Chapter 7
Branch explains about him and Mia and a special troll shows up.
Later Branch and Poppy left the same time Mia and Ryan left as they met at the door.
''Good night, Branch, night Poppy.'' Mia said with a soft smile at them.
''Good night.'' Branch said to both Ryan and Mia.
''Night.'' Poppy answered smiling not wanting to see worried or jealous.
Mia went over and hugs Branch tightly lifting him off the ground. Branch felt uncomfortable by this. But the light orange troll placed him down hugging Poppy, lifting her off the ground as well.
''I can't wait to get to know you better Poppy.'' Mia smiles placing Poppy down as she heads to her car.
Poppy watched her go and wasn't sure how she felt about this. ''Well night guys.'' Ryan said as he left as well.
Poppy looked at Branch who had a blank expression.
''You ok Branch?'' Asked Poppy.
Branch turned and smiled at her, taking her hand. ''Yeah, it caught me off guard.''
They made it to the car and Branch opened the passenger door for Poppy as she got in and he got into the driver side. The drive home was quiet as Poppy looked out the window.
Once they got back to the condo and went inside. Branch grabbed Poppy's hands and kisses it up to her arm as she giggles.
''B-Branch!'' She giggles and pulls her arm away.
He looked at her feeling turned on by her and smirks seductively at her. ''Yes Poppy?'' He said in his playful deep voce giving her goosebumps.
''Stop those tickle.'' She smiled as she quickly went to the other side of the couch.
Branch was on the other side of the couch. ''I know, but I missed you all day and I want you to feel good.''
Poppy giggles and then walked to the kitchen and pulled out some leftovers as Branch came over. ''Branch.'' She replied.
''Yes?'' He asked feeling something was up.
''Why didn't you ever mention Mia?'' She asked trying not to sound jealous and sad.
Branch nodded knowing this was coming and he shrugged. ''Because she wasn't important.''
''Was she one of the girls you dated?'' Asked Poppy trying to keep the bitterness out of her voice.
''Well, maybe I guess there wasn't much to me and her.'' Branch said going over and getting the plates. He was ashamed for what he did with Mia and how he sort of used her.
Poppy placed a plate in the microwave and turned around. ''Did you guys go out?''
''We went out to supper and a night on the town a handful of times but that was it.'' Branch said.
''So, you did date? Going out, dressed up, just the two of you, that is considered a date.'' Poppy replied raising an eyebrow.
''Ok when you put it like that then yes, we went out. Like I said I wasn't ever into a serious relationship, I was still pinning for you.'' He sighed and looked at her going over to her.
''I-I'm sorry Branch.'' She said tearing up.
''Poppy, what? You haven't done anything. You were just curious and asking questions.'' He went over and pulls her to his chest hugging her close.
''I feel so bad, I was jealous of her! She is way prettier then me and...'' She started.
''No, she not. Your beautiful compared to her.'' He said.
''Well, she must be if she got your attention.'' Poppy sighed.
''She was a friend who was there with me during a time that I needed someone.'' He explained.
''IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME! I SHOULD HAVE BEEN THERE FOR YOU!'' She shouted crying onto his shoulder.
''I know, and if it makes you feel better, the reason me and her were close during that time is she reminded me a lot of you.'' He confessed.
She pulls away and looks at him. ''Really?''
''Yeah, you both are this happy, troll who loves to sing, dance, and going to parties and you love helping others out. But you have something she doesn't and will never have.'' He said using his thumb to wipe away her tears.
''What?'' She looked at him.
''Me and my love and all that goes with it. I love you more then anyone else. If I wasn't crazy or in love with you I would have found someone different.'' He replied softly.
She smiles and leans in, kissing him on the lips as he kisses back feeling that warm feeling of love he never felt with anyone else.
He lifts her up and places her on the couch as he crawls between her legs and pulls off her skirt and panties as he slowly started to kiss her inner thigh and move up on her body as he fingers her pussy slowly.
