Chapter 8
Branch leaves on a busniess trip with Mia and they talk about the past.
Branch and Poppy looked at each other.
''She is going to me mine and Poppy's new business partner.'' Branch replied.
Delta looked at them. ''What happened to the other one?''
''He's moving with his girlfriend so they can stay together.'' Branch said getting three glasses of wine and giving them to Poppy and Delta.
''And turns out Mia is the perfect candidate for being Ryan's replacement.'' Poppy said sitting on the couch.
''Yep, and now excuse me I have to go pack a bag.'' Branch said going into the other room.
Poppy sighed and started drinking.
''What's wrong Poppy?'' Asked Delta looking at her friend.
''Nothing, I'm just sad Branch is leaving.'' She said drinking.
''Well, go spend some time with him before he leaves.'' Delta said.
Poppy looked at her. ''Don't worry hon I'll be out here.''
Poppy went into the bedroom and saw Branch getting his clothes.
''So, you're really leaving?'' She asked going next to the bed.
''Yep, only for a few days going to Trollstone, Trollstopia, and Troll Boston.'' Branch said looking at her.
''I wish I was going with you.'' Poppy said sitting on the bed.
He looked at her with a smile. ''I wish that to, but Ryan already got two tickets and he said they were all booked up, and Delta is here.''
''I know.'' Poppy sighed but smirked walking over to him.
''That means that I'll have no one to cuddle with, or to tackle in kisses, or nobody to throw me on the table and take me in the heat of the moment.'' Poppy said in a seductive voice going behind Branch and kissing the back of his neck as her hands slid under his unbuttoned shirt feeling his abs.
Branch shivered and fell forward looking at her with a sexy grin. ''Poppy, its already hard enough that I have to go. This isn't helping.'' He turns around and kisses her as she kisses back passionately groping her butt and holding her leg.
''That's the idea.'' She giggles wanting to show she could do sex better then his ex if he had sex with Mia which she assumed he had at least once.
''Mmm you do know that I won't have any of that neither. You'll be so busy with Delta that you won't even notice I'm gone.'' Branch said cupping her face.
''I always miss you Branch.'' She smiled.
He hugs her tightly.
Early the next morning Branch woke up and got dressed as he saw Poppy wasn't in bed. ''Poppy?'' He called.
He knew she wasn't a morning troll. He grabbed his bag and went into the kitchen and smelled coffee as he saw she was dressed with a cup of coffee in her hand as she turned to look at him with a tired look.
''Hey handsome.'' She said softly.
''Poppy, what are you doing up so early?'' He asked hugging her.
''I wanted to see you off.'' She smirked.
He smiled and went over kissing her deeply, she quietly moans, and he pulls away. ''I have to go.''
''I know I'm going with you to the airport.'' Poppy said smiling.
Branch and she left in the car, and he drove to the airport and saw they had about 15 minutes and Poppy undoes Branch's pants and pulls down his boxers as she pulls up her dress of course not wearing any panties and she lowers herself on his cock as she kisses him all over his cheek.
Branch moans and felt very hard at this and grabbed her hips. ''Poppy.''
''I know how you feel about plane rides, and this will help with it, and I want you one more time before you go.'' She whispers.
Branch closes his eyes and leans the chair back as she falls against him and rides him. Th blue troll kisses her by slipping his tongue in her mouth as his hips thrust upwards and cups her boobs as they continue to fuck in the car.
Poppy pussy was quivering, and she rides him feeling very closer and Branch started kissing her neck and chest.
Branch moans and thrusts harder as they held each other. A couple minutes later the driver side window was fogged up as Branch and Poppy continued grinding on each other and making out hotly.
Shortly Branch came all over and Poppy panted and laid her head on his chest.
''Damn Poppy... I kind of want to cancel going now.'' He panted and chuckled.
''I'm still here and imagine how much more pleasure will come when you return.'' She bit her lip and licks his lips.
''Poppy, I hate to say this but get off babe.'' Poppy nodded and pulled her dress down as Branch zipped up his pants smiling at her.
They got out and held hands as they went inside and went over to the gate he was supposed to and then they saw Ryan and Mia coming over laughing.
Poppy sighed looking at them and got that jealousy feeling again and lightly squeezed Branch's hand.
He felt this and looked at her and kissed her hand. ''Don't worry Poppy, nothing will happen. I will call you every night.'' He said taking both her hands.
''I'm not worried about you Branch, I just... never mind.'' She looked down.
''What Poppy?'' He asked looking at her lifting up her chin.
''Nothing just me overthinking.'' She said thinking about Mia being all alone with Branch not liking what she would try if they were alone.
''Poppy, I love you and I'll make sure Mia behaves.'' He said.
''Will you be ok Branch I know you hate flying.'' Poppy said changing the subject.
''I'll be fine Poppy.'' Branch said swinging their hands and kisses the side of her neck giving her goosebumps.
She nodded and giggles as Ryan and Mia come over.
''Poppy, Branch.'' Mia said excitedly.
''Well, good luck guys.'' Ryan said.
''Thanks, and don't worry Poppy I'll make sure Branch stays out of trouble.'' Mia said smiling as she hugged Poppy and backed up smelling a familar smell on Poppy.
