Jungkook opened his front door and stepped in, allowing a path for Taehyung to follow. Taehyung instantly walked in, took of his shoes and skipped down the hallway.
Jungkook was about to call for him to wait, but he was already into the kitchen. His mother could be heard from the hallways saying "ah Taehyung! I didn't know you were coming!"
The younger quickly took of his shoes and rushed into where his mother and Taehyung stood talking.
"I thought I'd come visit" Taehyung said happily. "If you need anything mrs Jeon I'm here to help!"
Jungkook walked around the corner and their eyes turned to him. "Jungkook did you force him here to do chores! Guests aren't supposed to do our housework" his mother said.
Before her son could speak, Taehyung got there first "don't worry mrs Jeon! It was my idea I'm always happy to help!"
"You're a good boy Taehyung" she replied patting her shoulder with a smile. "We can start later I'll let you two have some time together. I'll cut up some fruit!"
"Thanks mum" Jungkook said as he pulled Taehyung out of the kitchen and up to his bedroom.
"I love your room" Taehyung said jumping on the bed.
"Because" He said "it's just so.. you"
The younger laughed and sat next to him. Jungkooks room had blue wallpaper with multiple game posters (such as overwatch) and pieces of paper with stuck to the wall via bluetac. Some of those were drawings that either he or Taehyung had drawn. They were only his favourite or the ones, Taehyung had forced him to put up, but there were plenty more in Jungkooks sketch pads that were stashed underneath his bed. Some of them even his best friend didn't know about.
His room was always neat and tidy whereas Taehyungs wasn't. I'm not saying it was a mess, but it wasn't spotless like Jungkooks usually was. Jungkook tidied it regularly when Taehyung did it monthly.
The two sat quietly for a while, wondering what they could do until they got to work.
"Kook, you know your my best friend, right?" Taehyung said beside him. He didn't say it excitedly or as a joke, he said it as thought it was just a simple fact. Jungkook turned to him and blinked a couple of times before carefully nodding. Taehyung wasn't exactly smiling, but he didn't look angry either, Jungkook didn't know what to take from it or how he should feel. Where was he going with this? "And I'm yours too?"
The younger nodded again, but with more certainty. The answer to that question would always be yes.
"So that means you can tell me anything. Okay?"
"O-okay" Jungkook cursed himself for stuttering. He couldn't help but instantly think back to his love letter, he had almost forgotten about it today but of course that wasn't allowed in Jungkooks mind. He turned away from Taehyung before he got to embarrassed.
"Good" the older said simply.
Then there was a long pause before he felt Taehyungs hand run through the back of his hair. when he turned to see what Taehyung was doing, the older was now smiling like usual as he shuffled closer and continued to stroke the back of Jungkooks head. "Your hair is so soft I love it" he said.
The younger forces himself to hold in a weird high pitched giggle as he turns a slight shade of pink.
Taehyung uses his free hand to boop the end of Jungkooks nose with his finger. "You're so cute"
Jungkook only flushed a deeper shade of pink but still manages to shake his head. "Stop calling me cute" he said.
"Why?" Taehyung pouts. "What if I don't want to?"
"I want you to.." the younger almost forced the words out of his mouth.
Taehyung laughs and confidently crosses his arms with a smirk. "No you don't" he said.
"How would you know?"
"By the way your cheeks turn red!"
Jungkook panics and quickly turns his whole body away so he was facing the wall with his back to Taehyung. He pulls his legs up and sits cross legged as his face burns with embarrassment.
"Awh" Taehyung coos and snakes his hands underneath the youngers arms to then wrap his arms around Jungkooks waist. He rests his chin on the boys neck, letting out a giggle. "You're so fun to mess with kookie"
"It's not fun for me.." Jungkook grumbles under his breath.
Then there was a knock at the door, instantly followed by Jungkooks Mother who walked in with a dish full of chopped up fruit. Taehyung untangled himself, jumped up from the bed, almost causing Jungkook to fall back, and rushed to the dish. "Strawberries!" He beamed
"We have plenty more downstairs if you want any more, don't worry. Jungkook makes us buy lots for incase you come over, he knows they're your favourite" she said as she passed the dish to Taehyung.
"Mum.." her son sighed.
"Best friends know each other well" Taehyung laughed before he sent a finger heart towards Jungkook. "Thank you Mrs Jeon!"
"You're welcome kids, once you've finished eating we can start cleaning" his mother said as she turned for the door. "See you in a minute" and with that she was gone, closing the door behind her.
Taehyung took the plate and tapped Jungkooks thigh as he sat back down next to him. Jungkook turned round and picked a grape out of the pile of fruit, popping it into his mouth. Taehyung continued to work his way through the strawberries, one by one.
Jungkook sat and watched Taehyung eat them all—luckily he wasn't that hungry. He stared into the side of the boy's face with a pout, thinking about his love letter. Taehyungs words had made the younger re think about telling him. Should he just get it over and done with?
Would that be for the best?
He so desperately wanted to tell him, wanted to spill his secrets and be gone with them, he wanted to let all his love out but frustration aswell— it's been a mentally exhausting ten years that he's tried to hide his feelings for Taehyung. It was unfair to see Taehyung easily throw comments like "you're cute" when he felt like he couldn't, too afraid he'll get caught.
Why couldn't Jungkook now have his say?
Why couldn't Jungkook tell his best friend his feelings?
Do it now, tell him now.
It's your time.
Jungkooks palms suddenly felt sweaty as he chewed on his lip. Inside his head he was tying to work himself up, tell himself he can do it and everything is fine.
"Done!" The older exclaimed and stood up with the empty dish is his hands. Jungkook deflated on the bed, he missed his chance again.
"Wait, were you going to say something?" Taehyung said as he turned back to Jungkook.
"I..." He began to panic as Taehyung stares down to him with his innocent, adorable looking eyes, not to mention his head was cocked to the side, making him look like a confused puppy. "N-no. No it's fine"
Taehyung shrugged and motioned for the younger to follow as he skipped down stairs. Jungkook shoved his face into his bed covers, trying to hold in a scream before he stood up and slowly followed his friend.
Definitely not your time
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