Poppy gasped throwing back her head as she pants, and her legs landed on his shoulders and her hands worked to take off his shirt feeling his nude torso as she undid his pants, and his cock came out of his pants as she grabs it. ''Branch~'' She moans and grabbed his hair.
He whimpered at her grip and continued to kiss up to her chest, planting kisses on her nipples, and moving to her neck kissing and nibbling, as her hands dug into his back. He finally came to her lips and kisses her. He was hard but he wanted her to enjoy herself.
''Poppy~'' He moans.
They were just about to get into it when there was a ring at the door.
They looked up and at each other.
''Were you expecting company?'' They asked together at the same time.
''No.'' Branch replied.
''Same.'' She said.
There was a ring again and Branch got up zipping his pants and walking to the door and he looked at Poppy who was dressed. 'Somebody is going to get it for ruining the moment. If its Mia, I'm getting a restraining order.' He thought.
He opened the door and was scooped into a hug.
''Well, if it isn't Branch!'' Delta shouted hugging him.
Poppy's eyes widened as she got down and went over to Delta. ''DELTA!''
Delta set Branch down and ran over hugging Poppy. Branch was panting and trying to catch his breath as he looked at them.
''So how are my little pumpkin pies doing?!'' She asked happily.
Branch looked at her and shook his head. ''Of course it's Delta.'' He shuts the door.
''What are you doing here?'' Asked Poppy excitedly.
''I decided to take a small break and came to visit you guys and besides I need your help planning the wedding and what not.'' Delta replied smiling.
''Oh, I can't wait! Wedding are my jam and I got plenty of ideas.'' Poppy giggles happily.
''So, I take it Hickory isn't here?'' Asked Branch.
Delta looked at the shirtless blue troll.'' Nope he has to work and can't take time off since he's saving it for the wedding and honeymoon.'' Delta said.
''Makes sense still he could have called, and I could have my contacts get him time off for this as well.'' Branch replied going to the kitchen and getting the leftovers.
''So, where are you staying?'' Asked Poppy.
''Oh, a hotel close by but I figured I'd stop and say hi.'' She said with a smile.
''No, you're not. You're going to stay here with us.'' Branch called.
''Are you sure?'' She asked.
''Yes, besides Poppy would have jumped on it if I didn't do it first.'' He called.
''He is right.'' Poppy giggles.
''I just don't want to get in the way or interrupt anything you love birds do.'' She winks at them.
Branch came into the living room with a bowl of food and rolls his eyes.
''You won't bother us, we don't always have sex you know.'' He answered back.
''Well, if you're sure.'' She said.
''I'll go with you to get your bags. Don't go anywhere Branchie.'' Poppy flirted as she walked out.
''With you here never.'' He calls back smiling to himself.
His phone went off and he saw it was Ryan as he answered it.
''So, how is life Poppy?'' Asked Delta as they grabbed her bags.
''Its great so far.'' Poppy smirks.
'Are you kidding me? Look Ryan we agreed you'd be taking Mia with you when you go out of town and show her what to do!'' Branch shouted annoyed.
'Look man I would but my girl is in the hospital with a sickness I can't go far. You're going to have to do it. I can look after the company and Poppy if your worried.' Ryan said pacing in the hospital room.
'Fine when is the plane leaving?' Asked Branch.
'Tomorrow morning at 8am. I'm going to drive Mia to the airport to meet you there.' Ryan said.
'Alright fine.' Branch said sighing.
'Trust me Mia is the right one for this job and she is a sweet troll, she reminds me a bit of Poppy and its only for a couple days and I'll owe you one.' Ryan replied.
'Yeah, you do.' Branch sighed hanging up.
He saw Poppy and Delta come in.
''Branch what's wrong?'' She asked going over to him.
''Ryan called his girl is in the hospital, and he was supposed to take Mia on the business trip and since he can't go, I have to.'' Branch said.
Poppy felt her heart sink and she looked at him worried.
''Who's Mia?'' Asked Delta.
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