Chapter 33
The next day Branch and Poppy were eating breakfast.
''Ready for the wedding tonight?'' Asked Poppy as she was working her eggs.
''Yeah, I am.'' Branch smiles looking at her.
'Same here I can't wait all the dancing and just so much fun!'' She noticed he seemed quiet and down.
''Hey Branch, are you ok?''
He looked at her and took her hands. ''I-I have something to tell you....''
She turned to him and took his hands. ''What is it? You can tell me anything.''
''So, for Hickory's Batchlor party I took him to the club I've mentioned, and I paid for a private room for us boys...'' He started.
Poppy just looks at him. ''Ok, nothing bad about that, Branch if you're worried because you got a lap dance well I kind of expected it. I mean it's a woman who is paid to dance on you.'' She replied.
He sighed and looked at her. ''I know but it was the troll who was dancing on me...'' He stopped and looked at Poppy who was leaning forward.
''I didn't know but I heard the voice, and it was Mia.'' Branch replied.
Poppy was shocked and her hand slid from his and she felt her heart stop and she gulps feeling anger.
''Look the second I heard it was her I pushed her off and threatened to fire her if she did anything like that again.'' Branch explained quickly.
Poppy stood up and turned away not looking at Branch as she felt ready to cry and he stood up and went over and hugs her.
''How dare she...'' Poppy cried and felt anger inside of her.
''I know, and you were right, she is here to get me back.... I just didn't know how far she would go but nothing happened.'' Branch replied.
''I know Branch but just the fact she was on you and touching you makes me so angry.'' She growls.
''I know Poppy.''
She looks at him with a smile. ''I'm happy you told me.''
''I was having a hard time telling you because I was still trying to accept it happened to me.'' He sighed.
''I felt the same way with Creek.'' She looked down.
''We will worry about this later, right now we have to get ready for our wedding.'' Branch replied placing his empty plate in the sink.
Poppy giggles and bites her lip as she wraps her arms around his waist from behind.
''Hehe you do know its Hickory and Delta's wedding, right?'' She giggles.
He turned around and pulls her close as he leans in and kisses her on the lips, and she kisses back as he slowly pulls away.
''Yeah, I know. I can't wait for our wedding baby.... why don't we skip the whole wedding ceremony and go elope.'' He rubs their foreheads together.
''As tempting as that sounds.... I don't think it's fair to our friends and family.'' She giggles.
''Oh, Poppy always thinking of others.'' He smiles and kisses her on the lips.
Later Branch and Poppy arrived at the place were the wedding was going to be, and they smile at each other.
''I'll see you up there Branchifer.'' Poppy kisses him as he kisses back.
''See ya my Popifer.'' He left to see Hickory.
Poppy entered the room and smiles seeing Delta all dressed up.
''Woah Delta you look beautiful.'' Poppy replied going over and standing next to Holly and Meg Delta's cousin.
''Thanks darling and that orange strapless dress looks so cute on both of you.'' Delta hugs both of them.
''Thanks.'' Poppy smiles.
''You ready Delta?'' Asked Holly.
''Yes.'' Delta smiles as Holly and Poppy went out to make sure it was almost ready.
Branch went to where Hickory, Gust, and Trollex were. ''Hey guys.''
''Hey Branch!'' Hickory went up and hugged him.
''You look handsome and ready for a life of love and pain.'' Branch joked.
''Yep I am. But your not too far behind buddy.'' Hickory answered.
Branch laughed.
''Well we better get out there.'' Gust said looking at his watch.
Him and Trollex walked out and Hickory stopped Branch.
''Branch you seem to be happier today, did you finally come clean to Poppy?'' He asked.
''I told her about Mia and what she tried to do the other night and while she was hurt about it but she was ok.'' He replied.
''Thats a start and thanks for being here Branch.'' Hickory replied.
''Anytime. Me and Poppy owe you and Delta a lot.'' Branch replied.
Trollex waited at the back and when Meg came over he held out his arm to her as they walked down the aisle. Next was Holly and Gust walking down the aisle and finally came Branch and Poppy.
''This is so fun.'' She blushes holding his arm.
''It is there is no one else I want to be walking down any aisle with.'' He replied as they split and went to the opposite ends of the alter.
Then came Delta who was smiling as Hickory looks at her and he was in love. Once up at the alter the preacher was looking at them.
''We are gathered here today to unite this young lady and young man in unison. Now for the vows'' The preacher replied.
Hickory smiles and held Delta's hand. ''Darling meeting you was the best thing that has happened to me. I had a rough life and thought that I would never meet anyone and then you came along and my life has been that much better. There is no one else I want by my side, I promise to love you, keep you safe, and be there for you and Gust no matter what it is and baby I can't wait to have more adventures with you.'' He replied.
Poppy wiped her eyes and Delta smiles as she looks at him.
''Hickory, I knew from the moment I bumped into you at that festive you were the one. I never had good luck in finding guys who actually cared about me, you showed me what it was like to have a guy who wants me for me and I love you Hickory. I will be there for you, while loving and taking care of you and I can't wait to see where the future takes us.'' She smiles.
''Do you Hickory take Delta as your wife?''
''I do.'' He replies.
''Delta do you Hickory as your husband?''
''I do.'' She smiles.
''I now pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride.'' The preacher replied.
Hickory pulls Delta to him as they share a passionate kiss getting everyone to aww and sigh happily.
Later the reception was fun everyone was dancing and talking.
Trolls just wanna have fun came on and all the trolls were dancing Poppy and Branch were dancing together twirling and having fun as he dips Poppy and Hickory and Delta were dancing as well.
When it was over Branch and Poppy hugged the newly married couple and went to their hotel for the night.
Here we go enjoy!
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