I want to sleep, it's late"
"I wan go to kookies house!" Taehyung suddenly announced in front of everyone.
Jungkook snapped his head round, embarrassed and annoyed.
Their friends all had the same expression on their face, as if to say "what?"
"I .. mm want to sleep wih him!" He slurred and swayed in the air.
Jungkooks mouth dropped open. He dashed towards Taehyung and covered the olders mouth. "Tae!" He shout-whispered to the boy. "Do not say that... or anything else! Keep your mouth closed "
Taehyungs eyes stared into Jungkooks eyes- his eyes were slightly red and puffy. Jungkook couldn't tell what the boy was thinking or why he was saying these things.
He's just drunk. Jungkook told himself.
But strangely, Jungkook calmed as Taehyungs eyes held something within his stare. He didn't shove Jungkook off or fight against the hand being pressed against his mouth, he didn't even li–
"Ew!" Jungkook jumped back and wiped his hand on his shirt. Taehyung giggled in response and jumped around.
Suddenly there's another person laughing–it's Hoseok, laughing hysterically until everyone turns to him. When he noticed everyone stare, the older immediately stopped and said "I dunno why were laughin'". They all looked at him gone out before returning back to the youngest.
"Ok so what's going on here?" Namjoon said.
"Nothing!" Jungkook replied almost too quickly. "He's just drunk, we should just take him home"
"'M not drumk!" Taehyung whined latching onto Jungkooks arm again.
"You mean you should take him home" Said Yoongi. Jungkooks mouth opened to say oppose but Yoongi continued before he had chance "since he clearly wants you so much"
"Its not like that!" Jungkook tried to defend himself, cheeks red with embarrassment. He thought his friends would definitely judge him, so he has to say something. "He doesn't actually...." he trailed off at the end, scratching his neck with his free hand.
Yoongi laughed. "I never said he did, but tae said your name. Might as well give him what he wants right?"
Jungkook frowns while Yoongi smirks at him.
Namjoon pats Yoongi on the back. "Enough teasing, lets go before it gets too dark"
The two gather the other tipsy friends as they stood their confused, dazed and sleepy—apart from hoseok who seemed to have energy for days.
Jungkook huffed and looked down to Taehyung who was rubbing his head on his shoulder as though he was a cat.
"Fine, lets go tae"
The two walked along behind them until they split off in two groups. Namjoon and Yoongi, being the only ones properly sober had to walk the rest home. Namjoon walked Seokjin home as Yoongi refused to take responsibility of him and instead chose Jimin and Hoseok. Seokjin was much more difficult, both sober and drunk.
Jungkook and Taehyung both waved goodbye before continuing on their walk.
"Tae" the younger said making the boy face him. "I'm going to take you home, ok?"
Taehyung immediately tugged on Jungkooks arm until he stopped walking. He shook his head with a big pout, saying "no, I don't want"
"No take me yours"
"Please~!" Taehyung fluttered his eyelashes as he titled his head to the side and wiggled his shoulders. Jungkook was a sucker for Taehyungs aegyo.
"Fine" Jungkook huffed. As they began to walk again, the younger remembered how Taehyungs parents were a iffy with him coming back home drunk so maybe that was why. They usually get cross and Taehyung doesn't like when people tell him off. He wished the others had known that so they wouldn't have misunderstood the situation.
Taehyung leant his head on the younger s shoulder and moved his hands down to Jungkooks own. As he curled his fingers around the youngers hand, Jungkook felt his heart thump inside his chest. He glanced around the streets to see if anyone was about that might see the two of them. Luckily it was pretty empty tonight.
When they reached his house, Jungkook had to try and open the door with one hand as Taehyung refused to let go. Once open, he dragged the older in.
Taehyung finally let go and tried to take off his shoes while standing up. He fumbled about and almost fell face forward after swaying so much. Jungkook caught him and sat him down on the floor. "Stay there" He said and Taehyung nodded. Jungkook quickly took off his shoes and poked his head around the door of the living room where his mother and father sat watching tv.
"Mum, dad, Taehyungs staying over tonight"
While his father was about to oppose, his mother sat up straight with a grin. "Oh wonderful! No problem honey"
Jungkook smiled and rushed back to the front door. However one thing was missing. That one thing being Taehyung.
Jungkook stood their in shock, realising the boy had managed to take off his shoes and wondered off—knowing Taehyung, he could have gone anywhere. He kicked the boys sprawled out shoes to the side before running upstairs and into his bedroom. Luckily, he was there.
"Taehyung, didn't I tell you to stay where you were?" He groaned.
Taehyung was jumping around on his bed, suddenly full of energy.
Jungkook felt more confident when Taehyung was drunk because it felt like he could say whatever he wanted and he would never remember it.
"Tae get down, my parents will hear you from downstairs" Jungkook said as he pulled on Taehyungs arm. The boy finally gave in and sat on the edge of the bed where Jungkook joined him.
The younger faces him. "Aren't you tired?"
Taehyung shook his head. "Not at all!"
Jungkook wondered how much of this Taehyung will remember. He sighed.
"I have a secret.. to tell you"
The younger snapped his head to the side to see Taehyung trying to hold in giggles.
"What?" Jungkook asked nervously.
"I have a secret that you don't know but... but I do!"
"What is it..?"
Taehyung paused for a moment and Jungkook became increasingly more anxious.
"It wouldn't be a secret if I told you"
"Then why did you tell me about it" He groaned before standing up. "I'm going to get changed"
"I'll come with—!"
"No" Jungkook said. He walked up to his draws and got out a tshirt and some shorts, then the same for Taehyung. He went back over to the older and put the clothes on his knee "You stay here and change into this. I'll be back in a minute."
Taehyung frowned but nodded anyway.
Jungkook left the room and went into the bathroom where he shut the door and began taking off his clothes. He pulled his shirt over his head and began to fold it up neatly. He placed it on the floor and just as he was about to remove his trousers, the door opened, making Jungkook jump out of his skin. Taehyung pokes his head round the corner with a grin before walking in with his clothes in hand.
"I thought we could get changed together" he smiled sweetly.
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