Poppy gave a small smile and kissed Branch deeply as he kissed back, and she noticed Mia adverting her eyes.
''I'll call you when we land Poppy.'' Branch said winking at her.
She smiled as his hand slipped slowly from hers as the two got on the plane, leaving Ryan and Poppy there.
Branch and Mia were in first class as they sat next to each other, and Branch was nervous but looked out the window and saw a glimpse of Poppy who was looking out the window and she jumps up and down waving at him with a smile.
He smiled and blew her a kiss.
''Did you forget to take a shower or something?'' Asked Mia looking at him feeling excited that she got to spend time with her ex who she was in love with.
''No, why?'' Asked Branch casually.
''You honestly had a quickie with Poppy in the car?'' Mia asked shocked knowing what happened.
''That is none of your business.'' Branch said turning red.
Mia laughed and nudged him. ''I'm joking Branch take it easy.''
Branch nodded and offered a side smile.
''Still scared of flying Branch?'' Asked Mia reclining her chair teasing Branch.
''Y-Yeah. I never got over it.'' He said gulping and buckled up as the plane took off.
''Don't you usually fly to these meetings?'' Mia asked curiously.
''No, me and Poppy usually drive, Ryan is the one who likes flying.'' Branch replied grabbing the arm rests.
''Ahh that explains it.'' She said reclining the chair and looks at him.
''Yeah.'' Branch said as he felt the plane take off.
It was quiet between them, and Mia decided to break the ice.
''So, that is the famous Poppy.'' Mia said.
Branch opened his eyes and smiled. ''Yes, it is. The girl who had my heart from the beginning.'' He said sighing happily.
''She very sweet and nice, I can see why you think so highly of her.'' Mia said giving a half smile.
''Yeah, she my everything and the only thing I want. I kick myself every day for running off and leaving her alone.'' He said.
''You seem to like doing that a lot.'' Mia said looking down feeling jealous.
Branch looked at her and raised an eyebrow.
''Are you serious Branch? You left the city without telling me and left me by myself.'' She said sitting back.
''Well last I knew you already had someone, and I wasn't going to interfere with that.'' Branch said shaking his head and looking out the window.
''Oh, and that's why you left huh? Even after all that talking, we did.'' She frowns.
''Well, I thought you were single. You never mentioned you had a fiancé.'' Branch growls feeling his blood boil.
''As I said me and him decided to take a break when he was away, and we'd see if we still have feelings for each other.'' She sighed.
''He was overseas, that's wrong.'' Branch said looking away but not caring.
''We were fine before that. Being friends, having late night talks, having sex, and then dating and if not for me you would still be mourning over your grandma.'' Mia said.
''Look, I was sad, heartbroken, and needed that feeling of love, and you were the closest thing I had.'' He said defending himself and hated that he had used her during that time.
''Really then why when we were in bed were you saying that you wanted me and us to be happy together?'' She asked remembering it.
''I was a bit drunk, and, in the moment, I wasn't thinking.'' He said remembering that it was Poppy he was wanting when he said that.
He had always thought of Poppy and having sex with Mia was his cooping way he pretended that Mia was Poppy during those sessions.
''The friends with benefits, to dating we were turning into something.'' Mia said with her hand on his.
''Maybe but it wouldn't have worked out.'' Branch said looking out the window and pulls his hand away.
Mia sighed and sat back.
Branch was remembering that one day that changed things for him and Mia.
Branch was in his car and made his way to his girlfriend Mia's apartment ready for a night of fun he had been sad that his grandma passed but Mia seemed to help a bit and after having sex for fun as friends with benefits Branch felt happy that he finally asked Mia to date him it was the best. But he felt something might happen tonight. They were about to celebrate their 5th month dating. He stopped outside and went up to the door and knocked on it.
The door was answered by a handsome muscular troll who looked at Branch.
''Hi is um Mia here?'' Asked Branch confused.
''Oh, yeah, she's in the bathroom.'' He said.
''I'm Branch.'' He said.
''I'm Martin Mia's fiancé.'' Martain said as he held out his hand.
Branch shook it and smiled. ''I've heard a lot about you.''
He was mad and upset on the inside. ''Um, just tell Mia I stopped by. She was the home health aide for my grandma, and I came to thank her.'' Branch said turning around.
''You can come in.'' He said.
''Nah, I'm busy.'' Branch said as he left.
He got into his car and started crying feeling the hurt all over again, first Poppy and now Mia he could never win.
He texted Mia. 'We are done and no more seeing each other.'
He put his phone down and went to a bar.
Flashback over...
Branch looked out the window.
''It's water under the bridge. I'm not here to bring up old memories and whatnot. I am here to learn, and we are just partners and friends.'' Mia said.
''Good, that is what I had planned.'' Branch said as they shook hands on it.
Branch sat back nervous but put in an earbud and listened to some song that Poppy sang, and he smiles thinking of the beautiful pink troll he wanted to have with him.
Poppy made it back home and walked in to smell food and saw the country troll cooking.
''Hey there Poppy.'' She greeted.
''Hey Delta. Sorry I just up and left.'' Poppy apologized.
''It's alright, I would be doing the same thing with Hickory.'' Delta said as Poppy sat at the table bar.
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