Chapter 43
Cussing fyi....
''Thats right. I get the pleasure of doing this the other preacher called out last minute.'' Cloud Guy replied.
Branch and Poppy held hands as they turned to face Cloud Guy.
''Everyone we are here together to celebrate Branch and Poppy finally being married. I knew these two back when they were in middle school and they became best friends, and I always knew there was a spark between them. Then in high school I saw them grow older and it started with Branch asking Poppy here out and they had been together ever since, and I have seen couples together who just broke up because it didn't work but these two stayed together forever.'' Cloud Guy replied.
Everyone was smiling. ''Then I heard they broke up and I was sad by this, but I saw what Poppy was going through and with some help from me I got Branch here to go to where Poppy was, and I also helped them get back together and after all that time they still looked like they were in love all over again. A love like that is rare and special and these two are the reminded that love is forever. Now onto the vows. Poppy if you would start.'' Cloud Guy smiled.
Poppy blushes and looked at Branch.
''Branch... I knew that you were the one. It was a long time ago but when we met and got to know each other I knew one day I wanted to marry you. You have brought me so much joy. And even though after you left, I was a mess I tried to get through it and told myself I was over you, but I wasn't and when I ran into you in that coffee shop those feelings I had come right back up and I knew I wanted to be with you no matter what.'' She replied blushing.
Branch smiled; he was falling in love with her even more if possible.
''And when we finally were free to be a couple it has been a roller-coaster, but I've loved every minute of it and yes, we will have arguments and fights but that's a part of love and I want to be with you though whatever comes up I love you Branch with all my heart.'' She smiles trying not to cry.
The crowd was shocked by this and there wasn't a dry eye.
''Now Branch.'' Cloud Guy motioned.
''Poppy, you always were the love of my life, there was never a moment when I didn't find myself thinking of you. You were there for me and believed in me and made me feel like I could do anything, you helped me to be happy and see the bright side of things even with my grandma sick. You are my soulmate, and I want to say I'm sorry for running off... I should have told your dad to fuck off and came to hear what you wanted.'' He replied hearing gasps but ignored them.
His brothers and the others all looked shocked and Peppy nodded his head knowing Branch was right.
And I feel horrible for what you went through and that I wasn't there to protect you. And I know you haven't thought the best of me, but I want to promise and show you I will be here for you and do whatever it takes to be worthy of your love and I will protect you and be by your side no matter what, until my dying breath. I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you.'' He finished about to cry.
Poppy smiles trying not to tear up as they held hands smiling at each other.
''Poppy, do you take Branch as your husband for better or worse and love and take care of him until the day you die?''
''I do.'' She replied without hesitation.
''Branch do you take Poppy as your wife for better or worse and love her and take care of her until the day you die?''
''I do.'' He smiles.
''By the power vested in me I now pronounce you troll and troll you may um, what is it I'm looking for?'' Asked Cloud Guy.
Branch and Poppy frown a bit.
''Hot dogs wrapped in a blanket! Say kiss the bride! I didn't spend all that time getting these two together just so you can do this.'' Hickory scolded Cloud Guy.
Everyone together. ''KISS THE BRIDE!''
''Right kiss your hot beautiful bride Branch.'' Cloud Guy replied.
''Damn time!'' Branch retorted and pulled Poppy in for a beautiful kiss.
They shared a deep passionate kiss, and everyone cheered as they clapped and stood up so happy. Branch and Poppy didn't any attention to them and they pulled out of the kiss and placed their foreheads together.
They turned to the crowd. ''Well, we are now married, and the reception will take place a few towns from here enjoy!'' Poppy called.
Branch smirks and scoops her up bridal style. ''WE ARE FINALLY MARRIED SHE IS NOW MINE! LET'S ALL GO CELEBRATE!!!!!'' He shouted as he ran down the aisle with Poppy in his arms as she was laughing.
Everyone cheered and got up as they all took off to the reception.
An hour later at the reception....
Every troll was there having fun Poppy and Branch were mingling with the trolls.
Poppy went over to her dad and Viva. ''You two being here is the best.''
She hugged them as they hugged together in a group. Branch smiles seeing them all happy and that Poppy got her dad.
''So, welcome to the life of marriage Branch.'' Spruce said coming over.
''Thanks, I can't believe it's actually happening.'' Branch sighed.
''Yeah, I felt that way too and I want to say you have a beautiful wife she went through all the trouble to find us so we could be here, and you've done well Branch.'' Spruce replied.
''Thanks, wait your married?'' Asked Branch.
''Yep.'' He smirked as Brandy came over.
''Meet Brandy my wife, honey my little brother Branch.'' He introduced them.
''Pleasure to meet you Branch I got to say that speech was very touching, and I wish you and Poppy the best.'' She smiles.
''Thanks, nice to meet you too.'' Branch smiled.
They left.
''I wish grandma was here to see this.'' He sighed.
