Chapter 36
Poppy works on the rest of the stuff for her and Branch's wedding with the help of a certain troll...
It had been a couple days since Poppy passed out but she was doing better and was putting most of her time into finishing the wedding plans.
Branch had gotten sick with a bug so he was at home resting. He complained he was feeling better but Poppy made him stay home.
''Poppy I'm ok, it's not that bad.'' Branch complained.
''Still your going to be here for a couple days.'' Poppy replied tucking him in and kissing his forehead.
''Alright fine.'' He playfully shook his head.
Poppy went to the office filling in for Branch and since it was slow she was working on the wedding plans making sure everything was perfect.
Poppy was sitting at the table in her and Branch's office going over the final plans before sending them to their wedding planner.
While Poppy was doing this Mia knocked on the door and walked in.
Poppy looked up and smiled. ''Hi Mia.''
''Hi Poppy, how's it going?'' Asked Mia.
After the whole passing out incident Poppy and Mia were on good terms. The pink troll was still weary of Mia but was more relaxed and less worried about Mia trying to go after Branch after hearing them talk when she was about to come to she had no doubt the drama was done.
''Fine, just working on the finishing touches of the wedding before sending it to the wedding planner.'' Poppy replied.
''Nice, so did you guys decide where your getting married at?'' Asked Mia knowing that Branch was thinking of where to have it.
Poppy smiles and was thinking.
Her and Branch had a couple days off and they couldn't decide where to have the wedding, at their hometown was too far away from the reception was going to be held so the two decided to look for a place.
They were in the car traveling and came to a town about 20 minutes away from where the reception was held and Branch parked the car as they got out and was looking around exploring the town.
''What is this place?'' Asked Poppy.
''Ridge Flatt.'' Branch said reading the Town's name.
''Ok, it's nice here.'' Poppy pointed out.
''It is.'' Branch agreed.
They continued walking and they came to a park that was very big and they held hands as they walked through the park, and they walked all over about 5 minutes later they came to an open field, and it was filled with red and purple tulips.
''Woah, it's so beautiful here.'' Poppy smiles as she ran and fell in the flowers.
Branch smiles and sat next to her looking at the flowers and was surprised.
''Poppy, do you know what flowers these are?'' He asked with a grin.
''No, I don't what is it?'' She asked leaning against his arm.
''Tulips red and purple.'' He said.
''Yeah, the colors we have for the wedding.'' She smiles.
''Do you know what they mean?'' He asked holding her hand.
''The purple tulips means loyal and the red ones are true love.'' He pointed out.
Poppy was shocked and smiled at him and cupped his cheek with her hand. ''Means we are loyal and are each other's true love.''
Branch smiles and kisses her deeply pulling her close.
''Let's get married here and then have the wedding at that bar or whatever where was the last place you and Rosiepuff got to go together.'' Poppy smiles.
''Have I told you how much I love you?'' He asked as he kissed her.
''Never hurts to hear it.'' She teased.
Flashback over....
''Yeah we did, it's 20 minutes away from the place where we are going to have the reception. It's not the place I would choose for the reception but it means a lot to Branch and Rosiepuff and I'm going to give it to him.'' Poppy smiled.
''Yeah, that was a good idea, I'm happy he took my advice about going there.'' Mia smiles thinking fondly of Rosiepuff.
Poppy froze and looked at Mia. She was surprised her and Branch had been arguing and suggesting places and then Mia his ex names a place and he's all for it.
''Are you ok Poppy?'' Asked Mia.
''It was your suggestion?" Asked Poppy.
''Yeah, I mean he was telling me you guys were having trouble deciding on a place so I suggested that I didn't think he would actually go for it.'' Mia shrugged.
Poppy got back to work on the wedding stuff.
''So, are you and Trollex going to be at the wedding?'' Asked Poppy.
''I think so I know he is a groomsman and that is if you and Branch want me at the wedding.'' Mia said feeling like that could have been a fight.
''Of course you're coming if you want I mean you were a big part of Branch and Rosiepuff life and I know he would be so sad if you didn't come.'' Poppy said keeping how she felt down.
Mia smiles. ''How's Branch doing feeling any better?'' Asked Mia as she was sitting down.
''Yeah, he should be back in tomorrow.'' Poppy smiled.
'Good, so was he his stubborn self-saying ''no I'm not sick?'' Asked Mia.
''Yeah he did but he was running a fever.'' Poppy replied.
Shortly the food showed up and they ate while in silence.
Meanwhile Branch was at home resting on the couch. He was curious to how Poppy and Mia were getting along. He hoped everything was ok between them.
He then went to the closet and pulled out some old boxes and saw it was of Kismet his old band he was curious as to how they were doing he was kicking himself for not inviting them. He was thinking that after his and Poppy's honeymoon on their way home he could introduce her to his old friends he met while in college.
He walked back out to the kitchen to make tea when he heard a ring at the door.
He was glad he was wearing pj pants as he opened the door and froze when he saw Peppy standing there.
Here we go enjoy!
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