''Rosiepuff would be so proud and happy for you and Poppy like me.''
He turned and saw Mia who smiled at him and Trollex was next to her.
Branch smiles at her. ''Thanks Mia and for being here.'' He hugs her.
''I wish you two the best.'' She smiles.
''Same here and congrats Branch.'' Trollex said hugging him.
Poppy came over to them. ''Hey Trollex Mia your here.'' She smiles.
''Yeah, I am, and I want to say I'm sorry for that fight the other night Poppy. I was out of place, but I hope we can still be friends.'' Mia apologized.
''Of course we can.'' Poppy smiles as they shared a hug.
Later they were all gathered as it was time to eat and Broppy at the wedding table with their close friends.
After eating Cloud Guy stood up. ''It is now time for the couple's first official dance!''
Branch and Poppy walked to the dance floor and held each other as the song Can't help falling in love with you came on and they were dancing slowly as Poppy had her head on Branch's shoulder and he held her close his hand on the back of her head as his head was on her shoulder as they swayed feeling on cloud 9.
''I love you Branch.'' She whispered.
He then dips her and smiles. ''I love you too Poppy.''
They share a sweet kiss that got awws from everyone.
Cloud Guy gave the Poppy the mike. ''I got one more surprise for Branch and all of you guys, we can't have a wedding without singers I give you Branch's old band mates KISMET!'' She shouted.
Ablaze, Boom, Hype, and Trickee came out waving and smirking Branch was dumbfounded and couldn't say anything. Poppy jumped out of the way.
''IT'S THE TROLL OF THE HOUR!'' They all gathered around and formed a dog pile on Branch as they got up.
''I-I can't believe you guys are here.'' Branch was shocked.
''Yeah we are! I can't believe you never told us you were getting married.'' Ablaze smirked.
''Say Branch remember that song we wrote together?'' Asked Trickee.
''Yes!'' He smirked.
''Let's sing it I bet your new beautiful bride wants to hear you sing.'' Boom replied as he smiles and he had his arm around Poppy.
''Ya please sing!'' Poppy pleaded.
''Alright if you guys insist.'' Branch went over and kissed Poppy before going over with the boys as the trolls all gathered around and were watching.
'Just let me take you to a better place!
'I'm gonna make you kiss the sky tonight, if you let me show the way, (Show the way...)
'I'm so excited to see you excited, I'll take you to a better place Woohoo
And baby you can love me all the way, we're flying up to outer space, I'm so excited to see you excited.'' Branch and his boys were singing.
He held out his hand to Poppy pulling her with them as she and he motioned for his brothers to come up as they were all dancing together and singing.
Branch was twirling and spinning Poppy who was keeping up with the dance moves.
At the end of the song everyone cheered, and they all gathered around excited later Poppy and Branch cut the cake as everyone watched and when that was done some trolls ate and others danced.
Poppy was sitting down catching her breath when Branch came over and sat next to her.
''How's it going Mrs. Timber?'' He winked.
''Great! This has been the best wedding ever!'' She smiles and rest her head on his shoulder.
''Wait till the honeymoon.'' He winks playfully.
''You dirty troll.'' She giggles.
''Follow me I want to show you something they won't miss us.'' Branch replied as he held her hand.
They snuck out and Branch went to Hickory's truck as they got in.
''Branch.'' Poppy protested.
''He won't mind it won't take long; besides I got his keys.'' Branch smirked.
Poppy got in as Branch took off. They drove for a mile and came to a small graveyard, and they got out and went inside and Poppy holding Branch's hand as he takes her to a gravestone that said Here is Rosiepuff beloved wife, mother, and grandma.
''Oh Branch.'' Poppy gasped.
''I didn't want to leave her out.'' He replied as he went over and got on his knees.
''Hey grandma. Its been a long time but I just wanted to let you know and show you I did it I married the love of my life and my number one Poppy. I wish you could have been here.'' He smiles and hugs the gravestone taking his flower he was wearing and leaving at her grave.
Poppy came over and got on her knees and smiled resting her hand on the gravestone.
''Hey Rosiepuff, I know it's been a while and I got to say I miss seeing you and how you would tell the best stories about Branch here as a baby. But I want to let you know I love Branch with all of my heart, and I will do everything to make him happy.'' She smiles.
Little did they know the spirit of Rosiepuff was watching them and smiles happily as she went over and placed a hand on Poppy's shoulder and Branch's then they felt a sudden chill as she hugged them and went back to her resting place happy to them happy.
''I think she was here.'' Branch replied.
''I think so too. I love you Branch and thanks for bringing me out here.'' Poppy took the flower that was in her hair and placed it on the grave as Branch smirks and got down.
''Hop on Poppy.'' He smiles.
She jumped on his back as he carried her to the truck both laughing as they went to rejoin the party.
Here we go I know this is a long one but enjoy. I don't own the songs on here or the characters besides my ocs next is fluff and smut.
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